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Search results 91..100 of 104 for: index

4.9. The -> and ->> operators  ... The -> and ->> operators take a JSON string or JSONB blob as their left operand and a PATH expression or object field label or array index as their right operand. The -> operator returns a text JSON representation of the selected subcomponent ... 
2. STRICT Tables  ... work the same. COLLATE clauses work the same. Generated columns work the same. ON CONFLICT clauses work the same. Indexes work the same. AUTOINCREMENT works the same. An INTEGER PRIMARY KEY column is an alias for the rowid, but an ... 
 ... Separate B-trees are used for each table and each index in the database. All B-trees are stored in the same disk file. The file format details are stable and well-defined and are guaranteed to be compatible moving ... 
 ... Added a new R*Tree index extension. This page last modified on 2022-01-08 05:02:57 UTC
 ... In either case, if performance problems do arise in an SQLite application those problems can often be resolved by adding one or two CREATE INDEX statements to the schema or perhaps running ANALYZE one time and without having to touch ... 
4. The Need For Over 200 SQL Statements Per Webpage  ... This "timeline" query demonstrates that SQLite can easily process complex relational database queries involving multiple tables, subqueries, and complex WHERE clause constraints, and it can make effective use of indexes to solve the queries with minimal disk I/O. Following ... 
Result and Error Codes
6. Result Code Meanings  ... This can serve as a warning to application designers that the database might benefit from additional indexes. (513) SQLITE_ERROR_RETRY The SQLITE_ERROR_RETRY is used internally to provoke sqlite3_prepare_v2() (or one of its sibling routines for creating prepared statements) to try again ... 
 ... CREATE TABLE slide( pageNumber INTEGER, -- The slide page number slideContent TEXT -- Slide content as XML or JSON ); CREATE INDEX slide_pgnum ON slide(pageNumber); -- Optional The content of each slide could still be stored as compressed XML. But now each page ... 
3.1. Standard Unix VFSes  ... Also keeps the wal-index in heap rather than in shared memory. unix-none - all file locking operations are no-ops. unix-namedsem - uses named semaphores for file locking. VXWorks only. The various unix VFSes differ only in the way ... 
SQLite Version 3 Overview
 ... A COLLATE clause can occur on a table definition, to define a default collating sequence to a table column, or on field of an index, or in the ORDER BY clause of a SELECT statement. Planned enhancements to SQLite are ... 


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