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Search results 31..40 of 40 for: journal

SQLite Older News
 ... The traditional rollback-journal is still used as the default so there should be no visible change for legacy programs. But newer programs can take advantage of improved performance and concurrency by enabling the WAL journaling mode. SQLite version 3 ... 
Recent SQLite News
 ... This is less than half the number of CPU cycles used as recently as 8 years ago. (The graph below shows SQLite using a rollback journal which uses fewer CPU cycles at the expense of extra I/O. The benchmark ... 
35% Faster Than The Filesystem
2.2. Write Performance Measurements  ... 10K blobs, avg size 10KB, random order, journaling disabled, synchronous OFF. In all of the write tests, it is important to disable anti-virus software prior to running the direct-to-disk performance tests. We found that anti-virus software ... 
1. Overview  ... TH3 exercises SQLite in a variety of run-time configurations (UTF8 vs UTF16, different pages sizes, varying journal modes, etc.) TH3 achieves 100% branch test coverage (and 100% MC/DC) over the SQLite core. (Test coverage of extensions such as ... 
 ... But additional temporary files may be created during the execution of an SQL command in order to store the database rollback journal or temporary and intermediate results of a query. The return value of the sqlite_open function is a pointer ... 
WAL-mode File Format
1.2. The Write-Ahead-Log or "-wal" File The write-ahead log or "wal" file is a roll-forward journal that records transactions that have been committed but not yet applied to the main database. Details on the format of the wal file are describe in the WAL ... 
4. The Opcodes  ... An Abort is safe if either there have been no writes, or if there is an active statement journal. Add Add the value in register P1 to the value in register P2 and store the result in register P3. If ... 
 ... Note that if the previous process to have the database did not exit cleanly and left behind a hot journal, then the write permission is required to recover the database after opening, and the database cannot be opened read-only ... 
4. Mathematical Guarantees Against Memory Allocation Failures  ... J. M. Robson and the results published as: J. M. Robson. "Bounds for Some Functions Concerning Dynamic Storage Allocation". Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery, Volume 21, Number 8, July 1974, pages 491-499. Let us use the following ... 
 ... Starting a transaction also creates a rollback journal. A transaction must be started before any changes can be made to the database. The instruction VerifyCookie checks cookie 0 (the database schema version) to make sure it is equal to P2 ... 


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