#if !defined(SQLITE_TEST) || (defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_SESSION) && defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_PREUPDATE_HOOK)) #include "sqlite3session.h" #include "sqlite3changebatch.h" #include #include typedef struct BatchTable BatchTable; typedef struct BatchIndex BatchIndex; typedef struct BatchIndexEntry BatchIndexEntry; typedef struct BatchHash BatchHash; struct sqlite3_changebatch { sqlite3 *db; /* Database handle used to read schema */ BatchTable *pTab; /* First in linked list of tables */ int iChangesetId; /* Current changeset id */ int iNextIdxId; /* Next available index id */ int nEntry; /* Number of entries in hash table */ int nHash; /* Number of hash buckets */ BatchIndexEntry **apHash; /* Array of hash buckets */ }; struct BatchTable { BatchIndex *pIdx; /* First in linked list of UNIQUE indexes */ BatchTable *pNext; /* Next table */ char zTab[1]; /* Table name */ }; struct BatchIndex { BatchIndex *pNext; /* Next index on same table */ int iId; /* Index id (assigned internally) */ int bPk; /* True for PK index */ int nCol; /* Size of aiCol[] array */ int *aiCol; /* Array of columns that make up index */ }; struct BatchIndexEntry { BatchIndexEntry *pNext; /* Next colliding hash table entry */ int iChangesetId; /* Id of associated changeset */ int iIdxId; /* Id of index this key is from */ int szRecord; char aRecord[1]; }; /* ** Allocate and zero a block of nByte bytes. Must be freed using cbFree(). */ static void *cbMalloc(int *pRc, int nByte){ void *pRet; if( *pRc ){ pRet = 0; }else{ pRet = sqlite3_malloc(nByte); if( pRet ){ memset(pRet, 0, nByte); }else{ *pRc = SQLITE_NOMEM; } } return pRet; } /* ** Free an allocation made by cbMalloc(). */ static void cbFree(void *p){ sqlite3_free(p); } /* ** Return the hash bucket that pEntry belongs in. */ static int cbHash(sqlite3_changebatch *p, BatchIndexEntry *pEntry){ unsigned int iHash = (unsigned int)pEntry->iIdxId; unsigned char *pEnd = (unsigned char*)&pEntry->aRecord[pEntry->szRecord]; unsigned char *pIter; for(pIter=(unsigned char*)pEntry->aRecord; pIternHash); } /* ** Resize the hash table. */ static int cbHashResize(sqlite3_changebatch *p){ int rc = SQLITE_OK; BatchIndexEntry **apNew; int nNew = (p->nHash ? p->nHash*2 : 512); int i; apNew = cbMalloc(&rc, sizeof(BatchIndexEntry*) * nNew); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ int nHash = p->nHash; p->nHash = nNew; for(i=0; iapHash[i])!=0 ){ int iHash = cbHash(p, pEntry); p->apHash[i] = pEntry->pNext; pEntry->pNext = apNew[iHash]; apNew[iHash] = pEntry; } } cbFree(p->apHash); p->apHash = apNew; } return rc; } /* ** Allocate a new sqlite3_changebatch object. */ int sqlite3changebatch_new(sqlite3 *db, sqlite3_changebatch **pp){ sqlite3_changebatch *pRet; int rc = SQLITE_OK; *pp = pRet = (sqlite3_changebatch*)cbMalloc(&rc, sizeof(sqlite3_changebatch)); if( pRet ){ pRet->db = db; } return rc; } /* ** Add a BatchIndex entry for index zIdx to table pTab. */ static int cbAddIndex( sqlite3_changebatch *p, BatchTable *pTab, const char *zIdx, int bPk ){ int nCol = 0; sqlite3_stmt *pIndexInfo = 0; BatchIndex *pNew = 0; int rc; char *zIndexInfo; zIndexInfo = (char*)sqlite3_mprintf("PRAGMA main.index_info = %Q", zIdx); if( zIndexInfo ){ rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(p->db, zIndexInfo, -1, &pIndexInfo, 0); sqlite3_free(zIndexInfo); }else{ rc = SQLITE_NOMEM; } if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ while( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pIndexInfo) ){ nCol++; } rc = sqlite3_reset(pIndexInfo); } pNew = (BatchIndex*)cbMalloc(&rc, sizeof(BatchIndex) + sizeof(int) * nCol); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ pNew->nCol = nCol; pNew->bPk = bPk; pNew->aiCol = (int*)&pNew[1]; pNew->iId = p->iNextIdxId++; while( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pIndexInfo) ){ int i = sqlite3_column_int(pIndexInfo, 0); int j = sqlite3_column_int(pIndexInfo, 1); pNew->aiCol[i] = j; } rc = sqlite3_reset(pIndexInfo); } if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ pNew->pNext = pTab->pIdx; pTab->pIdx = pNew; }else{ cbFree(pNew); } sqlite3_finalize(pIndexInfo); return rc; } /* ** Free the object passed as the first argument. */ static void cbFreeTable(BatchTable *pTab){ BatchIndex *pIdx; BatchIndex *pIdxNext; for(pIdx=pTab->pIdx; pIdx; pIdx=pIdxNext){ pIdxNext = pIdx->pNext; cbFree(pIdx); } cbFree(pTab); } /* ** Find or create the BatchTable object named zTab. */ static int cbFindTable( sqlite3_changebatch *p, const char *zTab, BatchTable **ppTab ){ BatchTable *pRet = 0; int rc = SQLITE_OK; for(pRet=p->pTab; pRet; pRet=pRet->pNext){ if( 0==sqlite3_stricmp(zTab, pRet->zTab) ) break; } if( pRet==0 ){ int nTab = strlen(zTab); pRet = (BatchTable*)cbMalloc(&rc, nTab + sizeof(BatchTable)); if( pRet ){ sqlite3_stmt *pIndexList = 0; char *zIndexList = 0; int rc2; memcpy(pRet->zTab, zTab, nTab); zIndexList = sqlite3_mprintf("PRAGMA main.index_list = %Q", zTab); if( zIndexList==0 ){ rc = SQLITE_NOMEM; }else{ rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(p->db, zIndexList, -1, &pIndexList, 0); sqlite3_free(zIndexList); } while( rc==SQLITE_OK && SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pIndexList) ){ if( sqlite3_column_int(pIndexList, 2) ){ const char *zIdx = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pIndexList, 1); const char *zTyp = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pIndexList, 3); rc = cbAddIndex(p, pRet, zIdx, (zTyp[0]=='p')); } } rc2 = sqlite3_finalize(pIndexList); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ) rc = rc2; if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ pRet->pNext = p->pTab; p->pTab = pRet; }else{ cbFreeTable(pRet); pRet = 0; } } } *ppTab = pRet; return rc; } /* ** Extract value iVal from the changeset iterator passed as the first ** argument. Set *ppVal to point to the value before returning. ** ** This function attempts to extract the value using function xVal ** (which is always either sqlite3changeset_new or sqlite3changeset_old). ** If the call returns SQLITE_OK but does not supply an sqlite3_value* ** pointer, an attempt to extract the value is made using the xFallback ** function. */ static int cbGetChangesetValue( sqlite3_changeset_iter *pIter, int (*xVal)(sqlite3_changeset_iter*,int,sqlite3_value**), int (*xFallback)(sqlite3_changeset_iter*,int,sqlite3_value**), int iVal, sqlite3_value **ppVal ){ int rc = xVal(pIter, iVal, ppVal); if( rc==SQLITE_OK && *ppVal==0 && xFallback ){ rc = xFallback(pIter, iVal, ppVal); } return rc; } static int cbAddToHash( sqlite3_changebatch *p, sqlite3_changeset_iter *pIter, BatchIndex *pIdx, int (*xVal)(sqlite3_changeset_iter*,int,sqlite3_value**), int (*xFallback)(sqlite3_changeset_iter*,int,sqlite3_value**), int *pbConf ){ BatchIndexEntry *pNew; int sz = pIdx->nCol; int i; int iOut = 0; int rc = SQLITE_OK; for(i=0; rc==SQLITE_OK && inCol; i++){ sqlite3_value *pVal; rc = cbGetChangesetValue(pIter, xVal, xFallback, pIdx->aiCol[i], &pVal); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ int eType = 0; if( pVal ) eType = sqlite3_value_type(pVal); switch( eType ){ case 0: case SQLITE_NULL: return SQLITE_OK; case SQLITE_INTEGER: sz += 8; break; case SQLITE_FLOAT: sz += 8; break; default: assert( eType==SQLITE_TEXT || eType==SQLITE_BLOB ); sz += sqlite3_value_bytes(pVal); break; } } } pNew = cbMalloc(&rc, sizeof(BatchIndexEntry) + sz); if( pNew ){ pNew->iChangesetId = p->iChangesetId; pNew->iIdxId = pIdx->iId; pNew->szRecord = sz; for(i=0; inCol; i++){ int eType; sqlite3_value *pVal; rc = cbGetChangesetValue(pIter, xVal, xFallback, pIdx->aiCol[i], &pVal); if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) break; /* coverage: condition is never true */ eType = sqlite3_value_type(pVal); pNew->aRecord[iOut++] = eType; switch( eType ){ case SQLITE_INTEGER: { sqlite3_int64 i64 = sqlite3_value_int64(pVal); memcpy(&pNew->aRecord[iOut], &i64, 8); iOut += 8; break; } case SQLITE_FLOAT: { double d64 = sqlite3_value_double(pVal); memcpy(&pNew->aRecord[iOut], &d64, sizeof(double)); iOut += sizeof(double); break; } default: { int nByte = sqlite3_value_bytes(pVal); const char *z = (const char*)sqlite3_value_blob(pVal); memcpy(&pNew->aRecord[iOut], z, nByte); iOut += nByte; break; } } } } if( rc==SQLITE_OK && p->nEntry>=(p->nHash/2) ){ rc = cbHashResize(p); } if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ BatchIndexEntry *pIter; int iHash = cbHash(p, pNew); assert( iHash>=0 && iHashnHash ); for(pIter=p->apHash[iHash]; pIter; pIter=pIter->pNext){ if( pNew->szRecord==pIter->szRecord && 0==memcmp(pNew->aRecord, pIter->aRecord, pNew->szRecord) ){ if( pNew->iChangesetId!=pIter->iChangesetId ){ *pbConf = 1; } cbFree(pNew); pNew = 0; break; } } if( pNew ){ pNew->pNext = p->apHash[iHash]; p->apHash[iHash] = pNew; p->nEntry++; } }else{ cbFree(pNew); } return rc; } /* ** Add a changeset to the current batch. */ int sqlite3changebatch_add(sqlite3_changebatch *p, void *pBuf, int nBuf){ sqlite3_changeset_iter *pIter; /* Iterator opened on pBuf/nBuf */ int rc; /* Return code */ int bConf = 0; /* Conflict was detected */ rc = sqlite3changeset_start(&pIter, nBuf, pBuf); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){ int rc2; for(rc2 = sqlite3changeset_next(pIter); rc2==SQLITE_ROW; rc2 = sqlite3changeset_next(pIter) ){ BatchTable *pTab; BatchIndex *pIdx; const char *zTab; /* Table this change applies to */ int nCol; /* Number of columns in table */ int op; /* UPDATE, INSERT or DELETE */ sqlite3changeset_op(pIter, &zTab, &nCol, &op, 0); assert( op==SQLITE_INSERT || op==SQLITE_UPDATE || op==SQLITE_DELETE ); rc = cbFindTable(p, zTab, &pTab); assert( pTab || rc!=SQLITE_OK ); if( pTab ){ for(pIdx=pTab->pIdx; pIdx && rc==SQLITE_OK; pIdx=pIdx->pNext){ if( op==SQLITE_UPDATE && pIdx->bPk ) continue; if( op==SQLITE_UPDATE || op==SQLITE_DELETE ){ rc = cbAddToHash(p, pIter, pIdx, sqlite3changeset_old, 0, &bConf); } if( op==SQLITE_UPDATE || op==SQLITE_INSERT ){ rc = cbAddToHash(p, pIter, pIdx, sqlite3changeset_new, sqlite3changeset_old, &bConf ); } } } if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) break; } rc2 = sqlite3changeset_finalize(pIter); if( rc==SQLITE_OK ) rc = rc2; } if( rc==SQLITE_OK && bConf ){ rc = SQLITE_CONSTRAINT; } p->iChangesetId++; return rc; } /* ** Zero an existing changebatch object. */ void sqlite3changebatch_zero(sqlite3_changebatch *p){ int i; for(i=0; inHash; i++){ BatchIndexEntry *pEntry; BatchIndexEntry *pNext; for(pEntry=p->apHash[i]; pEntry; pEntry=pNext){ pNext = pEntry->pNext; cbFree(pEntry); } } cbFree(p->apHash); p->nHash = 0; p->apHash = 0; } /* ** Delete a changebatch object. */ void sqlite3changebatch_delete(sqlite3_changebatch *p){ BatchTable *pTab; BatchTable *pTabNext; sqlite3changebatch_zero(p); for(pTab=p->pTab; pTab; pTab=pTabNext){ pTabNext = pTab->pNext; cbFreeTable(pTab); } cbFree(p); } /* ** Return the db handle. */ sqlite3 *sqlite3changebatch_db(sqlite3_changebatch *p){ return p->db; } #endif /* SQLITE_ENABLE_SESSION && SQLITE_ENABLE_PREUPDATE_HOOK */