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The DROP INDEX statement removes an index added with the CREATE INDEX statement. The index is completely removed from the disk. The only way to recover the index is to reenter the appropriate CREATE INDEX command. This page last modified ... 
C API: Maximum xShmLock index
The xShmLock method on sqlite3_io_methods may use values between 0 and this upper bound as its "offset" argument. The SQLite core will never attempt to acquire or release a lock outside of this range See also lists of Objects, Constants ... 
C API: Index Of A Parameter With A Given Name
Return the index of an SQL parameter given its name. The index value returned is suitable for use as the second parameter to sqlite3_bind(). A zero is returned if no matching parameter is found. The parameter name must be given ... 
 ... The INDEXED BY clause does not give the optimizer hints about which index to use; it gives the optimizer a requirement of which index to use. If the query optimizer is unable to use the index specified by the INDEXED ... 
 ... The number of columns in an index is limited to the value set by sqlite3_limit(SQLITE_LIMIT_COLUMN,...). Indexes are removed with the DROP INDEX command. 1.1. Unique Indexes If the UNIQUE keyword appears between CREATE and INDEX then duplicate index ... 
Indexes On Expressions
Normally, an SQL index references columns of a table. But an index can also be formed on expressions involving table columns. As an example, consider the following table that tracks dollar-amount changes on various "accounts": CREATE TABLE account_change( chng_id ... 
Partial Indexes
1. Introduction A partial index is an index over a subset of the rows of a table. In ordinary indexes, there is exactly one entry in the index for every row in the table. In partial indexes, only some subset of the ... 
struct sqlite3_index_info, struct sqlite3_index_constraint, struct sqlite3_index_orderby ... 
 ... The index of the column is stored in aConstraint[].iColumn. aConstraint[].usable is TRUE if the expr on the right-hand side can be evaluated (and thus the constraint is usable) and false if it cannot. The optimizer automatically inverts ... 
1. Introduction  ... A WITHOUT ROWID table is a table that uses a Clustered Index as the primary key.
Query Planning
2.3. Sorting By Covering Index If a covering index can be used for a query, then the multiple rowid lookups can be avoided and the cost of the query drops dramatically. Figure 19: Sorting With A Covering Index With a covering index, SQLite can simply ... 


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