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Isolation In SQLite
 ... X can subsequently do a SELECT against the records that Y modified but X will see the older unmodified entries because Y's changes are all invisible to X while X is holding a read transaction. If X wants to ... 
Version Numbers in SQLite
1.2. The Historical Numbering System (Before 2015-10-14)  ... W.X, W.X.Y, or W.X.Y.Z. W was the file format: 1 or 2 or 3. X was the major version. Y was the minor version. Z was used only for patch releases to fix bugs ... 
C API: Query Progress Callbacks
The sqlite3_progress_handler(D,N,X,P) interface causes the callback function X to be invoked periodically during long running calls to sqlite3_step() and sqlite3_prepare() and similar for database connection D. An example use for this interface is to keep a ... 
C API: Autovacuum Compaction Amount Callback
The sqlite3_autovacuum_pages(D,C,P,X) interface registers a callback function C that is invoked prior to each autovacuum of the database file. The callback is passed a copy of the generic data pointer (P), the schema-name of the ... 
C API: Database File Corresponding To A Journal
If X is the name of a rollback or WAL-mode journal file that is passed into the xOpen method of sqlite3_vfs, then sqlite3_database_file_object(X) returns a pointer to the sqlite3_file object that represents the main database file. This routine ... 
The SQLITE_VERSION C preprocessor macro in the sqlite3.h header evaluates to a string literal that is the SQLite version in the format "X.Y.Z" where X is the major version number (always 3 for SQLite3) and Y is ... 
Datatypes In SQLite
7.2. Collation Sequence Examples  ... CREATE TABLE t1( x INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, a, /* collating sequence BINARY */ b COLLATE BINARY, /* collating sequence BINARY */ c COLLATE RTRIM, /* collating sequence RTRIM */ d COLLATE NOCASE /* collating sequence NOCASE */ ); /* x a b c d */ INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1,'abc ... 
Indexes On Expressions
1. How To Use Indexes On Expressions  ... CREATE TABLE t2(x,y,z); CREATE INDEX t2xy ON t2(x+y); And then you run the query: SELECT * FROM t2 WHERE y+x=22; Then the index will not be used because the expression on the CREATE INDEX ... 
The sqlite3_stmt_readonly(X) interface returns true (non-zero) if and only if the prepared statement X makes no direct changes to the content of the database file. Note that application-defined SQL functions or virtual tables might change the database ... 
Floating Point Numbers
2.2. The decimal.c Extension  ... The decimal(X) and decimal_exp(X) generate a decimal representation for input X. The decimal_exp(X) function returns the result in exponential notation (with a "e+NN" at the end) and decimal(X) returns a pure decimal (without the "e ... 


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