000002  /*
000003  ** 2004 April 6
000004  **
000005  ** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
000006  ** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
000007  **
000008  **    May you do good and not evil.
000009  **    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
000010  **    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
000011  **
000012  *************************************************************************
000013  ** This file implements an external (disk-based) database using BTrees.
000014  ** See the header comment on "btreeInt.h" for additional information.
000015  ** Including a description of file format and an overview of operation.
000016  */
000017  #include "btreeInt.h"
000019  /*
000020  ** The header string that appears at the beginning of every
000021  ** SQLite database.
000022  */
000023  static const char zMagicHeader[] = SQLITE_FILE_HEADER;
000025  /*
000026  ** Set this global variable to 1 to enable tracing using the TRACE
000027  ** macro.
000028  */
000029  #if 0
000030  int sqlite3BtreeTrace=1;  /* True to enable tracing */
000031  # define TRACE(X)  if(sqlite3BtreeTrace){printf X;fflush(stdout);}
000032  #else
000033  # define TRACE(X)
000034  #endif
000036  /*
000037  ** Extract a 2-byte big-endian integer from an array of unsigned bytes.
000038  ** But if the value is zero, make it 65536.
000039  **
000040  ** This routine is used to extract the "offset to cell content area" value
000041  ** from the header of a btree page.  If the page size is 65536 and the page
000042  ** is empty, the offset should be 65536, but the 2-byte value stores zero.
000043  ** This routine makes the necessary adjustment to 65536.
000044  */
000045  #define get2byteNotZero(X)  (((((int)get2byte(X))-1)&0xffff)+1)
000047  /*
000048  ** Values passed as the 5th argument to allocateBtreePage()
000049  */
000050  #define BTALLOC_ANY   0           /* Allocate any page */
000051  #define BTALLOC_EXACT 1           /* Allocate exact page if possible */
000052  #define BTALLOC_LE    2           /* Allocate any page <= the parameter */
000054  /*
000055  ** Macro IfNotOmitAV(x) returns (x) if SQLITE_OMIT_AUTOVACUUM is not
000056  ** defined, or 0 if it is. For example:
000057  **
000058  **   bIncrVacuum = IfNotOmitAV(pBtShared->incrVacuum);
000059  */
000061  #define IfNotOmitAV(expr) (expr)
000062  #else
000063  #define IfNotOmitAV(expr) 0
000064  #endif
000067  /*
000068  ** A list of BtShared objects that are eligible for participation
000069  ** in shared cache.  This variable has file scope during normal builds,
000070  ** but the test harness needs to access it so we make it global for
000071  ** test builds.
000072  **
000073  ** Access to this variable is protected by SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_MAIN.
000074  */
000075  #ifdef SQLITE_TEST
000076  BtShared *SQLITE_WSD sqlite3SharedCacheList = 0;
000077  #else
000078  static BtShared *SQLITE_WSD sqlite3SharedCacheList = 0;
000079  #endif
000080  #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_SHARED_CACHE */
000083  /*
000084  ** Enable or disable the shared pager and schema features.
000085  **
000086  ** This routine has no effect on existing database connections.
000087  ** The shared cache setting effects only future calls to
000088  ** sqlite3_open(), sqlite3_open16(), or sqlite3_open_v2().
000089  */
000090  int sqlite3_enable_shared_cache(int enable){
000091    sqlite3GlobalConfig.sharedCacheEnabled = enable;
000092    return SQLITE_OK;
000093  }
000094  #endif
000099    /*
000100    ** The functions querySharedCacheTableLock(), setSharedCacheTableLock(),
000101    ** and clearAllSharedCacheTableLocks()
000102    ** manipulate entries in the BtShared.pLock linked list used to store
000103    ** shared-cache table level locks. If the library is compiled with the
000104    ** shared-cache feature disabled, then there is only ever one user
000105    ** of each BtShared structure and so this locking is not necessary.
000106    ** So define the lock related functions as no-ops.
000107    */
000108    #define querySharedCacheTableLock(a,b,c) SQLITE_OK
000109    #define setSharedCacheTableLock(a,b,c) SQLITE_OK
000110    #define clearAllSharedCacheTableLocks(a)
000111    #define downgradeAllSharedCacheTableLocks(a)
000112    #define hasSharedCacheTableLock(a,b,c,d) 1
000113    #define hasReadConflicts(a, b) 0
000114  #endif
000116  #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG
000117  /*
000118  ** Return and reset the seek counter for a Btree object.
000119  */
000120  sqlite3_uint64 sqlite3BtreeSeekCount(Btree *pBt){
000121    u64 n =  pBt->nSeek;
000122    pBt->nSeek = 0;
000123    return n;
000124  }
000125  #endif
000127  /*
000128  ** Implementation of the SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE() macro. Takes a single
000129  ** (MemPage*) as an argument. The (MemPage*) must not be NULL.
000130  **
000131  ** If SQLITE_DEBUG is not defined, then this macro is equivalent to
000132  ** SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT. Or, if SQLITE_DEBUG is set, then the log message
000133  ** normally produced as a side-effect of SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT is augmented
000134  ** with the page number and filename associated with the (MemPage*).
000135  */
000136  #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG
000137  int corruptPageError(int lineno, MemPage *p){
000138    char *zMsg;
000139    sqlite3BeginBenignMalloc();
000140    zMsg = sqlite3_mprintf("database corruption page %u of %s",
000141               p->pgno, sqlite3PagerFilename(p->pBt->pPager, 0)
000142    );
000143    sqlite3EndBenignMalloc();
000144    if( zMsg ){
000145      sqlite3ReportError(SQLITE_CORRUPT, lineno, zMsg);
000146    }
000147    sqlite3_free(zMsg);
000148    return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
000149  }
000150  # define SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pMemPage) corruptPageError(__LINE__, pMemPage)
000151  #else
000152  # define SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pMemPage) SQLITE_CORRUPT_PGNO(pMemPage->pgno)
000153  #endif
000157  #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG
000158  /*
000159  **** This function is only used as part of an assert() statement. ***
000160  **
000161  ** Check to see if pBtree holds the required locks to read or write to the
000162  ** table with root page iRoot.   Return 1 if it does and 0 if not.
000163  **
000164  ** For example, when writing to a table with root-page iRoot via
000165  ** Btree connection pBtree:
000166  **
000167  **    assert( hasSharedCacheTableLock(pBtree, iRoot, 0, WRITE_LOCK) );
000168  **
000169  ** When writing to an index that resides in a sharable database, the
000170  ** caller should have first obtained a lock specifying the root page of
000171  ** the corresponding table. This makes things a bit more complicated,
000172  ** as this module treats each table as a separate structure. To determine
000173  ** the table corresponding to the index being written, this
000174  ** function has to search through the database schema.
000175  **
000176  ** Instead of a lock on the table/index rooted at page iRoot, the caller may
000177  ** hold a write-lock on the schema table (root page 1). This is also
000178  ** acceptable.
000179  */
000180  static int hasSharedCacheTableLock(
000181    Btree *pBtree,         /* Handle that must hold lock */
000182    Pgno iRoot,            /* Root page of b-tree */
000183    int isIndex,           /* True if iRoot is the root of an index b-tree */
000184    int eLockType          /* Required lock type (READ_LOCK or WRITE_LOCK) */
000185  ){
000186    Schema *pSchema = (Schema *)pBtree->pBt->pSchema;
000187    Pgno iTab = 0;
000188    BtLock *pLock;
000190    /* If this database is not shareable, or if the client is reading
000191    ** and has the read-uncommitted flag set, then no lock is required.
000192    ** Return true immediately.
000193    */
000194    if( (pBtree->sharable==0)
000195     || (eLockType==READ_LOCK && (pBtree->db->flags & SQLITE_ReadUncommit))
000196    ){
000197      return 1;
000198    }
000200    /* If the client is reading  or writing an index and the schema is
000201    ** not loaded, then it is too difficult to actually check to see if
000202    ** the correct locks are held.  So do not bother - just return true.
000203    ** This case does not come up very often anyhow.
000204    */
000205    if( isIndex && (!pSchema || (pSchema->schemaFlags&DB_SchemaLoaded)==0) ){
000206      return 1;
000207    }
000209    /* Figure out the root-page that the lock should be held on. For table
000210    ** b-trees, this is just the root page of the b-tree being read or
000211    ** written. For index b-trees, it is the root page of the associated
000212    ** table.  */
000213    if( isIndex ){
000214      HashElem *p;
000215      int bSeen = 0;
000216      for(p=sqliteHashFirst(&pSchema->idxHash); p; p=sqliteHashNext(p)){
000217        Index *pIdx = (Index *)sqliteHashData(p);
000218        if( pIdx->tnum==iRoot ){
000219          if( bSeen ){
000220            /* Two or more indexes share the same root page.  There must
000221            ** be imposter tables.  So just return true.  The assert is not
000222            ** useful in that case. */
000223            return 1;
000224          }
000225          iTab = pIdx->pTable->tnum;
000226          bSeen = 1;
000227        }
000228      }
000229    }else{
000230      iTab = iRoot;
000231    }
000233    /* Search for the required lock. Either a write-lock on root-page iTab, a
000234    ** write-lock on the schema table, or (if the client is reading) a
000235    ** read-lock on iTab will suffice. Return 1 if any of these are found.  */
000236    for(pLock=pBtree->pBt->pLock; pLock; pLock=pLock->pNext){
000237      if( pLock->pBtree==pBtree
000238       && (pLock->iTable==iTab || (pLock->eLock==WRITE_LOCK && pLock->iTable==1))
000239       && pLock->eLock>=eLockType
000240      ){
000241        return 1;
000242      }
000243    }
000245    /* Failed to find the required lock. */
000246    return 0;
000247  }
000248  #endif /* SQLITE_DEBUG */
000250  #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG
000251  /*
000252  **** This function may be used as part of assert() statements only. ****
000253  **
000254  ** Return true if it would be illegal for pBtree to write into the
000255  ** table or index rooted at iRoot because other shared connections are
000256  ** simultaneously reading that same table or index.
000257  **
000258  ** It is illegal for pBtree to write if some other Btree object that
000259  ** shares the same BtShared object is currently reading or writing
000260  ** the iRoot table.  Except, if the other Btree object has the
000261  ** read-uncommitted flag set, then it is OK for the other object to
000262  ** have a read cursor.
000263  **
000264  ** For example, before writing to any part of the table or index
000265  ** rooted at page iRoot, one should call:
000266  **
000267  **    assert( !hasReadConflicts(pBtree, iRoot) );
000268  */
000269  static int hasReadConflicts(Btree *pBtree, Pgno iRoot){
000270    BtCursor *p;
000271    for(p=pBtree->pBt->pCursor; p; p=p->pNext){
000272      if( p->pgnoRoot==iRoot
000273       && p->pBtree!=pBtree
000274       && 0==(p->pBtree->db->flags & SQLITE_ReadUncommit)
000275      ){
000276        return 1;
000277      }
000278    }
000279    return 0;
000280  }
000281  #endif    /* #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG */
000283  /*
000284  ** Query to see if Btree handle p may obtain a lock of type eLock
000285  ** (READ_LOCK or WRITE_LOCK) on the table with root-page iTab. Return
000286  ** SQLITE_OK if the lock may be obtained (by calling
000287  ** setSharedCacheTableLock()), or SQLITE_LOCKED if not.
000288  */
000289  static int querySharedCacheTableLock(Btree *p, Pgno iTab, u8 eLock){
000290    BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
000291    BtLock *pIter;
000293    assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsMutex(p) );
000294    assert( eLock==READ_LOCK || eLock==WRITE_LOCK );
000295    assert( p->db!=0 );
000296    assert( !(p->db->flags&SQLITE_ReadUncommit)||eLock==WRITE_LOCK||iTab==1 );
000298    /* If requesting a write-lock, then the Btree must have an open write
000299    ** transaction on this file. And, obviously, for this to be so there
000300    ** must be an open write transaction on the file itself.
000301    */
000302    assert( eLock==READ_LOCK || (p==pBt->pWriter && p->inTrans==TRANS_WRITE) );
000303    assert( eLock==READ_LOCK || pBt->inTransaction==TRANS_WRITE );
000305    /* This routine is a no-op if the shared-cache is not enabled */
000306    if( !p->sharable ){
000307      return SQLITE_OK;
000308    }
000310    /* If some other connection is holding an exclusive lock, the
000311    ** requested lock may not be obtained.
000312    */
000313    if( pBt->pWriter!=p && (pBt->btsFlags & BTS_EXCLUSIVE)!=0 ){
000314      sqlite3ConnectionBlocked(p->db, pBt->pWriter->db);
000316    }
000318    for(pIter=pBt->pLock; pIter; pIter=pIter->pNext){
000319      /* The condition (pIter->eLock!=eLock) in the following if(...)
000320      ** statement is a simplification of:
000321      **
000322      **   (eLock==WRITE_LOCK || pIter->eLock==WRITE_LOCK)
000323      **
000324      ** since we know that if eLock==WRITE_LOCK, then no other connection
000325      ** may hold a WRITE_LOCK on any table in this file (since there can
000326      ** only be a single writer).
000327      */
000328      assert( pIter->eLock==READ_LOCK || pIter->eLock==WRITE_LOCK );
000329      assert( eLock==READ_LOCK || pIter->pBtree==p || pIter->eLock==READ_LOCK);
000330      if( pIter->pBtree!=p && pIter->iTable==iTab && pIter->eLock!=eLock ){
000331        sqlite3ConnectionBlocked(p->db, pIter->pBtree->db);
000332        if( eLock==WRITE_LOCK ){
000333          assert( p==pBt->pWriter );
000334          pBt->btsFlags |= BTS_PENDING;
000335        }
000336        return SQLITE_LOCKED_SHAREDCACHE;
000337      }
000338    }
000339    return SQLITE_OK;
000340  }
000341  #endif /* !SQLITE_OMIT_SHARED_CACHE */
000344  /*
000345  ** Add a lock on the table with root-page iTable to the shared-btree used
000346  ** by Btree handle p. Parameter eLock must be either READ_LOCK or
000347  ** WRITE_LOCK.
000348  **
000349  ** This function assumes the following:
000350  **
000351  **   (a) The specified Btree object p is connected to a sharable
000352  **       database (one with the BtShared.sharable flag set), and
000353  **
000354  **   (b) No other Btree objects hold a lock that conflicts
000355  **       with the requested lock (i.e. querySharedCacheTableLock() has
000356  **       already been called and returned SQLITE_OK).
000357  **
000358  ** SQLITE_OK is returned if the lock is added successfully. SQLITE_NOMEM
000359  ** is returned if a malloc attempt fails.
000360  */
000361  static int setSharedCacheTableLock(Btree *p, Pgno iTable, u8 eLock){
000362    BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
000363    BtLock *pLock = 0;
000364    BtLock *pIter;
000366    assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsMutex(p) );
000367    assert( eLock==READ_LOCK || eLock==WRITE_LOCK );
000368    assert( p->db!=0 );
000370    /* A connection with the read-uncommitted flag set will never try to
000371    ** obtain a read-lock using this function. The only read-lock obtained
000372    ** by a connection in read-uncommitted mode is on the sqlite_schema
000373    ** table, and that lock is obtained in BtreeBeginTrans().  */
000374    assert( 0==(p->db->flags&SQLITE_ReadUncommit) || eLock==WRITE_LOCK );
000376    /* This function should only be called on a sharable b-tree after it
000377    ** has been determined that no other b-tree holds a conflicting lock.  */
000378    assert( p->sharable );
000379    assert( SQLITE_OK==querySharedCacheTableLock(p, iTable, eLock) );
000381    /* First search the list for an existing lock on this table. */
000382    for(pIter=pBt->pLock; pIter; pIter=pIter->pNext){
000383      if( pIter->iTable==iTable && pIter->pBtree==p ){
000384        pLock = pIter;
000385        break;
000386      }
000387    }
000389    /* If the above search did not find a BtLock struct associating Btree p
000390    ** with table iTable, allocate one and link it into the list.
000391    */
000392    if( !pLock ){
000393      pLock = (BtLock *)sqlite3MallocZero(sizeof(BtLock));
000394      if( !pLock ){
000395        return SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
000396      }
000397      pLock->iTable = iTable;
000398      pLock->pBtree = p;
000399      pLock->pNext = pBt->pLock;
000400      pBt->pLock = pLock;
000401    }
000403    /* Set the BtLock.eLock variable to the maximum of the current lock
000404    ** and the requested lock. This means if a write-lock was already held
000405    ** and a read-lock requested, we don't incorrectly downgrade the lock.
000406    */
000407    assert( WRITE_LOCK>READ_LOCK );
000408    if( eLock>pLock->eLock ){
000409      pLock->eLock = eLock;
000410    }
000412    return SQLITE_OK;
000413  }
000414  #endif /* !SQLITE_OMIT_SHARED_CACHE */
000417  /*
000418  ** Release all the table locks (locks obtained via calls to
000419  ** the setSharedCacheTableLock() procedure) held by Btree object p.
000420  **
000421  ** This function assumes that Btree p has an open read or write
000422  ** transaction. If it does not, then the BTS_PENDING flag
000423  ** may be incorrectly cleared.
000424  */
000425  static void clearAllSharedCacheTableLocks(Btree *p){
000426    BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
000427    BtLock **ppIter = &pBt->pLock;
000429    assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsMutex(p) );
000430    assert( p->sharable || 0==*ppIter );
000431    assert( p->inTrans>0 );
000433    while( *ppIter ){
000434      BtLock *pLock = *ppIter;
000435      assert( (pBt->btsFlags & BTS_EXCLUSIVE)==0 || pBt->pWriter==pLock->pBtree );
000436      assert( pLock->pBtree->inTrans>=pLock->eLock );
000437      if( pLock->pBtree==p ){
000438        *ppIter = pLock->pNext;
000439        assert( pLock->iTable!=1 || pLock==&p->lock );
000440        if( pLock->iTable!=1 ){
000441          sqlite3_free(pLock);
000442        }
000443      }else{
000444        ppIter = &pLock->pNext;
000445      }
000446    }
000448    assert( (pBt->btsFlags & BTS_PENDING)==0 || pBt->pWriter );
000449    if( pBt->pWriter==p ){
000450      pBt->pWriter = 0;
000451      pBt->btsFlags &= ~(BTS_EXCLUSIVE|BTS_PENDING);
000452    }else if( pBt->nTransaction==2 ){
000453      /* This function is called when Btree p is concluding its
000454      ** transaction. If there currently exists a writer, and p is not
000455      ** that writer, then the number of locks held by connections other
000456      ** than the writer must be about to drop to zero. In this case
000457      ** set the BTS_PENDING flag to 0.
000458      **
000459      ** If there is not currently a writer, then BTS_PENDING must
000460      ** be zero already. So this next line is harmless in that case.
000461      */
000462      pBt->btsFlags &= ~BTS_PENDING;
000463    }
000464  }
000466  /*
000467  ** This function changes all write-locks held by Btree p into read-locks.
000468  */
000469  static void downgradeAllSharedCacheTableLocks(Btree *p){
000470    BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
000471    if( pBt->pWriter==p ){
000472      BtLock *pLock;
000473      pBt->pWriter = 0;
000474      pBt->btsFlags &= ~(BTS_EXCLUSIVE|BTS_PENDING);
000475      for(pLock=pBt->pLock; pLock; pLock=pLock->pNext){
000476        assert( pLock->eLock==READ_LOCK || pLock->pBtree==p );
000477        pLock->eLock = READ_LOCK;
000478      }
000479    }
000480  }
000482  #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_SHARED_CACHE */
000484  static void releasePage(MemPage *pPage);         /* Forward reference */
000485  static void releasePageOne(MemPage *pPage);      /* Forward reference */
000486  static void releasePageNotNull(MemPage *pPage);  /* Forward reference */
000488  /*
000489  ***** This routine is used inside of assert() only ****
000490  **
000491  ** Verify that the cursor holds the mutex on its BtShared
000492  */
000493  #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG
000494  static int cursorHoldsMutex(BtCursor *p){
000495    return sqlite3_mutex_held(p->pBt->mutex);
000496  }
000498  /* Verify that the cursor and the BtShared agree about what is the current
000499  ** database connetion. This is important in shared-cache mode. If the database
000500  ** connection pointers get out-of-sync, it is possible for routines like
000501  ** btreeInitPage() to reference an stale connection pointer that references a
000502  ** a connection that has already closed.  This routine is used inside assert()
000503  ** statements only and for the purpose of double-checking that the btree code
000504  ** does keep the database connection pointers up-to-date.
000505  */
000506  static int cursorOwnsBtShared(BtCursor *p){
000507    assert( cursorHoldsMutex(p) );
000508    return (p->pBtree->db==p->pBt->db);
000509  }
000510  #endif
000512  /*
000513  ** Invalidate the overflow cache of the cursor passed as the first argument.
000514  ** on the shared btree structure pBt.
000515  */
000516  #define invalidateOverflowCache(pCur) (pCur->curFlags &= ~BTCF_ValidOvfl)
000518  /*
000519  ** Invalidate the overflow page-list cache for all cursors opened
000520  ** on the shared btree structure pBt.
000521  */
000522  static void invalidateAllOverflowCache(BtShared *pBt){
000523    BtCursor *p;
000524    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pBt->mutex) );
000525    for(p=pBt->pCursor; p; p=p->pNext){
000526      invalidateOverflowCache(p);
000527    }
000528  }
000530  #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_INCRBLOB
000531  /*
000532  ** This function is called before modifying the contents of a table
000533  ** to invalidate any incrblob cursors that are open on the
000534  ** row or one of the rows being modified.
000535  **
000536  ** If argument isClearTable is true, then the entire contents of the
000537  ** table is about to be deleted. In this case invalidate all incrblob
000538  ** cursors open on any row within the table with root-page pgnoRoot.
000539  **
000540  ** Otherwise, if argument isClearTable is false, then the row with
000541  ** rowid iRow is being replaced or deleted. In this case invalidate
000542  ** only those incrblob cursors open on that specific row.
000543  */
000544  static void invalidateIncrblobCursors(
000545    Btree *pBtree,          /* The database file to check */
000546    Pgno pgnoRoot,          /* The table that might be changing */
000547    i64 iRow,               /* The rowid that might be changing */
000548    int isClearTable        /* True if all rows are being deleted */
000549  ){
000550    BtCursor *p;
000551    assert( pBtree->hasIncrblobCur );
000552    assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsMutex(pBtree) );
000553    pBtree->hasIncrblobCur = 0;
000554    for(p=pBtree->pBt->pCursor; p; p=p->pNext){
000555      if( (p->curFlags & BTCF_Incrblob)!=0 ){
000556        pBtree->hasIncrblobCur = 1;
000557        if( p->pgnoRoot==pgnoRoot && (isClearTable || p->info.nKey==iRow) ){
000558          p->eState = CURSOR_INVALID;
000559        }
000560      }
000561    }
000562  }
000564  #else
000565    /* Stub function when INCRBLOB is omitted */
000566    #define invalidateIncrblobCursors(w,x,y,z)
000567  #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_INCRBLOB */
000569  /*
000570  ** Set bit pgno of the BtShared.pHasContent bitvec. This is called
000571  ** when a page that previously contained data becomes a free-list leaf
000572  ** page.
000573  **
000574  ** The BtShared.pHasContent bitvec exists to work around an obscure
000575  ** bug caused by the interaction of two useful IO optimizations surrounding
000576  ** free-list leaf pages:
000577  **
000578  **   1) When all data is deleted from a page and the page becomes
000579  **      a free-list leaf page, the page is not written to the database
000580  **      (as free-list leaf pages contain no meaningful data). Sometimes
000581  **      such a page is not even journalled (as it will not be modified,
000582  **      why bother journalling it?).
000583  **
000584  **   2) When a free-list leaf page is reused, its content is not read
000585  **      from the database or written to the journal file (why should it
000586  **      be, if it is not at all meaningful?).
000587  **
000588  ** By themselves, these optimizations work fine and provide a handy
000589  ** performance boost to bulk delete or insert operations. However, if
000590  ** a page is moved to the free-list and then reused within the same
000591  ** transaction, a problem comes up. If the page is not journalled when
000592  ** it is moved to the free-list and it is also not journalled when it
000593  ** is extracted from the free-list and reused, then the original data
000594  ** may be lost. In the event of a rollback, it may not be possible
000595  ** to restore the database to its original configuration.
000596  **
000597  ** The solution is the BtShared.pHasContent bitvec. Whenever a page is
000598  ** moved to become a free-list leaf page, the corresponding bit is
000599  ** set in the bitvec. Whenever a leaf page is extracted from the free-list,
000600  ** optimization 2 above is omitted if the corresponding bit is already
000601  ** set in BtShared.pHasContent. The contents of the bitvec are cleared
000602  ** at the end of every transaction.
000603  */
000604  static int btreeSetHasContent(BtShared *pBt, Pgno pgno){
000605    int rc = SQLITE_OK;
000606    if( !pBt->pHasContent ){
000607      assert( pgno<=pBt->nPage );
000608      pBt->pHasContent = sqlite3BitvecCreate(pBt->nPage);
000609      if( !pBt->pHasContent ){
000610        rc = SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
000611      }
000612    }
000613    if( rc==SQLITE_OK && pgno<=sqlite3BitvecSize(pBt->pHasContent) ){
000614      rc = sqlite3BitvecSet(pBt->pHasContent, pgno);
000615    }
000616    return rc;
000617  }
000619  /*
000620  ** Query the BtShared.pHasContent vector.
000621  **
000622  ** This function is called when a free-list leaf page is removed from the
000623  ** free-list for reuse. It returns false if it is safe to retrieve the
000624  ** page from the pager layer with the 'no-content' flag set. True otherwise.
000625  */
000626  static int btreeGetHasContent(BtShared *pBt, Pgno pgno){
000627    Bitvec *p = pBt->pHasContent;
000628    return p && (pgno>sqlite3BitvecSize(p) || sqlite3BitvecTestNotNull(p, pgno));
000629  }
000631  /*
000632  ** Clear (destroy) the BtShared.pHasContent bitvec. This should be
000633  ** invoked at the conclusion of each write-transaction.
000634  */
000635  static void btreeClearHasContent(BtShared *pBt){
000636    sqlite3BitvecDestroy(pBt->pHasContent);
000637    pBt->pHasContent = 0;
000638  }
000640  /*
000641  ** Release all of the apPage[] pages for a cursor.
000642  */
000643  static void btreeReleaseAllCursorPages(BtCursor *pCur){
000644    int i;
000645    if( pCur->iPage>=0 ){
000646      for(i=0; i<pCur->iPage; i++){
000647        releasePageNotNull(pCur->apPage[i]);
000648      }
000649      releasePageNotNull(pCur->pPage);
000650      pCur->iPage = -1;
000651    }
000652  }
000654  /*
000655  ** The cursor passed as the only argument must point to a valid entry
000656  ** when this function is called (i.e. have eState==CURSOR_VALID). This
000657  ** function saves the current cursor key in variables pCur->nKey and
000658  ** pCur->pKey. SQLITE_OK is returned if successful or an SQLite error
000659  ** code otherwise.
000660  **
000661  ** If the cursor is open on an intkey table, then the integer key
000662  ** (the rowid) is stored in pCur->nKey and pCur->pKey is left set to
000663  ** NULL. If the cursor is open on a non-intkey table, then pCur->pKey is
000664  ** set to point to a malloced buffer pCur->nKey bytes in size containing
000665  ** the key.
000666  */
000667  static int saveCursorKey(BtCursor *pCur){
000668    int rc = SQLITE_OK;
000669    assert( CURSOR_VALID==pCur->eState );
000670    assert( 0==pCur->pKey );
000671    assert( cursorHoldsMutex(pCur) );
000673    if( pCur->curIntKey ){
000674      /* Only the rowid is required for a table btree */
000675      pCur->nKey = sqlite3BtreeIntegerKey(pCur);
000676    }else{
000677      /* For an index btree, save the complete key content. It is possible
000678      ** that the current key is corrupt. In that case, it is possible that
000679      ** the sqlite3VdbeRecordUnpack() function may overread the buffer by
000680      ** up to the size of 1 varint plus 1 8-byte value when the cursor
000681      ** position is restored. Hence the 17 bytes of padding allocated
000682      ** below. */
000683      void *pKey;
000684      pCur->nKey = sqlite3BtreePayloadSize(pCur);
000685      pKey = sqlite3Malloc( pCur->nKey + 9 + 8 );
000686      if( pKey ){
000687        rc = sqlite3BtreePayload(pCur, 0, (int)pCur->nKey, pKey);
000688        if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
000689          memset(((u8*)pKey)+pCur->nKey, 0, 9+8);
000690          pCur->pKey = pKey;
000691        }else{
000692          sqlite3_free(pKey);
000693        }
000694      }else{
000695        rc = SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
000696      }
000697    }
000698    assert( !pCur->curIntKey || !pCur->pKey );
000699    return rc;
000700  }
000702  /*
000703  ** Save the current cursor position in the variables BtCursor.nKey
000704  ** and BtCursor.pKey. The cursor's state is set to CURSOR_REQUIRESEEK.
000705  **
000706  ** The caller must ensure that the cursor is valid (has eState==CURSOR_VALID)
000707  ** prior to calling this routine. 
000708  */
000709  static int saveCursorPosition(BtCursor *pCur){
000710    int rc;
000712    assert( CURSOR_VALID==pCur->eState || CURSOR_SKIPNEXT==pCur->eState );
000713    assert( 0==pCur->pKey );
000714    assert( cursorHoldsMutex(pCur) );
000716    if( pCur->curFlags & BTCF_Pinned ){
000717      return SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_PINNED;
000718    }
000719    if( pCur->eState==CURSOR_SKIPNEXT ){
000720      pCur->eState = CURSOR_VALID;
000721    }else{
000722      pCur->skipNext = 0;
000723    }
000725    rc = saveCursorKey(pCur);
000726    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
000727      btreeReleaseAllCursorPages(pCur);
000728      pCur->eState = CURSOR_REQUIRESEEK;
000729    }
000731    pCur->curFlags &= ~(BTCF_ValidNKey|BTCF_ValidOvfl|BTCF_AtLast);
000732    return rc;
000733  }
000735  /* Forward reference */
000736  static int SQLITE_NOINLINE saveCursorsOnList(BtCursor*,Pgno,BtCursor*);
000738  /*
000739  ** Save the positions of all cursors (except pExcept) that are open on
000740  ** the table with root-page iRoot.  "Saving the cursor position" means that
000741  ** the location in the btree is remembered in such a way that it can be
000742  ** moved back to the same spot after the btree has been modified.  This
000743  ** routine is called just before cursor pExcept is used to modify the
000744  ** table, for example in BtreeDelete() or BtreeInsert().
000745  **
000746  ** If there are two or more cursors on the same btree, then all such
000747  ** cursors should have their BTCF_Multiple flag set.  The btreeCursor()
000748  ** routine enforces that rule.  This routine only needs to be called in
000749  ** the uncommon case when pExpect has the BTCF_Multiple flag set.
000750  **
000751  ** If pExpect!=NULL and if no other cursors are found on the same root-page,
000752  ** then the BTCF_Multiple flag on pExpect is cleared, to avoid another
000753  ** pointless call to this routine.
000754  **
000755  ** Implementation note:  This routine merely checks to see if any cursors
000756  ** need to be saved.  It calls out to saveCursorsOnList() in the (unusual)
000757  ** event that cursors are in need to being saved.
000758  */
000759  static int saveAllCursors(BtShared *pBt, Pgno iRoot, BtCursor *pExcept){
000760    BtCursor *p;
000761    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pBt->mutex) );
000762    assert( pExcept==0 || pExcept->pBt==pBt );
000763    for(p=pBt->pCursor; p; p=p->pNext){
000764      if( p!=pExcept && (0==iRoot || p->pgnoRoot==iRoot) ) break;
000765    }
000766    if( p ) return saveCursorsOnList(p, iRoot, pExcept);
000767    if( pExcept ) pExcept->curFlags &= ~BTCF_Multiple;
000768    return SQLITE_OK;
000769  }
000771  /* This helper routine to saveAllCursors does the actual work of saving
000772  ** the cursors if and when a cursor is found that actually requires saving.
000773  ** The common case is that no cursors need to be saved, so this routine is
000774  ** broken out from its caller to avoid unnecessary stack pointer movement.
000775  */
000776  static int SQLITE_NOINLINE saveCursorsOnList(
000777    BtCursor *p,         /* The first cursor that needs saving */
000778    Pgno iRoot,          /* Only save cursor with this iRoot. Save all if zero */
000779    BtCursor *pExcept    /* Do not save this cursor */
000780  ){
000781    do{
000782      if( p!=pExcept && (0==iRoot || p->pgnoRoot==iRoot) ){
000783        if( p->eState==CURSOR_VALID || p->eState==CURSOR_SKIPNEXT ){
000784          int rc = saveCursorPosition(p);
000785          if( SQLITE_OK!=rc ){
000786            return rc;
000787          }
000788        }else{
000789          testcase( p->iPage>=0 );
000790          btreeReleaseAllCursorPages(p);
000791        }
000792      }
000793      p = p->pNext;
000794    }while( p );
000795    return SQLITE_OK;
000796  }
000798  /*
000799  ** Clear the current cursor position.
000800  */
000801  void sqlite3BtreeClearCursor(BtCursor *pCur){
000802    assert( cursorHoldsMutex(pCur) );
000803    sqlite3_free(pCur->pKey);
000804    pCur->pKey = 0;
000805    pCur->eState = CURSOR_INVALID;
000806  }
000808  /*
000809  ** In this version of BtreeMoveto, pKey is a packed index record
000810  ** such as is generated by the OP_MakeRecord opcode.  Unpack the
000811  ** record and then call sqlite3BtreeIndexMoveto() to do the work.
000812  */
000813  static int btreeMoveto(
000814    BtCursor *pCur,     /* Cursor open on the btree to be searched */
000815    const void *pKey,   /* Packed key if the btree is an index */
000816    i64 nKey,           /* Integer key for tables.  Size of pKey for indices */
000817    int bias,           /* Bias search to the high end */
000818    int *pRes           /* Write search results here */
000819  ){
000820    int rc;                    /* Status code */
000821    UnpackedRecord *pIdxKey;   /* Unpacked index key */
000823    if( pKey ){
000824      KeyInfo *pKeyInfo = pCur->pKeyInfo;
000825      assert( nKey==(i64)(int)nKey );
000826      pIdxKey = sqlite3VdbeAllocUnpackedRecord(pKeyInfo);
000827      if( pIdxKey==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
000828      sqlite3VdbeRecordUnpack(pKeyInfo, (int)nKey, pKey, pIdxKey);
000829      if( pIdxKey->nField==0 || pIdxKey->nField>pKeyInfo->nAllField ){
000830        rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
000831      }else{
000832        rc = sqlite3BtreeIndexMoveto(pCur, pIdxKey, pRes);
000833      }
000834      sqlite3DbFree(pCur->pKeyInfo->db, pIdxKey);
000835    }else{
000836      pIdxKey = 0;
000837      rc = sqlite3BtreeTableMoveto(pCur, nKey, bias, pRes);
000838    }
000839    return rc;
000840  }
000842  /*
000843  ** Restore the cursor to the position it was in (or as close to as possible)
000844  ** when saveCursorPosition() was called. Note that this call deletes the
000845  ** saved position info stored by saveCursorPosition(), so there can be
000846  ** at most one effective restoreCursorPosition() call after each
000847  ** saveCursorPosition().
000848  */
000849  static int btreeRestoreCursorPosition(BtCursor *pCur){
000850    int rc;
000851    int skipNext = 0;
000852    assert( cursorOwnsBtShared(pCur) );
000853    assert( pCur->eState>=CURSOR_REQUIRESEEK );
000854    if( pCur->eState==CURSOR_FAULT ){
000855      return pCur->skipNext;
000856    }
000857    pCur->eState = CURSOR_INVALID;
000858    if( sqlite3FaultSim(410) ){
000859      rc = SQLITE_IOERR;
000860    }else{
000861      rc = btreeMoveto(pCur, pCur->pKey, pCur->nKey, 0, &skipNext);
000862    }
000863    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
000864      sqlite3_free(pCur->pKey);
000865      pCur->pKey = 0;
000866      assert( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID || pCur->eState==CURSOR_INVALID );
000867      if( skipNext ) pCur->skipNext = skipNext;
000868      if( pCur->skipNext && pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID ){
000869        pCur->eState = CURSOR_SKIPNEXT;
000870      }
000871    }
000872    return rc;
000873  }
000875  #define restoreCursorPosition(p) \
000876    (p->eState>=CURSOR_REQUIRESEEK ? \
000877           btreeRestoreCursorPosition(p) : \
000878           SQLITE_OK)
000880  /*
000881  ** Determine whether or not a cursor has moved from the position where
000882  ** it was last placed, or has been invalidated for any other reason.
000883  ** Cursors can move when the row they are pointing at is deleted out
000884  ** from under them, for example.  Cursor might also move if a btree
000885  ** is rebalanced.
