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Search results 21..30 of 58 for: sqlite3

1. Summary  ... The constructor for sqlite3. sqlite3_prepare() → Compile SQL text into byte-code that will do the work of querying or updating the database. The constructor for sqlite3_stmt. sqlite3_bind() → Store application data into parameters of the original SQL. sqlite3_step() &rarr ... 
 ... The popular PHP programming language comes with both SQLite2 and SQLite3 built in. All Python distributions since Python 2.5 include SQLite. The RedHat Package Manager (RPM) uses SQLite to track its state. There are multiple sightings of SQLite in ... 
 ... The sqlite3 command is mostly used as follows to open or create a database: sqlite3  dbcmd  ?database-name?  ?options? To get information only, the sqlite3 command may be given exactly one argument, either "-version ... 
Profiling SQL Queries
2. Simple Cases - Rows, Loops and Cycles  ... CREATE TABLE t1(a, b); CREATE TABLE t2(c INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, d); Then, after first executing ".scanstats on": sqlite3> SELECT * FROM t1, t2 WHERE t2.c=t1.a; <...query results...> QUERY PLAN (cycles=1140768 [100%] ... 
35% Faster Than The Filesystem
2. How These Measurements Are Made  ... To compile this test program, first gather the kvtest.c source file into a directory with the SQLite amalgamation source files "sqlite3.c" and "sqlite3.h". Then on unix, run a command like the following: gcc -Os -I. -DSQLITE_DIRECT_OVERFLOW_READ \ ... 
4. Variations  ... This means that if you are working with canonical SQLite source code (as opposed to the amalgamation source code files, sqlite3.c and sqlite3.h) then you can create a private repository simply by cloning the official repository: fossil clone ... 
Appropriate Uses For SQLite
 ... just copy the sqlite3 or sqlite3.exe executable to the target machine and run it) SQLite makes a good database engine for use in teaching SQL. Students can easily create as many databases as they like and can email databases ... 
3.1. Single-Argument CARRAY  ... The xDestroy argument may optionally be one of the following constants defined in "sqlite3.h": SQLITE_STATIC → This means that the application that invokes sqlite3_carray_bind() maintains ownership of the data array and that the application promises SQLite that it will ... 
About SQLite
About SQLite Executive Summary Full-featured SQL Billions and billions of deployments Single-file database Public domain source code All source code in one file (sqlite3.c) Small footprint Max DB size: 281 terabytes (248 bytes) Max row size: 1 ... 
The Session Extension
3.1. Capturing a Changeset  ... A single session object monitors changes made to a single database (i.e. "main", "temp" or an attached database) via a single sqlite3* database handle. The session object is configured with a set of tables to monitor changes on. By ... 


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