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Recent SQLite News
 ... For further information about improving SQLite's robustness in internet-facing applications, see the our security recommendations. 2019-02-25 - Release 3.27.2 Version 3.27.2 is a patch release that fixes a two bugs and various documentation ... 
35% Faster Than The Filesystem
1.2. Related Studies  ... Because the database is never used at all when reading content from individual files in this article, the threshold at which direct file I/O becomes faster is smaller than it is in Gray's paper. The Internal Versus External ... 
 ... If this option is set to "any" (the default), SQLite attempts to determine the type of each value returned by the function implementation based on the Tcl value's internal type. Or, if it is set to "text" or "blob ... 
4. Mathematical Guarantees Against Memory Allocation Failures  ... Let us use the following notation (similar but not identical to Robson's notation): N The amount of raw memory needed by the memory allocation system in order to guarantee that no memory allocation will ever fail. M The maximum ... 
3. Status Of Recent SQLite CVEs  ... CVE Number Fix Comments CVE-2024-0232 3.43.2(2023-10-10) An attacker that can inject arbitrary SQL statements into an application might be able to provoke a use-after-free bug in SQLite's JSON parser that ... 
 ... This helps developers operate "heads up" and remain focused on solving the user's problem, and avoid time spent "heads down" fiddling with low-level file formatting details. A pile-of-files format can be viewed as a key/value ... 
4. The Need For Over 200 SQL Statements Per Webpage  ... config WHERE name='localauth'; SELECT value FROM vvar WHERE name='default-user'; SELECT uid FROM user WHERE cap LIKE '%s%'; SELECT login FROM user WHERE uid=1; SELECT cap FROM user WHERE login = 'nobody'; SELECT cap FROM user WHERE login ... 
 ... This author's primary use for OpenDocument is building slide presentations with either NeoOffice on Mac, or LibreOffice on Linux and Windows. An OpenDocument Presentation or "ODP" file is a ZIP archive containing XML files describing presentation slides and separate ... 
Compile-time Options
9. Options To Omit Features  ... SQLITE_OMIT_DATETIME_FUNCS If this option is defined, SQLite's built-in date and time manipulation functions are omitted. Specifically, the SQL functions julianday(), date(), time(), datetime() and strftime() are not available. The default column values CURRENT_TIME, CURRENT_DATE and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP are still ... 
 ... Make sure all rollback journal data has actually been written to the surface of the disk (and is not just being held in the operating system's or disk controllers cache) so that if a power failure occurs the data ... 


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