SQLite Encryption Extension

Building SEE for UWP 10.0

These instructions are current as of 2017-07-26.

Prior to being able to build SQLite for UWP 10, the following prerequisites should be met:

  1. Visual Studio 2015 (RTM) or later.

Building SQLite for UWP 10 with SEE requires the following steps:

  1. Open a "Developer Command Prompt for VS2015" command prompt window and change the current directory to the one containing the core SQLite source code.
  1. Execute the following commands to setup the environment variables used by the SQLite MSVC makefile, using "%ProgramFiles(x86)%" instead of "%ProgramFiles% when building on 64-bit Windows:
       SET NSDKLIBPATH=%ProgramFiles%\Windows Kits\10\lib\10.0.10240.0\um\x86
       SET NUCRTLIBPATH=%ProgramFiles%\Windows Kits\10\lib\10.0.10240.0\ucrt\x86
If the building for 32-bit x86, execute the following commands to setup the environment variables used by the SQLite MSVC makefile:
       SET PSDKLIBPATH=%ProgramFiles%\Windows Kits\10\lib\10.0.10240.0\um\x86
Otherwise, if the building for 64-bit x64, execute the following commands to setup the environment variables used by the SQLite MSVC makefile:
       SET PSDKLIBPATH=%ProgramFiles%\Windows Kits\10\lib\10.0.10240.0\um\x64
  1. Skip this step if building from the SEE source code directory.
    Create the baseline "sqlite3.c" using the following NMAKE command from the SQLite source code directory (this step may be skipped if you already have a baseline "sqlite3.c" around that you would like to use):
       nmake /F Makefile.msc sqlite3.c XCOMPILE=1 USE_NATIVE_LIBPATHS=1 NO_TCL=1
       ATTRIB +r sqlite3.c
       ATTRIB +r sqlite3.h
Marking the "sqlite3.c" and "sqlite3.h" files as read-only is required here because it prevents the normal SQLite build process from replacing them with their baseline versions.
  1. Execute the following NMAKE command to build the SQLite DLL for UWP 10:
       nmake -f Makefile.msc sqlite3.dll /I XCOMPILE=1 USE_NATIVE_LIBPATHS=1 FOR_WINRT=1 FOR_UWP=1 DYNAMIC_SHELL=1