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Search results 11..15 of 15 for: fts3

Compile-time Options
8. Options To Disable Features Normally Turned On  ... SQLITE_DISABLE_FTS3_UNICODE If this C-preprocessor macro is defined, the unicode61 tokenizer in FTS3 is omitted from the build and is unavailable to applications. SQLITE_DISABLE_FTS4_DEFERRED If this C-preprocessor macro disables the "deferred token" optimization in FTS4. The "deferred token" optimization ... 
C API: Database Connection Configuration Options
 ... SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_FTS3_TOKENIZER This option is used to enable or disable the fts3_tokenizer() function which is part of the FTS3 full-text search engine extension. There must be two additional arguments. The first argument is an integer which is 0 to disable ... 
Recent SQLite News
 ... An attacker who is able to execute arbitrary SQL statements and who can create a corrupt database that is 2GB or larger in size might be able to trick FTS3 into overflowing an integer used to size a memory allocation ... 
How SQLite Is Tested
7. Test Coverage The SQLite core, including the unix VFS, has 100% branch test coverage under TH3 in its default configuration as measured by gcov. Extensions such as FTS3 and RTree are excluded from this analysis.
PRAGMA secure_delete  ... In particular, the FTS3 and FTS5 virtual tables that come bundled with SQLite might leave forensic traces in their shadow tables even if the secure_delete pragma is enabled.


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