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Search results 21..30 of 76 for: blob

4. The Need For Over 200 SQL Statements Per Webpage  ... CROSS JOIN blob WHERE blob.rid=event.objid AND mtime<=2457647.121412037); SELECT max(timestamp) FROM timeline; SELECT julianday('2016-09-24 17:42:43',fromLocal()); SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM event CROSS JOIN blob WHERE blob.rid=event ... 
SQL Language Expressions
 ... Note that the result from casting any non-BLOB value into a BLOB and the result from casting any BLOB value into a non-BLOB value may be different depending on whether the database encoding is UTF-8, UTF-16be ... 
2.1. Upping The Threat Level Passing around pointers as if they were integers or BLOBs is easy, effective, and works well in an environment where the application components are all friendly toward one another. However, passing pointers as integers and BLOBs allows hostile SQL text ... 
 ... Maximum length of a string or BLOB The maximum number of bytes in a string or BLOB in SQLite is defined by the preprocessor macro SQLITE_MAX_LENGTH. The default value of this macro is 1 billion (1 thousand million or 1 ... 
The Session Extension
3.1. Capturing a Changeset  ... Size of changeset blob in bytes */ void **ppChangeset /* OUT: Pointer to changeset blob */ ){ sqlite3_session *pSession = 0; int rc; /* Create a new session object */ rc = sqlite3session_create(db, "main", &pSession); /* Configure the session object to record changes to all tables */ if( rc ... 
The Advantages Of Flexible Typing
2. About Flexible Typing  ... Column DatatypeTypes Allowed In That Column INTEGERINTEGER, REAL, TEXT, BLOB REALREAL, TEXT, BLOB TEXTTEXT, BLOB BLOBINTEGER, REAL, TEXT, BLOB Note that an INTEGER or REAL value will never end up being stored in a TEXT column, since an INTEGER or ... 
 ... But many developers are surprised to learn that SQLite can read and write smaller BLOBs (less than about 100KB in size) from its database faster than those same blobs can be read or written as separate files from the filesystem ... 
2. Availability  ... The ability to bind an array of struct iovec objects that are interpreted as BLOBs was added in SQLite version 3.41.0 (2023-02-21).
2. Differences From Ordinary Rowid Tables  ... The incremental blob I/O mechanism does not work for WITHOUT ROWID tables. Incremental BLOB I/O uses the rowid to create an sqlite3_blob object for doing the direct I/O. However, WITHOUT ROWID tables do not have a rowid ... 
C API: Run-Time Limit Categories
 ... SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH The maximum size of any string or BLOB or table row, in bytes. SQLITE_LIMIT_SQL_LENGTH The maximum length of an SQL statement, in bytes. SQLITE_LIMIT_COLUMN The maximum number of columns in a table definition or in the result set of ... 


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