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Search results 51..58 of 58 for: sqlite3

Recent SQLite News
 ... Several new extensions Enhancements to the "sqlite3.exe" command-line shell Query planner enhancements Miscellaneous code optimizations for improved performance Fixes for some obscure bugs See the release notes for more information. 2017-06-17 - Release 3.18.2 SQLite ... 
3. Viewing The Bytecode  ... For example: $ sqlite3 ex1.db sqlite> explain delete from tbl1 where two<20; addr  opcode         p1    ... 
 ... This document describes SQLite version 2, which was deprecated and replaced by SQLite3 in 2004. This document is retained as part of the historical record of SQLite. Modern programmers should refer to more up-to-date documentation on SQLite is ... 
3.1.6. Application-defined memory allocators New memory allocators do not have to be part of the SQLite source tree nor included in the sqlite3.c amalgamation. Individual applications can supply their own memory allocators to SQLite at start-time. To cause SQLite to use a ... 
Database File Format
1.3.13. Text encoding  ... The sqlite3.h header file defines C-preprocessor macros SQLITE_UTF8 as 1, SQLITE_UTF16LE as 2, and SQLITE_UTF16BE as 3, to use in place of the numeric codes for the text encoding.
8.1. Custom (Application Defined) Tokenizers  ... The following block contains an example of calling the fts3_tokenizer() function from C code: /* ** Register a tokenizer implementation with FTS3 or FTS4. */ int registerTokenizer( sqlite3 *db, char *zName, const sqlite3_tokenizer_module *p ){ int rc; sqlite3_stmt *pStmt; const char *zSql = "SELECT fts3_tokenizer ... 
SQLite FTS5 Extension
2.1. Building FTS5 as part of SQLite  ... script and enabled by default for the amalgamation configure script, but these defaults might change in the future.) Or, if sqlite3.c is compiled using some other build system, by arranging for the SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS5 pre-processor symbol to be defined.
PRAGMA application_id  ... Applications that use SQLite as their application file-format should set the Application ID integer to a unique integer so that utilities such as file(1) can determine the specific file type rather than just reporting "SQLite3 Database". A list ... 


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