000886  **
000887  ** Calling this routine with a NULL cursor pointer returns false.
000888  **
000889  ** Use the separate sqlite3BtreeCursorRestore() routine to restore a cursor
000890  ** back to where it ought to be if this routine returns true.
000891  */
000892  int sqlite3BtreeCursorHasMoved(BtCursor *pCur){
000893    assert( EIGHT_BYTE_ALIGNMENT(pCur)
000894         || pCur==sqlite3BtreeFakeValidCursor() );
000895    assert( offsetof(BtCursor, eState)==0 );
000896    assert( sizeof(pCur->eState)==1 );
000897    return CURSOR_VALID != *(u8*)pCur;
000898  }
000900  /*
000901  ** Return a pointer to a fake BtCursor object that will always answer
000902  ** false to the sqlite3BtreeCursorHasMoved() routine above.  The fake
000903  ** cursor returned must not be used with any other Btree interface.
000904  */
000905  BtCursor *sqlite3BtreeFakeValidCursor(void){
000906    static u8 fakeCursor = CURSOR_VALID;
000907    assert( offsetof(BtCursor, eState)==0 );
000908    return (BtCursor*)&fakeCursor;
000909  }
000911  /*
000912  ** This routine restores a cursor back to its original position after it
000913  ** has been moved by some outside activity (such as a btree rebalance or
000914  ** a row having been deleted out from under the cursor). 
000915  **
000916  ** On success, the *pDifferentRow parameter is false if the cursor is left
000917  ** pointing at exactly the same row.  *pDifferntRow is the row the cursor
000918  ** was pointing to has been deleted, forcing the cursor to point to some
000919  ** nearby row.
000920  **
000921  ** This routine should only be called for a cursor that just returned
000922  ** TRUE from sqlite3BtreeCursorHasMoved().
000923  */
000924  int sqlite3BtreeCursorRestore(BtCursor *pCur, int *pDifferentRow){
000925    int rc;
000927    assert( pCur!=0 );
000928    assert( pCur->eState!=CURSOR_VALID );
000929    rc = restoreCursorPosition(pCur);
000930    if( rc ){
000931      *pDifferentRow = 1;
000932      return rc;
000933    }
000934    if( pCur->eState!=CURSOR_VALID ){
000935      *pDifferentRow = 1;
000936    }else{
000937      *pDifferentRow = 0;
000938    }
000939    return SQLITE_OK;
000940  }
000943  /*
000944  ** Provide hints to the cursor.  The particular hint given (and the type
000945  ** and number of the varargs parameters) is determined by the eHintType
000946  ** parameter.  See the definitions of the BTREE_HINT_* macros for details.
000947  */
000948  void sqlite3BtreeCursorHint(BtCursor *pCur, int eHintType, ...){
000949    /* Used only by system that substitute their own storage engine */
000950  #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG
000951    if( ALWAYS(eHintType==BTREE_HINT_RANGE) ){
000952      va_list ap;
000953      Expr *pExpr;
000954      Walker w;
000955      memset(&w, 0, sizeof(w));
000956      w.xExprCallback = sqlite3CursorRangeHintExprCheck;
000957      va_start(ap, eHintType);
000958      pExpr = va_arg(ap, Expr*);
000959      w.u.aMem = va_arg(ap, Mem*);
000960      va_end(ap);
000961      assert( pExpr!=0 );
000962      assert( w.u.aMem!=0 );
000963      sqlite3WalkExpr(&w, pExpr);
000964    }
000965  #endif /* SQLITE_DEBUG */
000966  }
000967  #endif /* SQLITE_ENABLE_CURSOR_HINTS */
000970  /*
000971  ** Provide flag hints to the cursor.
000972  */
000973  void sqlite3BtreeCursorHintFlags(BtCursor *pCur, unsigned x){
000974    assert( x==BTREE_SEEK_EQ || x==BTREE_BULKLOAD || x==0 );
000975    pCur->hints = x;
000976  }
000980  /*
000981  ** Given a page number of a regular database page, return the page
000982  ** number for the pointer-map page that contains the entry for the
000983  ** input page number.
000984  **
000985  ** Return 0 (not a valid page) for pgno==1 since there is
000986  ** no pointer map associated with page 1.  The integrity_check logic
000987  ** requires that ptrmapPageno(*,1)!=1.
000988  */
000989  static Pgno ptrmapPageno(BtShared *pBt, Pgno pgno){
000990    int nPagesPerMapPage;
000991    Pgno iPtrMap, ret;
000992    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pBt->mutex) );
000993    if( pgno<2 ) return 0;
000994    nPagesPerMapPage = (pBt->usableSize/5)+1;
000995    iPtrMap = (pgno-2)/nPagesPerMapPage;
000996    ret = (iPtrMap*nPagesPerMapPage) + 2;
000997    if( ret==PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) ){
000998      ret++;
000999    }
001000    return ret;
001001  }
001003  /*
001004  ** Write an entry into the pointer map.
001005  **
001006  ** This routine updates the pointer map entry for page number 'key'
001007  ** so that it maps to type 'eType' and parent page number 'pgno'.
001008  **
001009  ** If *pRC is initially non-zero (non-SQLITE_OK) then this routine is
001010  ** a no-op.  If an error occurs, the appropriate error code is written
001011  ** into *pRC.
001012  */
001013  static void ptrmapPut(BtShared *pBt, Pgno key, u8 eType, Pgno parent, int *pRC){
001014    DbPage *pDbPage;  /* The pointer map page */
001015    u8 *pPtrmap;      /* The pointer map data */
001016    Pgno iPtrmap;     /* The pointer map page number */
001017    int offset;       /* Offset in pointer map page */
001018    int rc;           /* Return code from subfunctions */
001020    if( *pRC ) return;
001022    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pBt->mutex) );
001023    /* The super-journal page number must never be used as a pointer map page */
001024    assert( 0==PTRMAP_ISPAGE(pBt, PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt)) );
001026    assert( pBt->autoVacuum );
001027    if( key==0 ){
001028      *pRC = SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
001029      return;
001030    }
001031    iPtrmap = PTRMAP_PAGENO(pBt, key);
001032    rc = sqlite3PagerGet(pBt->pPager, iPtrmap, &pDbPage, 0);
001033    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
001034      *pRC = rc;
001035      return;
001036    }
001037    if( ((char*)sqlite3PagerGetExtra(pDbPage))[0]!=0 ){
001038      /* The first byte of the extra data is the MemPage.isInit byte.
001039      ** If that byte is set, it means this page is also being used
001040      ** as a btree page. */
001041      *pRC = SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
001042      goto ptrmap_exit;
001043    }
001044    offset = PTRMAP_PTROFFSET(iPtrmap, key);
001045    if( offset<0 ){
001046      *pRC = SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
001047      goto ptrmap_exit;
001048    }
001049    assert( offset <= (int)pBt->usableSize-5 );
001050    pPtrmap = (u8 *)sqlite3PagerGetData(pDbPage);
001052    if( eType!=pPtrmap[offset] || get4byte(&pPtrmap[offset+1])!=parent ){
001053      TRACE(("PTRMAP_UPDATE: %u->(%u,%u)\n", key, eType, parent));
001054      *pRC= rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pDbPage);
001055      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
001056        pPtrmap[offset] = eType;
001057        put4byte(&pPtrmap[offset+1], parent);
001058      }
001059    }
001061  ptrmap_exit:
001062    sqlite3PagerUnref(pDbPage);
001063  }
001065  /*
001066  ** Read an entry from the pointer map.
001067  **
001068  ** This routine retrieves the pointer map entry for page 'key', writing
001069  ** the type and parent page number to *pEType and *pPgno respectively.
001070  ** An error code is returned if something goes wrong, otherwise SQLITE_OK.
001071  */
001072  static int ptrmapGet(BtShared *pBt, Pgno key, u8 *pEType, Pgno *pPgno){
001073    DbPage *pDbPage;   /* The pointer map page */
001074    int iPtrmap;       /* Pointer map page index */
001075    u8 *pPtrmap;       /* Pointer map page data */
001076    int offset;        /* Offset of entry in pointer map */
001077    int rc;
001079    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pBt->mutex) );
001081    iPtrmap = PTRMAP_PAGENO(pBt, key);
001082    rc = sqlite3PagerGet(pBt->pPager, iPtrmap, &pDbPage, 0);
001083    if( rc!=0 ){
001084      return rc;
001085    }
001086    pPtrmap = (u8 *)sqlite3PagerGetData(pDbPage);
001088    offset = PTRMAP_PTROFFSET(iPtrmap, key);
001089    if( offset<0 ){
001090      sqlite3PagerUnref(pDbPage);
001091      return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
001092    }
001093    assert( offset <= (int)pBt->usableSize-5 );
001094    assert( pEType!=0 );
001095    *pEType = pPtrmap[offset];
001096    if( pPgno ) *pPgno = get4byte(&pPtrmap[offset+1]);
001098    sqlite3PagerUnref(pDbPage);
001099    if( *pEType<1 || *pEType>5 ) return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PGNO(iPtrmap);
001100    return SQLITE_OK;
001101  }
001103  #else /* if defined SQLITE_OMIT_AUTOVACUUM */
001104    #define ptrmapPut(w,x,y,z,rc)
001105    #define ptrmapGet(w,x,y,z) SQLITE_OK
001106    #define ptrmapPutOvflPtr(x, y, z, rc)
001107  #endif
001109  /*
001110  ** Given a btree page and a cell index (0 means the first cell on
001111  ** the page, 1 means the second cell, and so forth) return a pointer
001112  ** to the cell content.
001113  **
001114  ** findCellPastPtr() does the same except it skips past the initial
001115  ** 4-byte child pointer found on interior pages, if there is one.
001116  **
001117  ** This routine works only for pages that do not contain overflow cells.
001118  */
001119  #define findCell(P,I) \
001120    ((P)->aData + ((P)->maskPage & get2byteAligned(&(P)->aCellIdx[2*(I)])))
001121  #define findCellPastPtr(P,I) \
001122    ((P)->aDataOfst + ((P)->maskPage & get2byteAligned(&(P)->aCellIdx[2*(I)])))
001125  /*
001126  ** This is common tail processing for btreeParseCellPtr() and
001127  ** btreeParseCellPtrIndex() for the case when the cell does not fit entirely
001128  ** on a single B-tree page.  Make necessary adjustments to the CellInfo
001129  ** structure.
001130  */
001131  static SQLITE_NOINLINE void btreeParseCellAdjustSizeForOverflow(
001132    MemPage *pPage,         /* Page containing the cell */
001133    u8 *pCell,              /* Pointer to the cell text. */
001134    CellInfo *pInfo         /* Fill in this structure */
001135  ){
001136    /* If the payload will not fit completely on the local page, we have
001137    ** to decide how much to store locally and how much to spill onto
001138    ** overflow pages.  The strategy is to minimize the amount of unused
001139    ** space on overflow pages while keeping the amount of local storage
001140    ** in between minLocal and maxLocal.
001141    **
001142    ** Warning:  changing the way overflow payload is distributed in any
001143    ** way will result in an incompatible file format.
001144    */
001145    int minLocal;  /* Minimum amount of payload held locally */
001146    int maxLocal;  /* Maximum amount of payload held locally */
001147    int surplus;   /* Overflow payload available for local storage */
001149    minLocal = pPage->minLocal;
001150    maxLocal = pPage->maxLocal;
001151    surplus = minLocal + (pInfo->nPayload - minLocal)%(pPage->pBt->usableSize-4);
001152    testcase( surplus==maxLocal );
001153    testcase( surplus==maxLocal+1 );
001154    if( surplus <= maxLocal ){
001155      pInfo->nLocal = (u16)surplus;
001156    }else{
001157      pInfo->nLocal = (u16)minLocal;
001158    }
001159    pInfo->nSize = (u16)(&pInfo->pPayload[pInfo->nLocal] - pCell) + 4;
001160  }
001162  /*
001163  ** Given a record with nPayload bytes of payload stored within btree
001164  ** page pPage, return the number of bytes of payload stored locally.
001165  */
001166  static int btreePayloadToLocal(MemPage *pPage, i64 nPayload){
001167    int maxLocal;  /* Maximum amount of payload held locally */
001168    maxLocal = pPage->maxLocal;
001169    if( nPayload<=maxLocal ){
001170      return nPayload;
001171    }else{
001172      int minLocal;  /* Minimum amount of payload held locally */
001173      int surplus;   /* Overflow payload available for local storage */
001174      minLocal = pPage->minLocal;
001175      surplus = minLocal + (nPayload - minLocal)%(pPage->pBt->usableSize-4);
001176      return ( surplus <= maxLocal ) ? surplus : minLocal;
001177    }
001178  }
001180  /*
001181  ** The following routines are implementations of the MemPage.xParseCell()
001182  ** method.
001183  **
001184  ** Parse a cell content block and fill in the CellInfo structure.
001185  **
001186  ** btreeParseCellPtr()        =>   table btree leaf nodes
001187  ** btreeParseCellNoPayload()  =>   table btree internal nodes
001188  ** btreeParseCellPtrIndex()   =>   index btree nodes
001189  **
001190  ** There is also a wrapper function btreeParseCell() that works for
001191  ** all MemPage types and that references the cell by index rather than
001192  ** by pointer.
001193  */
001194  static void btreeParseCellPtrNoPayload(
001195    MemPage *pPage,         /* Page containing the cell */
001196    u8 *pCell,              /* Pointer to the cell text. */
001197    CellInfo *pInfo         /* Fill in this structure */
001198  ){
001199    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pPage->pBt->mutex) );
001200    assert( pPage->leaf==0 );
001201    assert( pPage->childPtrSize==4 );
001202  #ifndef SQLITE_DEBUG
001203    UNUSED_PARAMETER(pPage);
001204  #endif
001205    pInfo->nSize = 4 + getVarint(&pCell[4], (u64*)&pInfo->nKey);
001206    pInfo->nPayload = 0;
001207    pInfo->nLocal = 0;
001208    pInfo->pPayload = 0;
001209    return;
001210  }
001211  static void btreeParseCellPtr(
001212    MemPage *pPage,         /* Page containing the cell */
001213    u8 *pCell,              /* Pointer to the cell text. */
001214    CellInfo *pInfo         /* Fill in this structure */
001215  ){
001216    u8 *pIter;              /* For scanning through pCell */
001217    u32 nPayload;           /* Number of bytes of cell payload */
001218    u64 iKey;               /* Extracted Key value */
001220    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pPage->pBt->mutex) );
001221    assert( pPage->leaf==0 || pPage->leaf==1 );
001222    assert( pPage->intKeyLeaf );
001223    assert( pPage->childPtrSize==0 );
001224    pIter = pCell;
001226    /* The next block of code is equivalent to:
001227    **
001228    **     pIter += getVarint32(pIter, nPayload);
001229    **
001230    ** The code is inlined to avoid a function call.
001231    */
001232    nPayload = *pIter;
001233    if( nPayload>=0x80 ){
001234      u8 *pEnd = &pIter[8];
001235      nPayload &= 0x7f;
001236      do{
001237        nPayload = (nPayload<<7) | (*++pIter & 0x7f);
001238      }while( (*pIter)>=0x80 && pIter<pEnd );
001239    }
001240    pIter++;
001242    /* The next block of code is equivalent to:
001243    **
001244    **     pIter += getVarint(pIter, (u64*)&pInfo->nKey);
001245    **
001246    ** The code is inlined and the loop is unrolled for performance.
001247    ** This routine is a high-runner.
001248    */
001249    iKey = *pIter;
001250    if( iKey>=0x80 ){
001251      u8 x;
001252      iKey = (iKey<<7) ^ (x = *++pIter);
001253      if( x>=0x80 ){
001254        iKey = (iKey<<7) ^ (x = *++pIter);
001255        if( x>=0x80 ){
001256          iKey = (iKey<<7) ^ 0x10204000 ^ (x = *++pIter);
001257          if( x>=0x80 ){
001258            iKey = (iKey<<7) ^ 0x4000 ^ (x = *++pIter);
001259            if( x>=0x80 ){
001260              iKey = (iKey<<7) ^ 0x4000 ^ (x = *++pIter);
001261              if( x>=0x80 ){
001262                iKey = (iKey<<7) ^ 0x4000 ^ (x = *++pIter);
001263                if( x>=0x80 ){
001264                  iKey = (iKey<<7) ^ 0x4000 ^ (x = *++pIter);
001265                  if( x>=0x80 ){
001266                    iKey = (iKey<<8) ^ 0x8000 ^ (*++pIter);
001267                  }
001268                }
001269              }
001270            }
001271          }
001272        }else{
001273          iKey ^= 0x204000;
001274        }
001275      }else{
001276        iKey ^= 0x4000;
001277      }
001278    }
001279    pIter++;
001281    pInfo->nKey = *(i64*)&iKey;
001282    pInfo->nPayload = nPayload;
001283    pInfo->pPayload = pIter;
001284    testcase( nPayload==pPage->maxLocal );
001285    testcase( nPayload==(u32)pPage->maxLocal+1 );
001286    if( nPayload<=pPage->maxLocal ){
001287      /* This is the (easy) common case where the entire payload fits
001288      ** on the local page.  No overflow is required.
001289      */
001290      pInfo->nSize = nPayload + (u16)(pIter - pCell);
001291      if( pInfo->nSize<4 ) pInfo->nSize = 4;
001292      pInfo->nLocal = (u16)nPayload;
001293    }else{
001294      btreeParseCellAdjustSizeForOverflow(pPage, pCell, pInfo);
001295    }
001296  }
001297  static void btreeParseCellPtrIndex(
001298    MemPage *pPage,         /* Page containing the cell */
001299    u8 *pCell,              /* Pointer to the cell text. */
001300    CellInfo *pInfo         /* Fill in this structure */
001301  ){
001302    u8 *pIter;              /* For scanning through pCell */
001303    u32 nPayload;           /* Number of bytes of cell payload */
001305    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pPage->pBt->mutex) );
001306    assert( pPage->leaf==0 || pPage->leaf==1 );
001307    assert( pPage->intKeyLeaf==0 );
001308    pIter = pCell + pPage->childPtrSize;
001309    nPayload = *pIter;
001310    if( nPayload>=0x80 ){
001311      u8 *pEnd = &pIter[8];
001312      nPayload &= 0x7f;
001313      do{
001314        nPayload = (nPayload<<7) | (*++pIter & 0x7f);
001315      }while( *(pIter)>=0x80 && pIter<pEnd );
001316    }
001317    pIter++;
001318    pInfo->nKey = nPayload;
001319    pInfo->nPayload = nPayload;
001320    pInfo->pPayload = pIter;
001321    testcase( nPayload==pPage->maxLocal );
001322    testcase( nPayload==(u32)pPage->maxLocal+1 );
001323    if( nPayload<=pPage->maxLocal ){
001324      /* This is the (easy) common case where the entire payload fits
001325      ** on the local page.  No overflow is required.
001326      */
001327      pInfo->nSize = nPayload + (u16)(pIter - pCell);
001328      if( pInfo->nSize<4 ) pInfo->nSize = 4;
001329      pInfo->nLocal = (u16)nPayload;
001330    }else{
001331      btreeParseCellAdjustSizeForOverflow(pPage, pCell, pInfo);
001332    }
001333  }
001334  static void btreeParseCell(
001335    MemPage *pPage,         /* Page containing the cell */
001336    int iCell,              /* The cell index.  First cell is 0 */
001337    CellInfo *pInfo         /* Fill in this structure */
001338  ){
001339    pPage->xParseCell(pPage, findCell(pPage, iCell), pInfo);
001340  }
001342  /*
001343  ** The following routines are implementations of the MemPage.xCellSize
001344  ** method.
001345  **
001346  ** Compute the total number of bytes that a Cell needs in the cell
001347  ** data area of the btree-page.  The return number includes the cell
001348  ** data header and the local payload, but not any overflow page or
001349  ** the space used by the cell pointer.
001350  **
001351  ** cellSizePtrNoPayload()    =>   table internal nodes
001352  ** cellSizePtrTableLeaf()    =>   table leaf nodes
001353  ** cellSizePtr()             =>   index internal nodes
001354  ** cellSizeIdxLeaf()         =>   index leaf nodes
001355  */
001356  static u16 cellSizePtr(MemPage *pPage, u8 *pCell){
001357    u8 *pIter = pCell + 4;                   /* For looping over bytes of pCell */
001358    u8 *pEnd;                                /* End mark for a varint */
001359    u32 nSize;                               /* Size value to return */
001361  #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG
001362    /* The value returned by this function should always be the same as
001363    ** the (CellInfo.nSize) value found by doing a full parse of the
001364    ** cell. If SQLITE_DEBUG is defined, an assert() at the bottom of
001365    ** this function verifies that this invariant is not violated. */
001366    CellInfo debuginfo;
001367    pPage->xParseCell(pPage, pCell, &debuginfo);
001368  #endif
001370    assert( pPage->childPtrSize==4 );
001371    nSize = *pIter;
001372    if( nSize>=0x80 ){
001373      pEnd = &pIter[8];
001374      nSize &= 0x7f;
001375      do{
001376        nSize = (nSize<<7) | (*++pIter & 0x7f);
001377      }while( *(pIter)>=0x80 && pIter<pEnd );
001378    }
001379    pIter++;
001380    testcase( nSize==pPage->maxLocal );
001381    testcase( nSize==(u32)pPage->maxLocal+1 );
001382    if( nSize<=pPage->maxLocal ){
001383      nSize += (u32)(pIter - pCell);
001384      assert( nSize>4 );
001385    }else{
001386      int minLocal = pPage->minLocal;
001387      nSize = minLocal + (nSize - minLocal) % (pPage->pBt->usableSize - 4);
001388      testcase( nSize==pPage->maxLocal );
001389      testcase( nSize==(u32)pPage->maxLocal+1 );
001390      if( nSize>pPage->maxLocal ){
001391        nSize = minLocal;
001392      }
001393      nSize += 4 + (u16)(pIter - pCell);
001394    }
001395    assert( nSize==debuginfo.nSize || CORRUPT_DB );
001396    return (u16)nSize;
001397  }
001398  static u16 cellSizePtrIdxLeaf(MemPage *pPage, u8 *pCell){
001399    u8 *pIter = pCell;                       /* For looping over bytes of pCell */
001400    u8 *pEnd;                                /* End mark for a varint */
001401    u32 nSize;                               /* Size value to return */
001403  #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG
001404    /* The value returned by this function should always be the same as
001405    ** the (CellInfo.nSize) value found by doing a full parse of the
001406    ** cell. If SQLITE_DEBUG is defined, an assert() at the bottom of
001407    ** this function verifies that this invariant is not violated. */
001408    CellInfo debuginfo;
001409    pPage->xParseCell(pPage, pCell, &debuginfo);
001410  #endif
001412    assert( pPage->childPtrSize==0 );
001413    nSize = *pIter;
001414    if( nSize>=0x80 ){
001415      pEnd = &pIter[8];
001416      nSize &= 0x7f;
001417      do{
001418        nSize = (nSize<<7) | (*++pIter & 0x7f);
001419      }while( *(pIter)>=0x80 && pIter<pEnd );
001420    }
001421    pIter++;
001422    testcase( nSize==pPage->maxLocal );
001423    testcase( nSize==(u32)pPage->maxLocal+1 );
001424    if( nSize<=pPage->maxLocal ){
001425      nSize += (u32)(pIter - pCell);
001426      if( nSize<4 ) nSize = 4;
001427    }else{
001428      int minLocal = pPage->minLocal;
001429      nSize = minLocal + (nSize - minLocal) % (pPage->pBt->usableSize - 4);
001430      testcase( nSize==pPage->maxLocal );
001431      testcase( nSize==(u32)pPage->maxLocal+1 );
001432      if( nSize>pPage->maxLocal ){
001433        nSize = minLocal;
001434      }
001435      nSize += 4 + (u16)(pIter - pCell);
001436    }
001437    assert( nSize==debuginfo.nSize || CORRUPT_DB );
001438    return (u16)nSize;
001439  }
001440  static u16 cellSizePtrNoPayload(MemPage *pPage, u8 *pCell){
001441    u8 *pIter = pCell + 4; /* For looping over bytes of pCell */
001442    u8 *pEnd;              /* End mark for a varint */
001444  #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG
001445    /* The value returned by this function should always be the same as
001446    ** the (CellInfo.nSize) value found by doing a full parse of the
001447    ** cell. If SQLITE_DEBUG is defined, an assert() at the bottom of
001448    ** this function verifies that this invariant is not violated. */
001449    CellInfo debuginfo;
001450    pPage->xParseCell(pPage, pCell, &debuginfo);
001451  #else
001452    UNUSED_PARAMETER(pPage);
001453  #endif
001455    assert( pPage->childPtrSize==4 );
001456    pEnd = pIter + 9;
001457    while( (*pIter++)&0x80 && pIter<pEnd );
001458    assert( debuginfo.nSize==(u16)(pIter - pCell) || CORRUPT_DB );
001459    return (u16)(pIter - pCell);
001460  }
001461  static u16 cellSizePtrTableLeaf(MemPage *pPage, u8 *pCell){
001462    u8 *pIter = pCell;   /* For looping over bytes of pCell */
001463    u8 *pEnd;            /* End mark for a varint */
001464    u32 nSize;           /* Size value to return */
001466  #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG
001467    /* The value returned by this function should always be the same as
001468    ** the (CellInfo.nSize) value found by doing a full parse of the
001469    ** cell. If SQLITE_DEBUG is defined, an assert() at the bottom of
001470    ** this function verifies that this invariant is not violated. */
001471    CellInfo debuginfo;
001472    pPage->xParseCell(pPage, pCell, &debuginfo);
001473  #endif
001475    nSize = *pIter;
001476    if( nSize>=0x80 ){
001477      pEnd = &pIter[8];
001478      nSize &= 0x7f;
001479      do{
001480        nSize = (nSize<<7) | (*++pIter & 0x7f);
001481      }while( *(pIter)>=0x80 && pIter<pEnd );
001482    }
001483    pIter++;
001484    /* pIter now points at the 64-bit integer key value, a variable length
001485    ** integer. The following block moves pIter to point at the first byte
001486    ** past the end of the key value. */
001487    if( (*pIter++)&0x80
001488     && (*pIter++)&0x80
001489     && (*pIter++)&0x80
001490     && (*pIter++)&0x80
001491     && (*pIter++)&0x80
001492     && (*pIter++)&0x80
001493     && (*pIter++)&0x80
001494     && (*pIter++)&0x80 ){ pIter++; }
001495    testcase( nSize==pPage->maxLocal );
001496    testcase( nSize==(u32)pPage->maxLocal+1 );
001497    if( nSize<=pPage->maxLocal ){
001498      nSize += (u32)(pIter - pCell);
001499      if( nSize<4 ) nSize = 4;
001500    }else{
001501      int minLocal = pPage->minLocal;
001502      nSize = minLocal + (nSize - minLocal) % (pPage->pBt->usableSize - 4);
001503      testcase( nSize==pPage->maxLocal );
001504      testcase( nSize==(u32)pPage->maxLocal+1 );
001505      if( nSize>pPage->maxLocal ){
001506        nSize = minLocal;
001507      }
001508      nSize += 4 + (u16)(pIter - pCell);
001509    }
001510    assert( nSize==debuginfo.nSize || CORRUPT_DB );
001511    return (u16)nSize;
001512  }
001515  #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG
001516  /* This variation on cellSizePtr() is used inside of assert() statements
001517  ** only. */
001518  static u16 cellSize(MemPage *pPage, int iCell){
001519    return pPage->xCellSize(pPage, findCell(pPage, iCell));
001520  }
001521  #endif
001524  /*
001525  ** The cell pCell is currently part of page pSrc but will ultimately be part
001526  ** of pPage.  (pSrc and pPage are often the same.)  If pCell contains a
001527  ** pointer to an overflow page, insert an entry into the pointer-map for
001528  ** the overflow page that will be valid after pCell has been moved to pPage.
001529  */
001530  static void ptrmapPutOvflPtr(MemPage *pPage, MemPage *pSrc, u8 *pCell,int *pRC){
001531    CellInfo info;
001532    if( *pRC ) return;
001533    assert( pCell!=0 );
001534    pPage->xParseCell(pPage, pCell, &info);
001535    if( info.nLocal<info.nPayload ){
001536      Pgno ovfl;
001537      if( SQLITE_OVERFLOW(pSrc->aDataEnd, pCell, pCell+info.nLocal) ){
001538        testcase( pSrc!=pPage );
001539        *pRC = SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
001540        return;
001541      }
001542      ovfl = get4byte(&pCell[info.nSize-4]);
001543      ptrmapPut(pPage->pBt, ovfl, PTRMAP_OVERFLOW1, pPage->pgno, pRC);
001544    }
001545  }
001546  #endif
001549  /*
001550  ** Defragment the page given. This routine reorganizes cells within the
001551  ** page so that there are no free-blocks on the free-block list.
001552  **
001553  ** Parameter nMaxFrag is the maximum amount of fragmented space that may be
001554  ** present in the page after this routine returns.
001555  **
001556  ** EVIDENCE-OF: R-44582-60138 SQLite may from time to time reorganize a
001557  ** b-tree page so that there are no freeblocks or fragment bytes, all
001558  ** unused bytes are contained in the unallocated space region, and all
001559  ** cells are packed tightly at the end of the page.
001560  */
001561  static int defragmentPage(MemPage *pPage, int nMaxFrag){
001562    int i;                     /* Loop counter */
001563    int pc;                    /* Address of the i-th cell */
001564    int hdr;                   /* Offset to the page header */
001565    int size;                  /* Size of a cell */
001566    int usableSize;            /* Number of usable bytes on a page */
001567    int cellOffset;            /* Offset to the cell pointer array */
001568    int cbrk;                  /* Offset to the cell content area */
001569    int nCell;                 /* Number of cells on the page */
001570    unsigned char *data;       /* The page data */
001571    unsigned char *temp;       /* Temp area for cell content */
001572    unsigned char *src;        /* Source of content */
001573    int iCellFirst;            /* First allowable cell index */
001574    int iCellLast;             /* Last possible cell index */
001575    int iCellStart;            /* First cell offset in input */
001577    assert( sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pPage->pDbPage) );
001578    assert( pPage->pBt!=0 );
001579    assert( pPage->pBt->usableSize <= SQLITE_MAX_PAGE_SIZE );
001580    assert( pPage->nOverflow==0 );
001581    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pPage->pBt->mutex) );
001582    data = pPage->aData;
001583    hdr = pPage->hdrOffset;
001584    cellOffset = pPage->cellOffset;
001585    nCell = pPage->nCell;
001586    assert( nCell==get2byte(&data[hdr+3]) || CORRUPT_DB );
001587    iCellFirst = cellOffset + 2*nCell;
001588    usableSize = pPage->pBt->usableSize;
001590    /* This block handles pages with two or fewer free blocks and nMaxFrag
001591    ** or fewer fragmented bytes. In this case it is faster to move the
001592    ** two (or one) blocks of cells using memmove() and add the required
001593    ** offsets to each pointer in the cell-pointer array than it is to
001594    ** reconstruct the entire page.  */
001595    if( (int)data[hdr+7]<=nMaxFrag ){
001596      int iFree = get2byte(&data[hdr+1]);
001597      if( iFree>usableSize-4 ) return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
001598      if( iFree ){
001599        int iFree2 = get2byte(&data[iFree]);
001600        if( iFree2>usableSize-4 ) return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
001601        if( 0==iFree2 || (data[iFree2]==0 && data[iFree2+1]==0) ){
001602          u8 *pEnd = &data[cellOffset + nCell*2];
001603          u8 *pAddr;
001604          int sz2 = 0;
001605          int sz = get2byte(&data[iFree+2]);
001606          int top = get2byte(&data[hdr+5]);
001607          if( top>=iFree ){
001608            return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
001609          }
001610          if( iFree2 ){
001611            if( iFree+sz>iFree2 ) return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
001612            sz2 = get2byte(&data[iFree2+2]);
001613            if( iFree2+sz2 > usableSize ) return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
001614            memmove(&data[iFree+sz+sz2], &data[iFree+sz], iFree2-(iFree+sz));
001615            sz += sz2;
001616          }else if( iFree+sz>usableSize ){
001617            return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
001618          }
001620          cbrk = top+sz;
001621          assert( cbrk+(iFree-top) <= usableSize );
001622          memmove(&data[cbrk], &data[top], iFree-top);
001623          for(pAddr=&data[cellOffset]; pAddr<pEnd; pAddr+=2){
001624            pc = get2byte(pAddr);
001625            if( pc<iFree ){ put2byte(pAddr, pc+sz); }
001626            else if( pc<iFree2 ){ put2byte(pAddr, pc+sz2); }
001627          }
001628          goto defragment_out;
001629        }
001630      }
001631    }
001633    cbrk = usableSize;
001634    iCellLast = usableSize - 4;
001635    iCellStart = get2byte(&data[hdr+5]);
001636    if( nCell>0 ){
001637      temp = sqlite3PagerTempSpace(pPage->pBt->pPager);
001638      memcpy(temp, data, usableSize);
001639      src = temp;
001640      for(i=0; i<nCell; i++){
001641        u8 *pAddr;     /* The i-th cell pointer */
001642        pAddr = &data[cellOffset + i*2];
001643        pc = get2byte(pAddr);
001644        testcase( pc==iCellFirst );
001645        testcase( pc==iCellLast );
001646        /* These conditions have already been verified in btreeInitPage()
001647        ** if PRAGMA cell_size_check=ON.
001648        */
001649        if( pc>iCellLast ){
001650          return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
001651        }
001652        assert( pc>=0 && pc<=iCellLast );
001653        size = pPage->xCellSize(pPage, &src[pc]);
001654        cbrk -= size;
001655        if( cbrk<iCellStart || pc+size>usableSize ){
001656          return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
001657        }
001658        assert( cbrk+size<=usableSize && cbrk>=iCellStart );
001659        testcase( cbrk+size==usableSize );
001660        testcase( pc+size==usableSize );
001661        put2byte(pAddr, cbrk);
001662        memcpy(&data[cbrk], &src[pc], size);
001663      }
001664    }
001665    data[hdr+7] = 0;
001667  defragment_out:
001668    assert( pPage->nFree>=0 );
001669    if( data[hdr+7]+cbrk-iCellFirst!=pPage->nFree ){
001670      return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
001671    }
001672    assert( cbrk>=iCellFirst );
001673    put2byte(&data[hdr+5], cbrk);
001674    data[hdr+1] = 0;
001675    data[hdr+2] = 0;
001676    memset(&data[iCellFirst], 0, cbrk-iCellFirst);
001677    assert( sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pPage->pDbPage) );
001678    return SQLITE_OK;
001679  }
001681  /*
001682  ** Search the free-list on page pPg for space to store a cell nByte bytes in
001683  ** size. If one can be found, return a pointer to the space and remove it
001684  ** from the free-list.
001685  **
001686  ** If no suitable space can be found on the free-list, return NULL.
001687  **
001688  ** This function may detect corruption within pPg.  If corruption is
001689  ** detected then *pRc is set to SQLITE_CORRUPT and NULL is returned.
001690  **
001691  ** Slots on the free list that are between 1 and 3 bytes larger than nByte
001692  ** will be ignored if adding the extra space to the fragmentation count
001693  ** causes the fragmentation count to exceed 60.
001694  */
001695  static u8 *pageFindSlot(MemPage *pPg, int nByte, int *pRc){
001696    const int hdr = pPg->hdrOffset;            /* Offset to page header */
001697    u8 * const aData = pPg->aData;             /* Page data */
001698    int iAddr = hdr + 1;                       /* Address of ptr to pc */
001699    u8 *pTmp = &aData[iAddr];                  /* Temporary ptr into aData[] */
001700    int pc = get2byte(pTmp);                   /* Address of a free slot */
001701    int x;                                     /* Excess size of the slot */
001702    int maxPC = pPg->pBt->usableSize - nByte;  /* Max address for a usable slot */
001703    int size;                                  /* Size of the free slot */
001705    assert( pc>0 );
001706    while( pc<=maxPC ){
001707      /* EVIDENCE-OF: R-22710-53328 The third and fourth bytes of each
001708      ** freeblock form a big-endian integer which is the size of the freeblock
001709      ** in bytes, including the 4-byte header. */
001710      pTmp = &aData[pc+2];
001711      size = get2byte(pTmp);
001712      if( (x = size - nByte)>=0 ){
001713        testcase( x==4 );
001714        testcase( x==3 );
001715        if( x<4 ){
001716          /* EVIDENCE-OF: R-11498-58022 In a well-formed b-tree page, the total
001717          ** number of bytes in fragments may not exceed 60. */
001718          if( aData[hdr+7]>57 ) return 0;
001720          /* Remove the slot from the free-list. Update the number of
001721          ** fragmented bytes within the page. */
001722          memcpy(&aData[iAddr], &aData[pc], 2);
001723          aData[hdr+7] += (u8)x;
001724          return &aData[pc];
001725        }else if( x+pc > maxPC ){
001726          /* This slot extends off the end of the usable part of the page */
001727          *pRc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPg);
001728          return 0;
001729        }else{
001730          /* The slot remains on the free-list. Reduce its size to account
001731          ** for the portion used by the new allocation. */
001732          put2byte(&aData[pc+2], x);
001733        }
001734        return &aData[pc + x];
001735      }
001736      iAddr = pc;
001737      pTmp = &aData[pc];
001738      pc = get2byte(pTmp);
001739      if( pc<=iAddr ){
001740        if( pc ){
001741          /* The next slot in the chain comes before the current slot */
001742          *pRc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPg);
001743        }
001744        return 0;
001745      }
001746    }
001747    if( pc>maxPC+nByte-4 ){
001748      /* The free slot chain extends off the end of the page */
001749      *pRc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPg);
001750    }
001751    return 0;
001752  }
001754  /*
001755  ** Allocate nByte bytes of space from within the B-Tree page passed
001756  ** as the first argument. Write into *pIdx the index into pPage->aData[]
001757  ** of the first byte of allocated space. Return either SQLITE_OK or
001758  ** an error code (usually SQLITE_CORRUPT).
