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Search results 51..60 of 106 for: "x\"

2.1. Substitution Types  ... x, X The argument is an integer which is displayed in hexadecimal. Lower-case hexadecimal is used for %x and upper-case is used for %X o The argument is an integer which is displayed in octal. s, z The ... 
The sqlite3_busy_handler(D,X,P) routine sets a callback function X that might be invoked with argument P whenever an attempt is made to access a database table associated with database connection D when another thread or process has the ... 
SQLite Download Page
 ... For version 3.X.Y the filename encoding is 3XXYY00. For branch version 3.X.Y.Z, the encoding is 3XXYYZZ. The date in template (4) is of the form: YYYYMMDDHHMM For convenient, script-driven extraction of the downloadable file ... 
 ... If database connection X is holding a read transaction, it is possible that some other database connection Y might change the content of the database while X's transaction is still open, however X will not be able to see ... 
The RBU Extension
2.3. RBU Update C/C++ Programming  ... Register any required virtual table modules with the database handle returned by sqlite3rbu_db(X) (where argument X is the sqlite3rbu pointer returned from sqlite3rbu_open()). Also, if required, register the rbu_delta() SQL function using sqlite3_create_function_v2(). Invoke the sqlite3rbu_step(X) function one ... 
WAL-mode File Format
1. Files On Disk  ... The main database file with an arbitrary name "X". The write-ahead log file, usually named "X-wal". The wal-index file, usually named "X-shm".
Row Values
2.2. Row Value IN Operators  ... CREATE TABLE t2(x,y,z); INSERT INTO t2(x,y,z) VALUES(1,2,3),(2,3,4),(1,NULL,5); SELECT (1,2,3) IN (SELECT * FROM t2), -- 1 (7,8,9) IN (SELECT * FROM t2), -- 0 (1 ... 
C API: Synchronization Type Flags
 ... If the lower four bits equal SQLITE_SYNC_FULL, that means to use Mac OS X style fullsync instead of fsync(). Do not confuse the SQLITE_SYNC_NORMAL and SQLITE_SYNC_FULL flags with the PRAGMA synchronous=NORMAL and PRAGMA synchronous=FULL settings. The synchronous pragma ... 
4. Usage  ... SELECT obj.* FROM obj, carray($PTR, 10) AS x WHERE obj.rowid=x.value; This query gives the same result: SELECT * FROM obj WHERE rowid IN carray($PTR, 10); This page last modified on 2023-02-17 13:24:09 ... 
1.3. Subqueries  ... sqlite> EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN SELECT count(*) > FROM (SELECT max(b) AS x FROM t1 GROUP BY a) AS qqq > GROUP BY x; QUERY PLAN |--CO-ROUTINE qqq | `--SCAN t1 USING COVERING INDEX i2 |--SCAN qqqq `--USE TEMP ... 


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