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Search results 71..80 of 91 for: TRUE

WAL-mode File Format
2.1. The WAL-Index Header  ... 13bigEndCksum True if the WAL file uses big-ending checksums. 0 if the WAL uses little-endian checksums. 14..15szPage The database page size in bytes, or 1 if the page size is 65536. 16..19mxFrame Number of valid and ... 
Datatypes In SQLite
2.1. Boolean Datatype  ... Instead, Boolean values are stored as integers 0 (false) and 1 (true). SQLite recognizes the keywords "TRUE" and "FALSE", as of version 3.23.0 (2018-04-02) but those keywords are really just alternative spellings for the integer literals ... 
2.1. Filesystems with broken or missing lock implementations  ... This is especially true of network filesystems and NFS in particular. If SQLite is used on a filesystem where the locking primitives contain bugs, and if two or more threads or processes try to access the same database at the ... 
 ... It is true that SQLite is not as fast at creating new index entries as the other engines (see Test 6 below) but its overall speed is still better. Test 4: 100 SELECTs without an index BEGIN; SELECT count(*), avg ... 
C API: Configuration Options
 ... SQLITE_CONFIG_SMALL_MALLOC The SQLITE_CONFIG_SMALL_MALLOC option takes single argument of type int, interpreted as a boolean, which if true provides a hint to SQLite that it should avoid large memory allocations if possible. SQLite will run faster if it is free to ... 
2.1. Upping The Threat Level  ... For most cases, it is true that potential attackers have no way of injecting arbitrary SQL, and so most uses of SQLite are immune to the attack above. But there are some notable exceptions. To wit: The WebSQL interface to ... 
PRAGMA case_sensitive_like  ... Hence, by default 'a' LIKE 'A' is true. The case_sensitive_like pragma installs a new application-defined LIKE function that is either case sensitive or insensitive depending on the value of the case_sensitive_like pragma. When case_sensitive_like is disabled, the default LIKE ... 
 ... If the sqlite_complete function returns true when its input is a string, then the argument forms a complete SQL statement. There are no guarantees that the syntax of that statement is correct, but we at least know the statement is ... 
 ... It is true that command-line tools such as text editors or "grep" or "awk" are not useful on an SQLite database, but the SQL query language is a much more powerful and convenient way for examining the content, so ... 
1.4. Simple FTS Queries  ... In this case, the MATCH expression evaluates to true for all documents that contain one or more instances of the specified word ("sqlite", "search" or "database", depending on which example you look at). Specifying a single term as the right ... 


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