001759  **
001760  ** The caller guarantees that there is sufficient space to make the
001761  ** allocation.  This routine might need to defragment in order to bring
001762  ** all the space together, however.  This routine will avoid using
001763  ** the first two bytes past the cell pointer area since presumably this
001764  ** allocation is being made in order to insert a new cell, so we will
001765  ** also end up needing a new cell pointer.
001766  */
001767  static SQLITE_INLINE int allocateSpace(MemPage *pPage, int nByte, int *pIdx){
001768    const int hdr = pPage->hdrOffset;    /* Local cache of pPage->hdrOffset */
001769    u8 * const data = pPage->aData;      /* Local cache of pPage->aData */
001770    int top;                             /* First byte of cell content area */
001771    int rc = SQLITE_OK;                  /* Integer return code */
001772    u8 *pTmp;                            /* Temp ptr into data[] */
001773    int gap;        /* First byte of gap between cell pointers and cell content */
001775    assert( sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pPage->pDbPage) );
001776    assert( pPage->pBt );
001777    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pPage->pBt->mutex) );
001778    assert( nByte>=0 );  /* Minimum cell size is 4 */
001779    assert( pPage->nFree>=nByte );
001780    assert( pPage->nOverflow==0 );
001781    assert( nByte < (int)(pPage->pBt->usableSize-8) );
001783    assert( pPage->cellOffset == hdr + 12 - 4*pPage->leaf );
001784    gap = pPage->cellOffset + 2*pPage->nCell;
001785    assert( gap<=65536 );
001786    /* EVIDENCE-OF: R-29356-02391 If the database uses a 65536-byte page size
001787    ** and the reserved space is zero (the usual value for reserved space)
001788    ** then the cell content offset of an empty page wants to be 65536.
001789    ** However, that integer is too large to be stored in a 2-byte unsigned
001790    ** integer, so a value of 0 is used in its place. */
001791    pTmp = &data[hdr+5];
001792    top = get2byte(pTmp);
001793    if( gap>top ){
001794      if( top==0 && pPage->pBt->usableSize==65536 ){
001795        top = 65536;
001796      }else{
001797        return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
001798      }
001799    }else if( top>(int)pPage->pBt->usableSize ){
001800      return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
001801    }
001803    /* If there is enough space between gap and top for one more cell pointer,
001804    ** and if the freelist is not empty, then search the
001805    ** freelist looking for a slot big enough to satisfy the request.
001806    */
001807    testcase( gap+2==top );
001808    testcase( gap+1==top );
001809    testcase( gap==top );
001810    if( (data[hdr+2] || data[hdr+1]) && gap+2<=top ){
001811      u8 *pSpace = pageFindSlot(pPage, nByte, &rc);
001812      if( pSpace ){
001813        int g2;
001814        assert( pSpace+nByte<=data+pPage->pBt->usableSize );
001815        *pIdx = g2 = (int)(pSpace-data);
001816        if( g2<=gap ){
001817          return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
001818        }else{
001819          return SQLITE_OK;
001820        }
001821      }else if( rc ){
001822        return rc;
001823      }
001824    }
001826    /* The request could not be fulfilled using a freelist slot.  Check
001827    ** to see if defragmentation is necessary.
001828    */
001829    testcase( gap+2+nByte==top );
001830    if( gap+2+nByte>top ){
001831      assert( pPage->nCell>0 || CORRUPT_DB );
001832      assert( pPage->nFree>=0 );
001833      rc = defragmentPage(pPage, MIN(4, pPage->nFree - (2+nByte)));
001834      if( rc ) return rc;
001835      top = get2byteNotZero(&data[hdr+5]);
001836      assert( gap+2+nByte<=top );
001837    }
001840    /* Allocate memory from the gap in between the cell pointer array
001841    ** and the cell content area.  The btreeComputeFreeSpace() call has already
001842    ** validated the freelist.  Given that the freelist is valid, there
001843    ** is no way that the allocation can extend off the end of the page.
001844    ** The assert() below verifies the previous sentence.
001845    */
001846    top -= nByte;
001847    put2byte(&data[hdr+5], top);
001848    assert( top+nByte <= (int)pPage->pBt->usableSize );
001849    *pIdx = top;
001850    return SQLITE_OK;
001851  }
001853  /*
001854  ** Return a section of the pPage->aData to the freelist.
001855  ** The first byte of the new free block is pPage->aData[iStart]
001856  ** and the size of the block is iSize bytes.
001857  **
001858  ** Adjacent freeblocks are coalesced.
001859  **
001860  ** Even though the freeblock list was checked by btreeComputeFreeSpace(),
001861  ** that routine will not detect overlap between cells or freeblocks.  Nor
001862  ** does it detect cells or freeblocks that encroach into the reserved bytes
001863  ** at the end of the page.  So do additional corruption checks inside this
001864  ** routine and return SQLITE_CORRUPT if any problems are found.
001865  */
001866  static int freeSpace(MemPage *pPage, u16 iStart, u16 iSize){
001867    u16 iPtr;                             /* Address of ptr to next freeblock */
001868    u16 iFreeBlk;                         /* Address of the next freeblock */
001869    u8 hdr;                               /* Page header size.  0 or 100 */
001870    u8 nFrag = 0;                         /* Reduction in fragmentation */
001871    u16 iOrigSize = iSize;                /* Original value of iSize */
001872    u16 x;                                /* Offset to cell content area */
001873    u32 iEnd = iStart + iSize;            /* First byte past the iStart buffer */
001874    unsigned char *data = pPage->aData;   /* Page content */
001875    u8 *pTmp;                             /* Temporary ptr into data[] */
001877    assert( pPage->pBt!=0 );
001878    assert( sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pPage->pDbPage) );
001879    assert( CORRUPT_DB || iStart>=pPage->hdrOffset+6+pPage->childPtrSize );
001880    assert( CORRUPT_DB || iEnd <= pPage->pBt->usableSize );
001881    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pPage->pBt->mutex) );
001882    assert( iSize>=4 );   /* Minimum cell size is 4 */
001883    assert( CORRUPT_DB || iStart<=pPage->pBt->usableSize-4 );
001885    /* The list of freeblocks must be in ascending order.  Find the
001886    ** spot on the list where iStart should be inserted.
001887    */
001888    hdr = pPage->hdrOffset;
001889    iPtr = hdr + 1;
001890    if( data[iPtr+1]==0 && data[iPtr]==0 ){
001891      iFreeBlk = 0;  /* Shortcut for the case when the freelist is empty */
001892    }else{
001893      while( (iFreeBlk = get2byte(&data[iPtr]))<iStart ){
001894        if( iFreeBlk<=iPtr ){
001895          if( iFreeBlk==0 ) break; /* TH3: corrupt082.100 */
001896          return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
001897        }
001898        iPtr = iFreeBlk;
001899      }
001900      if( iFreeBlk>pPage->pBt->usableSize-4 ){ /* TH3: corrupt081.100 */
001901        return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
001902      }
001903      assert( iFreeBlk>iPtr || iFreeBlk==0 || CORRUPT_DB );
001905      /* At this point:
001906      **    iFreeBlk:   First freeblock after iStart, or zero if none
001907      **    iPtr:       The address of a pointer to iFreeBlk
001908      **
001909      ** Check to see if iFreeBlk should be coalesced onto the end of iStart.
001910      */
001911      if( iFreeBlk && iEnd+3>=iFreeBlk ){
001912        nFrag = iFreeBlk - iEnd;
001913        if( iEnd>iFreeBlk ) return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
001914        iEnd = iFreeBlk + get2byte(&data[iFreeBlk+2]);
001915        if( iEnd > pPage->pBt->usableSize ){
001916          return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
001917        }
001918        iSize = iEnd - iStart;
001919        iFreeBlk = get2byte(&data[iFreeBlk]);
001920      }
001922      /* If iPtr is another freeblock (that is, if iPtr is not the freelist
001923      ** pointer in the page header) then check to see if iStart should be
001924      ** coalesced onto the end of iPtr.
001925      */
001926      if( iPtr>hdr+1 ){
001927        int iPtrEnd = iPtr + get2byte(&data[iPtr+2]);
001928        if( iPtrEnd+3>=iStart ){
001929          if( iPtrEnd>iStart ) return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
001930          nFrag += iStart - iPtrEnd;
001931          iSize = iEnd - iPtr;
001932          iStart = iPtr;
001933        }
001934      }
001935      if( nFrag>data[hdr+7] ) return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
001936      data[hdr+7] -= nFrag;
001937    }
001938    pTmp = &data[hdr+5];
001939    x = get2byte(pTmp);
001940    if( pPage->pBt->btsFlags & BTS_FAST_SECURE ){
001941      /* Overwrite deleted information with zeros when the secure_delete
001942      ** option is enabled */
001943      memset(&data[iStart], 0, iSize);
001944    }
001945    if( iStart<=x ){
001946      /* The new freeblock is at the beginning of the cell content area,
001947      ** so just extend the cell content area rather than create another
001948      ** freelist entry */
001949      if( iStart<x ) return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
001950      if( iPtr!=hdr+1 ) return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
001951      put2byte(&data[hdr+1], iFreeBlk);
001952      put2byte(&data[hdr+5], iEnd);
001953    }else{
001954      /* Insert the new freeblock into the freelist */
001955      put2byte(&data[iPtr], iStart);
001956      put2byte(&data[iStart], iFreeBlk);
001957      put2byte(&data[iStart+2], iSize);
001958    }
001959    pPage->nFree += iOrigSize;
001960    return SQLITE_OK;
001961  }
001963  /*
001964  ** Decode the flags byte (the first byte of the header) for a page
001965  ** and initialize fields of the MemPage structure accordingly.
001966  **
001967  ** Only the following combinations are supported.  Anything different
001968  ** indicates a corrupt database files:
001969  **
001970  **         PTF_ZERODATA                             (0x02,  2)
001971  **         PTF_LEAFDATA | PTF_INTKEY                (0x05,  5)
001972  **         PTF_ZERODATA | PTF_LEAF                  (0x0a, 10)
001973  **         PTF_LEAFDATA | PTF_INTKEY | PTF_LEAF     (0x0d, 13)
001974  */
001975  static int decodeFlags(MemPage *pPage, int flagByte){
001976    BtShared *pBt;     /* A copy of pPage->pBt */
001978    assert( pPage->hdrOffset==(pPage->pgno==1 ? 100 : 0) );
001979    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pPage->pBt->mutex) );
001980    pBt = pPage->pBt;
001981    pPage->max1bytePayload = pBt->max1bytePayload;
001982    if( flagByte>=(PTF_ZERODATA | PTF_LEAF) ){
001983      pPage->childPtrSize = 0;
001984      pPage->leaf = 1;
001985      if( flagByte==(PTF_LEAFDATA | PTF_INTKEY | PTF_LEAF) ){
001986        pPage->intKeyLeaf = 1;
001987        pPage->xCellSize = cellSizePtrTableLeaf;
001988        pPage->xParseCell = btreeParseCellPtr;
001989        pPage->intKey = 1;
001990        pPage->maxLocal = pBt->maxLeaf;
001991        pPage->minLocal = pBt->minLeaf;
001992      }else if( flagByte==(PTF_ZERODATA | PTF_LEAF) ){
001993        pPage->intKey = 0;
001994        pPage->intKeyLeaf = 0;
001995        pPage->xCellSize = cellSizePtrIdxLeaf;
001996        pPage->xParseCell = btreeParseCellPtrIndex;
001997        pPage->maxLocal = pBt->maxLocal;
001998        pPage->minLocal = pBt->minLocal;
001999      }else{
002000        pPage->intKey = 0;
002001        pPage->intKeyLeaf = 0;
002002        pPage->xCellSize = cellSizePtrIdxLeaf;
002003        pPage->xParseCell = btreeParseCellPtrIndex;
002004        return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
002005      }
002006    }else{
002007      pPage->childPtrSize = 4;
002008      pPage->leaf = 0;
002009      if( flagByte==(PTF_ZERODATA) ){
002010        pPage->intKey = 0;
002011        pPage->intKeyLeaf = 0;
002012        pPage->xCellSize = cellSizePtr;
002013        pPage->xParseCell = btreeParseCellPtrIndex;
002014        pPage->maxLocal = pBt->maxLocal;
002015        pPage->minLocal = pBt->minLocal;
002016      }else if( flagByte==(PTF_LEAFDATA | PTF_INTKEY) ){
002017        pPage->intKeyLeaf = 0;
002018        pPage->xCellSize = cellSizePtrNoPayload;
002019        pPage->xParseCell = btreeParseCellPtrNoPayload;
002020        pPage->intKey = 1;
002021        pPage->maxLocal = pBt->maxLeaf;
002022        pPage->minLocal = pBt->minLeaf;
002023      }else{
002024        pPage->intKey = 0;
002025        pPage->intKeyLeaf = 0;
002026        pPage->xCellSize = cellSizePtr;
002027        pPage->xParseCell = btreeParseCellPtrIndex;
002028        return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
002029      }
002030    }
002031    return SQLITE_OK;
002032  }
002034  /*
002035  ** Compute the amount of freespace on the page.  In other words, fill
002036  ** in the pPage->nFree field.
002037  */
002038  static int btreeComputeFreeSpace(MemPage *pPage){
002039    int pc;            /* Address of a freeblock within pPage->aData[] */
002040    u8 hdr;            /* Offset to beginning of page header */
002041    u8 *data;          /* Equal to pPage->aData */
002042    int usableSize;    /* Amount of usable space on each page */
002043    int nFree;         /* Number of unused bytes on the page */
002044    int top;           /* First byte of the cell content area */
002045    int iCellFirst;    /* First allowable cell or freeblock offset */
002046    int iCellLast;     /* Last possible cell or freeblock offset */
002048    assert( pPage->pBt!=0 );
002049    assert( pPage->pBt->db!=0 );
002050    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pPage->pBt->mutex) );
002051    assert( pPage->pgno==sqlite3PagerPagenumber(pPage->pDbPage) );
002052    assert( pPage == sqlite3PagerGetExtra(pPage->pDbPage) );
002053    assert( pPage->aData == sqlite3PagerGetData(pPage->pDbPage) );
002054    assert( pPage->isInit==1 );
002055    assert( pPage->nFree<0 );
002057    usableSize = pPage->pBt->usableSize;
002058    hdr = pPage->hdrOffset;
002059    data = pPage->aData;
002060    /* EVIDENCE-OF: R-58015-48175 The two-byte integer at offset 5 designates
002061    ** the start of the cell content area. A zero value for this integer is
002062    ** interpreted as 65536. */
002063    top = get2byteNotZero(&data[hdr+5]);
002064    iCellFirst = hdr + 8 + pPage->childPtrSize + 2*pPage->nCell;
002065    iCellLast = usableSize - 4;
002067    /* Compute the total free space on the page
002068    ** EVIDENCE-OF: R-23588-34450 The two-byte integer at offset 1 gives the
002069    ** start of the first freeblock on the page, or is zero if there are no
002070    ** freeblocks. */
002071    pc = get2byte(&data[hdr+1]);
002072    nFree = data[hdr+7] + top;  /* Init nFree to non-freeblock free space */
002073    if( pc>0 ){
002074      u32 next, size;
002075      if( pc<top ){
002076        /* EVIDENCE-OF: R-55530-52930 In a well-formed b-tree page, there will
002077        ** always be at least one cell before the first freeblock.
002078        */
002079        return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
002080      }
002081      while( 1 ){
002082        if( pc>iCellLast ){
002083          /* Freeblock off the end of the page */
002084          return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
002085        }
002086        next = get2byte(&data[pc]);
002087        size = get2byte(&data[pc+2]);
002088        nFree = nFree + size;
002089        if( next<=pc+size+3 ) break;
002090        pc = next;
002091      }
002092      if( next>0 ){
002093        /* Freeblock not in ascending order */
002094        return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
002095      }
002096      if( pc+size>(unsigned int)usableSize ){
002097        /* Last freeblock extends past page end */
002098        return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
002099      }
002100    }
002102    /* At this point, nFree contains the sum of the offset to the start
002103    ** of the cell-content area plus the number of free bytes within
002104    ** the cell-content area. If this is greater than the usable-size
002105    ** of the page, then the page must be corrupted. This check also
002106    ** serves to verify that the offset to the start of the cell-content
002107    ** area, according to the page header, lies within the page.
002108    */
002109    if( nFree>usableSize || nFree<iCellFirst ){
002110      return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
002111    }
002112    pPage->nFree = (u16)(nFree - iCellFirst);
002113    return SQLITE_OK;
002114  }
002116  /*
002117  ** Do additional sanity check after btreeInitPage() if
002118  ** PRAGMA cell_size_check=ON
002119  */
002120  static SQLITE_NOINLINE int btreeCellSizeCheck(MemPage *pPage){
002121    int iCellFirst;    /* First allowable cell or freeblock offset */
002122    int iCellLast;     /* Last possible cell or freeblock offset */
002123    int i;             /* Index into the cell pointer array */
002124    int sz;            /* Size of a cell */
002125    int pc;            /* Address of a freeblock within pPage->aData[] */
002126    u8 *data;          /* Equal to pPage->aData */
002127    int usableSize;    /* Maximum usable space on the page */
002128    int cellOffset;    /* Start of cell content area */
002130    iCellFirst = pPage->cellOffset + 2*pPage->nCell;
002131    usableSize = pPage->pBt->usableSize;
002132    iCellLast = usableSize - 4;
002133    data = pPage->aData;
002134    cellOffset = pPage->cellOffset;
002135    if( !pPage->leaf ) iCellLast--;
002136    for(i=0; i<pPage->nCell; i++){
002137      pc = get2byteAligned(&data[cellOffset+i*2]);
002138      testcase( pc==iCellFirst );
002139      testcase( pc==iCellLast );
002140      if( pc<iCellFirst || pc>iCellLast ){
002141        return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
002142      }
002143      sz = pPage->xCellSize(pPage, &data[pc]);
002144      testcase( pc+sz==usableSize );
002145      if( pc+sz>usableSize ){
002146        return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
002147      }
002148    }
002149    return SQLITE_OK;
002150  }
002152  /*
002153  ** Initialize the auxiliary information for a disk block.
002154  **
002155  ** Return SQLITE_OK on success.  If we see that the page does
002156  ** not contain a well-formed database page, then return
002157  ** SQLITE_CORRUPT.  Note that a return of SQLITE_OK does not
002158  ** guarantee that the page is well-formed.  It only shows that
002159  ** we failed to detect any corruption.
002160  */
002161  static int btreeInitPage(MemPage *pPage){
002162    u8 *data;          /* Equal to pPage->aData */
002163    BtShared *pBt;        /* The main btree structure */
002165    assert( pPage->pBt!=0 );
002166    assert( pPage->pBt->db!=0 );
002167    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pPage->pBt->mutex) );
002168    assert( pPage->pgno==sqlite3PagerPagenumber(pPage->pDbPage) );
002169    assert( pPage == sqlite3PagerGetExtra(pPage->pDbPage) );
002170    assert( pPage->aData == sqlite3PagerGetData(pPage->pDbPage) );
002171    assert( pPage->isInit==0 );
002173    pBt = pPage->pBt;
002174    data = pPage->aData + pPage->hdrOffset;
002175    /* EVIDENCE-OF: R-28594-02890 The one-byte flag at offset 0 indicating
002176    ** the b-tree page type. */
002177    if( decodeFlags(pPage, data[0]) ){
002178      return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
002179    }
002180    assert( pBt->pageSize>=512 && pBt->pageSize<=65536 );
002181    pPage->maskPage = (u16)(pBt->pageSize - 1);
002182    pPage->nOverflow = 0;
002183    pPage->cellOffset = pPage->hdrOffset + 8 + pPage->childPtrSize;
002184    pPage->aCellIdx = data + pPage->childPtrSize + 8;
002185    pPage->aDataEnd = pPage->aData + pBt->pageSize;
002186    pPage->aDataOfst = pPage->aData + pPage->childPtrSize;
002187    /* EVIDENCE-OF: R-37002-32774 The two-byte integer at offset 3 gives the
002188    ** number of cells on the page. */
002189    pPage->nCell = get2byte(&data[3]);
002190    if( pPage->nCell>MX_CELL(pBt) ){
002191      /* To many cells for a single page.  The page must be corrupt */
002192      return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
002193    }
002194    testcase( pPage->nCell==MX_CELL(pBt) );
002195    /* EVIDENCE-OF: R-24089-57979 If a page contains no cells (which is only
002196    ** possible for a root page of a table that contains no rows) then the
002197    ** offset to the cell content area will equal the page size minus the
002198    ** bytes of reserved space. */
002199    assert( pPage->nCell>0
002200         || get2byteNotZero(&data[5])==(int)pBt->usableSize
002201         || CORRUPT_DB );
002202    pPage->nFree = -1;  /* Indicate that this value is yet uncomputed */
002203    pPage->isInit = 1;
002204    if( pBt->db->flags & SQLITE_CellSizeCk ){
002205      return btreeCellSizeCheck(pPage);
002206    }
002207    return SQLITE_OK;
002208  }
002210  /*
002211  ** Set up a raw page so that it looks like a database page holding
002212  ** no entries.
002213  */
002214  static void zeroPage(MemPage *pPage, int flags){
002215    unsigned char *data = pPage->aData;
002216    BtShared *pBt = pPage->pBt;
002217    u8 hdr = pPage->hdrOffset;
002218    u16 first;
002220    assert( sqlite3PagerPagenumber(pPage->pDbPage)==pPage->pgno || CORRUPT_DB );
002221    assert( sqlite3PagerGetExtra(pPage->pDbPage) == (void*)pPage );
002222    assert( sqlite3PagerGetData(pPage->pDbPage) == data );
002223    assert( sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pPage->pDbPage) );
002224    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pBt->mutex) );
002225    if( pBt->btsFlags & BTS_FAST_SECURE ){
002226      memset(&data[hdr], 0, pBt->usableSize - hdr);
002227    }
002228    data[hdr] = (char)flags;
002229    first = hdr + ((flags&PTF_LEAF)==0 ? 12 : 8);
002230    memset(&data[hdr+1], 0, 4);
002231    data[hdr+7] = 0;
002232    put2byte(&data[hdr+5], pBt->usableSize);
002233    pPage->nFree = (u16)(pBt->usableSize - first);
002234    decodeFlags(pPage, flags);
002235    pPage->cellOffset = first;
002236    pPage->aDataEnd = &data[pBt->pageSize];
002237    pPage->aCellIdx = &data[first];
002238    pPage->aDataOfst = &data[pPage->childPtrSize];
002239    pPage->nOverflow = 0;
002240    assert( pBt->pageSize>=512 && pBt->pageSize<=65536 );
002241    pPage->maskPage = (u16)(pBt->pageSize - 1);
002242    pPage->nCell = 0;
002243    pPage->isInit = 1;
002244  }
002247  /*
002248  ** Convert a DbPage obtained from the pager into a MemPage used by
002249  ** the btree layer.
002250  */
002251  static MemPage *btreePageFromDbPage(DbPage *pDbPage, Pgno pgno, BtShared *pBt){
002252    MemPage *pPage = (MemPage*)sqlite3PagerGetExtra(pDbPage);
002253    if( pgno!=pPage->pgno ){
002254      pPage->aData = sqlite3PagerGetData(pDbPage);
002255      pPage->pDbPage = pDbPage;
002256      pPage->pBt = pBt;
002257      pPage->pgno = pgno;
002258      pPage->hdrOffset = pgno==1 ? 100 : 0;
002259    }
002260    assert( pPage->aData==sqlite3PagerGetData(pDbPage) );
002261    return pPage;
002262  }
002264  /*
002265  ** Get a page from the pager.  Initialize the MemPage.pBt and
002266  ** MemPage.aData elements if needed.  See also: btreeGetUnusedPage().
002267  **
002268  ** If the PAGER_GET_NOCONTENT flag is set, it means that we do not care
002269  ** about the content of the page at this time.  So do not go to the disk
002270  ** to fetch the content.  Just fill in the content with zeros for now.
002271  ** If in the future we call sqlite3PagerWrite() on this page, that
002272  ** means we have started to be concerned about content and the disk
002273  ** read should occur at that point.
002274  */
002275  static int btreeGetPage(
002276    BtShared *pBt,       /* The btree */
002277    Pgno pgno,           /* Number of the page to fetch */
002278    MemPage **ppPage,    /* Return the page in this parameter */
002279    int flags            /* PAGER_GET_NOCONTENT or PAGER_GET_READONLY */
002280  ){
002281    int rc;
002282    DbPage *pDbPage;
002284    assert( flags==0 || flags==PAGER_GET_NOCONTENT || flags==PAGER_GET_READONLY );
002285    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pBt->mutex) );
002286    rc = sqlite3PagerGet(pBt->pPager, pgno, (DbPage**)&pDbPage, flags);
002287    if( rc ) return rc;
002288    *ppPage = btreePageFromDbPage(pDbPage, pgno, pBt);
002289    return SQLITE_OK;
002290  }
002292  /*
002293  ** Retrieve a page from the pager cache. If the requested page is not
002294  ** already in the pager cache return NULL. Initialize the MemPage.pBt and
002295  ** MemPage.aData elements if needed.
002296  */
002297  static MemPage *btreePageLookup(BtShared *pBt, Pgno pgno){
002298    DbPage *pDbPage;
002299    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pBt->mutex) );
002300    pDbPage = sqlite3PagerLookup(pBt->pPager, pgno);
002301    if( pDbPage ){
002302      return btreePageFromDbPage(pDbPage, pgno, pBt);
002303    }
002304    return 0;
002305  }
002307  /*
002308  ** Return the size of the database file in pages. If there is any kind of
002309  ** error, return ((unsigned int)-1).
002310  */
002311  static Pgno btreePagecount(BtShared *pBt){
002312    return pBt->nPage;
002313  }
002314  Pgno sqlite3BtreeLastPage(Btree *p){
002315    assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsMutex(p) );
002316    return btreePagecount(p->pBt);
002317  }
002319  /*
002320  ** Get a page from the pager and initialize it.
002321  */
002322  static int getAndInitPage(
002323    BtShared *pBt,                  /* The database file */
002324    Pgno pgno,                      /* Number of the page to get */
002325    MemPage **ppPage,               /* Write the page pointer here */
002326    int bReadOnly                   /* True for a read-only page */
002327  ){
002328    int rc;
002329    DbPage *pDbPage;
002330    MemPage *pPage;
002331    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pBt->mutex) );
002333    if( pgno>btreePagecount(pBt) ){
002334      *ppPage = 0;
002335      return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
002336    }
002337    rc = sqlite3PagerGet(pBt->pPager, pgno, (DbPage**)&pDbPage, bReadOnly);
002338    if( rc ){
002339      *ppPage = 0;
002340      return rc;
002341    }
002342    pPage = (MemPage*)sqlite3PagerGetExtra(pDbPage);
002343    if( pPage->isInit==0 ){
002344      btreePageFromDbPage(pDbPage, pgno, pBt);
002345      rc = btreeInitPage(pPage);
002346      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
002347        releasePage(pPage);
002348        *ppPage = 0;
002349        return rc;
002350      }
002351    }
002352    assert( pPage->pgno==pgno || CORRUPT_DB );
002353    assert( pPage->aData==sqlite3PagerGetData(pDbPage) );
002354    *ppPage = pPage;
002355    return SQLITE_OK;
002356  }
002358  /*
002359  ** Release a MemPage.  This should be called once for each prior
002360  ** call to btreeGetPage.
002361  **
002362  ** Page1 is a special case and must be released using releasePageOne().
002363  */
002364  static void releasePageNotNull(MemPage *pPage){
002365    assert( pPage->aData );
002366    assert( pPage->pBt );
002367    assert( pPage->pDbPage!=0 );
002368    assert( sqlite3PagerGetExtra(pPage->pDbPage) == (void*)pPage );
002369    assert( sqlite3PagerGetData(pPage->pDbPage)==pPage->aData );
002370    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pPage->pBt->mutex) );
002371    sqlite3PagerUnrefNotNull(pPage->pDbPage);
002372  }
002373  static void releasePage(MemPage *pPage){
002374    if( pPage ) releasePageNotNull(pPage);
002375  }
002376  static void releasePageOne(MemPage *pPage){
002377    assert( pPage!=0 );
002378    assert( pPage->aData );
002379    assert( pPage->pBt );
002380    assert( pPage->pDbPage!=0 );
002381    assert( sqlite3PagerGetExtra(pPage->pDbPage) == (void*)pPage );
002382    assert( sqlite3PagerGetData(pPage->pDbPage)==pPage->aData );
002383    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pPage->pBt->mutex) );
002384    sqlite3PagerUnrefPageOne(pPage->pDbPage);
002385  }
002387  /*
002388  ** Get an unused page.
002389  **
002390  ** This works just like btreeGetPage() with the addition:
002391  **
002392  **   *  If the page is already in use for some other purpose, immediately
002393  **      release it and return an SQLITE_CURRUPT error.
002394  **   *  Make sure the isInit flag is clear
002395  */
002396  static int btreeGetUnusedPage(
002397    BtShared *pBt,       /* The btree */
002398    Pgno pgno,           /* Number of the page to fetch */
002399    MemPage **ppPage,    /* Return the page in this parameter */
002400    int flags            /* PAGER_GET_NOCONTENT or PAGER_GET_READONLY */
002401  ){
002402    int rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, pgno, ppPage, flags);
002403    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
002404      if( sqlite3PagerPageRefcount((*ppPage)->pDbPage)>1 ){
002405        releasePage(*ppPage);
002406        *ppPage = 0;
002407        return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
002408      }
002409      (*ppPage)->isInit = 0;
002410    }else{
002411      *ppPage = 0;
002412    }
002413    return rc;
002414  }
002417  /*
002418  ** During a rollback, when the pager reloads information into the cache
002419  ** so that the cache is restored to its original state at the start of
002420  ** the transaction, for each page restored this routine is called.
002421  **
002422  ** This routine needs to reset the extra data section at the end of the
002423  ** page to agree with the restored data.
002424  */
002425  static void pageReinit(DbPage *pData){
002426    MemPage *pPage;
002427    pPage = (MemPage *)sqlite3PagerGetExtra(pData);
002428    assert( sqlite3PagerPageRefcount(pData)>0 );
002429    if( pPage->isInit ){
002430      assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pPage->pBt->mutex) );
002431      pPage->isInit = 0;
002432      if( sqlite3PagerPageRefcount(pData)>1 ){
002433        /* pPage might not be a btree page;  it might be an overflow page
002434        ** or ptrmap page or a free page.  In those cases, the following
002435        ** call to btreeInitPage() will likely return SQLITE_CORRUPT.
002436        ** But no harm is done by this.  And it is very important that
002437        ** btreeInitPage() be called on every btree page so we make
002438        ** the call for every page that comes in for re-initializing. */
002439        btreeInitPage(pPage);
002440      }
002441    }
002442  }
002444  /*
002445  ** Invoke the busy handler for a btree.
002446  */
002447  static int btreeInvokeBusyHandler(void *pArg){
002448    BtShared *pBt = (BtShared*)pArg;
002449    assert( pBt->db );
002450    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pBt->db->mutex) );
002451    return sqlite3InvokeBusyHandler(&pBt->db->busyHandler);
002452  }
002454  /*
002455  ** Open a database file.
002456  **
002457  ** zFilename is the name of the database file.  If zFilename is NULL
002458  ** then an ephemeral database is created.  The ephemeral database might
002459  ** be exclusively in memory, or it might use a disk-based memory cache.
002460  ** Either way, the ephemeral database will be automatically deleted
002461  ** when sqlite3BtreeClose() is called.
002462  **
002463  ** If zFilename is ":memory:" then an in-memory database is created
002464  ** that is automatically destroyed when it is closed.
002465  **
002466  ** The "flags" parameter is a bitmask that might contain bits like
002468  **
002469  ** If the database is already opened in the same database connection
002470  ** and we are in shared cache mode, then the open will fail with an
002471  ** SQLITE_CONSTRAINT error.  We cannot allow two or more BtShared
002472  ** objects in the same database connection since doing so will lead
002473  ** to problems with locking.
002474  */
002475  int sqlite3BtreeOpen(
002476    sqlite3_vfs *pVfs,      /* VFS to use for this b-tree */
002477    const char *zFilename,  /* Name of the file containing the BTree database */
002478    sqlite3 *db,            /* Associated database handle */
002479    Btree **ppBtree,        /* Pointer to new Btree object written here */
002480    int flags,              /* Options */
002481    int vfsFlags            /* Flags passed through to sqlite3_vfs.xOpen() */
002482  ){
002483    BtShared *pBt = 0;             /* Shared part of btree structure */
002484    Btree *p;                      /* Handle to return */
002485    sqlite3_mutex *mutexOpen = 0;  /* Prevents a race condition. Ticket #3537 */
002486    int rc = SQLITE_OK;            /* Result code from this function */
002487    u8 nReserve;                   /* Byte of unused space on each page */
002488    unsigned char zDbHeader[100];  /* Database header content */
002490    /* True if opening an ephemeral, temporary database */
002491    const int isTempDb = zFilename==0 || zFilename[0]==0;
002493    /* Set the variable isMemdb to true for an in-memory database, or
002494    ** false for a file-based database.
002495    */
002497    const int isMemdb = 0;
002498  #else
002499    const int isMemdb = (zFilename && strcmp(zFilename, ":memory:")==0)
002500                         || (isTempDb && sqlite3TempInMemory(db))
002501                         || (vfsFlags & SQLITE_OPEN_MEMORY)!=0;
002502  #endif
002504    assert( db!=0 );
002505    assert( pVfs!=0 );
002506    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(db->mutex) );
002507    assert( (flags&0xff)==flags );   /* flags fit in 8 bits */
002509    /* Only a BTREE_SINGLE database can be BTREE_UNORDERED */
002510    assert( (flags & BTREE_UNORDERED)==0 || (flags & BTREE_SINGLE)!=0 );
002512    /* A BTREE_SINGLE database is always a temporary and/or ephemeral */
002513    assert( (flags & BTREE_SINGLE)==0 || isTempDb );
002515    if( isMemdb ){
002516      flags |= BTREE_MEMORY;
002517    }
002518    if( (vfsFlags & SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB)!=0 && (isMemdb || isTempDb) ){
002519      vfsFlags = (vfsFlags & ~SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB) | SQLITE_OPEN_TEMP_DB;
002520    }
002521    p = sqlite3MallocZero(sizeof(Btree));
002522    if( !p ){
002523      return SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
002524    }
002525    p->inTrans = TRANS_NONE;
002526    p->db = db;
002528    p->lock.pBtree = p;
002529    p->lock.iTable = 1;
002530  #endif
002532  #if !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_SHARED_CACHE) && !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_DISKIO)
002533    /*
002534    ** If this Btree is a candidate for shared cache, try to find an
002535    ** existing BtShared object that we can share with
002536    */
002537    if( isTempDb==0 && (isMemdb==0 || (vfsFlags&SQLITE_OPEN_URI)!=0) ){
002538      if( vfsFlags & SQLITE_OPEN_SHAREDCACHE ){
002539        int nFilename = sqlite3Strlen30(zFilename)+1;
002540        int nFullPathname = pVfs->mxPathname+1;
002541        char *zFullPathname = sqlite3Malloc(MAX(nFullPathname,nFilename));
002542        MUTEX_LOGIC( sqlite3_mutex *mutexShared; )
002544        p->sharable = 1;
002545        if( !zFullPathname ){
002546          sqlite3_free(p);
002547          return SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
002548        }
002549        if( isMemdb ){
002550          memcpy(zFullPathname, zFilename, nFilename);
002551        }else{
002552          rc = sqlite3OsFullPathname(pVfs, zFilename,
002553                                     nFullPathname, zFullPathname);
002554          if( rc ){
002555            if( rc==SQLITE_OK_SYMLINK ){
002556              rc = SQLITE_OK;
002557            }else{
002558              sqlite3_free(zFullPathname);
002559              sqlite3_free(p);
002560              return rc;
002561            }
002562          }
002563        }
002565        mutexOpen = sqlite3MutexAlloc(SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_OPEN);
002566        sqlite3_mutex_enter(mutexOpen);
002567        mutexShared = sqlite3MutexAlloc(SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_MAIN);
002568        sqlite3_mutex_enter(mutexShared);
002569  #endif
002570        for(pBt=GLOBAL(BtShared*,sqlite3SharedCacheList); pBt; pBt=pBt->pNext){
002571          assert( pBt->nRef>0 );
002572          if( 0==strcmp(zFullPathname, sqlite3PagerFilename(pBt->pPager, 0))
002573                   && sqlite3PagerVfs(pBt->pPager)==pVfs ){
002574            int iDb;
002575            for(iDb=db->nDb-1; iDb>=0; iDb--){
002576              Btree *pExisting = db->aDb[iDb].pBt;
002577              if( pExisting && pExisting->pBt==pBt ){
002578                sqlite3_mutex_leave(mutexShared);
002579                sqlite3_mutex_leave(mutexOpen);
002580                sqlite3_free(zFullPathname);
002581                sqlite3_free(p);
002582                return SQLITE_CONSTRAINT;
002583              }
002584            }
002585            p->pBt = pBt;
002586            pBt->nRef++;
002587            break;
002588          }
002589        }
002590        sqlite3_mutex_leave(mutexShared);
002591        sqlite3_free(zFullPathname);
002592      }
002593  #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG
002594      else{
002595        /* In debug mode, we mark all persistent databases as sharable
002596        ** even when they are not.  This exercises the locking code and
002597        ** gives more opportunity for asserts(sqlite3_mutex_held())
002598        ** statements to find locking problems.
