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Search results 11..20 of 76 for: blob

sqlite3_close(), sqlite3_close_v2()
 ... Ideally, applications should finalize all prepared statements, close all BLOB handles, and finish all sqlite3_backup objects associated with the sqlite3 object prior to attempting to close the object. If the database connection is associated with unfinalized prepared statements, BLOB handlers ... 
C API: Result Values From A Query
sqlite3_column_blob(), sqlite3_column_double(), sqlite3_column_int(), sqlite3_column_int64(), sqlite3_column_text(), sqlite3_column_text16 ... 
 ... If the result is a BLOB or a TEXT string, then the sqlite3_column_bytes() or sqlite3_column_bytes16() interfaces can be used to determine the size of that BLOB or string. If the result is a BLOB or UTF-8 string then the ... 
Datatypes In SQLite
3.4. Column Affinity Behavior Example  ... DELETE FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(x'0500', x'0500', x'0500', x'0500', x'0500'); SELECT typeof(t), typeof(nu), typeof(i), typeof(r), typeof(no) FROM t1; blob|blob|blob|blob|blob -- NULLs are also unaffected by ... 
Built-In Scalar SQL Functions
 ... For BLOB values, length(X) always returns the byte-length of the BLOB. For string values, length(X) must read the entire string into memory in order to compute the character length. But for BLOB values, that is not necessary ... 
sqlite3_bind_blob(), sqlite3_bind_blob64(), sqlite3_bind_double(), sqlite3_bind_int(), sqlite3_bind_int64(), sqlite3_bind_null ... 
 ... Zeroblobs are intended to serve as placeholders for BLOBs whose content is later written using incremental BLOB I/O routines. A negative value for the zeroblob results in a zero-length BLOB. The sqlite3_bind_pointer(S,I,P,T,D) routine ... 
NUL Characters In Strings
3. How To Tell If You Have NUL Characters In Your Strings If you CAST a string into a BLOB, then the entire length of the string is shown. For example: SELECT a, CAST(b AS BLOB) FROM t1; Gives this result: 1,X'6162630078797a' In the BLOB output, you can clearly ... 
3.8. The JSON BLOB Input Bug If a JSON input is a BLOB that is not JSONB and that looks like text JSON when cast to text, then it is accepted as text JSON. This is actually a long-standing bug in the original implementation that ... 
Row Values
3.4. Update multiple columns of a table based on a query  ... UPDATE ftsdocs SET idxed=1, name=NULL, (label,url,mtime) = (SELECT printf('Check-in [%%.16s] on %%s',blob.uuid, datetime(event.mtime)), printf('/timeline?y=ci&c=%%.20s',blob.uuid), event.mtime FROM event, blob WHERE event ... 
SQLite Version 3 Overview
 ... But BLOBs are stored in TEXT columns as BLOBs because you cannot in general convert a BLOB into text. In most other SQL database engines the datatype is associated with the table column that holds the data - with the data ... 
sqlite3_result_blob(), sqlite3_result_blob64(), sqlite3_result_double(), sqlite3_result_error(), sqlite3_result_error16(), sqlite3_result_error_toobig ... 
 ... The sqlite3_result_blob() interface sets the result from an application-defined function to be the BLOB whose content is pointed to by the second parameter and which is N bytes long where N is the third parameter. The sqlite3_result_zeroblob(C,N ... 


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