*** DRAFT ***

Search results 81..90 of 91 for: TRUE

Database File Format
1.3.12. Incremental vacuum settings  ... In this latter case, the integer at offset 64 is true for incremental_vacuum and false for auto_vacuum. If the integer at offset 52 is zero then the integer at offset 64 must also be zero.
2.7. Materializations Of Views And Subqueries  ... The row is output only if the check is true. To avoid creating the temporary table, the query might be rewritten as follows: SELECT * FROM ex1 WHERE EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM ex2 WHERE ex2.b=ex1.a); Recent versions of ... 
 ... loss or other crash occurs in the middle of the update. (Remember that writes to SQLite databases are atomic.) True, all the content is still kept in a single big XML file ("content.xml") which must be completely rewritten if ... 
The WITH Clause
 ... The true meaning of NOT MATERIALIZED is closer to "TREAT LIKE ANY ORDINARY VIEW OR SUBQUERY". If neither hint is present, then SQLite 3.35.0 (2021-03-12) and later process the CTE as if the MATERIALIZED phrase were ... 
 ... But if they are true, it means that database corruption is a possibility following an unexpected power loss. These are hardware and/or operating system bugs that SQLite is unable to defend against. If a Linux ext3 filesystem is mounted ... 
Recent SQLite News
 ... This is especially true for double-quoted string literals in CREATE TABLE and CREATE INDEX statements, as those elements can cause unexpected problems following an ALTER TABLE. See ticket 9b78184be266fd70 for an example. 2019-04-16 - Release 3.28.0 ... 
SQLite Foreign Key Support
1. Introduction to Foreign Key Constraints  ... Expressed in SQL, this means that for every row in the track table, the following expression evaluates to true: trackartist IS NULL OR EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM artist WHERE artistid=trackartist) Tip: If the application requires a stricter relationship between ... 
1.2. Example Output  ... The data used to generate this report follows: */ BEGIN; CREATE TABLE space_used( name clob, -- Name of a table or index in the database file tblname clob, -- Name of associated table is_index boolean, -- TRUE if it is an index, false for ... 
 ... If the result of the comparison is true, the jump is not taken and control falls through to the Callback instruction below. Notice how the LIKE operator is implemented. It is a user-defined function in SQLite, so the address ... 
SQLite Older News
 ... But the latter term is never true, and so the query would return no rows. The trouble ticket for this bug is [4c86b126f2]. It is recommended that all users upgrade to avoid this problem. 2014-02-03 - Release ... 


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