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5 check-ins using file src/analyze.c version 56799121

Add the OP_ReopenIdx opcode that works like OP_OpenRead except that it becomes a no-op if the cursor is already open on the same index. Update the OR-optimization logic to make use of OP_ReopenIdx in order to avoid unnecessary cursor open requests sent to the B-Tree layer. (check-in: 77f412ca user: drh tags: trunk)
The optimization of check-in [b67a6e33f2] does not work (it generates incorrect VDBE code) if an OR term is AND-ed with a constant expression. So back that optimization out and add a test case to make sure it does not get added back in. (check-in: eed754fe user: drh tags: trunk)
Fix the index name for the shadow tables in the spellfix1 extension so that multiple instances of the spellfix1 virtual table can each have their own index. (check-in: 438c348a user: drh tags: trunk)
Correction: The maximum SQLITE_MAX_ATTACHED value to avoid overflowing a signed 8-bit integer is 125, not 127. (check-in: 48e37802 user: drh tags: trunk)
Enhance the sqlite_stat1.stat parsing to allow additional text parameters at the end. Unrecognized parameters are silently ignored. (check-in: ca2a5a2c user: drh tags: trunk)