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Search results 61..70 of 76 for: blob

1.1. Performance An intensively used low-level library like SQLite needs to be fast. (And SQLite is fast, see Internal Versus External BLOBs and 35% Faster Than The Filesystem for example.) C is a great language for writing fast code. C is ... 
 ... This means that if a statement has a RETURNING clause that generates a large amount of output, either many rows or large string or BLOB values, then the statement might use a lot of temporary memory to hold those values ... 
Result and Error Codes
6. Result Code Meanings  ... The sqlite3_step() interface will only return SQLITE_SCHEMA back to the application if the failure persists after these many retries. (18) SQLITE_TOOBIG The SQLITE_TOOBIG error code indicates that a string or BLOB was too large. The default maximum length of a ... 
 ... Individual values (strings, integer, floating point numbers, and BLOBs) are stored in an internal object named "Mem" which is implemented by vdbemem.c. SQLite implements SQL functions using callbacks to C-language routines. Even the built-in SQL functions are ... 
3.4. The geopoly_blob(P) Function If P is a polygon, then geopoly_blob(P) returns the binary encoding of that polygon as a BLOB. If P is not a polygon, geopoly_blob(P) returns NULL.
8.3. File I/O Functions  ... sqlite> CREATE TABLE images(name TEXT, type TEXT, img BLOB); sqlite> INSERT INTO images(name,type,img) ...> VALUES('icon','jpeg',readfile('icon.jpg')); The writefile(X,Y) SQL function write the blob Y into the file named ... 
 ... They play special tricks for handling BLOBs and CLOBs which can be of wildly varying length. But for most tables, if you declare a column to be a VARCHAR(100) then the database engine will allocate 100 bytes of disk ... 
4.1. Example Extensions  ... compress.c — Implementation of application-defined SQL functions compress() and uncompress() that do zLib compression of text or blob content. json1.c — Implementation of JSON SQL functions and table-valued functions. This is a larger and more complex ... 
SQLite FTS5 Extension
6.9. The 'pgsz' Configuration Option  ... The full-text index maintained by FTS5 is stored as a series of fixed-size blobs in a database table. It is not strictly necessary for all blobs that make up a full-text index to be the same size ... 
Database File Format
2.6.7. The sqlite_stat4 table  ... The sqlite_stat4.sample BLOB for the WITHOUT ROWID table itself contains just the columns of the primary key. Let the number of columns encoded by the sqlite_stat4.sample blob be N. For indexes on an ordinary rowid table, N will ... 


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