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Search results 61..70 of 104 for: index

 ... The INDEXED BY and NOT INDEXED clauses are not allowed on DELETE statements within triggers. The LIMIT and ORDER BY clauses (described below) are unsupported for DELETE statements within triggers. The RETURNING clause is not supported for triggers. 3. Optional ... 
C API: Constraint values in xBestIndex()
 ... When the sqlite3_vtab_rhs_value(P,J,V) interface is invoked from within the xBestIndex method of a virtual table implementation, with P being a copy of the sqlite3_index_info object pointer passed into xBestIndex and J being a 0-based index into ... 
 ... It is usually an error to attempt to create a new table in a database that already contains a table, index or view of the same name. However, if the "IF NOT EXISTS" clause is specified as part of the ... 
 ... Since the index is used to look up values in the table, it is important that the index and table be kept consistent. Now that there is an index on the examp table, we will have to update that index ... 
 ... Maximum Number Of Tables In A Schema Each table and index requires at least one page in the database file. An "index" in the previous sentence means an index created explicitly using a CREATE INDEX statement or implicit indices created ... 
 ... SELECT name FROM sqlite_schema WHERE type='table' ORDER BY name; For indices, type is equal to 'index', name is the name of the index and tbl_name is the name of the table to which the index belongs. For both tables ... 
 ... Frequent inserts, updates, and deletes can cause the database file to become fragmented - where data for a single table or index is scattered around the database file. Running VACUUM ensures that each table and index is largely stored contiguously within ... 
C API: Create Or Redefine SQL Functions
sqlite3_create_function(), sqlite3_create_function16(), sqlite3_create_function_v2(), sqlite3_create_window_function()
 ... The fourth parameter may also optionally include the SQLITE_DIRECTONLY flag, which if present prevents the function from being invoked from within VIEWs, TRIGGERs, CHECK constraints, generated column expressions, index expressions, or the WHERE clause of partial indexes. For best security ... 
 ... 3.0 Possible Negative Consequences Of This Change The minimum size of an SQLite database is one page for each table and each index. With a larger page size, the size of an empty database for a given schema will ... 
2.1. Queries To query the geopoly table using an indexed geospatial search, use one of the functions geopoly_overlap() or geopoly_within() as a boolean function in the WHERE clause, with the "_shape" column as the first argument to the function. For example: SELECT ... 


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