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Search results 61..70 of 134 for: CREATE TABLE

C API: Declared Datatype Of A Query Result
sqlite3_column_decltype(), sqlite3_column_decltype16()
 ... CREATE TABLE t1(c1 VARIANT); and the following statement to be compiled: SELECT c1 + 1, c1 FROM t1; this routine would return the string "VARIANT" for the second result column (i==1), and a NULL pointer for the first result ... 
 ... Complete ALTER TABLE support  Only the RENAME TABLE, ADD COLUMN, RENAME COLUMN, and DROP COLUMN variants of the ALTER TABLE command are supported. Other kinds of ALTER TABLE operations such as ALTER COLUMN, ADD CONSTRAINT, and so forth are ... 
3. Security Implications  ... ALTER TABLE tab1 RENAME TO tab1_real; CREATE VIEW tab1 AS SELECT * FROM tab1 WHERE system('rm -rf *') IS NOT NULL; Then, when the application attempts to open the database, register the system() function, then run an innocent query against the ... 
 ... Restrictions on DELETE Statements Within CREATE TRIGGER The following restrictions apply to DELETE statements that occur within the body of a CREATE TRIGGER statement: The table-name specified as part of a DELETE statement within a trigger body must be ... 
8. Extending SQLite  ... sqlite3_create_collation() sqlite3_create_function() sqlite3_create_module() sqlite3_vfs_register() The sqlite3_create_collation() interface is used to create new collating sequences for sorting text. The sqlite3_create_module() interface is used to register new virtual table implementations. The sqlite3_vfs_register() interface creates new VFSes. The sqlite3_create_function() interface creates new SQL ... 
2. Usage  ... The SQLITE_MEMSTAT table appears to have the following schema: CREATE TABLE sqlite_memstat( name TEXT, schema TEXT, value INT, hiwtr INT ); Each row of the SQLITE_MEMSTAT table corresponds to a single call to one of the sqlite3_status64() or sqlite3_db_status() interfaces. The ... 
sqlite3_get_table(), sqlite3_free_table()
 ... A result table is memory data structure created by the sqlite3_get_table() interface. A result table records the complete query results from one or more queries. The table conceptually has a number of rows and columns. But these numbers are not ... 
9. Keywords Can Often Be Used As Identifiers  ... CREATE TABLE tableZ(INTEGER PRIMARY KEY); The tableZ table has a single column named "INTEGER". That column has no datatype specified, but it is the PRIMARY KEY. The column is not the INTEGER PRIMARY KEY for the table because it ... 
 ... The syntax for the ON CONFLICT clause is as shown above for the CREATE TABLE command. For the INSERT and UPDATE commands, the keywords "ON CONFLICT" are replaced by "OR" so that the syntax reads more naturally. For example, instead ... 
 ... The "NOT INDEXED" clause specifies that no index shall be used when accessing the preceding table, including implied indices create by UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY constraints. However, the rowid can still be used to look up entries even when "NOT ... 


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