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 ... exp(X) Compute e (Euler's number, approximately 2.71828182845905) raised to the power X. floor(X) Return the first representable integer value less than or equal to X. For positive numbers, this function rounds toward zero. For negative numbers ... 
 ... That's as big as SQLite and does not even contain the database engine. The Berkeley DB library from Oracle is 450KiB and it omits SQL support, providing the programmer with only simple key/value pairs. Manifest typing Most SQL ... 
SQLite Foreign Key Support
4.3. ON DELETE and ON UPDATE Actions  ... The "SET DEFAULT" actions are similar to "SET NULL", except that each of the child key columns is set to contain the column's default value instead of NULL. Refer to the CREATE TABLE documentation for details on how default ... 
3.2.1. The JSONB format  ... The "JSONB" name is inspired by PostgreSQL, but the on-disk format for SQLite's JSONB is not the same as PostgreSQL's. The two formats have the same name, but are not binary compatible. The PostgreSQL JSONB format claims ... 
4.1. Binary Encoding of Polygons  ... The use of 32-bit floating point values for coordinates means that any point on the earth's surface can be mapped with a resolution of approximately 2.5 meters. Higher resolutions are of course possible if the map is ... 
SQLite Download Page
 ... YYYYMMDDHHMM For convenient, script-driven extraction of the downloadable file URLs and associated information, an HTML comment is embedded in this page's source. Its first line (sans leading tag) reads: Download product data for scripts to read Its subsequent ... 
7.2. Integrity Check using the rtreecheck() SQL function The scalar SQL function rtreecheck(R) or rtreecheck(S,R) runs an integrity check on the rtree table named R contained within database S. The function returns a human-language description of any problems found, or the string 'ok' if ... 
SQLite Unlock-Notify API
 ... If sqlite3_unlock_notify() is then called, the unlock-notify callback will be invoked after connection Y's transaction is concluded. The connection that the unlock-notify callback is waiting on, in this case connection Y, is known as the "blocking connection ... 
3. History Of Lemon  ... The author of Lemon and SQLite (Hipp) reports that his C programming skills were greatly enhanced by studying John Ousterhout's original source code to Tcl. Hipp discovered and studied Tcl in 1993. Lemon was written before then, and SQLite ... 
1. Setting Up The Error Logging Callback  ... void errorLogCallback(void *pArg, int iErrCode, const char *zMsg){ fprintf(stderr, "(%d) %s\n", iErrCode, zMsg); } The example above illustrates the signature of the error logger callback. However, in an embedded application, one usually does not print messages on stderr ... 


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