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11 check-ins using file src/where.c version dee31d68

Ensure that columns of views and sub-queries that are expressions with no affinity are not assigned BLOB affinity. This matches the documentation. Fix for [61c853857f40da49]. (On a branch because there are still subtle issues.) (check-in: e15a0977 user: dan tags: pending)
Add test cases to this branch. (Closed-Leaf check-in: f37317d8 user: dan tags: tkt-61c853-A)
Fix the patch on this branch so that it works with sub-queries, as well as views. (check-in: 7480db30 user: dan tags: tkt-61c853-A)
The second option for [61c853857f40da49]: In this mode, columns of VIEWs and subqueries that are formed by expressions have affinity BLOB rather than affinity none, as has usually been the case for a while. But this mode fixes a couple of corner cases involving query flattening and the push-down optimization where that rule was violated. (Closed-Leaf check-in: 470ac8d5 user: drh tags: tkt-61c853-B)
One of two options on how to address ticket [61c853857f40da49]. In this mode, we back out the documentation change of [07b7749da88d54e5] and change the core to work as it has been documented to work since 2017, rather than how it has actually worked since 2009. (check-in: 09cd0c0c user: drh tags: tkt-61c853-A)
Refactor field Expr.affinity into Expr.affExpr to avoid confusion with other fields and variables named "affinity" and display affExpr it in sqlite3TreeViewExpr() output. (check-in: a29f2a7d user: drh tags: trunk)
Improved detection of corruption on the freeblock list of a btree page. (check-in: 4b00799b user: drh tags: trunk)
Fix a problem with renaming a table when a view or trigger within the schema uses a FILTER with an aggregate function that is not currently registered with the database. (check-in: 2ac0e42f user: dan tags: trunk)
Prevent an fts5 table from being its own content table, or part of a view that is the content table. (check-in: b6d52c93 user: dan tags: trunk)
Strengthen an assert() in the WHERE clause code generator for the min/max optimization. (check-in: 1bd4b97d user: drh tags: trunk)
Fix a problem with queries of the form "SELECT min(<expr>) ... WHERE <expr>=?" where there is an index on <expr>. Fix for [71e183ca]. (check-in: d465c3ee user: dan tags: trunk)