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Search results 81..90 of 104 for: index

Invalid UTF Policy
4. Invalid UTF in the database schema If a database schema contains names (table names, column names, index names, and so forth) that are invalid UTF, SQLite will continue to operate normally. As far as SQLite is concerned, those names are just byte sequences. SQLite does not ... 
C API: The pre-update hook.
sqlite3_preupdate_hook(), sqlite3_preupdate_old(), sqlite3_preupdate_count(), sqlite3_preupdate_depth(), sqlite3_preupdate_new(), sqlite3_preupdate_blobwrite()
 ... In this case, when a callback made with op==SQLITE_DELETE is actually a write using the sqlite3_blob_write() API, the sqlite3_preupdate_blobwrite() returns the index of the column being written. In other cases, where the pre-update hook is being invoked for ... 
The WITH Clause
 ... CREATE TABLE edge(aa INT, bb INT); CREATE INDEX edge_aa ON edge(aa); CREATE INDEX edge_bb ON edge(bb); The indexes are not required, but they do help performance for large graphs. To find all nodes of the graph that ... 
Generated Columns
2.2. Capabilities  ... Generated columns can participate in indexes, just like ordinary columns. The expression of a generated column can refer to any of the other declared columns in the table, including other generated columns, as long as the expression does not directly ... 
 ... A "uniqueness constraint" is an explicit UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint within the CREATE TABLE statement, or a unique index. UPSERT does not intervene for failed NOT NULL, CHECK, or foreign key constraints or for constraints that are implemented using ... 
3. Security Implications  ... In the expression part of an index on an expression. In the WHERE clause of a partial index. To put it another way, this setting requires that application-defined functions only be run directly by top-level SQL invoked from ... 
2.2. The xConnect Method  ... Another example is a virtual table that implements a full-text index. The xCreate method must create and initialize data structures to hold the dictionary and posting lists for that index. The xConnect method, on the other hand, only has ... 
Built-In Scalar SQL Functions
 ... The value returned by sqlite_offset(X) might reference either the original table or an index, depending on the query. If the value X would normally be extracted from an index, the sqlite_offset(X) returns the offset to the corresponding index ... 
1.1. Limitations  ... Sometimes (for example if the corruption is restricted to indexes) the recovery will perfectly restore the database content. However in other cases, the recovery will be imperfect. The impact of this imperfection depends on the application. A database that holds ... 
1.1. Untrusted SQL Inputs  ... For that reason, no table, index, view, or trigger definition can be much larger than the precision limit. You can set a precision limit of less than 100000, but be careful that whatever precision limit you use is at least ... 


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