002599        */
002600        p->sharable = 1;
002601      }
002602  #endif
002603    }
002604  #endif
002605    if( pBt==0 ){
002606      /*
002607      ** The following asserts make sure that structures used by the btree are
002608      ** the right size.  This is to guard against size changes that result
002609      ** when compiling on a different architecture.
002610      */
002611      assert( sizeof(i64)==8 );
002612      assert( sizeof(u64)==8 );
002613      assert( sizeof(u32)==4 );
002614      assert( sizeof(u16)==2 );
002615      assert( sizeof(Pgno)==4 );
002617      /* Suppress false-positive compiler warning from PVS-Studio */
002618      memset(&zDbHeader[16], 0, 8);
002620      pBt = sqlite3MallocZero( sizeof(*pBt) );
002621      if( pBt==0 ){
002622        rc = SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
002623        goto btree_open_out;
002624      }
002625      rc = sqlite3PagerOpen(pVfs, &pBt->pPager, zFilename,
002626                            sizeof(MemPage), flags, vfsFlags, pageReinit);
002627      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
002628        sqlite3PagerSetMmapLimit(pBt->pPager, db->szMmap);
002629        rc = sqlite3PagerReadFileheader(pBt->pPager,sizeof(zDbHeader),zDbHeader);
002630      }
002631      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
002632        goto btree_open_out;
002633      }
002634      pBt->openFlags = (u8)flags;
002635      pBt->db = db;
002636      sqlite3PagerSetBusyHandler(pBt->pPager, btreeInvokeBusyHandler, pBt);
002637      p->pBt = pBt;
002639      pBt->pCursor = 0;
002640      pBt->pPage1 = 0;
002641      if( sqlite3PagerIsreadonly(pBt->pPager) ) pBt->btsFlags |= BTS_READ_ONLY;
002642  #if defined(SQLITE_SECURE_DELETE)
002643      pBt->btsFlags |= BTS_SECURE_DELETE;
002644  #elif defined(SQLITE_FAST_SECURE_DELETE)
002645      pBt->btsFlags |= BTS_OVERWRITE;
002646  #endif
002647      /* EVIDENCE-OF: R-51873-39618 The page size for a database file is
002648      ** determined by the 2-byte integer located at an offset of 16 bytes from
002649      ** the beginning of the database file. */
002650      pBt->pageSize = (zDbHeader[16]<<8) | (zDbHeader[17]<<16);
002651      if( pBt->pageSize<512 || pBt->pageSize>SQLITE_MAX_PAGE_SIZE
002652           || ((pBt->pageSize-1)&pBt->pageSize)!=0 ){
002653        pBt->pageSize = 0;
002655        /* If the magic name ":memory:" will create an in-memory database, then
002656        ** leave the autoVacuum mode at 0 (do not auto-vacuum), even if
002657        ** SQLITE_DEFAULT_AUTOVACUUM is true. On the other hand, if
002658        ** SQLITE_OMIT_MEMORYDB has been defined, then ":memory:" is just a
002659        ** regular file-name. In this case the auto-vacuum applies as per normal.
002660        */
002661        if( zFilename && !isMemdb ){
002662          pBt->autoVacuum = (SQLITE_DEFAULT_AUTOVACUUM ? 1 : 0);
002663          pBt->incrVacuum = (SQLITE_DEFAULT_AUTOVACUUM==2 ? 1 : 0);
002664        }
002665  #endif
002666        nReserve = 0;
002667      }else{
002668        /* EVIDENCE-OF: R-37497-42412 The size of the reserved region is
002669        ** determined by the one-byte unsigned integer found at an offset of 20
002670        ** into the database file header. */
002671        nReserve = zDbHeader[20];
002672        pBt->btsFlags |= BTS_PAGESIZE_FIXED;
002674        pBt->autoVacuum = (get4byte(&zDbHeader[36 + 4*4])?1:0);
002675        pBt->incrVacuum = (get4byte(&zDbHeader[36 + 7*4])?1:0);
002676  #endif
002677      }
002678      rc = sqlite3PagerSetPagesize(pBt->pPager, &pBt->pageSize, nReserve);
002679      if( rc ) goto btree_open_out;
002680      pBt->usableSize = pBt->pageSize - nReserve;
002681      assert( (pBt->pageSize & 7)==0 );  /* 8-byte alignment of pageSize */
002683  #if !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_SHARED_CACHE) && !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_DISKIO)
002684      /* Add the new BtShared object to the linked list sharable BtShareds.
002685      */
002686      pBt->nRef = 1;
002687      if( p->sharable ){
002688        MUTEX_LOGIC( sqlite3_mutex *mutexShared; )
002689        MUTEX_LOGIC( mutexShared = sqlite3MutexAlloc(SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_MAIN);)
002690        if( SQLITE_THREADSAFE && sqlite3GlobalConfig.bCoreMutex ){
002691          pBt->mutex = sqlite3MutexAlloc(SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST);
002692          if( pBt->mutex==0 ){
002693            rc = SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
002694            goto btree_open_out;
002695          }
002696        }
002697        sqlite3_mutex_enter(mutexShared);
002698        pBt->pNext = GLOBAL(BtShared*,sqlite3SharedCacheList);
002699        GLOBAL(BtShared*,sqlite3SharedCacheList) = pBt;
002700        sqlite3_mutex_leave(mutexShared);
002701      }
002702  #endif
002703    }
002705  #if !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_SHARED_CACHE) && !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_DISKIO)
002706    /* If the new Btree uses a sharable pBtShared, then link the new
002707    ** Btree into the list of all sharable Btrees for the same connection.
002708    ** The list is kept in ascending order by pBt address.
002709    */
002710    if( p->sharable ){
002711      int i;
002712      Btree *pSib;
002713      for(i=0; i<db->nDb; i++){
002714        if( (pSib = db->aDb[i].pBt)!=0 && pSib->sharable ){
002715          while( pSib->pPrev ){ pSib = pSib->pPrev; }
002716          if( (uptr)p->pBt<(uptr)pSib->pBt ){
002717            p->pNext = pSib;
002718            p->pPrev = 0;
002719            pSib->pPrev = p;
002720          }else{
002721            while( pSib->pNext && (uptr)pSib->pNext->pBt<(uptr)p->pBt ){
002722              pSib = pSib->pNext;
002723            }
002724            p->pNext = pSib->pNext;
002725            p->pPrev = pSib;
002726            if( p->pNext ){
002727              p->pNext->pPrev = p;
002728            }
002729            pSib->pNext = p;
002730          }
002731          break;
002732        }
002733      }
002734    }
002735  #endif
002736    *ppBtree = p;
002738  btree_open_out:
002739    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
002740      if( pBt && pBt->pPager ){
002741        sqlite3PagerClose(pBt->pPager, 0);
002742      }
002743      sqlite3_free(pBt);
002744      sqlite3_free(p);
002745      *ppBtree = 0;
002746    }else{
002747      sqlite3_file *pFile;
002749      /* If the B-Tree was successfully opened, set the pager-cache size to the
002750      ** default value. Except, when opening on an existing shared pager-cache,
002751      ** do not change the pager-cache size.
002752      */
002753      if( sqlite3BtreeSchema(p, 0, 0)==0 ){
002754        sqlite3BtreeSetCacheSize(p, SQLITE_DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE);
002755      }
002757      pFile = sqlite3PagerFile(pBt->pPager);
002758      if( pFile->pMethods ){
002759        sqlite3OsFileControlHint(pFile, SQLITE_FCNTL_PDB, (void*)&pBt->db);
002760      }
002761    }
002762    if( mutexOpen ){
002763      assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(mutexOpen) );
002764      sqlite3_mutex_leave(mutexOpen);
002765    }
002766    assert( rc!=SQLITE_OK || sqlite3BtreeConnectionCount(*ppBtree)>0 );
002767    return rc;
002768  }
002770  /*
002771  ** Decrement the BtShared.nRef counter.  When it reaches zero,
002772  ** remove the BtShared structure from the sharing list.  Return
002773  ** true if the BtShared.nRef counter reaches zero and return
002774  ** false if it is still positive.
002775  */
002776  static int removeFromSharingList(BtShared *pBt){
002778    MUTEX_LOGIC( sqlite3_mutex *pMainMtx; )
002779    BtShared *pList;
002780    int removed = 0;
002782    assert( sqlite3_mutex_notheld(pBt->mutex) );
002783    MUTEX_LOGIC( pMainMtx = sqlite3MutexAlloc(SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_MAIN); )
002784    sqlite3_mutex_enter(pMainMtx);
002785    pBt->nRef--;
002786    if( pBt->nRef<=0 ){
002787      if( GLOBAL(BtShared*,sqlite3SharedCacheList)==pBt ){
002788        GLOBAL(BtShared*,sqlite3SharedCacheList) = pBt->pNext;
002789      }else{
002790        pList = GLOBAL(BtShared*,sqlite3SharedCacheList);
002791        while( ALWAYS(pList) && pList->pNext!=pBt ){
002792          pList=pList->pNext;
002793        }
002794        if( ALWAYS(pList) ){
002795          pList->pNext = pBt->pNext;
002796        }
002797      }
002798      if( SQLITE_THREADSAFE ){
002799        sqlite3_mutex_free(pBt->mutex);
002800      }
002801      removed = 1;
002802    }
002803    sqlite3_mutex_leave(pMainMtx);
002804    return removed;
002805  #else
002806    return 1;
002807  #endif
002808  }
002810  /*
002811  ** Make sure pBt->pTmpSpace points to an allocation of
002812  ** MX_CELL_SIZE(pBt) bytes with a 4-byte prefix for a left-child
002813  ** pointer.
002814  */
002815  static SQLITE_NOINLINE int allocateTempSpace(BtShared *pBt){
002816    assert( pBt!=0 );
002817    assert( pBt->pTmpSpace==0 );
002818    /* This routine is called only by btreeCursor() when allocating the
002819    ** first write cursor for the BtShared object */
002820    assert( pBt->pCursor!=0 && (pBt->pCursor->curFlags & BTCF_WriteFlag)!=0 );
002821    pBt->pTmpSpace = sqlite3PageMalloc( pBt->pageSize );
002822    if( pBt->pTmpSpace==0 ){
002823      BtCursor *pCur = pBt->pCursor;
002824      pBt->pCursor = pCur->pNext;  /* Unlink the cursor */
002825      memset(pCur, 0, sizeof(*pCur));
002826      return SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
002827    }
002829    /* One of the uses of pBt->pTmpSpace is to format cells before
002830    ** inserting them into a leaf page (function fillInCell()). If
002831    ** a cell is less than 4 bytes in size, it is rounded up to 4 bytes
002832    ** by the various routines that manipulate binary cells. Which
002833    ** can mean that fillInCell() only initializes the first 2 or 3
002834    ** bytes of pTmpSpace, but that the first 4 bytes are copied from
002835    ** it into a database page. This is not actually a problem, but it
002836    ** does cause a valgrind error when the 1 or 2 bytes of uninitialized
002837    ** data is passed to system call write(). So to avoid this error,
002838    ** zero the first 4 bytes of temp space here.
002839    **
002840    ** Also:  Provide four bytes of initialized space before the
002841    ** beginning of pTmpSpace as an area available to prepend the
002842    ** left-child pointer to the beginning of a cell.
002843    */
002844    memset(pBt->pTmpSpace, 0, 8);
002845    pBt->pTmpSpace += 4;
002846    return SQLITE_OK;
002847  }
002849  /*
002850  ** Free the pBt->pTmpSpace allocation
002851  */
002852  static void freeTempSpace(BtShared *pBt){
002853    if( pBt->pTmpSpace ){
002854      pBt->pTmpSpace -= 4;
002855      sqlite3PageFree(pBt->pTmpSpace);
002856      pBt->pTmpSpace = 0;
002857    }
002858  }
002860  /*
002861  ** Close an open database and invalidate all cursors.
002862  */
002863  int sqlite3BtreeClose(Btree *p){
002864    BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
002866    /* Close all cursors opened via this handle.  */
002867    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(p->db->mutex) );
002868    sqlite3BtreeEnter(p);
002870    /* Verify that no other cursors have this Btree open */
002871  #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG
002872    {
002873      BtCursor *pCur = pBt->pCursor;
002874      while( pCur ){
002875        BtCursor *pTmp = pCur;
002876        pCur = pCur->pNext;
002877        assert( pTmp->pBtree!=p );
002879      }
002880    }
002881  #endif
002883    /* Rollback any active transaction and free the handle structure.
002884    ** The call to sqlite3BtreeRollback() drops any table-locks held by
002885    ** this handle.
002886    */
002887    sqlite3BtreeRollback(p, SQLITE_OK, 0);
002888    sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
002890    /* If there are still other outstanding references to the shared-btree
002891    ** structure, return now. The remainder of this procedure cleans
002892    ** up the shared-btree.
002893    */
002894    assert( p->wantToLock==0 && p->locked==0 );
002895    if( !p->sharable || removeFromSharingList(pBt) ){
002896      /* The pBt is no longer on the sharing list, so we can access
002897      ** it without having to hold the mutex.
002898      **
002899      ** Clean out and delete the BtShared object.
002900      */
002901      assert( !pBt->pCursor );
002902      sqlite3PagerClose(pBt->pPager, p->db);
002903      if( pBt->xFreeSchema && pBt->pSchema ){
002904        pBt->xFreeSchema(pBt->pSchema);
002905      }
002906      sqlite3DbFree(0, pBt->pSchema);
002907      freeTempSpace(pBt);
002908      sqlite3_free(pBt);
002909    }
002912    assert( p->wantToLock==0 );
002913    assert( p->locked==0 );
002914    if( p->pPrev ) p->pPrev->pNext = p->pNext;
002915    if( p->pNext ) p->pNext->pPrev = p->pPrev;
002916  #endif
002918    sqlite3_free(p);
002919    return SQLITE_OK;
002920  }
002922  /*
002923  ** Change the "soft" limit on the number of pages in the cache.
002924  ** Unused and unmodified pages will be recycled when the number of
002925  ** pages in the cache exceeds this soft limit.  But the size of the
002926  ** cache is allowed to grow larger than this limit if it contains
002927  ** dirty pages or pages still in active use.
002928  */
002929  int sqlite3BtreeSetCacheSize(Btree *p, int mxPage){
002930    BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
002931    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(p->db->mutex) );
002932    sqlite3BtreeEnter(p);
002933    sqlite3PagerSetCachesize(pBt->pPager, mxPage);
002934    sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
002935    return SQLITE_OK;
002936  }
002938  /*
002939  ** Change the "spill" limit on the number of pages in the cache.
002940  ** If the number of pages exceeds this limit during a write transaction,
002941  ** the pager might attempt to "spill" pages to the journal early in
002942  ** order to free up memory.
002943  **
002944  ** The value returned is the current spill size.  If zero is passed
002945  ** as an argument, no changes are made to the spill size setting, so
002946  ** using mxPage of 0 is a way to query the current spill size.
002947  */
002948  int sqlite3BtreeSetSpillSize(Btree *p, int mxPage){
002949    BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
002950    int res;
002951    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(p->db->mutex) );
002952    sqlite3BtreeEnter(p);
002953    res = sqlite3PagerSetSpillsize(pBt->pPager, mxPage);
002954    sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
002955    return res;
002956  }
002958  #if SQLITE_MAX_MMAP_SIZE>0
002959  /*
002960  ** Change the limit on the amount of the database file that may be
002961  ** memory mapped.
002962  */
002963  int sqlite3BtreeSetMmapLimit(Btree *p, sqlite3_int64 szMmap){
002964    BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
002965    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(p->db->mutex) );
002966    sqlite3BtreeEnter(p);
002967    sqlite3PagerSetMmapLimit(pBt->pPager, szMmap);
002968    sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
002969    return SQLITE_OK;
002970  }
002971  #endif /* SQLITE_MAX_MMAP_SIZE>0 */
002973  /*
002974  ** Change the way data is synced to disk in order to increase or decrease
002975  ** how well the database resists damage due to OS crashes and power
002976  ** failures.  Level 1 is the same as asynchronous (no syncs() occur and
002977  ** there is a high probability of damage)  Level 2 is the default.  There
002978  ** is a very low but non-zero probability of damage.  Level 3 reduces the
002979  ** probability of damage to near zero but with a write performance reduction.
002980  */
002982  int sqlite3BtreeSetPagerFlags(
002983    Btree *p,              /* The btree to set the safety level on */
002984    unsigned pgFlags       /* Various PAGER_* flags */
002985  ){
002986    BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
002987    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(p->db->mutex) );
002988    sqlite3BtreeEnter(p);
002989    sqlite3PagerSetFlags(pBt->pPager, pgFlags);
002990    sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
002991    return SQLITE_OK;
002992  }
002993  #endif
002995  /*
002996  ** Change the default pages size and the number of reserved bytes per page.
002997  ** Or, if the page size has already been fixed, return SQLITE_READONLY
002998  ** without changing anything.
002999  **
003000  ** The page size must be a power of 2 between 512 and 65536.  If the page
003001  ** size supplied does not meet this constraint then the page size is not
003002  ** changed.
003003  **
003004  ** Page sizes are constrained to be a power of two so that the region
003005  ** of the database file used for locking (beginning at PENDING_BYTE,
003006  ** the first byte past the 1GB boundary, 0x40000000) needs to occur
003007  ** at the beginning of a page.
003008  **
003009  ** If parameter nReserve is less than zero, then the number of reserved
003010  ** bytes per page is left unchanged.
003011  **
003012  ** If the iFix!=0 then the BTS_PAGESIZE_FIXED flag is set so that the page size
003013  ** and autovacuum mode can no longer be changed.
003014  */
003015  int sqlite3BtreeSetPageSize(Btree *p, int pageSize, int nReserve, int iFix){
003016    int rc = SQLITE_OK;
003017    int x;
003018    BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
003019    assert( nReserve>=0 && nReserve<=255 );
003020    sqlite3BtreeEnter(p);
003021    pBt->nReserveWanted = nReserve;
003022    x = pBt->pageSize - pBt->usableSize;
003023    if( nReserve<x ) nReserve = x;
003024    if( pBt->btsFlags & BTS_PAGESIZE_FIXED ){
003025      sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
003026      return SQLITE_READONLY;
003027    }
003028    assert( nReserve>=0 && nReserve<=255 );
003029    if( pageSize>=512 && pageSize<=SQLITE_MAX_PAGE_SIZE &&
003030          ((pageSize-1)&pageSize)==0 ){
003031      assert( (pageSize & 7)==0 );
003032      assert( !pBt->pCursor );
003033      if( nReserve>32 && pageSize==512 ) pageSize = 1024;
003034      pBt->pageSize = (u32)pageSize;
003035      freeTempSpace(pBt);
003036    }
003037    rc = sqlite3PagerSetPagesize(pBt->pPager, &pBt->pageSize, nReserve);
003038    pBt->usableSize = pBt->pageSize - (u16)nReserve;
003039    if( iFix ) pBt->btsFlags |= BTS_PAGESIZE_FIXED;
003040    sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
003041    return rc;
003042  }
003044  /*
003045  ** Return the currently defined page size
003046  */
003047  int sqlite3BtreeGetPageSize(Btree *p){
003048    return p->pBt->pageSize;
003049  }
003051  /*
003052  ** This function is similar to sqlite3BtreeGetReserve(), except that it
003053  ** may only be called if it is guaranteed that the b-tree mutex is already
003054  ** held.
003055  **
003056  ** This is useful in one special case in the backup API code where it is
003057  ** known that the shared b-tree mutex is held, but the mutex on the
003058  ** database handle that owns *p is not. In this case if sqlite3BtreeEnter()
003059  ** were to be called, it might collide with some other operation on the
003060  ** database handle that owns *p, causing undefined behavior.
003061  */
003062  int sqlite3BtreeGetReserveNoMutex(Btree *p){
003063    int n;
003064    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(p->pBt->mutex) );
003065    n = p->pBt->pageSize - p->pBt->usableSize;
003066    return n;
003067  }
003069  /*
003070  ** Return the number of bytes of space at the end of every page that
003071  ** are intentionally left unused.  This is the "reserved" space that is
003072  ** sometimes used by extensions.
003073  **
003074  ** The value returned is the larger of the current reserve size and
003075  ** the latest reserve size requested by SQLITE_FILECTRL_RESERVE_BYTES.
003076  ** The amount of reserve can only grow - never shrink.
003077  */
003078  int sqlite3BtreeGetRequestedReserve(Btree *p){
003079    int n1, n2;
003080    sqlite3BtreeEnter(p);
003081    n1 = (int)p->pBt->nReserveWanted;
003082    n2 = sqlite3BtreeGetReserveNoMutex(p);
003083    sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
003084    return n1>n2 ? n1 : n2;
003085  }
003088  /*
003089  ** Set the maximum page count for a database if mxPage is positive.
003090  ** No changes are made if mxPage is 0 or negative.
003091  ** Regardless of the value of mxPage, return the maximum page count.
003092  */
003093  Pgno sqlite3BtreeMaxPageCount(Btree *p, Pgno mxPage){
003094    Pgno n;
003095    sqlite3BtreeEnter(p);
003096    n = sqlite3PagerMaxPageCount(p->pBt->pPager, mxPage);
003097    sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
003098    return n;
003099  }
003101  /*
003102  ** Change the values for the BTS_SECURE_DELETE and BTS_OVERWRITE flags:
003103  **
003104  **    newFlag==0       Both BTS_SECURE_DELETE and BTS_OVERWRITE are cleared
003105  **    newFlag==1       BTS_SECURE_DELETE set and BTS_OVERWRITE is cleared
003106  **    newFlag==2       BTS_SECURE_DELETE cleared and BTS_OVERWRITE is set
003107  **    newFlag==(-1)    No changes
003108  **
003109  ** This routine acts as a query if newFlag is less than zero
003110  **
003111  ** With BTS_OVERWRITE set, deleted content is overwritten by zeros, but
003112  ** freelist leaf pages are not written back to the database.  Thus in-page
003113  ** deleted content is cleared, but freelist deleted content is not.
003114  **
003115  ** With BTS_SECURE_DELETE, operation is like BTS_OVERWRITE with the addition
003116  ** that freelist leaf pages are written back into the database, increasing
003117  ** the amount of disk I/O.
003118  */
003119  int sqlite3BtreeSecureDelete(Btree *p, int newFlag){
003120    int b;
003121    if( p==0 ) return 0;
003122    sqlite3BtreeEnter(p);
003123    assert( BTS_OVERWRITE==BTS_SECURE_DELETE*2 );
003125    if( newFlag>=0 ){
003126      p->pBt->btsFlags &= ~BTS_FAST_SECURE;
003127      p->pBt->btsFlags |= BTS_SECURE_DELETE*newFlag;
003128    }
003129    b = (p->pBt->btsFlags & BTS_FAST_SECURE)/BTS_SECURE_DELETE;
003130    sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
003131    return b;
003132  }
003134  /*
003135  ** Change the 'auto-vacuum' property of the database. If the 'autoVacuum'
003136  ** parameter is non-zero, then auto-vacuum mode is enabled. If zero, it
003137  ** is disabled. The default value for the auto-vacuum property is
003138  ** determined by the SQLITE_DEFAULT_AUTOVACUUM macro.
003139  */
003140  int sqlite3BtreeSetAutoVacuum(Btree *p, int autoVacuum){
003142    return SQLITE_READONLY;
003143  #else
003144    BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
003145    int rc = SQLITE_OK;
003146    u8 av = (u8)autoVacuum;
003148    sqlite3BtreeEnter(p);
003149    if( (pBt->btsFlags & BTS_PAGESIZE_FIXED)!=0 && (av ?1:0)!=pBt->autoVacuum ){
003150      rc = SQLITE_READONLY;
003151    }else{
003152      pBt->autoVacuum = av ?1:0;
003153      pBt->incrVacuum = av==2 ?1:0;
003154    }
003155    sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
003156    return rc;
003157  #endif
003158  }
003160  /*
003161  ** Return the value of the 'auto-vacuum' property. If auto-vacuum is
003162  ** enabled 1 is returned. Otherwise 0.
003163  */
003164  int sqlite3BtreeGetAutoVacuum(Btree *p){
003166    return BTREE_AUTOVACUUM_NONE;
003167  #else
003168    int rc;
003169    sqlite3BtreeEnter(p);
003170    rc = (
003171      (!p->pBt->autoVacuum)?BTREE_AUTOVACUUM_NONE:
003172      (!p->pBt->incrVacuum)?BTREE_AUTOVACUUM_FULL:
003174    );
003175    sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
003176    return rc;
003177  #endif
003178  }
003180  /*
003181  ** If the user has not set the safety-level for this database connection
003182  ** using "PRAGMA synchronous", and if the safety-level is not already
003183  ** set to the value passed to this function as the second parameter,
003184  ** set it so.
003185  */
003187      && !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_WAL)
003188  static void setDefaultSyncFlag(BtShared *pBt, u8 safety_level){
003189    sqlite3 *db;
003190    Db *pDb;
003191    if( (db=pBt->db)!=0 && (pDb=db->aDb)!=0 ){
003192      while( pDb->pBt==0 || pDb->pBt->pBt!=pBt ){ pDb++; }
003193      if( pDb->bSyncSet==0
003194       && pDb->safety_level!=safety_level
003195       && pDb!=&db->aDb[1]
003196      ){
003197        pDb->safety_level = safety_level;
003198        sqlite3PagerSetFlags(pBt->pPager,
003199            pDb->safety_level | (db->flags & PAGER_FLAGS_MASK));
003200      }
003201    }
003202  }
003203  #else
003204  # define setDefaultSyncFlag(pBt,safety_level)
003205  #endif
003207  /* Forward declaration */
003208  static int newDatabase(BtShared*);
003211  /*
003212  ** Get a reference to pPage1 of the database file.  This will
003213  ** also acquire a readlock on that file.
003214  **
003215  ** SQLITE_OK is returned on success.  If the file is not a
003216  ** well-formed database file, then SQLITE_CORRUPT is returned.
003217  ** SQLITE_BUSY is returned if the database is locked.  SQLITE_NOMEM
003218  ** is returned if we run out of memory.
003219  */
003220  static int lockBtree(BtShared *pBt){
003221    int rc;              /* Result code from subfunctions */
003222    MemPage *pPage1;     /* Page 1 of the database file */
003223    u32 nPage;           /* Number of pages in the database */
003224    u32 nPageFile = 0;   /* Number of pages in the database file */
003226    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pBt->mutex) );
003227    assert( pBt->pPage1==0 );
003228    rc = sqlite3PagerSharedLock(pBt->pPager);
003229    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
003230    rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, 1, &pPage1, 0);
003231    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
003233    /* Do some checking to help insure the file we opened really is
003234    ** a valid database file.
003235    */
003236    nPage = get4byte(28+(u8*)pPage1->aData);
003237    sqlite3PagerPagecount(pBt->pPager, (int*)&nPageFile);
003238    if( nPage==0 || memcmp(24+(u8*)pPage1->aData, 92+(u8*)pPage1->aData,4)!=0 ){
003239      nPage = nPageFile;
003240    }
003241    if( (pBt->db->flags & SQLITE_ResetDatabase)!=0 ){
003242      nPage = 0;
003243    }
003244    if( nPage>0 ){
003245      u32 pageSize;
003246      u32 usableSize;
003247      u8 *page1 = pPage1->aData;
003248      rc = SQLITE_NOTADB;
003249      /* EVIDENCE-OF: R-43737-39999 Every valid SQLite database file begins
003250      ** with the following 16 bytes (in hex): 53 51 4c 69 74 65 20 66 6f 72 6d
003251      ** 61 74 20 33 00. */
003252      if( memcmp(page1, zMagicHeader, 16)!=0 ){
003253        goto page1_init_failed;
003254      }
003256  #ifdef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL
003257      if( page1[18]>1 ){
003258        pBt->btsFlags |= BTS_READ_ONLY;
003259      }
003260      if( page1[19]>1 ){
003261        goto page1_init_failed;
003262      }
003263  #else
003264      if( page1[18]>2 ){
003265        pBt->btsFlags |= BTS_READ_ONLY;
003266      }
003267      if( page1[19]>2 ){
003268        goto page1_init_failed;
003269      }
003271      /* If the read version is set to 2, this database should be accessed
003272      ** in WAL mode. If the log is not already open, open it now. Then
003273      ** return SQLITE_OK and return without populating BtShared.pPage1.
003274      ** The caller detects this and calls this function again. This is
003275      ** required as the version of page 1 currently in the page1 buffer
003276      ** may not be the latest version - there may be a newer one in the log
003277      ** file.
003278      */
003279      if( page1[19]==2 && (pBt->btsFlags & BTS_NO_WAL)==0 ){
003280        int isOpen = 0;
003281        rc = sqlite3PagerOpenWal(pBt->pPager, &isOpen);
003282        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
003283          goto page1_init_failed;
003284        }else{
003285          setDefaultSyncFlag(pBt, SQLITE_DEFAULT_WAL_SYNCHRONOUS+1);
003286          if( isOpen==0 ){
003287            releasePageOne(pPage1);
003288            return SQLITE_OK;
003289          }
003290        }
003291        rc = SQLITE_NOTADB;
003292      }else{
003293        setDefaultSyncFlag(pBt, SQLITE_DEFAULT_SYNCHRONOUS+1);
003294      }
003295  #endif
003297      /* EVIDENCE-OF: R-15465-20813 The maximum and minimum embedded payload
003298      ** fractions and the leaf payload fraction values must be 64, 32, and 32.
003299      **
003300      ** The original design allowed these amounts to vary, but as of
003301      ** version 3.6.0, we require them to be fixed.
003302      */
003303      if( memcmp(&page1[21], "\100\040\040",3)!=0 ){
003304        goto page1_init_failed;
003305      }
003306      /* EVIDENCE-OF: R-51873-39618 The page size for a database file is
003307      ** determined by the 2-byte integer located at an offset of 16 bytes from
003308      ** the beginning of the database file. */
003309      pageSize = (page1[16]<<8) | (page1[17]<<16);
003310      /* EVIDENCE-OF: R-25008-21688 The size of a page is a power of two
003311      ** between 512 and 65536 inclusive. */
003312      if( ((pageSize-1)&pageSize)!=0
003313       || pageSize>SQLITE_MAX_PAGE_SIZE
003314       || pageSize<=256
003315      ){
003316        goto page1_init_failed;
003317      }
003318      assert( (pageSize & 7)==0 );
003319      /* EVIDENCE-OF: R-59310-51205 The "reserved space" size in the 1-byte
003320      ** integer at offset 20 is the number of bytes of space at the end of
003321      ** each page to reserve for extensions.
003322      **
003323      ** EVIDENCE-OF: R-37497-42412 The size of the reserved region is
003324      ** determined by the one-byte unsigned integer found at an offset of 20
003325      ** into the database file header. */
003326      usableSize = pageSize - page1[20];
003327      if( (u32)pageSize!=pBt->pageSize ){
003328        /* After reading the first page of the database assuming a page size
003329        ** of BtShared.pageSize, we have discovered that the page-size is
003330        ** actually pageSize. Unlock the database, leave pBt->pPage1 at
003331        ** zero and return SQLITE_OK. The caller will call this function
003332        ** again with the correct page-size.
003333        */
003334        releasePageOne(pPage1);
003335        pBt->usableSize = usableSize;
003336        pBt->pageSize = pageSize;
003337        pBt->btsFlags |= BTS_PAGESIZE_FIXED;
003338        freeTempSpace(pBt);
003339        rc = sqlite3PagerSetPagesize(pBt->pPager, &pBt->pageSize,
003340                                     pageSize-usableSize);
003341        return rc;
003342      }
003343      if( nPage>nPageFile ){
003344        if( sqlite3WritableSchema(pBt->db)==0 ){
003345          rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
003346          goto page1_init_failed;
003347        }else{
003348          nPage = nPageFile;
003349        }
003350      }
003351      /* EVIDENCE-OF: R-28312-64704 However, the usable size is not allowed to
003352      ** be less than 480. In other words, if the page size is 512, then the
003353      ** reserved space size cannot exceed 32. */
003354      if( usableSize<480 ){
003355        goto page1_init_failed;
003356      }
003357      pBt->btsFlags |= BTS_PAGESIZE_FIXED;
003358      pBt->pageSize = pageSize;
003359      pBt->usableSize = usableSize;
003361      pBt->autoVacuum = (get4byte(&page1[36 + 4*4])?1:0);
003362      pBt->incrVacuum = (get4byte(&page1[36 + 7*4])?1:0);
003363  #endif
003364    }
003366    /* maxLocal is the maximum amount of payload to store locally for
003367    ** a cell.  Make sure it is small enough so that at least minFanout
003368    ** cells can will fit on one page.  We assume a 10-byte page header.
003369    ** Besides the payload, the cell must store:
003370    **     2-byte pointer to the cell
003371    **     4-byte child pointer
003372    **     9-byte nKey value
003373    **     4-byte nData value
003374    **     4-byte overflow page pointer
003375    ** So a cell consists of a 2-byte pointer, a header which is as much as
003376    ** 17 bytes long, 0 to N bytes of payload, and an optional 4 byte overflow
003377    ** page pointer.
003378    */
003379    pBt->maxLocal = (u16)((pBt->usableSize-12)*64/255 - 23);
003380    pBt->minLocal = (u16)((pBt->usableSize-12)*32/255 - 23);
003381    pBt->maxLeaf = (u16)(pBt->usableSize - 35);
003382    pBt->minLeaf = (u16)((pBt->usableSize-12)*32/255 - 23);
003383    if( pBt->maxLocal>127 ){
003384      pBt->max1bytePayload = 127;
003385    }else{
003386      pBt->max1bytePayload = (u8)pBt->maxLocal;
003387    }
003388    assert( pBt->maxLeaf + 23 <= MX_CELL_SIZE(pBt) );
003389    pBt->pPage1 = pPage1;
003390    pBt->nPage = nPage;
003391    return SQLITE_OK;
003393  page1_init_failed:
003394    releasePageOne(pPage1);
003395    pBt->pPage1 = 0;
003396    return rc;
003397  }
003399  #ifndef NDEBUG
003400  /*
003401  ** Return the number of cursors open on pBt. This is for use
003402  ** in assert() expressions, so it is only compiled if NDEBUG is not
003403  ** defined.
003404  **
003405  ** Only write cursors are counted if wrOnly is true.  If wrOnly is
003406  ** false then all cursors are counted.
003407  **
003408  ** For the purposes of this routine, a cursor is any cursor that
003409  ** is capable of reading or writing to the database.  Cursors that
003410  ** have been tripped into the CURSOR_FAULT state are not counted.
003411  */
003412  static int countValidCursors(BtShared *pBt, int wrOnly){
003413    BtCursor *pCur;
003414    int r = 0;
003415    for(pCur=pBt->pCursor; pCur; pCur=pCur->pNext){
003416      if( (wrOnly==0 || (pCur->curFlags & BTCF_WriteFlag)!=0)
003417       && pCur->eState!=CURSOR_FAULT ) r++;
003418    }
003419    return r;
003420  }
003421  #endif
003423  /*
003424  ** If there are no outstanding cursors and we are not in the middle
003425  ** of a transaction but there is a read lock on the database, then
003426  ** this routine unrefs the first page of the database file which
003427  ** has the effect of releasing the read lock.
003428  **
003429  ** If there is a transaction in progress, this routine is a no-op.
