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Search results 51..56 of 56 for: drop

 ... CREATE and DROP Using CREATE or DROP to create or destroy a table or index is really the same as doing an INSERT or DELETE from the special "sqlite_master" table, at least from the point of view of the VDBE ... 
Atomic Commit In SQLite
5.6. Clean Up The Rollback Journals The final step in a multi-file commit is to delete the individual rollback journals and drop the exclusive locks on the database files so that other processes can see the changes. This corresponds to step 3.12 in the ... 
16. SQL Parameters  ... The ".param clear" command drops the temp.sqlite_parameters table. The ".param set KEY VALUE" and ".param unset KEY" commands create or delete entries from the temp.sqlite_parameters table. The VALUE passed to ".param set KEY VALUE" can be either a ... 
PRAGMA query_only  ... When this pragma is enabled, any attempt to CREATE, DELETE, DROP, INSERT, or UPDATE will result in an SQLITE_READONLY error. However, the database is not truly read-only. You can still run a checkpoint or a COMMIT and the return ... 
SQLite Older News
 ... Version 3.7.14 drops native support for OS/2. We are not aware of any active projects that were using SQLite on OS/2 and since the SQLite developers had no way of testing on OS/2 it seemed ... 
SQLite FTS5 Extension
6.8. The 'optimize' Command  ... The application should stop invoking merge when the difference in the value returned by the sqlite3_total_changes() function before and after the merge command drops to below two. The merge commands may be issued as part of the same or separate ... 


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