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Search results 21..30 of 134 for: CREATE TABLE

1.4. Creating New Virtual Table Implementations Follow these steps to create your own virtual table: Write all necessary methods. Create an instance of the sqlite3_module structure containing pointers to all the methods from step 1. Register your sqlite3_module structure using one of the sqlite3_create_module() or sqlite3_create_module_v2 ... 
 ... For example, suppose you wanted undo/redo on a class (table) that looks like this: CREATE TABLE ex1(a,b,c); Triggers to record changes to table EX1 might look like this: CREATE TEMP TRIGGER ex1_it AFTER INSERT ON ex1 ... 
Database Object Name Resolution
 ... For example: /* Add a table named 't1' to the temp, main and an attached database */ ATTACH 'file.db' AS aux; CREATE TABLE t1(x, y); CREATE TEMP TABLE t1(x, y); CREATE TABLE aux.t1(x, y); DROP TABLE t1 ... 
The DROP TRIGGER statement removes a trigger created by the CREATE TRIGGER statement. Once removed, the trigger definition is no longer present in the sqlite_schema (or sqlite_temp_schema) table and is not fired by any subsequent INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statements ... 
 ... Once the view is created, it can be used in the FROM clause of another SELECT in place of a table name. If the "TEMP" or "TEMPORARY" keyword occurs in between "CREATE" and "VIEW" then the view that is created ... 
2.6. TEMP Databases Tables created using the "CREATE TEMP TABLE" syntax are only visible to the database connection in which the "CREATE TEMP TABLE" statement is originally evaluated. These TEMP tables, together with any associated indices, triggers, and views, are collectively stored in ... 
Syntax Diagrams For SQLite
 ... Used by:   common-table-expression   create-table-stmt   create-trigger-stmt   create-view-stmt   expr   insert-stmt   sql-stmt   table-or-subquery   ... 
 ... Create new table Copy data Drop old table Rename new into old Rename old table Create new table Copy data Drop old table ↑Correct ↑Incorrect The 12-step generalized ALTER TABLE procedure above will work even if the ... 
The SQLite Zipfile Module
3.2. Virtual Table Interface (read/write access) In order to create or modify an existing zip file, a "zipfile" virtual table must be created in the database schema. The CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE statement expects a path to the zip file as its only argument. For example, to ... 
 ... INSERT INTO table VALUES(...); The first form (with the "VALUES" keyword) creates one or more new rows in an existing table. If the column-name list after table-name is omitted then the number of values inserted into each row ... 


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