003430  */
003431  static void unlockBtreeIfUnused(BtShared *pBt){
003432    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pBt->mutex) );
003433    assert( countValidCursors(pBt,0)==0 || pBt->inTransaction>TRANS_NONE );
003434    if( pBt->inTransaction==TRANS_NONE && pBt->pPage1!=0 ){
003435      MemPage *pPage1 = pBt->pPage1;
003436      assert( pPage1->aData );
003437      assert( sqlite3PagerRefcount(pBt->pPager)==1 );
003438      pBt->pPage1 = 0;
003439      releasePageOne(pPage1);
003440    }
003441  }
003443  /*
003444  ** If pBt points to an empty file then convert that empty file
003445  ** into a new empty database by initializing the first page of
003446  ** the database.
003447  */
003448  static int newDatabase(BtShared *pBt){
003449    MemPage *pP1;
003450    unsigned char *data;
003451    int rc;
003453    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pBt->mutex) );
003454    if( pBt->nPage>0 ){
003455      return SQLITE_OK;
003456    }
003457    pP1 = pBt->pPage1;
003458    assert( pP1!=0 );
003459    data = pP1->aData;
003460    rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pP1->pDbPage);
003461    if( rc ) return rc;
003462    memcpy(data, zMagicHeader, sizeof(zMagicHeader));
003463    assert( sizeof(zMagicHeader)==16 );
003464    data[16] = (u8)((pBt->pageSize>>8)&0xff);
003465    data[17] = (u8)((pBt->pageSize>>16)&0xff);
003466    data[18] = 1;
003467    data[19] = 1;
003468    assert( pBt->usableSize<=pBt->pageSize && pBt->usableSize+255>=pBt->pageSize);
003469    data[20] = (u8)(pBt->pageSize - pBt->usableSize);
003470    data[21] = 64;
003471    data[22] = 32;
003472    data[23] = 32;
003473    memset(&data[24], 0, 100-24);
003474    zeroPage(pP1, PTF_INTKEY|PTF_LEAF|PTF_LEAFDATA );
003475    pBt->btsFlags |= BTS_PAGESIZE_FIXED;
003477    assert( pBt->autoVacuum==1 || pBt->autoVacuum==0 );
003478    assert( pBt->incrVacuum==1 || pBt->incrVacuum==0 );
003479    put4byte(&data[36 + 4*4], pBt->autoVacuum);
003480    put4byte(&data[36 + 7*4], pBt->incrVacuum);
003481  #endif
003482    pBt->nPage = 1;
003483    data[31] = 1;
003484    return SQLITE_OK;
003485  }
003487  /*
003488  ** Initialize the first page of the database file (creating a database
003489  ** consisting of a single page and no schema objects). Return SQLITE_OK
003490  ** if successful, or an SQLite error code otherwise.
003491  */
003492  int sqlite3BtreeNewDb(Btree *p){
003493    int rc;
003494    sqlite3BtreeEnter(p);
003495    p->pBt->nPage = 0;
003496    rc = newDatabase(p->pBt);
003497    sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
003498    return rc;
003499  }
003501  /*
003502  ** Attempt to start a new transaction. A write-transaction
003503  ** is started if the second argument is nonzero, otherwise a read-
003504  ** transaction.  If the second argument is 2 or more and exclusive
003505  ** transaction is started, meaning that no other process is allowed
003506  ** to access the database.  A preexisting transaction may not be
003507  ** upgraded to exclusive by calling this routine a second time - the
003508  ** exclusivity flag only works for a new transaction.
003509  **
003510  ** A write-transaction must be started before attempting any
003511  ** changes to the database.  None of the following routines
003512  ** will work unless a transaction is started first:
003513  **
003514  **      sqlite3BtreeCreateTable()
003515  **      sqlite3BtreeCreateIndex()
003516  **      sqlite3BtreeClearTable()
003517  **      sqlite3BtreeDropTable()
003518  **      sqlite3BtreeInsert()
003519  **      sqlite3BtreeDelete()
003520  **      sqlite3BtreeUpdateMeta()
003521  **
003522  ** If an initial attempt to acquire the lock fails because of lock contention
003523  ** and the database was previously unlocked, then invoke the busy handler
003524  ** if there is one.  But if there was previously a read-lock, do not
003525  ** invoke the busy handler - just return SQLITE_BUSY.  SQLITE_BUSY is
003526  ** returned when there is already a read-lock in order to avoid a deadlock.
003527  **
003528  ** Suppose there are two processes A and B.  A has a read lock and B has
003529  ** a reserved lock.  B tries to promote to exclusive but is blocked because
003530  ** of A's read lock.  A tries to promote to reserved but is blocked by B.
003531  ** One or the other of the two processes must give way or there can be
003532  ** no progress.  By returning SQLITE_BUSY and not invoking the busy callback
003533  ** when A already has a read lock, we encourage A to give up and let B
003534  ** proceed.
003535  */
003536  static SQLITE_NOINLINE int btreeBeginTrans(
003537    Btree *p,                 /* The btree in which to start the transaction */
003538    int wrflag,               /* True to start a write transaction */
003539    int *pSchemaVersion       /* Put schema version number here, if not NULL */
003540  ){
003541    BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
003542    Pager *pPager = pBt->pPager;
003543    int rc = SQLITE_OK;
003545    sqlite3BtreeEnter(p);
003546    btreeIntegrity(p);
003548    /* If the btree is already in a write-transaction, or it
003549    ** is already in a read-transaction and a read-transaction
003550    ** is requested, this is a no-op.
003551    */
003552    if( p->inTrans==TRANS_WRITE || (p->inTrans==TRANS_READ && !wrflag) ){
003553      goto trans_begun;
003554    }
003555    assert( pBt->inTransaction==TRANS_WRITE || IfNotOmitAV(pBt->bDoTruncate)==0 );
003557    if( (p->db->flags & SQLITE_ResetDatabase)
003558     && sqlite3PagerIsreadonly(pPager)==0
003559    ){
003560      pBt->btsFlags &= ~BTS_READ_ONLY;
003561    }
003563    /* Write transactions are not possible on a read-only database */
003564    if( (pBt->btsFlags & BTS_READ_ONLY)!=0 && wrflag ){
003565      rc = SQLITE_READONLY;
003566      goto trans_begun;
003567    }
003570    {
003571      sqlite3 *pBlock = 0;
003572      /* If another database handle has already opened a write transaction
003573      ** on this shared-btree structure and a second write transaction is
003574      ** requested, return SQLITE_LOCKED.
003575      */
003576      if( (wrflag && pBt->inTransaction==TRANS_WRITE)
003577       || (pBt->btsFlags & BTS_PENDING)!=0
003578      ){
003579        pBlock = pBt->pWriter->db;
003580      }else if( wrflag>1 ){
003581        BtLock *pIter;
003582        for(pIter=pBt->pLock; pIter; pIter=pIter->pNext){
003583          if( pIter->pBtree!=p ){
003584            pBlock = pIter->pBtree->db;
003585            break;
003586          }
003587        }
003588      }
003589      if( pBlock ){
003590        sqlite3ConnectionBlocked(p->db, pBlock);
003592        goto trans_begun;
003593      }
003594    }
003595  #endif
003597    /* Any read-only or read-write transaction implies a read-lock on
003598    ** page 1. So if some other shared-cache client already has a write-lock
003599    ** on page 1, the transaction cannot be opened. */
003600    rc = querySharedCacheTableLock(p, SCHEMA_ROOT, READ_LOCK);
003601    if( SQLITE_OK!=rc ) goto trans_begun;
003603    pBt->btsFlags &= ~BTS_INITIALLY_EMPTY;
003604    if( pBt->nPage==0 ) pBt->btsFlags |= BTS_INITIALLY_EMPTY;
003605    do {
003606      sqlite3PagerWalDb(pPager, p->db);
003609      /* If transitioning from no transaction directly to a write transaction,
003610      ** block for the WRITER lock first if possible. */
003611      if( pBt->pPage1==0 && wrflag ){
003612        assert( pBt->inTransaction==TRANS_NONE );
003613        rc = sqlite3PagerWalWriteLock(pPager, 1);
003614        if( rc!=SQLITE_BUSY && rc!=SQLITE_OK ) break;
003615      }
003616  #endif
003618      /* Call lockBtree() until either pBt->pPage1 is populated or
003619      ** lockBtree() returns something other than SQLITE_OK. lockBtree()
003620      ** may return SQLITE_OK but leave pBt->pPage1 set to 0 if after
003621      ** reading page 1 it discovers that the page-size of the database
003622      ** file is not pBt->pageSize. In this case lockBtree() will update
003623      ** pBt->pageSize to the page-size of the file on disk.
003624      */
003625      while( pBt->pPage1==0 && SQLITE_OK==(rc = lockBtree(pBt)) );
003627      if( rc==SQLITE_OK && wrflag ){
003628        if( (pBt->btsFlags & BTS_READ_ONLY)!=0 ){
003629          rc = SQLITE_READONLY;
003630        }else{
003631          rc = sqlite3PagerBegin(pPager, wrflag>1, sqlite3TempInMemory(p->db));
003632          if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
003633            rc = newDatabase(pBt);
003634          }else if( rc==SQLITE_BUSY_SNAPSHOT && pBt->inTransaction==TRANS_NONE ){
003635            /* if there was no transaction opened when this function was
003636            ** called and SQLITE_BUSY_SNAPSHOT is returned, change the error
003637            ** code to SQLITE_BUSY. */
003638            rc = SQLITE_BUSY;
003639          }
003640        }
003641      }
003643      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
003644        (void)sqlite3PagerWalWriteLock(pPager, 0);
003645        unlockBtreeIfUnused(pBt);
003646      }
003647    }while( (rc&0xFF)==SQLITE_BUSY && pBt->inTransaction==TRANS_NONE &&
003648            btreeInvokeBusyHandler(pBt) );
003649    sqlite3PagerWalDb(pPager, 0);
003651    if( rc==SQLITE_BUSY_TIMEOUT ) rc = SQLITE_BUSY;
003652  #endif
003654    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
003655      if( p->inTrans==TRANS_NONE ){
003656        pBt->nTransaction++;
003658        if( p->sharable ){
003659          assert( p->lock.pBtree==p && p->lock.iTable==1 );
003660          p->lock.eLock = READ_LOCK;
003661          p->lock.pNext = pBt->pLock;
003662          pBt->pLock = &p->lock;
003663        }
003664  #endif
003665      }
003666      p->inTrans = (wrflag?TRANS_WRITE:TRANS_READ);
003667      if( p->inTrans>pBt->inTransaction ){
003668        pBt->inTransaction = p->inTrans;
003669      }
003670      if( wrflag ){
003671        MemPage *pPage1 = pBt->pPage1;
003673        assert( !pBt->pWriter );
003674        pBt->pWriter = p;
003675        pBt->btsFlags &= ~BTS_EXCLUSIVE;
003676        if( wrflag>1 ) pBt->btsFlags |= BTS_EXCLUSIVE;
003677  #endif
003679        /* If the db-size header field is incorrect (as it may be if an old
003680        ** client has been writing the database file), update it now. Doing
003681        ** this sooner rather than later means the database size can safely
003682        ** re-read the database size from page 1 if a savepoint or transaction
003683        ** rollback occurs within the transaction.
003684        */
003685        if( pBt->nPage!=get4byte(&pPage1->aData[28]) ){
003686          rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pPage1->pDbPage);
003687          if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
003688            put4byte(&pPage1->aData[28], pBt->nPage);
003689          }
003690        }
003691      }
003692    }
003694  trans_begun:
003695    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
003696      if( pSchemaVersion ){
003697        *pSchemaVersion = get4byte(&pBt->pPage1->aData[40]);
003698      }
003699      if( wrflag ){
003700        /* This call makes sure that the pager has the correct number of
003701        ** open savepoints. If the second parameter is greater than 0 and
003702        ** the sub-journal is not already open, then it will be opened here.
003703        */
003704        rc = sqlite3PagerOpenSavepoint(pPager, p->db->nSavepoint);
003705      }
003706    }
003708    btreeIntegrity(p);
003709    sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
003710    return rc;
003711  }
003712  int sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(Btree *p, int wrflag, int *pSchemaVersion){
003713    BtShared *pBt;
003714    if( p->sharable
003715     || p->inTrans==TRANS_NONE
003716     || (p->inTrans==TRANS_READ && wrflag!=0)
003717    ){
003718      return btreeBeginTrans(p,wrflag,pSchemaVersion);
003719    }
003720    pBt = p->pBt;
003721    if( pSchemaVersion ){
003722      *pSchemaVersion = get4byte(&pBt->pPage1->aData[40]);
003723    }
003724    if( wrflag ){
003725      /* This call makes sure that the pager has the correct number of
003726      ** open savepoints. If the second parameter is greater than 0 and
003727      ** the sub-journal is not already open, then it will be opened here.
003728      */
003729      return sqlite3PagerOpenSavepoint(pBt->pPager, p->db->nSavepoint);
003730    }else{
003731      return SQLITE_OK;
003732    }
003733  }
003737  /*
003738  ** Set the pointer-map entries for all children of page pPage. Also, if
003739  ** pPage contains cells that point to overflow pages, set the pointer
003740  ** map entries for the overflow pages as well.
003741  */
003742  static int setChildPtrmaps(MemPage *pPage){
003743    int i;                             /* Counter variable */
003744    int nCell;                         /* Number of cells in page pPage */
003745    int rc;                            /* Return code */
003746    BtShared *pBt = pPage->pBt;
003747    Pgno pgno = pPage->pgno;
003749    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pPage->pBt->mutex) );
003750    rc = pPage->isInit ? SQLITE_OK : btreeInitPage(pPage);
003751    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
003752    nCell = pPage->nCell;
003754    for(i=0; i<nCell; i++){
003755      u8 *pCell = findCell(pPage, i);
003757      ptrmapPutOvflPtr(pPage, pPage, pCell, &rc);
003759      if( !pPage->leaf ){
003760        Pgno childPgno = get4byte(pCell);
003761        ptrmapPut(pBt, childPgno, PTRMAP_BTREE, pgno, &rc);
003762      }
003763    }
003765    if( !pPage->leaf ){
003766      Pgno childPgno = get4byte(&pPage->aData[pPage->hdrOffset+8]);
003767      ptrmapPut(pBt, childPgno, PTRMAP_BTREE, pgno, &rc);
003768    }
003770    return rc;
003771  }
003773  /*
003774  ** Somewhere on pPage is a pointer to page iFrom.  Modify this pointer so
003775  ** that it points to iTo. Parameter eType describes the type of pointer to
003776  ** be modified, as  follows:
003777  **
003778  ** PTRMAP_BTREE:     pPage is a btree-page. The pointer points at a child
003779  **                   page of pPage.
003780  **
003781  ** PTRMAP_OVERFLOW1: pPage is a btree-page. The pointer points at an overflow
003782  **                   page pointed to by one of the cells on pPage.
003783  **
003784  ** PTRMAP_OVERFLOW2: pPage is an overflow-page. The pointer points at the next
003785  **                   overflow page in the list.
003786  */
003787  static int modifyPagePointer(MemPage *pPage, Pgno iFrom, Pgno iTo, u8 eType){
003788    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pPage->pBt->mutex) );
003789    assert( sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pPage->pDbPage) );
003790    if( eType==PTRMAP_OVERFLOW2 ){
003791      /* The pointer is always the first 4 bytes of the page in this case.  */
003792      if( get4byte(pPage->aData)!=iFrom ){
003793        return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
003794      }
003795      put4byte(pPage->aData, iTo);
003796    }else{
003797      int i;
003798      int nCell;
003799      int rc;
003801      rc = pPage->isInit ? SQLITE_OK : btreeInitPage(pPage);
003802      if( rc ) return rc;
003803      nCell = pPage->nCell;
003805      for(i=0; i<nCell; i++){
003806        u8 *pCell = findCell(pPage, i);
003807        if( eType==PTRMAP_OVERFLOW1 ){
003808          CellInfo info;
003809          pPage->xParseCell(pPage, pCell, &info);
003810          if( info.nLocal<info.nPayload ){
003811            if( pCell+info.nSize > pPage->aData+pPage->pBt->usableSize ){
003812              return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
003813            }
003814            if( iFrom==get4byte(pCell+info.nSize-4) ){
003815              put4byte(pCell+info.nSize-4, iTo);
003816              break;
003817            }
003818          }
003819        }else{
003820          if( pCell+4 > pPage->aData+pPage->pBt->usableSize ){
003821            return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
003822          }
003823          if( get4byte(pCell)==iFrom ){
003824            put4byte(pCell, iTo);
003825            break;
003826          }
003827        }
003828      }
003830      if( i==nCell ){
003831        if( eType!=PTRMAP_BTREE ||
003832            get4byte(&pPage->aData[pPage->hdrOffset+8])!=iFrom ){
003833          return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
003834        }
003835        put4byte(&pPage->aData[pPage->hdrOffset+8], iTo);
003836      }
003837    }
003838    return SQLITE_OK;
003839  }
003842  /*
003843  ** Move the open database page pDbPage to location iFreePage in the
003844  ** database. The pDbPage reference remains valid.
003845  **
003846  ** The isCommit flag indicates that there is no need to remember that
003847  ** the journal needs to be sync()ed before database page pDbPage->pgno
003848  ** can be written to. The caller has already promised not to write to that
003849  ** page.
003850  */
003851  static int relocatePage(
003852    BtShared *pBt,           /* Btree */
003853    MemPage *pDbPage,        /* Open page to move */
003854    u8 eType,                /* Pointer map 'type' entry for pDbPage */
003855    Pgno iPtrPage,           /* Pointer map 'page-no' entry for pDbPage */
003856    Pgno iFreePage,          /* The location to move pDbPage to */
003857    int isCommit             /* isCommit flag passed to sqlite3PagerMovepage */
003858  ){
003859    MemPage *pPtrPage;   /* The page that contains a pointer to pDbPage */
003860    Pgno iDbPage = pDbPage->pgno;
003861    Pager *pPager = pBt->pPager;
003862    int rc;
003864    assert( eType==PTRMAP_OVERFLOW2 || eType==PTRMAP_OVERFLOW1 ||
003865        eType==PTRMAP_BTREE || eType==PTRMAP_ROOTPAGE );
003866    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pBt->mutex) );
003867    assert( pDbPage->pBt==pBt );
003868    if( iDbPage<3 ) return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
003870    /* Move page iDbPage from its current location to page number iFreePage */
003871    TRACE(("AUTOVACUUM: Moving %u to free page %u (ptr page %u type %u)\n",
003872        iDbPage, iFreePage, iPtrPage, eType));
003873    rc = sqlite3PagerMovepage(pPager, pDbPage->pDbPage, iFreePage, isCommit);
003874    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
003875      return rc;
003876    }
003877    pDbPage->pgno = iFreePage;
003879    /* If pDbPage was a btree-page, then it may have child pages and/or cells
003880    ** that point to overflow pages. The pointer map entries for all these
003881    ** pages need to be changed.
003882    **
003883    ** If pDbPage is an overflow page, then the first 4 bytes may store a
003884    ** pointer to a subsequent overflow page. If this is the case, then
003885    ** the pointer map needs to be updated for the subsequent overflow page.
003886    */
003887    if( eType==PTRMAP_BTREE || eType==PTRMAP_ROOTPAGE ){
003888      rc = setChildPtrmaps(pDbPage);
003889      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
003890        return rc;
003891      }
003892    }else{
003893      Pgno nextOvfl = get4byte(pDbPage->aData);
003894      if( nextOvfl!=0 ){
003895        ptrmapPut(pBt, nextOvfl, PTRMAP_OVERFLOW2, iFreePage, &rc);
003896        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
003897          return rc;
003898        }
003899      }
003900    }
003902    /* Fix the database pointer on page iPtrPage that pointed at iDbPage so
003903    ** that it points at iFreePage. Also fix the pointer map entry for
003904    ** iPtrPage.
003905    */
003906    if( eType!=PTRMAP_ROOTPAGE ){
003907      rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, iPtrPage, &pPtrPage, 0);
003908      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
003909        return rc;
003910      }
003911      rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pPtrPage->pDbPage);
003912      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
003913        releasePage(pPtrPage);
003914        return rc;
003915      }
003916      rc = modifyPagePointer(pPtrPage, iDbPage, iFreePage, eType);
003917      releasePage(pPtrPage);
003918      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
003919        ptrmapPut(pBt, iFreePage, eType, iPtrPage, &rc);
003920      }
003921    }
003922    return rc;
003923  }
003925  /* Forward declaration required by incrVacuumStep(). */
003926  static int allocateBtreePage(BtShared *, MemPage **, Pgno *, Pgno, u8);
003928  /*
003929  ** Perform a single step of an incremental-vacuum. If successful, return
003930  ** SQLITE_OK. If there is no work to do (and therefore no point in
003931  ** calling this function again), return SQLITE_DONE. Or, if an error
003932  ** occurs, return some other error code.
003933  **
003934  ** More specifically, this function attempts to re-organize the database so
003935  ** that the last page of the file currently in use is no longer in use.
003936  **
003937  ** Parameter nFin is the number of pages that this database would contain
003938  ** were this function called until it returns SQLITE_DONE.
003939  **
003940  ** If the bCommit parameter is non-zero, this function assumes that the
003941  ** caller will keep calling incrVacuumStep() until it returns SQLITE_DONE
003942  ** or an error. bCommit is passed true for an auto-vacuum-on-commit
003943  ** operation, or false for an incremental vacuum.
003944  */
003945  static int incrVacuumStep(BtShared *pBt, Pgno nFin, Pgno iLastPg, int bCommit){
003946    Pgno nFreeList;           /* Number of pages still on the free-list */
003947    int rc;
003949    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pBt->mutex) );
003950    assert( iLastPg>nFin );
003952    if( !PTRMAP_ISPAGE(pBt, iLastPg) && iLastPg!=PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) ){
003953      u8 eType;
003954      Pgno iPtrPage;
003956      nFreeList = get4byte(&pBt->pPage1->aData[36]);
003957      if( nFreeList==0 ){
003958        return SQLITE_DONE;
003959      }
003961      rc = ptrmapGet(pBt, iLastPg, &eType, &iPtrPage);
003962      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
003963        return rc;
003964      }
003965      if( eType==PTRMAP_ROOTPAGE ){
003966        return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
003967      }
003969      if( eType==PTRMAP_FREEPAGE ){
003970        if( bCommit==0 ){
003971          /* Remove the page from the files free-list. This is not required
003972          ** if bCommit is non-zero. In that case, the free-list will be
003973          ** truncated to zero after this function returns, so it doesn't
003974          ** matter if it still contains some garbage entries.
003975          */
003976          Pgno iFreePg;
003977          MemPage *pFreePg;
003978          rc = allocateBtreePage(pBt, &pFreePg, &iFreePg, iLastPg, BTALLOC_EXACT);
003979          if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
003980            return rc;
003981          }
003982          assert( iFreePg==iLastPg );
003983          releasePage(pFreePg);
003984        }
003985      } else {
003986        Pgno iFreePg;             /* Index of free page to move pLastPg to */
003987        MemPage *pLastPg;
003988        u8 eMode = BTALLOC_ANY;   /* Mode parameter for allocateBtreePage() */
003989        Pgno iNear = 0;           /* nearby parameter for allocateBtreePage() */
003991        rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, iLastPg, &pLastPg, 0);
003992        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
003993          return rc;
003994        }
003996        /* If bCommit is zero, this loop runs exactly once and page pLastPg
003997        ** is swapped with the first free page pulled off the free list.
003998        **
003999        ** On the other hand, if bCommit is greater than zero, then keep
004000        ** looping until a free-page located within the first nFin pages
004001        ** of the file is found.
004002        */
004003        if( bCommit==0 ){
004004          eMode = BTALLOC_LE;
004005          iNear = nFin;
004006        }
004007        do {
004008          MemPage *pFreePg;
004009          Pgno dbSize = btreePagecount(pBt);
004010          rc = allocateBtreePage(pBt, &pFreePg, &iFreePg, iNear, eMode);
004011          if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
004012            releasePage(pLastPg);
004013            return rc;
004014          }
004015          releasePage(pFreePg);
004016          if( iFreePg>dbSize ){
004017            releasePage(pLastPg);
004018            return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
004019          }
004020        }while( bCommit && iFreePg>nFin );
004021        assert( iFreePg<iLastPg );
004023        rc = relocatePage(pBt, pLastPg, eType, iPtrPage, iFreePg, bCommit);
004024        releasePage(pLastPg);
004025        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
004026          return rc;
004027        }
004028      }
004029    }
004031    if( bCommit==0 ){
004032      do {
004033        iLastPg--;
004034      }while( iLastPg==PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) || PTRMAP_ISPAGE(pBt, iLastPg) );
004035      pBt->bDoTruncate = 1;
004036      pBt->nPage = iLastPg;
004037    }
004038    return SQLITE_OK;
004039  }
004041  /*
004042  ** The database opened by the first argument is an auto-vacuum database
004043  ** nOrig pages in size containing nFree free pages. Return the expected
004044  ** size of the database in pages following an auto-vacuum operation.
004045  */
004046  static Pgno finalDbSize(BtShared *pBt, Pgno nOrig, Pgno nFree){
004047    int nEntry;                     /* Number of entries on one ptrmap page */
004048    Pgno nPtrmap;                   /* Number of PtrMap pages to be freed */
004049    Pgno nFin;                      /* Return value */
004051    nEntry = pBt->usableSize/5;
004052    nPtrmap = (nFree-nOrig+PTRMAP_PAGENO(pBt, nOrig)+nEntry)/nEntry;
004053    nFin = nOrig - nFree - nPtrmap;
004054    if( nOrig>PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) && nFin<PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) ){
004055      nFin--;
004056    }
004057    while( PTRMAP_ISPAGE(pBt, nFin) || nFin==PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) ){
004058      nFin--;
004059    }
004061    return nFin;
004062  }
004064  /*
004065  ** A write-transaction must be opened before calling this function.
004066  ** It performs a single unit of work towards an incremental vacuum.
004067  **
004068  ** If the incremental vacuum is finished after this function has run,
004069  ** SQLITE_DONE is returned. If it is not finished, but no error occurred,
004070  ** SQLITE_OK is returned. Otherwise an SQLite error code.
004071  */
004072  int sqlite3BtreeIncrVacuum(Btree *p){
004073    int rc;
004074    BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
004076    sqlite3BtreeEnter(p);
004077    assert( pBt->inTransaction==TRANS_WRITE && p->inTrans==TRANS_WRITE );
004078    if( !pBt->autoVacuum ){
004079      rc = SQLITE_DONE;
004080    }else{
004081      Pgno nOrig = btreePagecount(pBt);
004082      Pgno nFree = get4byte(&pBt->pPage1->aData[36]);
004083      Pgno nFin = finalDbSize(pBt, nOrig, nFree);
004085      if( nOrig<nFin || nFree>=nOrig ){
004086        rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
004087      }else if( nFree>0 ){
004088        rc = saveAllCursors(pBt, 0, 0);
004089        if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
004090          invalidateAllOverflowCache(pBt);
004091          rc = incrVacuumStep(pBt, nFin, nOrig, 0);
004092        }
004093        if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
004094          rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pBt->pPage1->pDbPage);
004095          put4byte(&pBt->pPage1->aData[28], pBt->nPage);
004096        }
004097      }else{
004098        rc = SQLITE_DONE;
004099      }
004100    }
004101    sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
004102    return rc;
004103  }
004105  /*
004106  ** This routine is called prior to sqlite3PagerCommit when a transaction
004107  ** is committed for an auto-vacuum database.
004108  */
004109  static int autoVacuumCommit(Btree *p){
004110    int rc = SQLITE_OK;
004111    Pager *pPager;
004112    BtShared *pBt;
004113    sqlite3 *db;
004114    VVA_ONLY( int nRef );
004116    assert( p!=0 );
004117    pBt = p->pBt; 
004118    pPager = pBt->pPager;
004119    VVA_ONLY( nRef = sqlite3PagerRefcount(pPager); )
004121    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pBt->mutex) );
004122    invalidateAllOverflowCache(pBt);
004123    assert(pBt->autoVacuum);
004124    if( !pBt->incrVacuum ){
004125      Pgno nFin;         /* Number of pages in database after autovacuuming */
004126      Pgno nFree;        /* Number of pages on the freelist initially */
004127      Pgno nVac;         /* Number of pages to vacuum */
004128      Pgno iFree;        /* The next page to be freed */
004129      Pgno nOrig;        /* Database size before freeing */
004131      nOrig = btreePagecount(pBt);
004132      if( PTRMAP_ISPAGE(pBt, nOrig) || nOrig==PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) ){
004133        /* It is not possible to create a database for which the final page
004134        ** is either a pointer-map page or the pending-byte page. If one
004135        ** is encountered, this indicates corruption.
004136        */
004137        return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
004138      }
004140      nFree = get4byte(&pBt->pPage1->aData[36]);
004141      db = p->db;
004142      if( db->xAutovacPages ){
004143        int iDb;
004144        for(iDb=0; ALWAYS(iDb<db->nDb); iDb++){
004145          if( db->aDb[iDb].pBt==p ) break;
004146        }
004147        nVac = db->xAutovacPages(
004148          db->pAutovacPagesArg,
004149          db->aDb[iDb].zDbSName,
004150          nOrig,
004151          nFree,
004152          pBt->pageSize
004153        );
004154        if( nVac>nFree ){
004155          nVac = nFree;
004156        }
004157        if( nVac==0 ){
004158          return SQLITE_OK;
004159        }
004160      }else{
004161        nVac = nFree;
004162      }
004163      nFin = finalDbSize(pBt, nOrig, nVac);
004164      if( nFin>nOrig ) return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
004165      if( nFin<nOrig ){
004166        rc = saveAllCursors(pBt, 0, 0);
004167      }
004168      for(iFree=nOrig; iFree>nFin && rc==SQLITE_OK; iFree--){
004169        rc = incrVacuumStep(pBt, nFin, iFree, nVac==nFree);
004170      }
004171      if( (rc==SQLITE_DONE || rc==SQLITE_OK) && nFree>0 ){
004172        rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pBt->pPage1->pDbPage);
004173        if( nVac==nFree ){
004174          put4byte(&pBt->pPage1->aData[32], 0);
004175          put4byte(&pBt->pPage1->aData[36], 0);
004176        }
004177        put4byte(&pBt->pPage1->aData[28], nFin);
004178        pBt->bDoTruncate = 1;
004179        pBt->nPage = nFin;
004180      }
004181      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
004182        sqlite3PagerRollback(pPager);
004183      }
004184    }
004186    assert( nRef>=sqlite3PagerRefcount(pPager) );
004187    return rc;
004188  }
004190  #else /* ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_AUTOVACUUM */
004191  # define setChildPtrmaps(x) SQLITE_OK
004192  #endif
004194  /*
004195  ** This routine does the first phase of a two-phase commit.  This routine
004196  ** causes a rollback journal to be created (if it does not already exist)
004197  ** and populated with enough information so that if a power loss occurs
004198  ** the database can be restored to its original state by playing back
004199  ** the journal.  Then the contents of the journal are flushed out to
004200  ** the disk.  After the journal is safely on oxide, the changes to the
004201  ** database are written into the database file and flushed to oxide.
004202  ** At the end of this call, the rollback journal still exists on the
004203  ** disk and we are still holding all locks, so the transaction has not
004204  ** committed.  See sqlite3BtreeCommitPhaseTwo() for the second phase of the
004205  ** commit process.
004206  **
004207  ** This call is a no-op if no write-transaction is currently active on pBt.
004208  **
004209  ** Otherwise, sync the database file for the btree pBt. zSuperJrnl points to
004210  ** the name of a super-journal file that should be written into the
004211  ** individual journal file, or is NULL, indicating no super-journal file
004212  ** (single database transaction).
004213  **
004214  ** When this is called, the super-journal should already have been
004215  ** created, populated with this journal pointer and synced to disk.
004216  **
004217  ** Once this is routine has returned, the only thing required to commit
004218  ** the write-transaction for this database file is to delete the journal.
004219  */
004220  int sqlite3BtreeCommitPhaseOne(Btree *p, const char *zSuperJrnl){
004221    int rc = SQLITE_OK;
004222    if( p->inTrans==TRANS_WRITE ){
004223      BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
004224      sqlite3BtreeEnter(p);
004226      if( pBt->autoVacuum ){
004227        rc = autoVacuumCommit(p);
004228        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
004229          sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
004230          return rc;
004231        }
004232      }
004233      if( pBt->bDoTruncate ){
004234        sqlite3PagerTruncateImage(pBt->pPager, pBt->nPage);
004235      }
004236  #endif
004237      rc = sqlite3PagerCommitPhaseOne(pBt->pPager, zSuperJrnl, 0);
004238      sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
004239    }
004240    return rc;
004241  }
004243  /*
004244  ** This function is called from both BtreeCommitPhaseTwo() and BtreeRollback()
004245  ** at the conclusion of a transaction.
004246  */
004247  static void btreeEndTransaction(Btree *p){
004248    BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
004249    sqlite3 *db = p->db;
004250    assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsMutex(p) );
004253    pBt->bDoTruncate = 0;
004254  #endif
004255    if( p->inTrans>TRANS_NONE && db->nVdbeRead>1 ){
004256      /* If there are other active statements that belong to this database
004257      ** handle, downgrade to a read-only transaction. The other statements
004258      ** may still be reading from the database.  */
004259      downgradeAllSharedCacheTableLocks(p);
004260      p->inTrans = TRANS_READ;
004261    }else{
004262      /* If the handle had any kind of transaction open, decrement the
004263      ** transaction count of the shared btree. If the transaction count
004264      ** reaches 0, set the shared state to TRANS_NONE. The unlockBtreeIfUnused()
004265      ** call below will unlock the pager.  */
004266      if( p->inTrans!=TRANS_NONE ){
004267        clearAllSharedCacheTableLocks(p);
004268        pBt->nTransaction--;
004269        if( 0==pBt->nTransaction ){
004270          pBt->inTransaction = TRANS_NONE;
004271        }
004272      }
004274      /* Set the current transaction state to TRANS_NONE and unlock the
004275      ** pager if this call closed the only read or write transaction.  */
004276      p->inTrans = TRANS_NONE;
004277      unlockBtreeIfUnused(pBt);
004278    }
004280    btreeIntegrity(p);
004281  }
004283  /*
004284  ** Commit the transaction currently in progress.
004285  **
004286  ** This routine implements the second phase of a 2-phase commit.  The
004287  ** sqlite3BtreeCommitPhaseOne() routine does the first phase and should
004288  ** be invoked prior to calling this routine.  The sqlite3BtreeCommitPhaseOne()
004289  ** routine did all the work of writing information out to disk and flushing the
004290  ** contents so that they are written onto the disk platter.  All this
004291  ** routine has to do is delete or truncate or zero the header in the
004292  ** the rollback journal (which causes the transaction to commit) and
004293  ** drop locks.
004294  **
004295  ** Normally, if an error occurs while the pager layer is attempting to
004296  ** finalize the underlying journal file, this function returns an error and
004297  ** the upper layer will attempt a rollback. However, if the second argument
004298  ** is non-zero then this b-tree transaction is part of a multi-file
004299  ** transaction. In this case, the transaction has already been committed
004300  ** (by deleting a super-journal file) and the caller will ignore this
004301  ** functions return code. So, even if an error occurs in the pager layer,
004302  ** reset the b-tree objects internal state to indicate that the write
004303  ** transaction has been closed. This is quite safe, as the pager will have
004304  ** transitioned to the error state.
004305  **
004306  ** This will release the write lock on the database file.  If there
004307  ** are no active cursors, it also releases the read lock.
004308  */
004309  int sqlite3BtreeCommitPhaseTwo(Btree *p, int bCleanup){
004311    if( p->inTrans==TRANS_NONE ) return SQLITE_OK;
004312    sqlite3BtreeEnter(p);
004313    btreeIntegrity(p);
004315    /* If the handle has a write-transaction open, commit the shared-btrees
004316    ** transaction and set the shared state to TRANS_READ.
004317    */
004318    if( p->inTrans==TRANS_WRITE ){
004319      int rc;
004320      BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
004321      assert( pBt->inTransaction==TRANS_WRITE );
004322      assert( pBt->nTransaction>0 );
004323      rc = sqlite3PagerCommitPhaseTwo(pBt->pPager);
004324      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK && bCleanup==0 ){
004325        sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
004326        return rc;
004327      }
004328      p->iBDataVersion--;  /* Compensate for pPager->iDataVersion++; */
004329      pBt->inTransaction = TRANS_READ;
004330      btreeClearHasContent(pBt);
004331    }
004333    btreeEndTransaction(p);
004334    sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
004335    return SQLITE_OK;
004336  }
004338  /*
004339  ** Do both phases of a commit.
004340  */
004341  int sqlite3BtreeCommit(Btree *p){
004342    int rc;
004343    sqlite3BtreeEnter(p);
004344    rc = sqlite3BtreeCommitPhaseOne(p, 0);
004345    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
004346      rc = sqlite3BtreeCommitPhaseTwo(p, 0);
004347    }
004348    sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
004349    return rc;
004350  }
004352  /*
004353  ** This routine sets the state to CURSOR_FAULT and the error
004354  ** code to errCode for every cursor on any BtShared that pBtree
004355  ** references.  Or if the writeOnly flag is set to 1, then only
004356  ** trip write cursors and leave read cursors unchanged.
