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9 check-ins for the month beginning 2006-11-01 by user shess

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Drop a couple variables which are no longer used anywhere. (CVS 3524) (check-in: 08c2cc0e user: shess tags: trunk)
Test that terms longer than interior nodes work correctly. A bug prior to fts2.c r1.10 meant that such large terms caused an eventual stack overflow. (CVS 3523) (check-in: 66581162 user: shess tags: trunk)

The virtual table interface allows for a cursor to field multiple xFilter() calls. For instance, if a join is done with a virtual table, there could be a call for each row which potentially matches. Unfortunately, fulltextFilter() assumes that it has a fresh cursor, and overwrites a prepared statement and a malloc'ed pointer, resulting in unfinalized statements and a memory leak.

This change hacks the code to manually clean up offending items in fulltextFilter(), emphasis on "hacks", since it's a fragile fix insofar as future additions to fulltext_cursor could continue to have the problem. (CVS 3521) (check-in: 18142fdb user: shess tags: trunk)

Delta-encode terms in interior nodes. While experiments have shown that this is of marginal utility when encoding terms resulting from regular English text, it turns out to be very useful when encoding inputs with very large terms. (CVS 3520) (check-in: c8151a99 user: shess tags: trunk)
Store minimal terms in interior nodes. Whenever there's a break between leaf nodes, instead of storing the entire leftmost term of the rightmost child, store only that portion of the leftmost term necessary to distinguish it from the rightmost term of the leftmost child. (CVS 3513) (check-in: f6e0b080 user: shess tags: trunk)
Refactoring groundwork for coming work on interior nodes. Change LeafWriter to use empty data buffer (instead of empty term) to detect an empty block. Code to validate interior nodes. Moderate revisions to leaf-node and doclist validation. Recast leafWriterStep() in terms of LeafWriterStepMerge(). (CVS 3512) (check-in: f30771d5 user: shess tags: trunk)
Delta-encode docids. This is good for around 22% reduction in index size with DL_POSITIONS. It improves performance about 5%-6%. (CVS 3511) (check-in: 9b6d413d user: shess tags: trunk)
Require a minimum fanout for interior nodes. This prevents cases where excessively large terms keep the tree from finding a single root. A downside is that this could result in large interior nodes in the presence of large terms, which may be prone to fragmentation, though if the nodes were smaller that would translate into more levels in the tree, which would also have that problem. (CVS 3510) (check-in: 64b7e340 user: shess tags: trunk)
Allow backing tables to be missing on dropping fts table. Fixes http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/tktview?tn=1992,35 . (CVS 3509) (check-in: 9628a61a user: shess tags: trunk)
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