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Search results 31..40 of 56 for: drop

1.1. Untrusted SQL Inputs  ... For example, an application that does not need to change the database schema might add an sqlite3_set_authorizer() callback that causes any CREATE or DROP statement to fail. The SQL language is very powerful, and so it is always possible for ... 
 ... A read transaction is started by a SELECT statement, and a write transaction is started by statements like CREATE, DELETE, DROP, INSERT, or UPDATE (collectively "write statements"). If a write statement occurs while a read transaction is active, then the ... 
The DBSTAT Virtual Table
4. Example uses of the dbstat virtual table  ... BY path; SELECT sum(s1.pageno+1==s2.pageno)*1.0/count(*) FROM s AS s1, s AS s2 WHERE s1.rowid+1=s2.rowid; DROP TABLE s; This page last modified on 2022-01-08 05:02:57 UTC
 ... The DROP TABLE command works on statistics tables as of SQLite version 3.7.9. (2011-11-01) The ALTER TABLE command does not work on statistics tables. Appropriate care should be used when changing the content of the statistics ... 
Partial Indexes
4. Supported Versions  ... A database that is unreadable by legacy versions of SQLite can be made readable simply by running DROP INDEX on the partial indexes.
How To Compile SQLite
1. Amalgamation Versus Individual Source Files  ... Everything is contained within a single code file, so it is easy to drop into the source tree of a larger C or C++ program. All the code generation and transformation steps have already been carried out so there are ... 
The RBU Extension
2.1. RBU Update Limitations  ... CREATE and DROP operations are not supported. INSERT statements may not use default values. UPDATE and DELETE statements must identify the target rows by rowid or by non-NULL PRIMARY KEY values. UPDATE statements may not modify PRIMARY KEY or ... 
Query Planning
2.3. Sorting By Covering Index If a covering index can be used for a query, then the multiple rowid lookups can be avoided and the cost of the query drops dramatically. Figure 19: Sorting With A Covering Index With a covering index, SQLite can simply ... 
Database File Format
2.6.3. The sqlite_sequence table  ... Once created, the sqlite_sequence table exists in the sqlite_schema table forever; it cannot be dropped. The schema for the sqlite_sequence table is: CREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq); There is a single row in the sqlite_sequence table for each ordinary table ... 
Compile-time Options
9. Options To Omit Features  ... SQLITE_OMIT_TRUNCATE_OPTIMIZATION A default build of SQLite, if a DELETE statement has no WHERE clause and operates on a table with no triggers, an optimization occurs that causes the DELETE to occur by dropping and recreating the table. Dropping and recreating ... 


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