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Search results 11..20 of 28 for: quoting

 ... You can do anything you want with it. (14) How do I use a string literal that contains an embedded single-quote (') character? The SQL standard specifies that single-quotes in strings are escaped by putting two single quotes in ... 
3. The ANY datatype  ... STRICTordinary non-strict CREATE TABLE t1(a ANY) STRICT; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('000123'); SELECT typeof(a), quote(a) FROM t1; -- result: text '000123' CREATE TABLE t1(a ANY); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('000123'); SELECT typeof(a), quote(a) FROM ... 
Built-In Scalar SQL Functions
 ... quote(X) The quote(X) function returns the text of an SQL literal which is the value of its argument suitable for inclusion into an SQL statement. Strings are surrounded by single-quotes with escapes on interior quotes as needed ... 
3.4. VALUE arguments For functions that accept "value" arguments (also shown as "value1" and "value2"), those arguments are usually understood to be literal strings that are quoted and become JSON string values in the result. Even if the input value strings look like ... 
 ... This has the effect of escaping the end-of-string meaning of single-quote within a string literal. The %Q formatting option works similar; it translates the single-quotes like %q and additionally encloses the resulting string in single-quotes ... 
Recent SQLite News
 ... The mistake came about because the developers have never thought to put a typename in quotes before, and so there was no documentation of that capability nor any tests. (There are tests now, though, of course.) Instances of quoting the ... 
 ... When the SQL is contained within double-quotes "..." then TCL will do the substitution of $-variables, which can lead to SQL injection if extreme care is not used. But TCL will never substitute a :-variable regardless of whether double-quotes ... 
C API: Database Connection Configuration Options
 ... SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DQS_DML The SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DQS_DML option activates or deactivates the legacy double-quoted string literal misfeature for DML statements only, that is DELETE, INSERT, SELECT, and UPDATE statements. The default value of this setting is determined by the -DSQLITE_DQS compile-time option ... 
2. Recovery Using The ".recover" Command In The CLI  ... sqlite3 corruptdb ".recover --ignore-freelist" >data.sql Notice that the ".recover" command and its arguments must be contained in quotes. The following options are supported: --ignore-freelist Ignore pages of the database that appear to be part of the ... 
 ... For the purposes of the DEFAULT clause, an expression is considered constant if it contains no sub-queries, column or table references, bound parameters, or string literals enclosed in double-quotes instead of single-quotes. Each time a row is ... 


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