004357  **
004358  ** Every cursor is a candidate to be tripped, including cursors
004359  ** that belong to other database connections that happen to be
004360  ** sharing the cache with pBtree.
004361  **
004362  ** This routine gets called when a rollback occurs. If the writeOnly
004363  ** flag is true, then only write-cursors need be tripped - read-only
004364  ** cursors save their current positions so that they may continue
004365  ** following the rollback. Or, if writeOnly is false, all cursors are
004366  ** tripped. In general, writeOnly is false if the transaction being
004367  ** rolled back modified the database schema. In this case b-tree root
004368  ** pages may be moved or deleted from the database altogether, making
004369  ** it unsafe for read cursors to continue.
004370  **
004371  ** If the writeOnly flag is true and an error is encountered while
004372  ** saving the current position of a read-only cursor, all cursors,
004373  ** including all read-cursors are tripped.
004374  **
004375  ** SQLITE_OK is returned if successful, or if an error occurs while
004376  ** saving a cursor position, an SQLite error code.
004377  */
004378  int sqlite3BtreeTripAllCursors(Btree *pBtree, int errCode, int writeOnly){
004379    BtCursor *p;
004380    int rc = SQLITE_OK;
004382    assert( (writeOnly==0 || writeOnly==1) && BTCF_WriteFlag==1 );
004383    if( pBtree ){
004384      sqlite3BtreeEnter(pBtree);
004385      for(p=pBtree->pBt->pCursor; p; p=p->pNext){
004386        if( writeOnly && (p->curFlags & BTCF_WriteFlag)==0 ){
004387          if( p->eState==CURSOR_VALID || p->eState==CURSOR_SKIPNEXT ){
004388            rc = saveCursorPosition(p);
004389            if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
004390              (void)sqlite3BtreeTripAllCursors(pBtree, rc, 0);
004391              break;
004392            }
004393          }
004394        }else{
004395          sqlite3BtreeClearCursor(p);
004396          p->eState = CURSOR_FAULT;
004397          p->skipNext = errCode;
004398        }
004399        btreeReleaseAllCursorPages(p);
004400      }
004401      sqlite3BtreeLeave(pBtree);
004402    }
004403    return rc;
004404  }
004406  /*
004407  ** Set the pBt->nPage field correctly, according to the current
004408  ** state of the database.  Assume pBt->pPage1 is valid.
004409  */
004410  static void btreeSetNPage(BtShared *pBt, MemPage *pPage1){
004411    int nPage = get4byte(&pPage1->aData[28]);
004412    testcase( nPage==0 );
004413    if( nPage==0 ) sqlite3PagerPagecount(pBt->pPager, &nPage);
004414    testcase( pBt->nPage!=(u32)nPage );
004415    pBt->nPage = nPage;
004416  }
004418  /*
004419  ** Rollback the transaction in progress.
004420  **
004421  ** If tripCode is not SQLITE_OK then cursors will be invalidated (tripped).
004422  ** Only write cursors are tripped if writeOnly is true but all cursors are
004423  ** tripped if writeOnly is false.  Any attempt to use
004424  ** a tripped cursor will result in an error.
004425  **
004426  ** This will release the write lock on the database file.  If there
004427  ** are no active cursors, it also releases the read lock.
004428  */
004429  int sqlite3BtreeRollback(Btree *p, int tripCode, int writeOnly){
004430    int rc;
004431    BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
004432    MemPage *pPage1;
004434    assert( writeOnly==1 || writeOnly==0 );
004435    assert( tripCode==SQLITE_ABORT_ROLLBACK || tripCode==SQLITE_OK );
004436    sqlite3BtreeEnter(p);
004437    if( tripCode==SQLITE_OK ){
004438      rc = tripCode = saveAllCursors(pBt, 0, 0);
004439      if( rc ) writeOnly = 0;
004440    }else{
004441      rc = SQLITE_OK;
004442    }
004443    if( tripCode ){
004444      int rc2 = sqlite3BtreeTripAllCursors(p, tripCode, writeOnly);
004445      assert( rc==SQLITE_OK || (writeOnly==0 && rc2==SQLITE_OK) );
004446      if( rc2!=SQLITE_OK ) rc = rc2;
004447    }
004448    btreeIntegrity(p);
004450    if( p->inTrans==TRANS_WRITE ){
004451      int rc2;
004453      assert( TRANS_WRITE==pBt->inTransaction );
004454      rc2 = sqlite3PagerRollback(pBt->pPager);
004455      if( rc2!=SQLITE_OK ){
004456        rc = rc2;
004457      }
004459      /* The rollback may have destroyed the pPage1->aData value.  So
004460      ** call btreeGetPage() on page 1 again to make
004461      ** sure pPage1->aData is set correctly. */
004462      if( btreeGetPage(pBt, 1, &pPage1, 0)==SQLITE_OK ){
004463        btreeSetNPage(pBt, pPage1);
004464        releasePageOne(pPage1);
004465      }
004466      assert( countValidCursors(pBt, 1)==0 );
004467      pBt->inTransaction = TRANS_READ;
004468      btreeClearHasContent(pBt);
004469    }
004471    btreeEndTransaction(p);
004472    sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
004473    return rc;
004474  }
004476  /*
004477  ** Start a statement subtransaction. The subtransaction can be rolled
004478  ** back independently of the main transaction. You must start a transaction
004479  ** before starting a subtransaction. The subtransaction is ended automatically
004480  ** if the main transaction commits or rolls back.
004481  **
004482  ** Statement subtransactions are used around individual SQL statements
004483  ** that are contained within a BEGIN...COMMIT block.  If a constraint
004484  ** error occurs within the statement, the effect of that one statement
004485  ** can be rolled back without having to rollback the entire transaction.
004486  **
004487  ** A statement sub-transaction is implemented as an anonymous savepoint. The
004488  ** value passed as the second parameter is the total number of savepoints,
004489  ** including the new anonymous savepoint, open on the B-Tree. i.e. if there
004490  ** are no active savepoints and no other statement-transactions open,
004491  ** iStatement is 1. This anonymous savepoint can be released or rolled back
004492  ** using the sqlite3BtreeSavepoint() function.
004493  */
004494  int sqlite3BtreeBeginStmt(Btree *p, int iStatement){
004495    int rc;
004496    BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
004497    sqlite3BtreeEnter(p);
004498    assert( p->inTrans==TRANS_WRITE );
004499    assert( (pBt->btsFlags & BTS_READ_ONLY)==0 );
004500    assert( iStatement>0 );
004501    assert( iStatement>p->db->nSavepoint );
004502    assert( pBt->inTransaction==TRANS_WRITE );
004503    /* At the pager level, a statement transaction is a savepoint with
004504    ** an index greater than all savepoints created explicitly using
004505    ** SQL statements. It is illegal to open, release or rollback any
004506    ** such savepoints while the statement transaction savepoint is active.
004507    */
004508    rc = sqlite3PagerOpenSavepoint(pBt->pPager, iStatement);
004509    sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
004510    return rc;
004511  }
004513  /*
004514  ** The second argument to this function, op, is always SAVEPOINT_ROLLBACK
004515  ** or SAVEPOINT_RELEASE. This function either releases or rolls back the
004516  ** savepoint identified by parameter iSavepoint, depending on the value
004517  ** of op.
004518  **
004519  ** Normally, iSavepoint is greater than or equal to zero. However, if op is
004520  ** SAVEPOINT_ROLLBACK, then iSavepoint may also be -1. In this case the
004521  ** contents of the entire transaction are rolled back. This is different
004522  ** from a normal transaction rollback, as no locks are released and the
004523  ** transaction remains open.
004524  */
004525  int sqlite3BtreeSavepoint(Btree *p, int op, int iSavepoint){
004526    int rc = SQLITE_OK;
004527    if( p && p->inTrans==TRANS_WRITE ){
004528      BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
004529      assert( op==SAVEPOINT_RELEASE || op==SAVEPOINT_ROLLBACK );
004530      assert( iSavepoint>=0 || (iSavepoint==-1 && op==SAVEPOINT_ROLLBACK) );
004531      sqlite3BtreeEnter(p);
004532      if( op==SAVEPOINT_ROLLBACK ){
004533        rc = saveAllCursors(pBt, 0, 0);
004534      }
004535      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
004536        rc = sqlite3PagerSavepoint(pBt->pPager, op, iSavepoint);
004537      }
004538      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
004539        if( iSavepoint<0 && (pBt->btsFlags & BTS_INITIALLY_EMPTY)!=0 ){
004540          pBt->nPage = 0;
004541        }
004542        rc = newDatabase(pBt);
004543        btreeSetNPage(pBt, pBt->pPage1);
004545        /* pBt->nPage might be zero if the database was corrupt when
004546        ** the transaction was started. Otherwise, it must be at least 1.  */
004547        assert( CORRUPT_DB || pBt->nPage>0 );
004548      }
004549      sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
004550    }
004551    return rc;
004552  }
004554  /*
004555  ** Create a new cursor for the BTree whose root is on the page
004556  ** iTable. If a read-only cursor is requested, it is assumed that
004557  ** the caller already has at least a read-only transaction open
004558  ** on the database already. If a write-cursor is requested, then
004559  ** the caller is assumed to have an open write transaction.
004560  **
004561  ** If the BTREE_WRCSR bit of wrFlag is clear, then the cursor can only
004562  ** be used for reading.  If the BTREE_WRCSR bit is set, then the cursor
004563  ** can be used for reading or for writing if other conditions for writing
004564  ** are also met.  These are the conditions that must be met in order
004565  ** for writing to be allowed:
004566  **
004567  ** 1:  The cursor must have been opened with wrFlag containing BTREE_WRCSR
004568  **
004569  ** 2:  Other database connections that share the same pager cache
004570  **     but which are not in the READ_UNCOMMITTED state may not have
004571  **     cursors open with wrFlag==0 on the same table.  Otherwise
004572  **     the changes made by this write cursor would be visible to
004573  **     the read cursors in the other database connection.
004574  **
004575  ** 3:  The database must be writable (not on read-only media)
004576  **
004577  ** 4:  There must be an active transaction.
004578  **
004579  ** The BTREE_FORDELETE bit of wrFlag may optionally be set if BTREE_WRCSR
004580  ** is set.  If FORDELETE is set, that is a hint to the implementation that
004581  ** this cursor will only be used to seek to and delete entries of an index
004582  ** as part of a larger DELETE statement.  The FORDELETE hint is not used by
004583  ** this implementation.  But in a hypothetical alternative storage engine
004584  ** in which index entries are automatically deleted when corresponding table
004585  ** rows are deleted, the FORDELETE flag is a hint that all SEEK and DELETE
004586  ** operations on this cursor can be no-ops and all READ operations can
004587  ** return a null row (2-bytes: 0x01 0x00).
004588  **
004589  ** No checking is done to make sure that page iTable really is the
004590  ** root page of a b-tree.  If it is not, then the cursor acquired
004591  ** will not work correctly.
004592  **
004593  ** It is assumed that the sqlite3BtreeCursorZero() has been called
004594  ** on pCur to initialize the memory space prior to invoking this routine.
004595  */
004596  static int btreeCursor(
004597    Btree *p,                              /* The btree */
004598    Pgno iTable,                           /* Root page of table to open */
004599    int wrFlag,                            /* 1 to write. 0 read-only */
004600    struct KeyInfo *pKeyInfo,              /* First arg to comparison function */
004601    BtCursor *pCur                         /* Space for new cursor */
004602  ){
004603    BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;                /* Shared b-tree handle */
004604    BtCursor *pX;                          /* Looping over other all cursors */
004606    assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsMutex(p) );
004607    assert( wrFlag==0
004608         || wrFlag==BTREE_WRCSR
004609         || wrFlag==(BTREE_WRCSR|BTREE_FORDELETE)
004610    );
004612    /* The following assert statements verify that if this is a sharable
004613    ** b-tree database, the connection is holding the required table locks,
004614    ** and that no other connection has any open cursor that conflicts with
004615    ** this lock.  The iTable<1 term disables the check for corrupt schemas. */
004616    assert( hasSharedCacheTableLock(p, iTable, pKeyInfo!=0, (wrFlag?2:1))
004617            || iTable<1 );
004618    assert( wrFlag==0 || !hasReadConflicts(p, iTable) );
004620    /* Assert that the caller has opened the required transaction. */
004621    assert( p->inTrans>TRANS_NONE );
004622    assert( wrFlag==0 || p->inTrans==TRANS_WRITE );
004623    assert( pBt->pPage1 && pBt->pPage1->aData );
004624    assert( wrFlag==0 || (pBt->btsFlags & BTS_READ_ONLY)==0 );
004626    if( iTable<=1 ){
004627      if( iTable<1 ){
004628        return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
004629      }else if( btreePagecount(pBt)==0 ){
004630        assert( wrFlag==0 );
004631        iTable = 0;
004632      }
004633    }
004635    /* Now that no other errors can occur, finish filling in the BtCursor
004636    ** variables and link the cursor into the BtShared list.  */
004637    pCur->pgnoRoot = iTable;
004638    pCur->iPage = -1;
004639    pCur->pKeyInfo = pKeyInfo;
004640    pCur->pBtree = p;
004641    pCur->pBt = pBt;
004642    pCur->curFlags = 0;
004643    /* If there are two or more cursors on the same btree, then all such
004644    ** cursors *must* have the BTCF_Multiple flag set. */
004645    for(pX=pBt->pCursor; pX; pX=pX->pNext){
004646      if( pX->pgnoRoot==iTable ){
004647        pX->curFlags |= BTCF_Multiple;
004648        pCur->curFlags = BTCF_Multiple;
004649      }
004650    }
004651    pCur->eState = CURSOR_INVALID;
004652    pCur->pNext = pBt->pCursor;
004653    pBt->pCursor = pCur;
004654    if( wrFlag ){
004655      pCur->curFlags |= BTCF_WriteFlag;
004656      pCur->curPagerFlags = 0;
004657      if( pBt->pTmpSpace==0 ) return allocateTempSpace(pBt);
004658    }else{
004659      pCur->curPagerFlags = PAGER_GET_READONLY;
004660    }
004661    return SQLITE_OK;
004662  }
004663  static int btreeCursorWithLock(
004664    Btree *p,                              /* The btree */
004665    Pgno iTable,                           /* Root page of table to open */
004666    int wrFlag,                            /* 1 to write. 0 read-only */
004667    struct KeyInfo *pKeyInfo,              /* First arg to comparison function */
004668    BtCursor *pCur                         /* Space for new cursor */
004669  ){
004670    int rc;
004671    sqlite3BtreeEnter(p);
004672    rc = btreeCursor(p, iTable, wrFlag, pKeyInfo, pCur);
004673    sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
004674    return rc;
004675  }
004676  int sqlite3BtreeCursor(
004677    Btree *p,                                   /* The btree */
004678    Pgno iTable,                                /* Root page of table to open */
004679    int wrFlag,                                 /* 1 to write. 0 read-only */
004680    struct KeyInfo *pKeyInfo,                   /* First arg to xCompare() */
004681    BtCursor *pCur                              /* Write new cursor here */
004682  ){
004683    if( p->sharable ){
004684      return btreeCursorWithLock(p, iTable, wrFlag, pKeyInfo, pCur);
004685    }else{
004686      return btreeCursor(p, iTable, wrFlag, pKeyInfo, pCur);
004687    }
004688  }
004690  /*
004691  ** Return the size of a BtCursor object in bytes.
004692  **
004693  ** This interfaces is needed so that users of cursors can preallocate
004694  ** sufficient storage to hold a cursor.  The BtCursor object is opaque
004695  ** to users so they cannot do the sizeof() themselves - they must call
004696  ** this routine.
004697  */
004698  int sqlite3BtreeCursorSize(void){
004699    return ROUND8(sizeof(BtCursor));
004700  }
004702  /*
004703  ** Initialize memory that will be converted into a BtCursor object.
004704  **
004705  ** The simple approach here would be to memset() the entire object
004706  ** to zero.  But it turns out that the apPage[] and aiIdx[] arrays
004707  ** do not need to be zeroed and they are large, so we can save a lot
004708  ** of run-time by skipping the initialization of those elements.
004709  */
004710  void sqlite3BtreeCursorZero(BtCursor *p){
004711    memset(p, 0, offsetof(BtCursor, BTCURSOR_FIRST_UNINIT));
004712  }
004714  /*
004715  ** Close a cursor.  The read lock on the database file is released
004716  ** when the last cursor is closed.
004717  */
004718  int sqlite3BtreeCloseCursor(BtCursor *pCur){
004719    Btree *pBtree = pCur->pBtree;
004720    if( pBtree ){
004721      BtShared *pBt = pCur->pBt;
004722      sqlite3BtreeEnter(pBtree);
004723      assert( pBt->pCursor!=0 );
004724      if( pBt->pCursor==pCur ){
004725        pBt->pCursor = pCur->pNext;
004726      }else{
004727        BtCursor *pPrev = pBt->pCursor;
004728        do{
004729          if( pPrev->pNext==pCur ){
004730            pPrev->pNext = pCur->pNext;
004731            break;
004732          }
004733          pPrev = pPrev->pNext;
004734        }while( ALWAYS(pPrev) );
004735      }
004736      btreeReleaseAllCursorPages(pCur);
004737      unlockBtreeIfUnused(pBt);
004738      sqlite3_free(pCur->aOverflow);
004739      sqlite3_free(pCur->pKey);
004740      if( (pBt->openFlags & BTREE_SINGLE) && pBt->pCursor==0 ){
004741        /* Since the BtShared is not sharable, there is no need to
004742        ** worry about the missing sqlite3BtreeLeave() call here.  */
004743        assert( pBtree->sharable==0 );
004744        sqlite3BtreeClose(pBtree);
004745      }else{
004746        sqlite3BtreeLeave(pBtree);
004747      }
004748      pCur->pBtree = 0;
004749    }
004750    return SQLITE_OK;
004751  }
004753  /*
004754  ** Make sure the BtCursor* given in the argument has a valid
004755  ** BtCursor.info structure.  If it is not already valid, call
004756  ** btreeParseCell() to fill it in.
004757  **
004758  ** BtCursor.info is a cache of the information in the current cell.
004759  ** Using this cache reduces the number of calls to btreeParseCell().
004760  */
004761  #ifndef NDEBUG
004762    static int cellInfoEqual(CellInfo *a, CellInfo *b){
004763      if( a->nKey!=b->nKey ) return 0;
004764      if( a->pPayload!=b->pPayload ) return 0;
004765      if( a->nPayload!=b->nPayload ) return 0;
004766      if( a->nLocal!=b->nLocal ) return 0;
004767      if( a->nSize!=b->nSize ) return 0;
004768      return 1;
004769    }
004770    static void assertCellInfo(BtCursor *pCur){
004771      CellInfo info;
004772      memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
004773      btreeParseCell(pCur->pPage, pCur->ix, &info);
004774      assert( CORRUPT_DB || cellInfoEqual(&info, &pCur->info) );
004775    }
004776  #else
004777    #define assertCellInfo(x)
004778  #endif
004779  static SQLITE_NOINLINE void getCellInfo(BtCursor *pCur){
004780    if( pCur->info.nSize==0 ){
004781      pCur->curFlags |= BTCF_ValidNKey;
004782      btreeParseCell(pCur->pPage,pCur->ix,&pCur->info);
004783    }else{
004784      assertCellInfo(pCur);
004785    }
004786  }
004788  #ifndef NDEBUG  /* The next routine used only within assert() statements */
004789  /*
004790  ** Return true if the given BtCursor is valid.  A valid cursor is one
004791  ** that is currently pointing to a row in a (non-empty) table.
004792  ** This is a verification routine is used only within assert() statements.
004793  */
004794  int sqlite3BtreeCursorIsValid(BtCursor *pCur){
004795    return pCur && pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID;
004796  }
004797  #endif /* NDEBUG */
004798  int sqlite3BtreeCursorIsValidNN(BtCursor *pCur){
004799    assert( pCur!=0 );
004800    return pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID;
004801  }
004803  /*
004804  ** Return the value of the integer key or "rowid" for a table btree.
004805  ** This routine is only valid for a cursor that is pointing into a
004806  ** ordinary table btree.  If the cursor points to an index btree or
004807  ** is invalid, the result of this routine is undefined.
004808  */
004809  i64 sqlite3BtreeIntegerKey(BtCursor *pCur){
004810    assert( cursorHoldsMutex(pCur) );
004811    assert( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID );
004812    assert( pCur->curIntKey );
004813    getCellInfo(pCur);
004814    return pCur->info.nKey;
004815  }
004817  /*
004818  ** Pin or unpin a cursor.
004819  */
004820  void sqlite3BtreeCursorPin(BtCursor *pCur){
004821    assert( (pCur->curFlags & BTCF_Pinned)==0 );
004822    pCur->curFlags |= BTCF_Pinned;
004823  }
004824  void sqlite3BtreeCursorUnpin(BtCursor *pCur){
004825    assert( (pCur->curFlags & BTCF_Pinned)!=0 );
004826    pCur->curFlags &= ~BTCF_Pinned;
004827  }
004829  /*
004830  ** Return the offset into the database file for the start of the
004831  ** payload to which the cursor is pointing.
004832  */
004833  i64 sqlite3BtreeOffset(BtCursor *pCur){
004834    assert( cursorHoldsMutex(pCur) );
004835    assert( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID );
004836    getCellInfo(pCur);
004837    return (i64)pCur->pBt->pageSize*((i64)pCur->pPage->pgno - 1) +
004838           (i64)(pCur->info.pPayload - pCur->pPage->aData);
004839  }
004841  /*
004842  ** Return the number of bytes of payload for the entry that pCur is
004843  ** currently pointing to.  For table btrees, this will be the amount
004844  ** of data.  For index btrees, this will be the size of the key.
004845  **
004846  ** The caller must guarantee that the cursor is pointing to a non-NULL
004847  ** valid entry.  In other words, the calling procedure must guarantee
004848  ** that the cursor has Cursor.eState==CURSOR_VALID.
004849  */
004850  u32 sqlite3BtreePayloadSize(BtCursor *pCur){
004851    assert( cursorHoldsMutex(pCur) );
004852    assert( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID );
004853    getCellInfo(pCur);
004854    return pCur->info.nPayload;
004855  }
004857  /*
004858  ** Return an upper bound on the size of any record for the table
004859  ** that the cursor is pointing into.
004860  **
004861  ** This is an optimization.  Everything will still work if this
004862  ** routine always returns 2147483647 (which is the largest record
004863  ** that SQLite can handle) or more.  But returning a smaller value might
004864  ** prevent large memory allocations when trying to interpret a
004865  ** corrupt database.
004866  **
004867  ** The current implementation merely returns the size of the underlying
004868  ** database file.
004869  */
004870  sqlite3_int64 sqlite3BtreeMaxRecordSize(BtCursor *pCur){
004871    assert( cursorHoldsMutex(pCur) );
004872    assert( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID );
004873    return pCur->pBt->pageSize * (sqlite3_int64)pCur->pBt->nPage;
004874  }
004876  /*
004877  ** Given the page number of an overflow page in the database (parameter
004878  ** ovfl), this function finds the page number of the next page in the
004879  ** linked list of overflow pages. If possible, it uses the auto-vacuum
004880  ** pointer-map data instead of reading the content of page ovfl to do so.
004881  **
004882  ** If an error occurs an SQLite error code is returned. Otherwise:
004883  **
004884  ** The page number of the next overflow page in the linked list is
004885  ** written to *pPgnoNext. If page ovfl is the last page in its linked
004886  ** list, *pPgnoNext is set to zero.
004887  **
004888  ** If ppPage is not NULL, and a reference to the MemPage object corresponding
004889  ** to page number pOvfl was obtained, then *ppPage is set to point to that
004890  ** reference. It is the responsibility of the caller to call releasePage()
004891  ** on *ppPage to free the reference. In no reference was obtained (because
004892  ** the pointer-map was used to obtain the value for *pPgnoNext), then
004893  ** *ppPage is set to zero.
004894  */
004895  static int getOverflowPage(
004896    BtShared *pBt,               /* The database file */
004897    Pgno ovfl,                   /* Current overflow page number */
004898    MemPage **ppPage,            /* OUT: MemPage handle (may be NULL) */
004899    Pgno *pPgnoNext              /* OUT: Next overflow page number */
004900  ){
004901    Pgno next = 0;
004902    MemPage *pPage = 0;
004903    int rc = SQLITE_OK;
004905    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pBt->mutex) );
004906    assert(pPgnoNext);
004909    /* Try to find the next page in the overflow list using the
004910    ** autovacuum pointer-map pages. Guess that the next page in
004911    ** the overflow list is page number (ovfl+1). If that guess turns
004912    ** out to be wrong, fall back to loading the data of page
004913    ** number ovfl to determine the next page number.
004914    */
004915    if( pBt->autoVacuum ){
004916      Pgno pgno;
004917      Pgno iGuess = ovfl+1;
004918      u8 eType;
004920      while( PTRMAP_ISPAGE(pBt, iGuess) || iGuess==PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) ){
004921        iGuess++;
004922      }
004924      if( iGuess<=btreePagecount(pBt) ){
004925        rc = ptrmapGet(pBt, iGuess, &eType, &pgno);
004926        if( rc==SQLITE_OK && eType==PTRMAP_OVERFLOW2 && pgno==ovfl ){
004927          next = iGuess;
004928          rc = SQLITE_DONE;
004929        }
004930      }
004931    }
004932  #endif
004934    assert( next==0 || rc==SQLITE_DONE );
004935    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
004936      rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, ovfl, &pPage, (ppPage==0) ? PAGER_GET_READONLY : 0);
004937      assert( rc==SQLITE_OK || pPage==0 );
004938      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
004939        next = get4byte(pPage->aData);
004940      }
004941    }
004943    *pPgnoNext = next;
004944    if( ppPage ){
004945      *ppPage = pPage;
004946    }else{
004947      releasePage(pPage);
004948    }
004949    return (rc==SQLITE_DONE ? SQLITE_OK : rc);
004950  }
004952  /*
004953  ** Copy data from a buffer to a page, or from a page to a buffer.
004954  **
004955  ** pPayload is a pointer to data stored on database page pDbPage.
004956  ** If argument eOp is false, then nByte bytes of data are copied
004957  ** from pPayload to the buffer pointed at by pBuf. If eOp is true,
004958  ** then sqlite3PagerWrite() is called on pDbPage and nByte bytes
004959  ** of data are copied from the buffer pBuf to pPayload.
004960  **
004961  ** SQLITE_OK is returned on success, otherwise an error code.
004962  */
004963  static int copyPayload(
004964    void *pPayload,           /* Pointer to page data */
004965    void *pBuf,               /* Pointer to buffer */
004966    int nByte,                /* Number of bytes to copy */
004967    int eOp,                  /* 0 -> copy from page, 1 -> copy to page */
004968    DbPage *pDbPage           /* Page containing pPayload */
004969  ){
004970    if( eOp ){
004971      /* Copy data from buffer to page (a write operation) */
004972      int rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pDbPage);
004973      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
004974        return rc;
004975      }
004976      memcpy(pPayload, pBuf, nByte);
004977    }else{
004978      /* Copy data from page to buffer (a read operation) */
004979      memcpy(pBuf, pPayload, nByte);
004980    }
004981    return SQLITE_OK;
004982  }
004984  /*
004985  ** This function is used to read or overwrite payload information
004986  ** for the entry that the pCur cursor is pointing to. The eOp
004987  ** argument is interpreted as follows:
004988  **
004989  **   0: The operation is a read. Populate the overflow cache.
004990  **   1: The operation is a write. Populate the overflow cache.
004991  **
004992  ** A total of "amt" bytes are read or written beginning at "offset".
004993  ** Data is read to or from the buffer pBuf.
004994  **
004995  ** The content being read or written might appear on the main page
004996  ** or be scattered out on multiple overflow pages.
004997  **
004998  ** If the current cursor entry uses one or more overflow pages
004999  ** this function may allocate space for and lazily populate
005000  ** the overflow page-list cache array (BtCursor.aOverflow).
005001  ** Subsequent calls use this cache to make seeking to the supplied offset
005002  ** more efficient.
005003  **
005004  ** Once an overflow page-list cache has been allocated, it must be
005005  ** invalidated if some other cursor writes to the same table, or if
005006  ** the cursor is moved to a different row. Additionally, in auto-vacuum
005007  ** mode, the following events may invalidate an overflow page-list cache.
005008  **
005009  **   * An incremental vacuum,
005010  **   * A commit in auto_vacuum="full" mode,
005011  **   * Creating a table (may require moving an overflow page).
005012  */
005013  static int accessPayload(
005014    BtCursor *pCur,      /* Cursor pointing to entry to read from */
005015    u32 offset,          /* Begin reading this far into payload */
005016    u32 amt,             /* Read this many bytes */
005017    unsigned char *pBuf, /* Write the bytes into this buffer */
005018    int eOp              /* zero to read. non-zero to write. */
005019  ){
005020    unsigned char *aPayload;
005021    int rc = SQLITE_OK;
005022    int iIdx = 0;
005023    MemPage *pPage = pCur->pPage;               /* Btree page of current entry */
005024    BtShared *pBt = pCur->pBt;                  /* Btree this cursor belongs to */
005026    unsigned char * const pBufStart = pBuf;     /* Start of original out buffer */
005027  #endif
005029    assert( pPage );
005030    assert( eOp==0 || eOp==1 );
005031    assert( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID );
005032    if( pCur->ix>=pPage->nCell ){
005033      return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
005034    }
005035    assert( cursorHoldsMutex(pCur) );
005037    getCellInfo(pCur);
005038    aPayload = pCur->info.pPayload;
005039    assert( offset+amt <= pCur->info.nPayload );
005041    assert( aPayload > pPage->aData );
005042    if( (uptr)(aPayload - pPage->aData) > (pBt->usableSize - pCur->info.nLocal) ){
005043      /* Trying to read or write past the end of the data is an error.  The
005044      ** conditional above is really:
005045      **    &aPayload[pCur->info.nLocal] > &pPage->aData[pBt->usableSize]
005046      ** but is recast into its current form to avoid integer overflow problems
005047      */
005048      return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
005049    }
005051    /* Check if data must be read/written to/from the btree page itself. */
005052    if( offset<pCur->info.nLocal ){
005053      int a = amt;
005054      if( a+offset>pCur->info.nLocal ){
005055        a = pCur->info.nLocal - offset;
005056      }
005057      rc = copyPayload(&aPayload[offset], pBuf, a, eOp, pPage->pDbPage);
005058      offset = 0;
005059      pBuf += a;
005060      amt -= a;
005061    }else{
005062      offset -= pCur->info.nLocal;
005063    }
005066    if( rc==SQLITE_OK && amt>0 ){
005067      const u32 ovflSize = pBt->usableSize - 4;  /* Bytes content per ovfl page */
005068      Pgno nextPage;
005070      nextPage = get4byte(&aPayload[pCur->info.nLocal]);
005072      /* If the BtCursor.aOverflow[] has not been allocated, allocate it now.
005073      **
005074      ** The aOverflow[] array is sized at one entry for each overflow page
005075      ** in the overflow chain. The page number of the first overflow page is
005076      ** stored in aOverflow[0], etc. A value of 0 in the aOverflow[] array
005077      ** means "not yet known" (the cache is lazily populated).
005078      */
005079      if( (pCur->curFlags & BTCF_ValidOvfl)==0 ){
005080        int nOvfl = (pCur->info.nPayload-pCur->info.nLocal+ovflSize-1)/ovflSize;
005081        if( pCur->aOverflow==0
005082         || nOvfl*(int)sizeof(Pgno) > sqlite3MallocSize(pCur->aOverflow)
005083        ){
005084          Pgno *aNew = (Pgno*)sqlite3Realloc(
005085              pCur->aOverflow, nOvfl*2*sizeof(Pgno)
005086          );
005087          if( aNew==0 ){
005088            return SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
005089          }else{
005090            pCur->aOverflow = aNew;
005091          }
005092        }
005093        memset(pCur->aOverflow, 0, nOvfl*sizeof(Pgno));
005094        pCur->curFlags |= BTCF_ValidOvfl;
005095      }else{
005096        /* If the overflow page-list cache has been allocated and the
005097        ** entry for the first required overflow page is valid, skip
005098        ** directly to it.
005099        */
005100        if( pCur->aOverflow[offset/ovflSize] ){
005101          iIdx = (offset/ovflSize);
005102          nextPage = pCur->aOverflow[iIdx];
005103          offset = (offset%ovflSize);
005104        }
005105      }
005107      assert( rc==SQLITE_OK && amt>0 );
005108      while( nextPage ){
005109        /* If required, populate the overflow page-list cache. */
005110        if( nextPage > pBt->nPage ) return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
005111        assert( pCur->aOverflow[iIdx]==0
005112                || pCur->aOverflow[iIdx]==nextPage
005113                || CORRUPT_DB );
005114        pCur->aOverflow[iIdx] = nextPage;
005116        if( offset>=ovflSize ){
005117          /* The only reason to read this page is to obtain the page
005118          ** number for the next page in the overflow chain. The page
005119          ** data is not required. So first try to lookup the overflow
005120          ** page-list cache, if any, then fall back to the getOverflowPage()
005121          ** function.
005122          */
005123          assert( pCur->curFlags & BTCF_ValidOvfl );
005124          assert( pCur->pBtree->db==pBt->db );
005125          if( pCur->aOverflow[iIdx+1] ){
005126            nextPage = pCur->aOverflow[iIdx+1];
005127          }else{
005128            rc = getOverflowPage(pBt, nextPage, 0, &nextPage);
005129          }
005130          offset -= ovflSize;
005131        }else{
005132          /* Need to read this page properly. It contains some of the
005133          ** range of data that is being read (eOp==0) or written (eOp!=0).
005134          */
005135          int a = amt;
005136          if( a + offset > ovflSize ){
005137            a = ovflSize - offset;
005138          }
005141          /* If all the following are true:
005142          **
005143          **   1) this is a read operation, and
005144          **   2) data is required from the start of this overflow page, and
005145          **   3) there are no dirty pages in the page-cache
005146          **   4) the database is file-backed, and
005147          **   5) the page is not in the WAL file
005148          **   6) at least 4 bytes have already been read into the output buffer
005149          **
005150          ** then data can be read directly from the database file into the
005151          ** output buffer, bypassing the page-cache altogether. This speeds
005152          ** up loading large records that span many overflow pages.
005153          */
005154          if( eOp==0                                             /* (1) */
005155           && offset==0                                          /* (2) */
005156           && sqlite3PagerDirectReadOk(pBt->pPager, nextPage)    /* (3,4,5) */
005157           && &pBuf[-4]>=pBufStart                               /* (6) */
005158          ){
005159            sqlite3_file *fd = sqlite3PagerFile(pBt->pPager);
005160            u8 aSave[4];
005161            u8 *aWrite = &pBuf[-4];
005162            assert( aWrite>=pBufStart );                         /* due to (6) */
005163            memcpy(aSave, aWrite, 4);
005164            rc = sqlite3OsRead(fd, aWrite, a+4, (i64)pBt->pageSize*(nextPage-1));
005165            if( rc && nextPage>pBt->nPage ) rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
005166            nextPage = get4byte(aWrite);
005167            memcpy(aWrite, aSave, 4);
005168          }else
005169  #endif
005171          {
005172            DbPage *pDbPage;
005173            rc = sqlite3PagerGet(pBt->pPager, nextPage, &pDbPage,
005174                (eOp==0 ? PAGER_GET_READONLY : 0)
005175            );
005176            if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
005177              aPayload = sqlite3PagerGetData(pDbPage);
005178              nextPage = get4byte(aPayload);
005179              rc = copyPayload(&aPayload[offset+4], pBuf, a, eOp, pDbPage);
005180              sqlite3PagerUnref(pDbPage);
005181              offset = 0;
005182            }
005183          }
005184          amt -= a;
005185          if( amt==0 ) return rc;
005186          pBuf += a;
005187        }
005188        if( rc ) break;
005189        iIdx++;
005190      }
005191    }
005193    if( rc==SQLITE_OK && amt>0 ){
005194      /* Overflow chain ends prematurely */
005195      return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
005196    }
005197    return rc;
005198  }
005200  /*
005201  ** Read part of the payload for the row at which that cursor pCur is currently
005202  ** pointing.  "amt" bytes will be transferred into pBuf[].  The transfer
005203  ** begins at "offset".
005204  **
005205  ** pCur can be pointing to either a table or an index b-tree.
005206  ** If pointing to a table btree, then the content section is read.  If
005207  ** pCur is pointing to an index b-tree then the key section is read.
005208  **
005209  ** For sqlite3BtreePayload(), the caller must ensure that pCur is pointing
005210  ** to a valid row in the table.  For sqlite3BtreePayloadChecked(), the
005211  ** cursor might be invalid or might need to be restored before being read.
