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Search results 31..40 of 41 for: date

2.2. Defense Against Dark Arts  ... It is good to keep up-to-date with the latest patches in this case. The separate defense against dark arts document contains additional suggestions that can help prevent zero-day attacks in cases where SQLite is given inputs that ... 
 ... If indices are added, then all application code that changes the corresponding tables must be located and modified to keep those indices up-to-date. If columns are added, then all application code that accesses the corresponding table must be ... 
4. The Need For Over 200 SQL Statements Per Webpage  ... timeline-max-comment'; SELECT value FROM global_config WHERE name='timeline-max-comment'; SELECT value FROM config WHERE name='timeline-date-format'; SELECT value FROM config WHERE name='timeline-truncate-at-blank'; SELECT value FROM global_config WHERE name='timeline-truncate-at ... 
5. Fts4aux - Direct Access to the Full-Text Index  ... INSERT INTO ft(x, y) VALUES('Apple banana', 'Cherry'); INSERT INTO ft(x, y) VALUES('Banana Date Date', 'cherry'); INSERT INTO ft(x, y) VALUES('Cherry Elderberry', 'Elderberry'); -- The following query returns this data: -- -- apple | * | 1 | 1 -- apple | 0 | 1 ... 
 ... You can put arbitrary length strings into integer columns, floating point numbers in boolean columns, or dates in character columns. The datatype you assign to a column in the CREATE TABLE command does not restrict what data can be put ... 
12.1. Using Co-routines to Defer Work until after the Sorting  ... SELECT expensive_function(a) FROM tab ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 5; The goal of this query is to compute some value for the five most recent entries in the table. In the query above, the "expensive_function()" is invoked prior to ... 
SQL Language Expressions
 ... For presentation purposes, simple functions are further subdivided into core functions, date-time functions, math functions, and JSON functions. Applications can add new functions, written in C/C++, using the sqlite3_create_function() interface. The main expression bubble diagram above shows a ... 
2.1. VDBE Source Code  ... This document is derived from SQLite version 3.45.2 check-in d8cd6d49b46a3 dated 2024-03-12.
 ... Modern programmers should refer to more up-to-date documentation on SQLite is available elsewhere on this website. The C language interface to SQLite Version 2 The SQLite library is designed to be very easy to use from a C ... 
SQLite Older News
 ... Constant SQL functions are now factored out of inner loops, which can result in a significant speedup for queries that contain WHERE clause terms like "date>datetime('now','-2 days')". And various high-runner internal routines have been refactored for ... 


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