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Search results 11..20 of 41 for: date

Version Numbers in SQLite
1.1. The New Version Numbering System (After 2015-10-14)  ... The numbering format used by for SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER and sqlite3_libversion_number() allows versions up to 3.999.999, which is more than enough for the planned end-of-support date for SQLite in 2050. However, the current tarball naming conventions only reserve ... 
 ... Date and time conversion functions are found in date.c. Some functions such as coalesce() and typeof() are implemented as bytecode directly by the code generator. B-Tree An SQLite database is maintained on disk using a B-tree implementation ... 
SQLite Consortium Agreement
SQLite Consortium Agreement This SQLite Consortium Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of the _____ day of ______________, 2007 ("Effective Date") by and between ___________________ (the "Company"), and Hipp, Wyrick & Company, Inc., a Georgia Corporation with headquarters at ... 
3.2. No Separate DATETIME Datatype  ... The built-in date and time functions of SQLite understand date/times in all of the formats above, and can freely change between them. Which format you use, is entirely up to your application.
The Checksum VFS Shim
6. Controlling Checksum Verification  ... Checksums are always kept up-to-date as long as the reserve bytes value of the database is 8, regardless of the setting of this pragma. Checksum verification can be disabled (for example) to do forensic analysis of a database ... 
3. History Of Lemon  ... The original creation date of Lemon has been lost, but was probably sometime around 1990. Lemon generates an LALR(1) parser. There was a companion LL(1) parser generator tool named "Lime", but the source code for Lime has been ... 
 ... CREATE TABLE phonebook2( name TEXT PRIMARY KEY, phonenumber TEXT, validDate DATE ); INSERT INTO phonebook2(name,phonenumber,validDate) VALUES('Alice','704-555-1212','2018-05-08') ON CONFLICT(name) DO UPDATE SET phonenumber=excluded.phonenumber, validDate=excluded.validDate WHERE excluded.validDate ... 
The Advantages Of Flexible Typing
3.3. Storage for dirty data  ... For example, a data column might contain the number of seconds since 1970 sometimes, or a text date string in other cases. It is desirable to clean up these inconsistent representations, but at the same time it is convenient to ... 
 ... CREATE TABLE t0( a INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, b DATE DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, c INTEGER ); INSERT INTO t0(c) VALUES(random()) RETURNING *; In the INSERT statement above, SQLite computes the values for all three columns. The RETURNING clause causes SQLite to report ... 
SQLite FTS5 Extension
8. The fts5vocab Virtual Table Module  ... CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE ft1 USING fts5(c1, c2); INSERT INTO ft1 VALUES('apple banana cherry', 'banana banana cherry'); INSERT INTO ft1 VALUES('cherry cherry cherry', 'date date date'); -- Then querying the following fts5vocab table (type "col") returns: -- -- apple | c1 | 1 ... 


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