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Search results 31..40 of 335 for: "AND" "OR"

C API: Introduction
C-language Interface Specification for SQLite These pages are intended to be precise and detailed specification. For a tutorial introduction, see instead: SQLite In 5 Minutes Or Less and/or the Introduction To The SQLite C/C++ Interface. This same ... 
struct sqlite3_value
 ... If SQLite is compiled to be single-threaded (with SQLITE_THREADSAFE=0 and with sqlite3_threadsafe() returning 0) or if SQLite is run in one of reduced mutex modes SQLITE_CONFIG_SINGLETHREAD or SQLITE_CONFIG_MULTITHREAD then there is no distinction between protected and unprotected sqlite3_value ... 
3.3. Recognized Query Parameters  ... SQLite always opens immutable database files read-only and it skips all file locking and change detection on immutable database files. If this query parameter (or the SQLITE_IOCAP_IMMUTABLE bit in xDeviceCharacteristics) asserts that a database file is immutable and that ... 
C API: Name Of A Host Parameter
 ... In other words, the initial ":" or "$" or "@" or "?" is included as part of the name. Parameters of the form "?" without a following integer have no name and are referred to as "nameless" or "anonymous parameters". The first host parameter has ... 
C API: Create and Destroy VFS Filenames
sqlite3_create_filename(), sqlite3_free_filename()
 ... None of the 2*N pointers in the P array may be NULL pointers and key pointers should not be empty strings. None of the D, J, or W parameters to sqlite3_create_filename(D,J,W,N,P) may be NULL ... 
2.7. Materializations Of Views And Subqueries  ... Whether or not the query can be flattened depends on such factors as whether or not the subquery or outer query contain aggregate functions, ORDER BY or GROUP BY clauses, LIMIT clauses, and so forth. The rules for when a ... 
 ... If the "TEMP" or "TEMPORARY" keyword occurs between the "CREATE" and "TABLE" then the new table is created in the temp database. It is an error to specify both a schema-name and the TEMP or TEMPORARY keyword, unless the ... 
C API: Move a BLOB Handle to a New Row
 ... If the new row is not present in the table, or if it does not contain a blob or text value, or if another error occurs, an SQLite error code is returned and the blob handle is considered aborted. All ... 
Custom Builds Of SQLite
Custom Builds Of SQLite or Porting SQLite To New Operating Systems 1.0 Introduction For most applications, the recommended method for building SQLite is to use the amalgamation code file, sqlite3.c, and its corresponding header file sqlite3.h. The ... 
Datatypes In SQLite
5. Operators Mathematical operators (+, -, *, /, %, <<, >>, &, and |) interpret both operands as if they were numbers. STRING or BLOB operands automatically convert into REAL or INTEGER values. If the STRING or BLOB looks like a real number (if it has ... 


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