005212  **
005213  ** Return SQLITE_OK on success or an error code if anything goes
005214  ** wrong.  An error is returned if "offset+amt" is larger than
005215  ** the available payload.
005216  */
005217  int sqlite3BtreePayload(BtCursor *pCur, u32 offset, u32 amt, void *pBuf){
005218    assert( cursorHoldsMutex(pCur) );
005219    assert( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID );
005220    assert( pCur->iPage>=0 && pCur->pPage );
005221    return accessPayload(pCur, offset, amt, (unsigned char*)pBuf, 0);
005222  }
005224  /*
005225  ** This variant of sqlite3BtreePayload() works even if the cursor has not
005226  ** in the CURSOR_VALID state.  It is only used by the sqlite3_blob_read()
005227  ** interface.
005228  */
005229  #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_INCRBLOB
005230  static SQLITE_NOINLINE int accessPayloadChecked(
005231    BtCursor *pCur,
005232    u32 offset,
005233    u32 amt,
005234    void *pBuf
005235  ){
005236    int rc;
005237    if ( pCur->eState==CURSOR_INVALID ){
005238      return SQLITE_ABORT;
005239    }
005240    assert( cursorOwnsBtShared(pCur) );
005241    rc = btreeRestoreCursorPosition(pCur);
005242    return rc ? rc : accessPayload(pCur, offset, amt, pBuf, 0);
005243  }
005244  int sqlite3BtreePayloadChecked(BtCursor *pCur, u32 offset, u32 amt, void *pBuf){
005245    if( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID ){
005246      assert( cursorOwnsBtShared(pCur) );
005247      return accessPayload(pCur, offset, amt, pBuf, 0);
005248    }else{
005249      return accessPayloadChecked(pCur, offset, amt, pBuf);
005250    }
005251  }
005252  #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_INCRBLOB */
005254  /*
005255  ** Return a pointer to payload information from the entry that the
005256  ** pCur cursor is pointing to.  The pointer is to the beginning of
005257  ** the key if index btrees (pPage->intKey==0) and is the data for
005258  ** table btrees (pPage->intKey==1). The number of bytes of available
005259  ** key/data is written into *pAmt.  If *pAmt==0, then the value
005260  ** returned will not be a valid pointer.
005261  **
005262  ** This routine is an optimization.  It is common for the entire key
005263  ** and data to fit on the local page and for there to be no overflow
005264  ** pages.  When that is so, this routine can be used to access the
005265  ** key and data without making a copy.  If the key and/or data spills
005266  ** onto overflow pages, then accessPayload() must be used to reassemble
005267  ** the key/data and copy it into a preallocated buffer.
005268  **
005269  ** The pointer returned by this routine looks directly into the cached
005270  ** page of the database.  The data might change or move the next time
005271  ** any btree routine is called.
005272  */
005273  static const void *fetchPayload(
005274    BtCursor *pCur,      /* Cursor pointing to entry to read from */
005275    u32 *pAmt            /* Write the number of available bytes here */
005276  ){
005277    int amt;
005278    assert( pCur!=0 && pCur->iPage>=0 && pCur->pPage);
005279    assert( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID );
005280    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pCur->pBtree->db->mutex) );
005281    assert( cursorOwnsBtShared(pCur) );
005282    assert( pCur->ix<pCur->pPage->nCell || CORRUPT_DB );
005283    assert( pCur->info.nSize>0 );
005284    assert( pCur->info.pPayload>pCur->pPage->aData || CORRUPT_DB );
005285    assert( pCur->info.pPayload<pCur->pPage->aDataEnd ||CORRUPT_DB);
005286    amt = pCur->info.nLocal;
005287    if( amt>(int)(pCur->pPage->aDataEnd - pCur->info.pPayload) ){
005288      /* There is too little space on the page for the expected amount
005289      ** of local content. Database must be corrupt. */
005290      assert( CORRUPT_DB );
005291      amt = MAX(0, (int)(pCur->pPage->aDataEnd - pCur->info.pPayload));
005292    }
005293    *pAmt = (u32)amt;
005294    return (void*)pCur->info.pPayload;
005295  }
005298  /*
005299  ** For the entry that cursor pCur is point to, return as
005300  ** many bytes of the key or data as are available on the local
005301  ** b-tree page.  Write the number of available bytes into *pAmt.
005302  **
005303  ** The pointer returned is ephemeral.  The key/data may move
005304  ** or be destroyed on the next call to any Btree routine,
005305  ** including calls from other threads against the same cache.
005306  ** Hence, a mutex on the BtShared should be held prior to calling
005307  ** this routine.
005308  **
005309  ** These routines is used to get quick access to key and data
005310  ** in the common case where no overflow pages are used.
005311  */
005312  const void *sqlite3BtreePayloadFetch(BtCursor *pCur, u32 *pAmt){
005313    return fetchPayload(pCur, pAmt);
005314  }
005317  /*
005318  ** Move the cursor down to a new child page.  The newPgno argument is the
005319  ** page number of the child page to move to.
005320  **
005321  ** This function returns SQLITE_CORRUPT if the page-header flags field of
005322  ** the new child page does not match the flags field of the parent (i.e.
005323  ** if an intkey page appears to be the parent of a non-intkey page, or
005324  ** vice-versa).
005325  */
005326  static int moveToChild(BtCursor *pCur, u32 newPgno){
005327    int rc;
005328    assert( cursorOwnsBtShared(pCur) );
005329    assert( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID );
005330    assert( pCur->iPage<BTCURSOR_MAX_DEPTH );
005331    assert( pCur->iPage>=0 );
005332    if( pCur->iPage>=(BTCURSOR_MAX_DEPTH-1) ){
005333      return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
005334    }
005335    pCur->info.nSize = 0;
005336    pCur->curFlags &= ~(BTCF_ValidNKey|BTCF_ValidOvfl);
005337    pCur->aiIdx[pCur->iPage] = pCur->ix;
005338    pCur->apPage[pCur->iPage] = pCur->pPage;
005339    pCur->ix = 0;
005340    pCur->iPage++;
005341    rc = getAndInitPage(pCur->pBt, newPgno, &pCur->pPage, pCur->curPagerFlags);
005342    assert( pCur->pPage!=0 || rc!=SQLITE_OK );
005343    if( rc==SQLITE_OK
005344     && (pCur->pPage->nCell<1 || pCur->pPage->intKey!=pCur->curIntKey)
005345    ){
005346      releasePage(pCur->pPage);
005347      rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_PGNO(newPgno);
005348    }
005349    if( rc ){
005350      pCur->pPage = pCur->apPage[--pCur->iPage];
005351    }
005352    return rc;
005353  }
005355  #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG
005356  /*
005357  ** Page pParent is an internal (non-leaf) tree page. This function
005358  ** asserts that page number iChild is the left-child if the iIdx'th
005359  ** cell in page pParent. Or, if iIdx is equal to the total number of
005360  ** cells in pParent, that page number iChild is the right-child of
005361  ** the page.
005362  */
005363  static void assertParentIndex(MemPage *pParent, int iIdx, Pgno iChild){
005364    if( CORRUPT_DB ) return;  /* The conditions tested below might not be true
005365                              ** in a corrupt database */
005366    assert( iIdx<=pParent->nCell );
005367    if( iIdx==pParent->nCell ){
005368      assert( get4byte(&pParent->aData[pParent->hdrOffset+8])==iChild );
005369    }else{
005370      assert( get4byte(findCell(pParent, iIdx))==iChild );
005371    }
005372  }
005373  #else
005374  #  define assertParentIndex(x,y,z)
005375  #endif
005377  /*
005378  ** Move the cursor up to the parent page.
005379  **
005380  ** pCur->idx is set to the cell index that contains the pointer
005381  ** to the page we are coming from.  If we are coming from the
005382  ** right-most child page then pCur->idx is set to one more than
005383  ** the largest cell index.
005384  */
005385  static void moveToParent(BtCursor *pCur){
005386    MemPage *pLeaf;
005387    assert( cursorOwnsBtShared(pCur) );
005388    assert( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID );
005389    assert( pCur->iPage>0 );
005390    assert( pCur->pPage );
005391    assertParentIndex(
005392      pCur->apPage[pCur->iPage-1],
005393      pCur->aiIdx[pCur->iPage-1],
005394      pCur->pPage->pgno
005395    );
005396    testcase( pCur->aiIdx[pCur->iPage-1] > pCur->apPage[pCur->iPage-1]->nCell );
005397    pCur->info.nSize = 0;
005398    pCur->curFlags &= ~(BTCF_ValidNKey|BTCF_ValidOvfl);
005399    pCur->ix = pCur->aiIdx[pCur->iPage-1];
005400    pLeaf = pCur->pPage;
005401    pCur->pPage = pCur->apPage[--pCur->iPage];
005402    releasePageNotNull(pLeaf);
005403  }
005405  /*
005406  ** Move the cursor to point to the root page of its b-tree structure.
005407  **
005408  ** If the table has a virtual root page, then the cursor is moved to point
005409  ** to the virtual root page instead of the actual root page. A table has a
005410  ** virtual root page when the actual root page contains no cells and a
005411  ** single child page. This can only happen with the table rooted at page 1.
005412  **
005413  ** If the b-tree structure is empty, the cursor state is set to
005414  ** CURSOR_INVALID and this routine returns SQLITE_EMPTY. Otherwise,
005415  ** the cursor is set to point to the first cell located on the root
005416  ** (or virtual root) page and the cursor state is set to CURSOR_VALID.
005417  **
005418  ** If this function returns successfully, it may be assumed that the
005419  ** page-header flags indicate that the [virtual] root-page is the expected
005420  ** kind of b-tree page (i.e. if when opening the cursor the caller did not
005421  ** specify a KeyInfo structure the flags byte is set to 0x05 or 0x0D,
005422  ** indicating a table b-tree, or if the caller did specify a KeyInfo
005423  ** structure the flags byte is set to 0x02 or 0x0A, indicating an index
005424  ** b-tree).
005425  */
005426  static int moveToRoot(BtCursor *pCur){
005427    MemPage *pRoot;
005428    int rc = SQLITE_OK;
005430    assert( cursorOwnsBtShared(pCur) );
005432    assert( CURSOR_VALID   < CURSOR_REQUIRESEEK );
005433    assert( CURSOR_FAULT   > CURSOR_REQUIRESEEK );
005434    assert( pCur->eState < CURSOR_REQUIRESEEK || pCur->iPage<0 );
005435    assert( pCur->pgnoRoot>0 || pCur->iPage<0 );
005437    if( pCur->iPage>=0 ){
005438      if( pCur->iPage ){
005439        releasePageNotNull(pCur->pPage);
005440        while( --pCur->iPage ){
005441          releasePageNotNull(pCur->apPage[pCur->iPage]);
005442        }
005443        pRoot = pCur->pPage = pCur->apPage[0];
005444        goto skip_init;
005445      }
005446    }else if( pCur->pgnoRoot==0 ){
005447      pCur->eState = CURSOR_INVALID;
005448      return SQLITE_EMPTY;
005449    }else{
005450      assert( pCur->iPage==(-1) );
005451      if( pCur->eState>=CURSOR_REQUIRESEEK ){
005452        if( pCur->eState==CURSOR_FAULT ){
005453          assert( pCur->skipNext!=SQLITE_OK );
005454          return pCur->skipNext;
005455        }
005456        sqlite3BtreeClearCursor(pCur);
005457      }
005458      rc = getAndInitPage(pCur->pBt, pCur->pgnoRoot, &pCur->pPage,
005459                          pCur->curPagerFlags);
005460      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
005461        pCur->eState = CURSOR_INVALID;
005462        return rc;
005463      }
005464      pCur->iPage = 0;
005465      pCur->curIntKey = pCur->pPage->intKey;
005466    }
005467    pRoot = pCur->pPage;
005468    assert( pRoot->pgno==pCur->pgnoRoot || CORRUPT_DB );
005470    /* If pCur->pKeyInfo is not NULL, then the caller that opened this cursor
005471    ** expected to open it on an index b-tree. Otherwise, if pKeyInfo is
005472    ** NULL, the caller expects a table b-tree. If this is not the case,
005473    ** return an SQLITE_CORRUPT error.
005474    **
005475    ** Earlier versions of SQLite assumed that this test could not fail
005476    ** if the root page was already loaded when this function was called (i.e.
005477    ** if pCur->iPage>=0). But this is not so if the database is corrupted
005478    ** in such a way that page pRoot is linked into a second b-tree table
005479    ** (or the freelist).  */
005480    assert( pRoot->intKey==1 || pRoot->intKey==0 );
005481    if( pRoot->isInit==0 || (pCur->pKeyInfo==0)!=pRoot->intKey ){
005482      return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pCur->pPage);
005483    }
005485  skip_init: 
005486    pCur->ix = 0;
005487    pCur->info.nSize = 0;
005488    pCur->curFlags &= ~(BTCF_AtLast|BTCF_ValidNKey|BTCF_ValidOvfl);
005490    if( pRoot->nCell>0 ){
005491      pCur->eState = CURSOR_VALID;
005492    }else if( !pRoot->leaf ){
005493      Pgno subpage;
005494      if( pRoot->pgno!=1 ) return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
005495      subpage = get4byte(&pRoot->aData[pRoot->hdrOffset+8]);
005496      pCur->eState = CURSOR_VALID;
005497      rc = moveToChild(pCur, subpage);
005498    }else{
005499      pCur->eState = CURSOR_INVALID;
005500      rc = SQLITE_EMPTY;
005501    }
005502    return rc;
005503  }
005505  /*
005506  ** Move the cursor down to the left-most leaf entry beneath the
005507  ** entry to which it is currently pointing.
005508  **
005509  ** The left-most leaf is the one with the smallest key - the first
005510  ** in ascending order.
005511  */
005512  static int moveToLeftmost(BtCursor *pCur){
005513    Pgno pgno;
005514    int rc = SQLITE_OK;
005515    MemPage *pPage;
005517    assert( cursorOwnsBtShared(pCur) );
005518    assert( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID );
005519    while( rc==SQLITE_OK && !(pPage = pCur->pPage)->leaf ){
005520      assert( pCur->ix<pPage->nCell );
005521      pgno = get4byte(findCell(pPage, pCur->ix));
005522      rc = moveToChild(pCur, pgno);
005523    }
005524    return rc;
005525  }
005527  /*
005528  ** Move the cursor down to the right-most leaf entry beneath the
005529  ** page to which it is currently pointing.  Notice the difference
005530  ** between moveToLeftmost() and moveToRightmost().  moveToLeftmost()
005531  ** finds the left-most entry beneath the *entry* whereas moveToRightmost()
005532  ** finds the right-most entry beneath the *page*.
005533  **
005534  ** The right-most entry is the one with the largest key - the last
005535  ** key in ascending order.
005536  */
005537  static int moveToRightmost(BtCursor *pCur){
005538    Pgno pgno;
005539    int rc = SQLITE_OK;
005540    MemPage *pPage = 0;
005542    assert( cursorOwnsBtShared(pCur) );
005543    assert( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID );
005544    while( !(pPage = pCur->pPage)->leaf ){
005545      pgno = get4byte(&pPage->aData[pPage->hdrOffset+8]);
005546      pCur->ix = pPage->nCell;
005547      rc = moveToChild(pCur, pgno);
005548      if( rc ) return rc;
005549    }
005550    pCur->ix = pPage->nCell-1;
005551    assert( pCur->info.nSize==0 );
005552    assert( (pCur->curFlags & BTCF_ValidNKey)==0 );
005553    return SQLITE_OK;
005554  }
005556  /* Move the cursor to the first entry in the table.  Return SQLITE_OK
005557  ** on success.  Set *pRes to 0 if the cursor actually points to something
005558  ** or set *pRes to 1 if the table is empty.
005559  */
005560  int sqlite3BtreeFirst(BtCursor *pCur, int *pRes){
005561    int rc;
005563    assert( cursorOwnsBtShared(pCur) );
005564    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pCur->pBtree->db->mutex) );
005565    rc = moveToRoot(pCur);
005566    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
005567      assert( pCur->pPage->nCell>0 );
005568      *pRes = 0;
005569      rc = moveToLeftmost(pCur);
005570    }else if( rc==SQLITE_EMPTY ){
005571      assert( pCur->pgnoRoot==0 || (pCur->pPage!=0 && pCur->pPage->nCell==0) );
005572      *pRes = 1;
005573      rc = SQLITE_OK;
005574    }
005575    return rc;
005576  }
005578  /* Move the cursor to the last entry in the table.  Return SQLITE_OK
005579  ** on success.  Set *pRes to 0 if the cursor actually points to something
005580  ** or set *pRes to 1 if the table is empty.
005581  */
005582  static SQLITE_NOINLINE int btreeLast(BtCursor *pCur, int *pRes){
005583    int rc = moveToRoot(pCur);
005584    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
005585      assert( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID );
005586      *pRes = 0;
005587      rc = moveToRightmost(pCur);
005588      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
005589        pCur->curFlags |= BTCF_AtLast;
005590      }else{
005591        pCur->curFlags &= ~BTCF_AtLast;
005592      }
005593    }else if( rc==SQLITE_EMPTY ){
005594      assert( pCur->pgnoRoot==0 || pCur->pPage->nCell==0 );
005595      *pRes = 1;
005596      rc = SQLITE_OK;
005597    }
005598    return rc;
005599  }
005600  int sqlite3BtreeLast(BtCursor *pCur, int *pRes){
005601    assert( cursorOwnsBtShared(pCur) );
005602    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pCur->pBtree->db->mutex) );
005604    /* If the cursor already points to the last entry, this is a no-op. */
005605    if( CURSOR_VALID==pCur->eState && (pCur->curFlags & BTCF_AtLast)!=0 ){
005606  #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG
005607      /* This block serves to assert() that the cursor really does point
005608      ** to the last entry in the b-tree. */
005609      int ii;
005610      for(ii=0; ii<pCur->iPage; ii++){
005611        assert( pCur->aiIdx[ii]==pCur->apPage[ii]->nCell );
005612      }
005613      assert( pCur->ix==pCur->pPage->nCell-1 || CORRUPT_DB );
005614      testcase( pCur->ix!=pCur->pPage->nCell-1 );
005615      /* ^-- dbsqlfuzz b92b72e4de80b5140c30ab71372ca719b8feb618 */
005616      assert( pCur->pPage->leaf );
005617  #endif
005618      *pRes = 0;
005619      return SQLITE_OK;
005620    }
005621    return btreeLast(pCur, pRes);
005622  }
005624  /* Move the cursor so that it points to an entry in a table (a.k.a INTKEY)
005625  ** table near the key intKey.   Return a success code.
005626  **
005627  ** If an exact match is not found, then the cursor is always
005628  ** left pointing at a leaf page which would hold the entry if it
005629  ** were present.  The cursor might point to an entry that comes
005630  ** before or after the key.
005631  **
005632  ** An integer is written into *pRes which is the result of
005633  ** comparing the key with the entry to which the cursor is
005634  ** pointing.  The meaning of the integer written into
005635  ** *pRes is as follows:
005636  **
005637  **     *pRes<0      The cursor is left pointing at an entry that
005638  **                  is smaller than intKey or if the table is empty
005639  **                  and the cursor is therefore left point to nothing.
005640  **
005641  **     *pRes==0     The cursor is left pointing at an entry that
005642  **                  exactly matches intKey.
005643  **
005644  **     *pRes>0      The cursor is left pointing at an entry that
005645  **                  is larger than intKey.
005646  */
005647  int sqlite3BtreeTableMoveto(
005648    BtCursor *pCur,          /* The cursor to be moved */
005649    i64 intKey,              /* The table key */
005650    int biasRight,           /* If true, bias the search to the high end */
005651    int *pRes                /* Write search results here */
005652  ){
005653    int rc;
005655    assert( cursorOwnsBtShared(pCur) );
005656    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pCur->pBtree->db->mutex) );
005657    assert( pRes );
005658    assert( pCur->pKeyInfo==0 );
005659    assert( pCur->eState!=CURSOR_VALID || pCur->curIntKey!=0 );
005661    /* If the cursor is already positioned at the point we are trying
005662    ** to move to, then just return without doing any work */
005663    if( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID && (pCur->curFlags & BTCF_ValidNKey)!=0 ){
005664      if( pCur->info.nKey==intKey ){
005665        *pRes = 0;
005666        return SQLITE_OK;
005667      }
005668      if( pCur->info.nKey<intKey ){
005669        if( (pCur->curFlags & BTCF_AtLast)!=0 ){
005670          *pRes = -1;
005671          return SQLITE_OK;
005672        }
005673        /* If the requested key is one more than the previous key, then
005674        ** try to get there using sqlite3BtreeNext() rather than a full
005675        ** binary search.  This is an optimization only.  The correct answer
005676        ** is still obtained without this case, only a little more slowly. */
005677        if( pCur->info.nKey+1==intKey ){
005678          *pRes = 0;
005679          rc = sqlite3BtreeNext(pCur, 0);
005680          if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
005681            getCellInfo(pCur);
005682            if( pCur->info.nKey==intKey ){
005683              return SQLITE_OK;
005684            }
005685          }else if( rc!=SQLITE_DONE ){
005686            return rc;
005687          }
005688        }
005689      }
005690    }
005692  #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG
005693    pCur->pBtree->nSeek++;   /* Performance measurement during testing */
005694  #endif
005696    rc = moveToRoot(pCur);
005697    if( rc ){
005698      if( rc==SQLITE_EMPTY ){
005699        assert( pCur->pgnoRoot==0 || pCur->pPage->nCell==0 );
005700        *pRes = -1;
005701        return SQLITE_OK;
005702      }
005703      return rc;
005704    }
005705    assert( pCur->pPage );
005706    assert( pCur->pPage->isInit );
005707    assert( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID );
005708    assert( pCur->pPage->nCell > 0 );
005709    assert( pCur->iPage==0 || pCur->apPage[0]->intKey==pCur->curIntKey );
005710    assert( pCur->curIntKey );
005712    for(;;){
005713      int lwr, upr, idx, c;
005714      Pgno chldPg;
005715      MemPage *pPage = pCur->pPage;
005716      u8 *pCell;                          /* Pointer to current cell in pPage */
005718      /* pPage->nCell must be greater than zero. If this is the root-page
005719      ** the cursor would have been INVALID above and this for(;;) loop
005720      ** not run. If this is not the root-page, then the moveToChild() routine
005721      ** would have already detected db corruption. Similarly, pPage must
005722      ** be the right kind (index or table) of b-tree page. Otherwise
005723      ** a moveToChild() or moveToRoot() call would have detected corruption.  */
005724      assert( pPage->nCell>0 );
005725      assert( pPage->intKey );
005726      lwr = 0;
005727      upr = pPage->nCell-1;
005728      assert( biasRight==0 || biasRight==1 );
005729      idx = upr>>(1-biasRight); /* idx = biasRight ? upr : (lwr+upr)/2; */
005730      for(;;){
005731        i64 nCellKey;
005732        pCell = findCellPastPtr(pPage, idx);
005733        if( pPage->intKeyLeaf ){
005734          while( 0x80 <= *(pCell++) ){
005735            if( pCell>=pPage->aDataEnd ){
005736              return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
005737            }
005738          }
005739        }
005740        getVarint(pCell, (u64*)&nCellKey);
005741        if( nCellKey<intKey ){
005742          lwr = idx+1;
005743          if( lwr>upr ){ c = -1; break; }
005744        }else if( nCellKey>intKey ){
005745          upr = idx-1;
005746          if( lwr>upr ){ c = +1; break; }
005747        }else{
005748          assert( nCellKey==intKey );
005749          pCur->ix = (u16)idx;
005750          if( !pPage->leaf ){
005751            lwr = idx;
005752            goto moveto_table_next_layer;
005753          }else{
005754            pCur->curFlags |= BTCF_ValidNKey;
005755            pCur->info.nKey = nCellKey;
005756            pCur->info.nSize = 0;
005757            *pRes = 0;
005758            return SQLITE_OK;
005759          }
005760        }
005761        assert( lwr+upr>=0 );
005762        idx = (lwr+upr)>>1;  /* idx = (lwr+upr)/2; */
005763      }
005764      assert( lwr==upr+1 || !pPage->leaf );
005765      assert( pPage->isInit );
005766      if( pPage->leaf ){
005767        assert( pCur->ix<pCur->pPage->nCell );
005768        pCur->ix = (u16)idx;
005769        *pRes = c;
005770        rc = SQLITE_OK;
005771        goto moveto_table_finish;
005772      }
005773  moveto_table_next_layer:
005774      if( lwr>=pPage->nCell ){
005775        chldPg = get4byte(&pPage->aData[pPage->hdrOffset+8]);
005776      }else{
005777        chldPg = get4byte(findCell(pPage, lwr));
005778      }
005779      pCur->ix = (u16)lwr;
005780      rc = moveToChild(pCur, chldPg);
005781      if( rc ) break;
005782    }
005783  moveto_table_finish:
005784    pCur->info.nSize = 0;
005785    assert( (pCur->curFlags & BTCF_ValidOvfl)==0 );
005786    return rc;
005787  }
005789  /*
005790  ** Compare the "idx"-th cell on the page the cursor pCur is currently
005791  ** pointing to to pIdxKey using xRecordCompare.  Return negative or
005792  ** zero if the cell is less than or equal pIdxKey.  Return positive
005793  ** if unknown.
005794  **
005795  **    Return value negative:     Cell at pCur[idx] less than pIdxKey
005796  **
005797  **    Return value is zero:      Cell at pCur[idx] equals pIdxKey
005798  **
005799  **    Return value positive:     Nothing is known about the relationship
005800  **                               of the cell at pCur[idx] and pIdxKey.
005801  **
005802  ** This routine is part of an optimization.  It is always safe to return
005803  ** a positive value as that will cause the optimization to be skipped.
005804  */
005805  static int indexCellCompare(
005806    BtCursor *pCur,
005807    int idx,
005808    UnpackedRecord *pIdxKey,
005809    RecordCompare xRecordCompare
005810  ){
005811    MemPage *pPage = pCur->pPage;
005812    int c;
005813    int nCell;  /* Size of the pCell cell in bytes */
005814    u8 *pCell = findCellPastPtr(pPage, idx);
005816    nCell = pCell[0];
005817    if( nCell<=pPage->max1bytePayload ){
005818      /* This branch runs if the record-size field of the cell is a
005819      ** single byte varint and the record fits entirely on the main
005820      ** b-tree page.  */
005821      testcase( pCell+nCell+1==pPage->aDataEnd );
005822      c = xRecordCompare(nCell, (void*)&pCell[1], pIdxKey);
005823    }else if( !(pCell[1] & 0x80)
005824      && (nCell = ((nCell&0x7f)<<7) + pCell[1])<=pPage->maxLocal
005825    ){
005826      /* The record-size field is a 2 byte varint and the record
005827      ** fits entirely on the main b-tree page.  */
005828      testcase( pCell+nCell+2==pPage->aDataEnd );
005829      c = xRecordCompare(nCell, (void*)&pCell[2], pIdxKey);
005830    }else{
005831      /* If the record extends into overflow pages, do not attempt
005832      ** the optimization. */
005833      c = 99;
005834    }
005835    return c;
005836  }
005838  /*
005839  ** Return true (non-zero) if pCur is current pointing to the last
005840  ** page of a table.
005841  */
005842  static int cursorOnLastPage(BtCursor *pCur){
005843    int i;
005844    assert( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID );
005845    for(i=0; i<pCur->iPage; i++){
005846      MemPage *pPage = pCur->apPage[i];
005847      if( pCur->aiIdx[i]<pPage->nCell ) return 0;
005848    }
005849    return 1;
005850  }
005852  /* Move the cursor so that it points to an entry in an index table
005853  ** near the key pIdxKey.   Return a success code.
005854  **
005855  ** If an exact match is not found, then the cursor is always
005856  ** left pointing at a leaf page which would hold the entry if it
005857  ** were present.  The cursor might point to an entry that comes
005858  ** before or after the key.
005859  **
005860  ** An integer is written into *pRes which is the result of
005861  ** comparing the key with the entry to which the cursor is
005862  ** pointing.  The meaning of the integer written into
005863  ** *pRes is as follows:
005864  **
005865  **     *pRes<0      The cursor is left pointing at an entry that
005866  **                  is smaller than pIdxKey or if the table is empty
005867  **                  and the cursor is therefore left point to nothing.
005868  **
005869  **     *pRes==0     The cursor is left pointing at an entry that
005870  **                  exactly matches pIdxKey.
005871  **
005872  **     *pRes>0      The cursor is left pointing at an entry that
005873  **                  is larger than pIdxKey.
005874  **
005875  ** The pIdxKey->eqSeen field is set to 1 if there
005876  ** exists an entry in the table that exactly matches pIdxKey. 
005877  */
005878  int sqlite3BtreeIndexMoveto(
005879    BtCursor *pCur,          /* The cursor to be moved */
005880    UnpackedRecord *pIdxKey, /* Unpacked index key */
005881    int *pRes                /* Write search results here */
005882  ){
005883    int rc;
005884    RecordCompare xRecordCompare;
005886    assert( cursorOwnsBtShared(pCur) );
005887    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pCur->pBtree->db->mutex) );
005888    assert( pRes );
005889    assert( pCur->pKeyInfo!=0 );
005891  #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG
005892    pCur->pBtree->nSeek++;   /* Performance measurement during testing */
005893  #endif
005895    xRecordCompare = sqlite3VdbeFindCompare(pIdxKey);
005896    pIdxKey->errCode = 0;
005897    assert( pIdxKey->default_rc==1
005898         || pIdxKey->default_rc==0
005899         || pIdxKey->default_rc==-1
005900    );
005903    /* Check to see if we can skip a lot of work.  Two cases:
005904    **
005905    **    (1) If the cursor is already pointing to the very last cell
005906    **        in the table and the pIdxKey search key is greater than or
005907    **        equal to that last cell, then no movement is required.
005908    **
005909    **    (2) If the cursor is on the last page of the table and the first
005910    **        cell on that last page is less than or equal to the pIdxKey
005911    **        search key, then we can start the search on the current page
005912    **        without needing to go back to root.
005913    */
005914    if( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID
005915     && pCur->pPage->leaf
005916     && cursorOnLastPage(pCur)
005917    ){
005918      int c;
005919      if( pCur->ix==pCur->pPage->nCell-1
005920       && (c = indexCellCompare(pCur, pCur->ix, pIdxKey, xRecordCompare))<=0
005921       && pIdxKey->errCode==SQLITE_OK
005922      ){
005923        *pRes = c;
005924        return SQLITE_OK;  /* Cursor already pointing at the correct spot */
005925      }
005926      if( pCur->iPage>0
005927       && indexCellCompare(pCur, 0, pIdxKey, xRecordCompare)<=0
005928       && pIdxKey->errCode==SQLITE_OK
005929      ){
005930        pCur->curFlags &= ~BTCF_ValidOvfl;
005931        if( !pCur->pPage->isInit ){
005932          return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
005933        }
005934        goto bypass_moveto_root;  /* Start search on the current page */
005935      }
005936      pIdxKey->errCode = SQLITE_OK;
005937    }
005939    rc = moveToRoot(pCur);
005940    if( rc ){
005941      if( rc==SQLITE_EMPTY ){
005942        assert( pCur->pgnoRoot==0 || pCur->pPage->nCell==0 );
005943        *pRes = -1;
005944        return SQLITE_OK;
005945      }
005946      return rc;
005947    }
005949  bypass_moveto_root:
005950    assert( pCur->pPage );
005951    assert( pCur->pPage->isInit );
005952    assert( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID );
005953    assert( pCur->pPage->nCell > 0 );
005954    assert( pCur->curIntKey==0 );
005955    assert( pIdxKey!=0 );
005956    for(;;){
005957      int lwr, upr, idx, c;
005958      Pgno chldPg;
005959      MemPage *pPage = pCur->pPage;
005960      u8 *pCell;                          /* Pointer to current cell in pPage */
005962      /* pPage->nCell must be greater than zero. If this is the root-page
005963      ** the cursor would have been INVALID above and this for(;;) loop
005964      ** not run. If this is not the root-page, then the moveToChild() routine
005965      ** would have already detected db corruption. Similarly, pPage must
005966      ** be the right kind (index or table) of b-tree page. Otherwise
005967      ** a moveToChild() or moveToRoot() call would have detected corruption.  */
005968      assert( pPage->nCell>0 );
005969      assert( pPage->intKey==0 );
005970      lwr = 0;
005971      upr = pPage->nCell-1;
005972      idx = upr>>1; /* idx = (lwr+upr)/2; */
005973      for(;;){
005974        int nCell;  /* Size of the pCell cell in bytes */
005975        pCell = findCellPastPtr(pPage, idx);
005977        /* The maximum supported page-size is 65536 bytes. This means that
005978        ** the maximum number of record bytes stored on an index B-Tree
005979        ** page is less than 16384 bytes and may be stored as a 2-byte
005980        ** varint. This information is used to attempt to avoid parsing
005981        ** the entire cell by checking for the cases where the record is
005982        ** stored entirely within the b-tree page by inspecting the first
005983        ** 2 bytes of the cell.
005984        */
005985        nCell = pCell[0];
005986        if( nCell<=pPage->max1bytePayload ){
005987          /* This branch runs if the record-size field of the cell is a
005988          ** single byte varint and the record fits entirely on the main
005989          ** b-tree page.  */
005990          testcase( pCell+nCell+1==pPage->aDataEnd );
005991          c = xRecordCompare(nCell, (void*)&pCell[1], pIdxKey);
005992        }else if( !(pCell[1] & 0x80)
005993          && (nCell = ((nCell&0x7f)<<7) + pCell[1])<=pPage->maxLocal
005994        ){
005995          /* The record-size field is a 2 byte varint and the record
005996          ** fits entirely on the main b-tree page.  */
005997          testcase( pCell+nCell+2==pPage->aDataEnd );
005998          c = xRecordCompare(nCell, (void*)&pCell[2], pIdxKey);
005999        }else{
006000          /* The record flows over onto one or more overflow pages. In
006001          ** this case the whole cell needs to be parsed, a buffer allocated
006002          ** and accessPayload() used to retrieve the record into the
006003          ** buffer before VdbeRecordCompare() can be called.
006004          **
006005          ** If the record is corrupt, the xRecordCompare routine may read
006006          ** up to two varints past the end of the buffer. An extra 18
006007          ** bytes of padding is allocated at the end of the buffer in
006008          ** case this happens.  */
006009          void *pCellKey;
006010          u8 * const pCellBody = pCell - pPage->childPtrSize;
006011          const int nOverrun = 18;  /* Size of the overrun padding */
006012          pPage->xParseCell(pPage, pCellBody, &pCur->info);
006013          nCell = (int)pCur->info.nKey;
006014          testcase( nCell<0 );   /* True if key size is 2^32 or more */
006015          testcase( nCell==0 );  /* Invalid key size:  0x80 0x80 0x00 */
006016          testcase( nCell==1 );  /* Invalid key size:  0x80 0x80 0x01 */
006017          testcase( nCell==2 );  /* Minimum legal index key size */
006018          if( nCell<2 || nCell/pCur->pBt->usableSize>pCur->pBt->nPage ){
006019            rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
006020            goto moveto_index_finish;
006021          }
006022          pCellKey = sqlite3Malloc( nCell+nOverrun );
006023          if( pCellKey==0 ){
006024            rc = SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
006025            goto moveto_index_finish;
006026          }
006027          pCur->ix = (u16)idx;
006028          rc = accessPayload(pCur, 0, nCell, (unsigned char*)pCellKey, 0);
006029          memset(((u8*)pCellKey)+nCell,0,nOverrun); /* Fix uninit warnings */
006030          pCur->curFlags &= ~BTCF_ValidOvfl;
006031          if( rc ){
006032            sqlite3_free(pCellKey);
006033            goto moveto_index_finish;
006034          }
006035          c = sqlite3VdbeRecordCompare(nCell, pCellKey, pIdxKey);
006036          sqlite3_free(pCellKey);
006037        }
006038        assert(
006039            (pIdxKey->errCode!=SQLITE_CORRUPT || c==0)
006040         && (pIdxKey->errCode!=SQLITE_NOMEM || pCur->pBtree->db->mallocFailed)
006041        );
006042        if( c<0 ){
006043          lwr = idx+1;
006044        }else if( c>0 ){
006045          upr = idx-1;
006046        }else{
006047          assert( c==0 );
006048          *pRes = 0;
006049          rc = SQLITE_OK;
006050          pCur->ix = (u16)idx;
006051          if( pIdxKey->errCode ) rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
006052          goto moveto_index_finish;
006053        }
006054        if( lwr>upr ) break;
006055        assert( lwr+upr>=0 );
006056        idx = (lwr+upr)>>1;  /* idx = (lwr+upr)/2 */
006057      }
006058      assert( lwr==upr+1 || (pPage->intKey && !pPage->leaf) );
006059      assert( pPage->isInit );
006060      if( pPage->leaf ){
006061        assert( pCur->ix<pCur->pPage->nCell || CORRUPT_DB );
006062        pCur->ix = (u16)idx;
006063        *pRes = c;
006064        rc = SQLITE_OK;
006065        goto moveto_index_finish;
006066      }
006067      if( lwr>=pPage->nCell ){
006068        chldPg = get4byte(&pPage->aData[pPage->hdrOffset+8]);
006069      }else{
006070        chldPg = get4byte(findCell(pPage, lwr));
006071      }
006073      /* This block is similar to an in-lined version of:
006074      **
006075      **    pCur->ix = (u16)lwr;
006076      **    rc = moveToChild(pCur, chldPg);
006077      **    if( rc ) break;
006078      */
006079      pCur->info.nSize = 0;
006080      pCur->curFlags &= ~(BTCF_ValidNKey|BTCF_ValidOvfl);
006081      if( pCur->iPage>=(BTCURSOR_MAX_DEPTH-1) ){
006082        return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
006083      }
006084      pCur->aiIdx[pCur->iPage] = (u16)lwr;
006085      pCur->apPage[pCur->iPage] = pCur->pPage;
006086      pCur->ix = 0;
006087      pCur->iPage++;
006088      rc = getAndInitPage(pCur->pBt, chldPg, &pCur->pPage, pCur->curPagerFlags);
006089      if( rc==SQLITE_OK
006090       && (pCur->pPage->nCell<1 || pCur->pPage->intKey!=pCur->curIntKey)
006091      ){
006092        releasePage(pCur->pPage);
006093        rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_PGNO(chldPg);
006094      }
006095      if( rc ){
006096        pCur->pPage = pCur->apPage[--pCur->iPage];
006097        break;
006098      }
006099      /*
006100      ***** End of in-lined moveToChild() call */
006101   }
006102  moveto_index_finish:
006103    pCur->info.nSize = 0;
006104    assert( (pCur->curFlags & BTCF_ValidOvfl)==0 );
006105    return rc;
006106  }
006109  /*
006110  ** Return TRUE if the cursor is not pointing at an entry of the table.
