000001  # 2022-01-27
000002  #
000003  # The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
000004  # a legal notice, here is a blessing:
000005  #
000006  #    May you do good and not evil.
000007  #    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
000008  #    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
000009  #
000010  #***********************************************************************
000011  # This file implements regression tests for SQLite library.  The
000012  # focus of this file is testing date and time functions.
000013  #
000015  set testdir [file dirname $argv0]
000016  source $testdir/tester.tcl
000018  # Skip this whole file if date and time functions are omitted
000019  # at compile-time
000020  #
000021  ifcapable {!datetime} {
000022    finish_test
000023    return
000024  }
000026  proc datetest {tnum expr result} {
000027    do_test date3-$tnum [subst {
000028      execsql "SELECT coalesce($expr,'NULL')"
000029    }] [list $result]
000030  }
000031  set tcl_precision 15
000033  # EVIDENCE-OF: R-45708-63005 unixepoch(time-value, modifier, modifier,
000034  # ...)
000035  #
000036  datetest 1.1 {unixepoch('1970-01-01')} {0}
000037  datetest 1.2 {unixepoch('1969-12-31 23:59:59')} {-1}
000038  datetest 1.3 {unixepoch('2106-02-07 06:28:15')} {4294967295}
000039  datetest 1.4 {unixepoch('2106-02-07 06:28:16')} {4294967296}
000040  datetest 1.5 {unixepoch('9999-12-31 23:59:59')} {253402300799}
000041  datetest 1.6 {unixepoch('0000-01-01 00:00:00')} {-62167219200}
000043  # EVIDENCE-OF: R-30877-63179 The unixepoch() function returns a unix
000044  # timestamp - the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
000045  #
000046  for {set i 1} {$i<=100} {incr i} {
000047    set x [expr {int(rand()*0xfffffffff)-0xffffffff}]
000048    datetest 1.7.$i "unixepoch($x,'unixepoch')==$x" {1}
000049  }
000051  # EVIDENCE-OF: R-62992-54137 The unixepoch() always returns an integer,
000052  # even if the input time-value has millisecond precision.
000053  #
000054  datetest 1.8 {unixepoch('2022-01-27 12:59:28.052')} {1643288368}
000056  # EVIDENCE-OF: R-05412-24332 If the time-value is numeric (the
000057  # DDDDDDDDDD format) then the 'auto' modifier causes the time-value to
000058  # interpreted as either a julian day number or a unix timestamp,
000059  # depending on its magnitude.
000060  #
000061  # EVIDENCE-OF: R-56763-40111 If the value is between 0.0 and
000062  # 5373484.499999, then it is interpreted as a julian day number
000063  # (corresponding to dates between -4713-11-24 12:00:00 and 9999-12-31
000064  # 23:59:59, inclusive).
000065  #
000066  # EVIDENCE-OF: R-07289-49223 For numeric values outside of the range of
000067  # valid julian day numbers, but within the range of -210866760000 to
000068  # 253402300799, the 'auto' modifier causes the value to be interpreted
000069  # as a unix timestamp.
000070  #
000071  # EVIDENCE-OF: R-20795-34947 Other numeric values are out of range and
000072  # cause a NULL return.
000073  #
000074  foreach {tn jd date} {
000075    2.1  0.0              {-4713-11-24 12:00:00}
000076    2.2  5373484.4999999  {9999-12-31 23:59:59}
000077    2.3  2440587.5        {1970-01-01 00:00:00}
000078    2.4  2440587.49998843 {1969-12-31 23:59:59}
000079    2.5  2440615.7475463  {1970-01-29 05:56:28}
000081    2.10 -1               {1969-12-31 23:59:59}
000082    2.11 5373485          {1970-03-04 04:38:05}
000083    2.12 -210866760000    {-4713-11-24 12:00:00}
000084    2.13 253402300799     {9999-12-31 23:59:59}
000086    2.20 -210866760001    {NULL}
000087    2.21 253402300800     {NULL}
000088  } {
000089    datetest $tn "datetime($jd,'auto')" $date
000090  }
000092  # EVIDENCE-OF: R-38886-35357 The 'auto' modifier is a no-op for text
000093  # time-values.
000094  #
000095  datetest 2.30 {date('2022-01-29','auto')==date('2022-01-29')} {1}
000097  # EVIDENCE-OF: R-53132-26856 The 'auto' modifier can be used to work
000098  # with date/time values even in cases where it is not known if the
000099  # julian day number or unix timestamp formats are in use.
000100  #
000101  do_execsql_test date3-2.40 {
000102    WITH tx(timeval,datetime) AS (
000103       VALUES('2022-01-27 13:15:44','2022-01-27 13:15:44'),
000104             (2459607.05260275,'2022-01-27 13:15:44'),
000105             (1643289344,'2022-01-27 13:15:44')
000106    )
000107    SELECT datetime(timeval,'auto') == datetime FROM tx;
000108  } {1 1 1}
000110  # EVIDENCE-OF: R-49255-55373 The "unixepoch" modifier (11) only works if
000111  # it immediately follows a time value in the DDDDDDDDDD format.
000112  #
000113  # EVIDENCE-OF: R-23075-39245 This modifier causes the DDDDDDDDDD to be
000114  # interpreted not as a Julian day number as it normally would be, but as
000115  # Unix Time - the number of seconds since 1970.
000116  #
000117  datetest 3.1 {datetime(2459607.05,'+1 hour','unixepoch')} {NULL}
000118  datetest 3.2 {datetime(2459607.05,'unixepoch','+1 hour')} {1970-01-29 12:13:27}
000120  # EVIDENCE-OF: R-21150-52363 The "julianday" modifier must immediately
000121  # follow the initial time-value which must be of the form DDDDDDDDD.
000122  #
000123  # EVIDENCE-OF: R-31176-64601 Any other use of the 'julianday' modifier
000124  # is an error and causes the function to return NULL.
000125  #
000126  # EVIDENCE-OF: R-32483-36353 The 'julianday' modifier forces the
000127  # time-value number to be interpreted as a julian-day number.
000128  #
000129  # EVIDENCE-OF: R-25859-20124 The only difference is that adding
000130  # 'julianday' forces the DDDDDDDDD time-value format, and causes a NULL
000131  # to be returned if any other time-value format is used.
000132  #
000133  datetest 4.1 {datetime(2459607,'julianday')}           {2022-01-27 12:00:00}
000134  datetest 4.2 {datetime(2459607,'+1 hour','julianday')} {NULL}
000135  datetest 4.3 {datetime('2022-01-27','julianday')}      {NULL}
000139  # EVIDENCE-OF: R-33431-18865 Unix timestamps for the first 63 days of
000140  # 1970 will be interpreted as julian day numbers.
000141  #
000142  do_execsql_test date3-5.0 {
000143    WITH inc(x) AS (VALUES(-10) UNION ALL SELECT x+1 FROM inc WHERE x<100)
000144    SELECT count(*) FROM inc
000145    WHERE datetime('1970-01-01',format('%+d days',x))
000146       <> datetime(unixepoch('1970-01-01',format('%+d days',x)),'auto');
000147  } {63}
000149  finish_test