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Search results 61..70 of 104 for: limits

1.1. Limitations It is sometimes possible to perfectly restore a database that has gone corrupt, but that is the exception. Usually the recovered database will be defective in a number of ways: Some content might be permanently deleted and unrecoverable. This can ... 
Appropriate Uses For SQLite
 ... Very large datasets An SQLite database is limited in size to 281 terabytes (248 bytes, 256 tibibytes). And even if it could handle larger databases, SQLite stores the entire database in a single disk file and many filesystems limit the ... 
1.2. Disadvantages  ... The floating-point to text conversion subfunction for the built-in printf() is limited in precision to 16 significant digits or 26 significant digits if the "!" alternate-form-2 flag is used. Every IEEE-754 double can be represented exactly ... 
 ... SELECT manifest, versionId FROM version ORDER BY versionId DESC LIMIT 1; Or perhaps the application would rather use the most recent checkinTime: SELECT manifest, versionId, max(checkinTime) FROM version; Using a single query such as the above, the application obtains ... 
 ... 1.2 Limitations In order to gain experience with the main ideas surrounding asynchronous IO, this implementation is deliberately kept simple. Additional capabilities may be added in the future. For example, as currently implemented, if writes are happening at a ... 
C API: Configuration Options
 ... SQLITE_CONFIG_MMAP_SIZE SQLITE_CONFIG_MMAP_SIZE takes two 64-bit integer (sqlite3_int64) values that are the default mmap size limit (the default setting for PRAGMA mmap_size) and the maximum allowed mmap size limit. The default setting can be overridden by each database connection using ... 
 ... Each thread could have its own heap limit. Beginning in version 3.5.0, there is a single heap limit for the entire process. This seems more restrictive (one limit as opposed to many) but in practice it is what ... 
The Session Extension
1.3. Limitations Prior to SQLite version 3.17.0, the session extension only worked with rowid tables, not WITHOUT ROWID tables. As of 3.17.0, both rowid and WITHOUT ROWID tables are supported. However, extra steps are needed to record primary ... 
5. Mutation Testing  ... Nevertheless, the mutation-test.tcl script includes command-line options to limit the range of code lines tested so that mutation testing only needs to be performed on blocks of code that have recently changed.
 ... CREATE TABLE t1(a); CREATE TABLE t2(x); SELECT * FROM (SELECT t1.a FROM t1 JOIN t2 ORDER BY t2.x LIMIT 1) ORDER BY 1; In version 3.5.9 the query above would return a single column named ... 


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