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Parents and children of check-in [335863e4]


Calling UPDATE against an fts table in a UTF-16 database inserts corrupted data into the database. The UTF-8 data is being inserted directly. This appears to happen because sqlite3_ value_text() destructively coerces a value to UTF-8, and it's never converted back when updating the table. This works around the problem by rearranging things so that the update happens before the coercion. (CVS 3596) (check-in: 4f2ab4b6 user: shess tags: trunk)

Make sure the IS NULL optimization introduced by check-in (3494) correctly handles a LEFT JOIN where the a term from the right table of the join uses an IS NULL constraint. Ticket #2177. This check-in also adds the new test cases that were suppose to have been added with (3494) but which were mistakenly omitted. (CVS 3595) (check-in: 335863e4 user: drh tags: trunk)
Additional memory initialization in lemon - bug reported from wireshark. Ticket #2172. Note this problem only comes up with certain grammars, and does not impact SQLite. On the other hand, it might cause SQLite to run slower. So we might want to revisit this change at some point. (CVS 3594) (check-in: d537aa5e user: drh tags: trunk)