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struct sqlite3_io_methods
 ... The second choice is a Mac OS X style fullsync. The SQLITE_SYNC_DATAONLY flag may be ORed in to indicate that only the data of the file and not its inode needs to be synced. The integer values to xLock() and ... 
 ... The API for version 3.0 is similar to the version 2.X API, but with some important changes. Most noticeably, the "sqlite_" prefix that occurs on the beginning of all API functions and data structures are changed to "sqlite3_ ... 
C API: Standard File Control Opcodes
 ... The argument X in sqlite3_file_control(db,SQLITE_FCNTL_VFS_POINTER,X) must be of type "sqlite3_vfs **". This opcodes will set *X to a pointer to the top-level VFS. When there are multiple VFS shims in the stack, this opcode finds the upper ... 
How To Compile SQLite
3. Compiling The TCL Interface  ... gcc -o -shared tclsqlite3.c -lpthread -ldl -ltcl Building shared libraries for Mac OS X and Windows is not nearly so simple, unfortunately. For those platforms it is best to use the configure script and makefile that is ... 
SQLite FTS5 Extension
3.5. FTS5 NEAR Queries  ... CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE f USING fts5(x); INSERT INTO f(rowid, x) VALUES(1, 'A B C D x x x E F x'); ... MATCH 'NEAR(e d, 4)'; -- Matches! ... MATCH 'NEAR(e d, 3)'; -- Matches! ... MATCH 'NEAR(e d ... 
The SQLite Zipfile Module
3.2.1. Adding Entries to a Zip Archive  ... mode If NULL is inserted into the mode column, then the mode of the new archive entry is automatically set to either 33188 (-rw-r--r--) or 16877 (drwxr-xr-x), depending on whether or not the values specified for ... 
SQLite Unlock-Notify API
 ... For example, if a call to sqlite3_step() is an attempt to read from table X, and some other connection Y is holding a write-lock on table X, then sqlite3_step() will return SQLITE_LOCKED. If sqlite3_unlock_notify() is then called, the unlock ... 
8. Double-quoted String Literals Are Accepted  ... But, in an effort to be compatible with MySQL 3.x (which was one of the most widely used RDBMSes when SQLite was first being designed) SQLite will also interpret a double-quotes string as string literal if it does ... 
 ... For each pair of named columns, the expression "lhs.X = rhs.X" is evaluated for each row of the cartesian product as a boolean expression. Only rows for which all such expressions evaluates to true are included from the result ... 
 ... 3.0 PORTING Currently the asynchronous IO extension is compatible with win32 systems and systems that support the pthreads interface, including Mac OS X, Linux, and other varieties of Unix. To port the asynchronous IO extension to another platform, the ... 


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