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Search results 31..37 of 37 for: on conflict

2.5. Statement Journal Files  ... are no other active statements on the same database connection then no statement journal is created since the ordinary rollback journal can be used instead. The statement journal is also omitted if an alternative conflict resolution algorithm is used. For ... 
The WITH Clause
 ... In the diagram above, initial-select means one or more non-recursive SELECT statements and recursive-select means one or more recursive SELECT statements. The most common case is for there to be exactly one initial-select and exactly one ... 
SQLite Older News
 ... The virtual table interface has been enhanced to support SAVEPOINT and ON CONFLICT clause processing, and the built-in RTREE and FTS3/FTS4 have been augmented to take advantage of the new capability. This means, for example, that it is ... 
8.3. I/O error while obtaining a lock leads to corruption  ... is already holding a conflicting lock) then no corruption will ever occur. We are not aware of any operating systems that will fail with an I/O error while attempting to get a file lock on shared memory. So this ... 
 ... than 100 to avoid conflicts. The xSectorSize returns the "sector size" of the underlying non-volatile media. A "sector" is defined as the smallest unit of storage that can be written without disturbing adjacent storage. On a disk drive the ... 
 ... Partially completed changes will be rolled back and the database will be restored to its original state (unless an alternative recovery algorithm is selected using an ON CONFLICT clause in the SQL being executed.) The effect is the same as ... 
SQLite FTS5 Extension
4.4.3. External Content Tables  ... CREATE TRIGGER tbl_ai AFTER INSERT ON tbl BEGIN INSERT INTO fts_idx(rowid, b, c) VALUES (new.a, new.b, new.c); END; CREATE TRIGGER tbl_ad AFTER DELETE ON tbl BEGIN INSERT INTO fts_idx(fts_idx, rowid, b, c) VALUES('delete', old ... 


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