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SQLite FTS5 Extension
3.7. FTS5 Boolean Operators Phrases and NEAR groups may be arranged into expressions using boolean operators. In order of precedence, from highest (tightest grouping) to lowest (loosest grouping), the operators are: Operator Function <query1> NOT <query2> Matches if query1 matches ... 
2.3. The SQLite Developer Policy Toward CVEs  ... The developers have no editorial influence on the content of CVEs, and they do not like to be controlled by groups in which they have no voice.
Books About SQLite
 ... databases aren't just for the IS group any more. You can build database-backed applications for the desktop, Web, embedded systems, or operating systems without linking to heavy-duty client-server databases such as Oracle and MySQL. This book ... 
10. ORDER BY Optimizations  ... SQLite will also attempt to use indexes to help satisfy GROUP BY clauses and the DISTINCT keyword. If the nested loops of the join can be arranged such that rows that are equivalent for the GROUP BY or for the ... 
Row Values
3.5. Clarity of presentation  ... But the second form is made easier for humans to read by grouping the query parameters together into a single row value rather than scattering them across the WHERE clause.
The WITH Clause
 ... cx, cy) AS ( SELECT max(iter), cx, cy FROM m GROUP BY cx, cy ), a(t) AS ( SELECT group_concat( substr(' .+*#', 1+min(iter/7,4), 1), '') FROM m2 GROUP BY cy ) SELECT group_concat(rtrim(t),x'0a') FROM a; In ... 
The SQLite Zipfile Module
3.1. Table-Valued Function (read-only access)  ... This identifies the type of record (file, directory or symbolic link), and the associated user/group/all permissions. mtime UTC timestamp, in seconds since the UNIX epoch (an integer). sz Size of associated data in bytes after it has been ... 
 ... statement The number of columns in the result set of a SELECT statement The number of terms in a GROUP BY or ORDER BY clause The number of values in an INSERT statement The default setting for SQLITE_MAX_COLUMN is 2000 ... 
 ... As with the output of the sqlite3session_changeset() and sqlite3session_patchset() functions, all changes related to a single table are grouped together in the output of this function. Tables appear in the same order as for the very first changeset added to ... 
The Next-Generation Query Planner
3.2. Complications  ... If the query contains an ORDER BY clause or a GROUP BY clause or if the query uses the DISTINCT keyword then it is advantageous to select a path through the graph that causes rows to naturally appear in sorted ... 


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