006111  **
006112  ** TRUE will be returned after a call to sqlite3BtreeNext() moves
006113  ** past the last entry in the table or sqlite3BtreePrev() moves past
006114  ** the first entry.  TRUE is also returned if the table is empty.
006115  */
006116  int sqlite3BtreeEof(BtCursor *pCur){
006117    /* TODO: What if the cursor is in CURSOR_REQUIRESEEK but all table entries
006118    ** have been deleted? This API will need to change to return an error code
006119    ** as well as the boolean result value.
006120    */
006121    return (CURSOR_VALID!=pCur->eState);
006122  }
006124  /*
006125  ** Return an estimate for the number of rows in the table that pCur is
006126  ** pointing to.  Return a negative number if no estimate is currently
006127  ** available.
006128  */
006129  i64 sqlite3BtreeRowCountEst(BtCursor *pCur){
006130    i64 n;
006131    u8 i;
006133    assert( cursorOwnsBtShared(pCur) );
006134    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pCur->pBtree->db->mutex) );
006136    /* Currently this interface is only called by the OP_IfSmaller
006137    ** opcode, and it that case the cursor will always be valid and
006138    ** will always point to a leaf node. */
006139    if( NEVER(pCur->eState!=CURSOR_VALID) ) return -1;
006140    if( NEVER(pCur->pPage->leaf==0) ) return -1;
006142    n = pCur->pPage->nCell;
006143    for(i=0; i<pCur->iPage; i++){
006144      n *= pCur->apPage[i]->nCell;
006145    }
006146    return n;
006147  }
006149  /*
006150  ** Advance the cursor to the next entry in the database.
006151  ** Return value:
006152  **
006153  **    SQLITE_OK        success
006154  **    SQLITE_DONE      cursor is already pointing at the last element
006155  **    otherwise        some kind of error occurred
006156  **
006157  ** The main entry point is sqlite3BtreeNext().  That routine is optimized
006158  ** for the common case of merely incrementing the cell counter BtCursor.aiIdx
006159  ** to the next cell on the current page.  The (slower) btreeNext() helper
006160  ** routine is called when it is necessary to move to a different page or
006161  ** to restore the cursor.
006162  **
006163  ** If bit 0x01 of the F argument in sqlite3BtreeNext(C,F) is 1, then the
006164  ** cursor corresponds to an SQL index and this routine could have been
006165  ** skipped if the SQL index had been a unique index.  The F argument
006166  ** is a hint to the implement.  SQLite btree implementation does not use
006167  ** this hint, but COMDB2 does.
006168  */
006169  static SQLITE_NOINLINE int btreeNext(BtCursor *pCur){
006170    int rc;
006171    int idx;
006172    MemPage *pPage;
006174    assert( cursorOwnsBtShared(pCur) );
006175    if( pCur->eState!=CURSOR_VALID ){
006176      assert( (pCur->curFlags & BTCF_ValidOvfl)==0 );
006177      rc = restoreCursorPosition(pCur);
006178      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
006179        return rc;
006180      }
006181      if( CURSOR_INVALID==pCur->eState ){
006182        return SQLITE_DONE;
006183      }
006184      if( pCur->eState==CURSOR_SKIPNEXT ){
006185        pCur->eState = CURSOR_VALID;
006186        if( pCur->skipNext>0 ) return SQLITE_OK;
006187      }
006188    }
006190    pPage = pCur->pPage;
006191    idx = ++pCur->ix;
006192    if( sqlite3FaultSim(412) ) pPage->isInit = 0;
006193    if( !pPage->isInit ){
006194      return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
006195    }
006197    if( idx>=pPage->nCell ){
006198      if( !pPage->leaf ){
006199        rc = moveToChild(pCur, get4byte(&pPage->aData[pPage->hdrOffset+8]));
006200        if( rc ) return rc;
006201        return moveToLeftmost(pCur);
006202      }
006203      do{
006204        if( pCur->iPage==0 ){
006205          pCur->eState = CURSOR_INVALID;
006206          return SQLITE_DONE;
006207        }
006208        moveToParent(pCur);
006209        pPage = pCur->pPage;
006210      }while( pCur->ix>=pPage->nCell );
006211      if( pPage->intKey ){
006212        return sqlite3BtreeNext(pCur, 0);
006213      }else{
006214        return SQLITE_OK;
006215      }
006216    }
006217    if( pPage->leaf ){
006218      return SQLITE_OK;
006219    }else{
006220      return moveToLeftmost(pCur);
006221    }
006222  }
006223  int sqlite3BtreeNext(BtCursor *pCur, int flags){
006224    MemPage *pPage;
006225    UNUSED_PARAMETER( flags );  /* Used in COMDB2 but not native SQLite */
006226    assert( cursorOwnsBtShared(pCur) );
006227    assert( flags==0 || flags==1 );
006228    pCur->info.nSize = 0;
006229    pCur->curFlags &= ~(BTCF_ValidNKey|BTCF_ValidOvfl);
006230    if( pCur->eState!=CURSOR_VALID ) return btreeNext(pCur);
006231    pPage = pCur->pPage;
006232    if( (++pCur->ix)>=pPage->nCell ){
006233      pCur->ix--;
006234      return btreeNext(pCur);
006235    }
006236    if( pPage->leaf ){
006237      return SQLITE_OK;
006238    }else{
006239      return moveToLeftmost(pCur);
006240    }
006241  }
006243  /*
006244  ** Step the cursor to the back to the previous entry in the database.
006245  ** Return values:
006246  **
006247  **     SQLITE_OK     success
006248  **     SQLITE_DONE   the cursor is already on the first element of the table
006249  **     otherwise     some kind of error occurred
006250  **
006251  ** The main entry point is sqlite3BtreePrevious().  That routine is optimized
006252  ** for the common case of merely decrementing the cell counter BtCursor.aiIdx
006253  ** to the previous cell on the current page.  The (slower) btreePrevious()
006254  ** helper routine is called when it is necessary to move to a different page
006255  ** or to restore the cursor.
006256  **
006257  ** If bit 0x01 of the F argument to sqlite3BtreePrevious(C,F) is 1, then
006258  ** the cursor corresponds to an SQL index and this routine could have been
006259  ** skipped if the SQL index had been a unique index.  The F argument is a
006260  ** hint to the implement.  The native SQLite btree implementation does not
006261  ** use this hint, but COMDB2 does.
006262  */
006263  static SQLITE_NOINLINE int btreePrevious(BtCursor *pCur){
006264    int rc;
006265    MemPage *pPage;
006267    assert( cursorOwnsBtShared(pCur) );
006268    assert( (pCur->curFlags & (BTCF_AtLast|BTCF_ValidOvfl|BTCF_ValidNKey))==0 );
006269    assert( pCur->info.nSize==0 );
006270    if( pCur->eState!=CURSOR_VALID ){
006271      rc = restoreCursorPosition(pCur);
006272      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
006273        return rc;
006274      }
006275      if( CURSOR_INVALID==pCur->eState ){
006276        return SQLITE_DONE;
006277      }
006278      if( CURSOR_SKIPNEXT==pCur->eState ){
006279        pCur->eState = CURSOR_VALID;
006280        if( pCur->skipNext<0 ) return SQLITE_OK;
006281      }
006282    }
006284    pPage = pCur->pPage;
006285    assert( pPage->isInit );
006286    if( !pPage->leaf ){
006287      int idx = pCur->ix;
006288      rc = moveToChild(pCur, get4byte(findCell(pPage, idx)));
006289      if( rc ) return rc;
006290      rc = moveToRightmost(pCur);
006291    }else{
006292      while( pCur->ix==0 ){
006293        if( pCur->iPage==0 ){
006294          pCur->eState = CURSOR_INVALID;
006295          return SQLITE_DONE;
006296        }
006297        moveToParent(pCur);
006298      }
006299      assert( pCur->info.nSize==0 );
006300      assert( (pCur->curFlags & (BTCF_ValidOvfl))==0 );
006302      pCur->ix--;
006303      pPage = pCur->pPage;
006304      if( pPage->intKey && !pPage->leaf ){
006305        rc = sqlite3BtreePrevious(pCur, 0);
006306      }else{
006307        rc = SQLITE_OK;
006308      }
006309    }
006310    return rc;
006311  }
006312  int sqlite3BtreePrevious(BtCursor *pCur, int flags){
006313    assert( cursorOwnsBtShared(pCur) );
006314    assert( flags==0 || flags==1 );
006315    UNUSED_PARAMETER( flags );  /* Used in COMDB2 but not native SQLite */
006316    pCur->curFlags &= ~(BTCF_AtLast|BTCF_ValidOvfl|BTCF_ValidNKey);
006317    pCur->info.nSize = 0;
006318    if( pCur->eState!=CURSOR_VALID
006319     || pCur->ix==0
006320     || pCur->pPage->leaf==0
006321    ){
006322      return btreePrevious(pCur);
006323    }
006324    pCur->ix--;
006325    return SQLITE_OK;
006326  }
006328  /*
006329  ** Allocate a new page from the database file.
006330  **
006331  ** The new page is marked as dirty.  (In other words, sqlite3PagerWrite()
006332  ** has already been called on the new page.)  The new page has also
006333  ** been referenced and the calling routine is responsible for calling
006334  ** sqlite3PagerUnref() on the new page when it is done.
006335  **
006336  ** SQLITE_OK is returned on success.  Any other return value indicates
006337  ** an error.  *ppPage is set to NULL in the event of an error.
006338  **
006339  ** If the "nearby" parameter is not 0, then an effort is made to
006340  ** locate a page close to the page number "nearby".  This can be used in an
006341  ** attempt to keep related pages close to each other in the database file,
006342  ** which in turn can make database access faster.
006343  **
006344  ** If the eMode parameter is BTALLOC_EXACT and the nearby page exists
006345  ** anywhere on the free-list, then it is guaranteed to be returned.  If
006346  ** eMode is BTALLOC_LT then the page returned will be less than or equal
006347  ** to nearby if any such page exists.  If eMode is BTALLOC_ANY then there
006348  ** are no restrictions on which page is returned.
006349  */
006350  static int allocateBtreePage(
006351    BtShared *pBt,         /* The btree */
006352    MemPage **ppPage,      /* Store pointer to the allocated page here */
006353    Pgno *pPgno,           /* Store the page number here */
006354    Pgno nearby,           /* Search for a page near this one */
006355    u8 eMode               /* BTALLOC_EXACT, BTALLOC_LT, or BTALLOC_ANY */
006356  ){
006357    MemPage *pPage1;
006358    int rc;
006359    u32 n;     /* Number of pages on the freelist */
006360    u32 k;     /* Number of leaves on the trunk of the freelist */
006361    MemPage *pTrunk = 0;
006362    MemPage *pPrevTrunk = 0;
006363    Pgno mxPage;     /* Total size of the database file */
006365    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pBt->mutex) );
006366    assert( eMode==BTALLOC_ANY || (nearby>0 && IfNotOmitAV(pBt->autoVacuum)) );
006367    pPage1 = pBt->pPage1;
006368    mxPage = btreePagecount(pBt);
006369    /* EVIDENCE-OF: R-21003-45125 The 4-byte big-endian integer at offset 36
006370    ** stores the total number of pages on the freelist. */
006371    n = get4byte(&pPage1->aData[36]);
006372    testcase( n==mxPage-1 );
006373    if( n>=mxPage ){
006374      return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
006375    }
006376    if( n>0 ){
006377      /* There are pages on the freelist.  Reuse one of those pages. */
006378      Pgno iTrunk;
006379      u8 searchList = 0; /* If the free-list must be searched for 'nearby' */
006380      u32 nSearch = 0;   /* Count of the number of search attempts */
006382      /* If eMode==BTALLOC_EXACT and a query of the pointer-map
006383      ** shows that the page 'nearby' is somewhere on the free-list, then
006384      ** the entire-list will be searched for that page.
006385      */
006387      if( eMode==BTALLOC_EXACT ){
006388        if( nearby<=mxPage ){
006389          u8 eType;
006390          assert( nearby>0 );
006391          assert( pBt->autoVacuum );
006392          rc = ptrmapGet(pBt, nearby, &eType, 0);
006393          if( rc ) return rc;
006394          if( eType==PTRMAP_FREEPAGE ){
006395            searchList = 1;
006396          }
006397        }
006398      }else if( eMode==BTALLOC_LE ){
006399        searchList = 1;
006400      }
006401  #endif
006403      /* Decrement the free-list count by 1. Set iTrunk to the index of the
006404      ** first free-list trunk page. iPrevTrunk is initially 1.
006405      */
006406      rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pPage1->pDbPage);
006407      if( rc ) return rc;
006408      put4byte(&pPage1->aData[36], n-1);
006410      /* The code within this loop is run only once if the 'searchList' variable
006411      ** is not true. Otherwise, it runs once for each trunk-page on the
006412      ** free-list until the page 'nearby' is located (eMode==BTALLOC_EXACT)
006413      ** or until a page less than 'nearby' is located (eMode==BTALLOC_LT)
006414      */
006415      do {
006416        pPrevTrunk = pTrunk;
006417        if( pPrevTrunk ){
006418          /* EVIDENCE-OF: R-01506-11053 The first integer on a freelist trunk page
006419          ** is the page number of the next freelist trunk page in the list or
006420          ** zero if this is the last freelist trunk page. */
006421          iTrunk = get4byte(&pPrevTrunk->aData[0]);
006422        }else{
006423          /* EVIDENCE-OF: R-59841-13798 The 4-byte big-endian integer at offset 32
006424          ** stores the page number of the first page of the freelist, or zero if
006425          ** the freelist is empty. */
006426          iTrunk = get4byte(&pPage1->aData[32]);
006427        }
006428        testcase( iTrunk==mxPage );
006429        if( iTrunk>mxPage || nSearch++ > n ){
006430          rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_PGNO(pPrevTrunk ? pPrevTrunk->pgno : 1);
006431        }else{
006432          rc = btreeGetUnusedPage(pBt, iTrunk, &pTrunk, 0);
006433        }
006434        if( rc ){
006435          pTrunk = 0;
006436          goto end_allocate_page;
006437        }
006438        assert( pTrunk!=0 );
006439        assert( pTrunk->aData!=0 );
006440        /* EVIDENCE-OF: R-13523-04394 The second integer on a freelist trunk page
006441        ** is the number of leaf page pointers to follow. */
006442        k = get4byte(&pTrunk->aData[4]);
006443        if( k==0 && !searchList ){
006444          /* The trunk has no leaves and the list is not being searched.
006445          ** So extract the trunk page itself and use it as the newly
006446          ** allocated page */
006447          assert( pPrevTrunk==0 );
006448          rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pTrunk->pDbPage);
006449          if( rc ){
006450            goto end_allocate_page;
006451          }
006452          *pPgno = iTrunk;
006453          memcpy(&pPage1->aData[32], &pTrunk->aData[0], 4);
006454          *ppPage = pTrunk;
006455          pTrunk = 0;
006456          TRACE(("ALLOCATE: %u trunk - %u free pages left\n", *pPgno, n-1));
006457        }else if( k>(u32)(pBt->usableSize/4 - 2) ){
006458          /* Value of k is out of range.  Database corruption */
006459          rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_PGNO(iTrunk);
006460          goto end_allocate_page;
006462        }else if( searchList
006463              && (nearby==iTrunk || (iTrunk<nearby && eMode==BTALLOC_LE))
006464        ){
006465          /* The list is being searched and this trunk page is the page
006466          ** to allocate, regardless of whether it has leaves.
006467          */
006468          *pPgno = iTrunk;
006469          *ppPage = pTrunk;
006470          searchList = 0;
006471          rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pTrunk->pDbPage);
006472          if( rc ){
006473            goto end_allocate_page;
006474          }
006475          if( k==0 ){
006476            if( !pPrevTrunk ){
006477              memcpy(&pPage1->aData[32], &pTrunk->aData[0], 4);
006478            }else{
006479              rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pPrevTrunk->pDbPage);
006480              if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
006481                goto end_allocate_page;
006482              }
006483              memcpy(&pPrevTrunk->aData[0], &pTrunk->aData[0], 4);
006484            }
006485          }else{
006486            /* The trunk page is required by the caller but it contains
006487            ** pointers to free-list leaves. The first leaf becomes a trunk
006488            ** page in this case.
006489            */
006490            MemPage *pNewTrunk;
006491            Pgno iNewTrunk = get4byte(&pTrunk->aData[8]);
006492            if( iNewTrunk>mxPage ){
006493              rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_PGNO(iTrunk);
006494              goto end_allocate_page;
006495            }
006496            testcase( iNewTrunk==mxPage );
006497            rc = btreeGetUnusedPage(pBt, iNewTrunk, &pNewTrunk, 0);
006498            if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
006499              goto end_allocate_page;
006500            }
006501            rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pNewTrunk->pDbPage);
006502            if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
006503              releasePage(pNewTrunk);
006504              goto end_allocate_page;
006505            }
006506            memcpy(&pNewTrunk->aData[0], &pTrunk->aData[0], 4);
006507            put4byte(&pNewTrunk->aData[4], k-1);
006508            memcpy(&pNewTrunk->aData[8], &pTrunk->aData[12], (k-1)*4);
006509            releasePage(pNewTrunk);
006510            if( !pPrevTrunk ){
006511              assert( sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pPage1->pDbPage) );
006512              put4byte(&pPage1->aData[32], iNewTrunk);
006513            }else{
006514              rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pPrevTrunk->pDbPage);
006515              if( rc ){
006516                goto end_allocate_page;
006517              }
006518              put4byte(&pPrevTrunk->aData[0], iNewTrunk);
006519            }
006520          }
006521          pTrunk = 0;
006522          TRACE(("ALLOCATE: %u trunk - %u free pages left\n", *pPgno, n-1));
006523  #endif
006524        }else if( k>0 ){
006525          /* Extract a leaf from the trunk */
006526          u32 closest;
006527          Pgno iPage;
006528          unsigned char *aData = pTrunk->aData;
006529          if( nearby>0 ){
006530            u32 i;
006531            closest = 0;
006532            if( eMode==BTALLOC_LE ){
006533              for(i=0; i<k; i++){
006534                iPage = get4byte(&aData[8+i*4]);
006535                if( iPage<=nearby ){
006536                  closest = i;
006537                  break;
006538                }
006539              }
006540            }else{
006541              int dist;
006542              dist = sqlite3AbsInt32(get4byte(&aData[8]) - nearby);
006543              for(i=1; i<k; i++){
006544                int d2 = sqlite3AbsInt32(get4byte(&aData[8+i*4]) - nearby);
006545                if( d2<dist ){
006546                  closest = i;
006547                  dist = d2;
006548                }
006549              }
006550            }
006551          }else{
006552            closest = 0;
006553          }
006555          iPage = get4byte(&aData[8+closest*4]);
006556          testcase( iPage==mxPage );
006557          if( iPage>mxPage || iPage<2 ){
006558            rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_PGNO(iTrunk);
006559            goto end_allocate_page;
006560          }
006561          testcase( iPage==mxPage );
006562          if( !searchList
006563           || (iPage==nearby || (iPage<nearby && eMode==BTALLOC_LE))
006564          ){
006565            int noContent;
006566            *pPgno = iPage;
006567            TRACE(("ALLOCATE: %u was leaf %u of %u on trunk %u"
006568                   ": %u more free pages\n",
006569                   *pPgno, closest+1, k, pTrunk->pgno, n-1));
006570            rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pTrunk->pDbPage);
006571            if( rc ) goto end_allocate_page;
006572            if( closest<k-1 ){
006573              memcpy(&aData[8+closest*4], &aData[4+k*4], 4);
006574            }
006575            put4byte(&aData[4], k-1);
006576            noContent = !btreeGetHasContent(pBt, *pPgno)? PAGER_GET_NOCONTENT : 0;
006577            rc = btreeGetUnusedPage(pBt, *pPgno, ppPage, noContent);
006578            if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
006579              rc = sqlite3PagerWrite((*ppPage)->pDbPage);
006580              if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
006581                releasePage(*ppPage);
006582                *ppPage = 0;
006583              }
006584            }
006585            searchList = 0;
006586          }
006587        }
006588        releasePage(pPrevTrunk);
006589        pPrevTrunk = 0;
006590      }while( searchList );
006591    }else{
006592      /* There are no pages on the freelist, so append a new page to the
006593      ** database image.
006594      **
006595      ** Normally, new pages allocated by this block can be requested from the
006596      ** pager layer with the 'no-content' flag set. This prevents the pager
006597      ** from trying to read the pages content from disk. However, if the
006598      ** current transaction has already run one or more incremental-vacuum
006599      ** steps, then the page we are about to allocate may contain content
006600      ** that is required in the event of a rollback. In this case, do
006601      ** not set the no-content flag. This causes the pager to load and journal
006602      ** the current page content before overwriting it.
006603      **
006604      ** Note that the pager will not actually attempt to load or journal
006605      ** content for any page that really does lie past the end of the database
006606      ** file on disk. So the effects of disabling the no-content optimization
006607      ** here are confined to those pages that lie between the end of the
006608      ** database image and the end of the database file.
006609      */
006610      int bNoContent = (0==IfNotOmitAV(pBt->bDoTruncate))? PAGER_GET_NOCONTENT:0;
006612      rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pBt->pPage1->pDbPage);
006613      if( rc ) return rc;
006614      pBt->nPage++;
006615      if( pBt->nPage==PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) ) pBt->nPage++;
006618      if( pBt->autoVacuum && PTRMAP_ISPAGE(pBt, pBt->nPage) ){
006619        /* If *pPgno refers to a pointer-map page, allocate two new pages
006620        ** at the end of the file instead of one. The first allocated page
006621        ** becomes a new pointer-map page, the second is used by the caller.
006622        */
006623        MemPage *pPg = 0;
006624        TRACE(("ALLOCATE: %u from end of file (pointer-map page)\n", pBt->nPage));
006625        assert( pBt->nPage!=PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) );
006626        rc = btreeGetUnusedPage(pBt, pBt->nPage, &pPg, bNoContent);
006627        if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
006628          rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pPg->pDbPage);
006629          releasePage(pPg);
006630        }
006631        if( rc ) return rc;
006632        pBt->nPage++;
006633        if( pBt->nPage==PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) ){ pBt->nPage++; }
006634      }
006635  #endif
006636      put4byte(28 + (u8*)pBt->pPage1->aData, pBt->nPage);
006637      *pPgno = pBt->nPage;
006639      assert( *pPgno!=PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) );
006640      rc = btreeGetUnusedPage(pBt, *pPgno, ppPage, bNoContent);
006641      if( rc ) return rc;
006642      rc = sqlite3PagerWrite((*ppPage)->pDbPage);
006643      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
006644        releasePage(*ppPage);
006645        *ppPage = 0;
006646      }
006647      TRACE(("ALLOCATE: %u from end of file\n", *pPgno));
006648    }
006650    assert( CORRUPT_DB || *pPgno!=PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) );
006652  end_allocate_page:
006653    releasePage(pTrunk);
006654    releasePage(pPrevTrunk);
006655    assert( rc!=SQLITE_OK || sqlite3PagerPageRefcount((*ppPage)->pDbPage)<=1 );
006656    assert( rc!=SQLITE_OK || (*ppPage)->isInit==0 );
006657    return rc;
006658  }
006660  /*
006661  ** This function is used to add page iPage to the database file free-list.
006662  ** It is assumed that the page is not already a part of the free-list.
006663  **
006664  ** The value passed as the second argument to this function is optional.
006665  ** If the caller happens to have a pointer to the MemPage object
006666  ** corresponding to page iPage handy, it may pass it as the second value.
006667  ** Otherwise, it may pass NULL.
006668  **
006669  ** If a pointer to a MemPage object is passed as the second argument,
006670  ** its reference count is not altered by this function.
006671  */
006672  static int freePage2(BtShared *pBt, MemPage *pMemPage, Pgno iPage){
006673    MemPage *pTrunk = 0;                /* Free-list trunk page */
006674    Pgno iTrunk = 0;                    /* Page number of free-list trunk page */
006675    MemPage *pPage1 = pBt->pPage1;      /* Local reference to page 1 */
006676    MemPage *pPage;                     /* Page being freed. May be NULL. */
006677    int rc;                             /* Return Code */
006678    u32 nFree;                          /* Initial number of pages on free-list */
006680    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pBt->mutex) );
006681    assert( CORRUPT_DB || iPage>1 );
006682    assert( !pMemPage || pMemPage->pgno==iPage );
006684    if( iPage<2 || iPage>pBt->nPage ){
006685      return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
006686    }
006687    if( pMemPage ){
006688      pPage = pMemPage;
006689      sqlite3PagerRef(pPage->pDbPage);
006690    }else{
006691      pPage = btreePageLookup(pBt, iPage);
006692    }
006694    /* Increment the free page count on pPage1 */
006695    rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pPage1->pDbPage);
006696    if( rc ) goto freepage_out;
006697    nFree = get4byte(&pPage1->aData[36]);
006698    put4byte(&pPage1->aData[36], nFree+1);
006700    if( pBt->btsFlags & BTS_SECURE_DELETE ){
006701      /* If the secure_delete option is enabled, then
006702      ** always fully overwrite deleted information with zeros.
006703      */
006704      if( (!pPage && ((rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, iPage, &pPage, 0))!=0) )
006705       ||            ((rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pPage->pDbPage))!=0)
006706      ){
006707        goto freepage_out;
006708      }
006709      memset(pPage->aData, 0, pPage->pBt->pageSize);
006710    }
006712    /* If the database supports auto-vacuum, write an entry in the pointer-map
006713    ** to indicate that the page is free.
006714    */
006715    if( ISAUTOVACUUM(pBt) ){
006716      ptrmapPut(pBt, iPage, PTRMAP_FREEPAGE, 0, &rc);
006717      if( rc ) goto freepage_out;
006718    }
006720    /* Now manipulate the actual database free-list structure. There are two
006721    ** possibilities. If the free-list is currently empty, or if the first
006722    ** trunk page in the free-list is full, then this page will become a
006723    ** new free-list trunk page. Otherwise, it will become a leaf of the
006724    ** first trunk page in the current free-list. This block tests if it
006725    ** is possible to add the page as a new free-list leaf.
006726    */
006727    if( nFree!=0 ){
006728      u32 nLeaf;                /* Initial number of leaf cells on trunk page */
006730      iTrunk = get4byte(&pPage1->aData[32]);
006731      if( iTrunk>btreePagecount(pBt) ){
006732        rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
006733        goto freepage_out;
006734      }
006735      rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, iTrunk, &pTrunk, 0);
006736      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
006737        goto freepage_out;
006738      }
006740      nLeaf = get4byte(&pTrunk->aData[4]);
006741      assert( pBt->usableSize>32 );
006742      if( nLeaf > (u32)pBt->usableSize/4 - 2 ){
006743        rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
006744        goto freepage_out;
006745      }
006746      if( nLeaf < (u32)pBt->usableSize/4 - 8 ){
006747        /* In this case there is room on the trunk page to insert the page
006748        ** being freed as a new leaf.
006749        **
006750        ** Note that the trunk page is not really full until it contains
006751        ** usableSize/4 - 2 entries, not usableSize/4 - 8 entries as we have
006752        ** coded.  But due to a coding error in versions of SQLite prior to
006753        ** 3.6.0, databases with freelist trunk pages holding more than
006754        ** usableSize/4 - 8 entries will be reported as corrupt.  In order
006755        ** to maintain backwards compatibility with older versions of SQLite,
006756        ** we will continue to restrict the number of entries to usableSize/4 - 8
006757        ** for now.  At some point in the future (once everyone has upgraded
006758        ** to 3.6.0 or later) we should consider fixing the conditional above
006759        ** to read "usableSize/4-2" instead of "usableSize/4-8".
006760        **
006761        ** EVIDENCE-OF: R-19920-11576 However, newer versions of SQLite still
006762        ** avoid using the last six entries in the freelist trunk page array in
006763        ** order that database files created by newer versions of SQLite can be
006764        ** read by older versions of SQLite.
006765        */
006766        rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pTrunk->pDbPage);
006767        if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
006768          put4byte(&pTrunk->aData[4], nLeaf+1);
006769          put4byte(&pTrunk->aData[8+nLeaf*4], iPage);
006770          if( pPage && (pBt->btsFlags & BTS_SECURE_DELETE)==0 ){
006771            sqlite3PagerDontWrite(pPage->pDbPage);
006772          }
006773          rc = btreeSetHasContent(pBt, iPage);
006774        }
006775        TRACE(("FREE-PAGE: %u leaf on trunk page %u\n",pPage->pgno,pTrunk->pgno));
006776        goto freepage_out;
006777      }
006778    }
006780    /* If control flows to this point, then it was not possible to add the
006781    ** the page being freed as a leaf page of the first trunk in the free-list.
006782    ** Possibly because the free-list is empty, or possibly because the
006783    ** first trunk in the free-list is full. Either way, the page being freed
006784    ** will become the new first trunk page in the free-list.
006785    */
006786    if( pPage==0 && SQLITE_OK!=(rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, iPage, &pPage, 0)) ){
006787      goto freepage_out;
006788    }
006789    rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pPage->pDbPage);
006790    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
006791      goto freepage_out;
006792    }
006793    put4byte(pPage->aData, iTrunk);
006794    put4byte(&pPage->aData[4], 0);
006795    put4byte(&pPage1->aData[32], iPage);
006796    TRACE(("FREE-PAGE: %u new trunk page replacing %u\n", pPage->pgno, iTrunk));
006798  freepage_out:
006799    if( pPage ){
006800      pPage->isInit = 0;
006801    }
006802    releasePage(pPage);
006803    releasePage(pTrunk);
006804    return rc;
006805  }
006806  static void freePage(MemPage *pPage, int *pRC){
006807    if( (*pRC)==SQLITE_OK ){
006808      *pRC = freePage2(pPage->pBt, pPage, pPage->pgno);
006809    }
006810  }
006812  /*
006813  ** Free the overflow pages associated with the given Cell.
006814  */
006815  static SQLITE_NOINLINE int clearCellOverflow(
006816    MemPage *pPage,          /* The page that contains the Cell */
006817    unsigned char *pCell,    /* First byte of the Cell */
006818    CellInfo *pInfo          /* Size information about the cell */
006819  ){
006820    BtShared *pBt;
006821    Pgno ovflPgno;
006822    int rc;
006823    int nOvfl;
006824    u32 ovflPageSize;
006826    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pPage->pBt->mutex) );
006827    assert( pInfo->nLocal!=pInfo->nPayload );
006828    testcase( pCell + pInfo->nSize == pPage->aDataEnd );
006829    testcase( pCell + (pInfo->nSize-1) == pPage->aDataEnd );
006830    if( pCell + pInfo->nSize > pPage->aDataEnd ){
006831      /* Cell extends past end of page */
006832      return SQLITE_CORRUPT_PAGE(pPage);
006833    }
006834    ovflPgno = get4byte(pCell + pInfo->nSize - 4);
006835    pBt = pPage->pBt;
006836    assert( pBt->usableSize > 4 );
006837    ovflPageSize = pBt->usableSize - 4;
006838    nOvfl = (pInfo->nPayload - pInfo->nLocal + ovflPageSize - 1)/ovflPageSize;
006839    assert( nOvfl>0 ||
006840      (CORRUPT_DB && (pInfo->nPayload + ovflPageSize)<ovflPageSize)
006841    );
006842    while( nOvfl-- ){
006843      Pgno iNext = 0;
006844      MemPage *pOvfl = 0;
006845      if( ovflPgno<2 || ovflPgno>btreePagecount(pBt) ){
006846        /* 0 is not a legal page number and page 1 cannot be an
006847        ** overflow page. Therefore if ovflPgno<2 or past the end of the
006848        ** file the database must be corrupt. */
006849        return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
006850      }
006851      if( nOvfl ){
006852        rc = getOverflowPage(pBt, ovflPgno, &pOvfl, &iNext);
006853        if( rc ) return rc;
006854      }
006856      if( ( pOvfl || ((pOvfl = btreePageLookup(pBt, ovflPgno))!=0) )
006857       && sqlite3PagerPageRefcount(pOvfl->pDbPage)!=1
006858      ){
006859        /* There is no reason any cursor should have an outstanding reference
006860        ** to an overflow page belonging to a cell that is being deleted/updated.
006861        ** So if there exists more than one reference to this page, then it
006862        ** must not really be an overflow page and the database must be corrupt.
006863        ** It is helpful to detect this before calling freePage2(), as
006864        ** freePage2() may zero the page contents if secure-delete mode is
006865        ** enabled. If this 'overflow' page happens to be a page that the
006866        ** caller is iterating through or using in some other way, this
006867        ** can be problematic.
006868        */
006869        rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
006870      }else{
006871        rc = freePage2(pBt, pOvfl, ovflPgno);
006872      }
006874      if( pOvfl ){
006875        sqlite3PagerUnref(pOvfl->pDbPage);
006876      }
006877      if( rc ) return rc;
006878      ovflPgno = iNext;
006879    }
006880    return SQLITE_OK;
006881  }
006883  /* Call xParseCell to compute the size of a cell.  If the cell contains
006884  ** overflow, then invoke cellClearOverflow to clear out that overflow.
006885  ** Store the result code (SQLITE_OK or some error code) in rc.
006886  **
006887  ** Implemented as macro to force inlining for performance.
006888  */
006889  #define BTREE_CLEAR_CELL(rc, pPage, pCell, sInfo)   \
006890    pPage->xParseCell(pPage, pCell, &sInfo);          \
006891    if( sInfo.nLocal!=sInfo.nPayload ){               \
006892      rc = clearCellOverflow(pPage, pCell, &sInfo);   \
006893    }else{                                            \
006894      rc = SQLITE_OK;                                 \
006895    }
006898  /*
006899  ** Create the byte sequence used to represent a cell on page pPage
006900  ** and write that byte sequence into pCell[].  Overflow pages are
006901  ** allocated and filled in as necessary.  The calling procedure
006902  ** is responsible for making sure sufficient space has been allocated
006903  ** for pCell[].
006904  **
006905  ** Note that pCell does not necessary need to point to the pPage->aData
006906  ** area.  pCell might point to some temporary storage.  The cell will
006907  ** be constructed in this temporary area then copied into pPage->aData
006908  ** later.
006909  */
006910  static int fillInCell(
006911    MemPage *pPage,                /* The page that contains the cell */
006912    unsigned char *pCell,          /* Complete text of the cell */
006913    const BtreePayload *pX,        /* Payload with which to construct the cell */
006914    int *pnSize                    /* Write cell size here */
006915  ){
006916    int nPayload;
006917    const u8 *pSrc;
006918    int nSrc, n, rc, mn;
006919    int spaceLeft;
006920    MemPage *pToRelease;
006921    unsigned char *pPrior;
006922    unsigned char *pPayload;
006923    BtShared *pBt;
006924    Pgno pgnoOvfl;
006925    int nHeader;
006927    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pPage->pBt->mutex) );
006929    /* pPage is not necessarily writeable since pCell might be auxiliary
006930    ** buffer space that is separate from the pPage buffer area */
006931    assert( pCell<pPage->aData || pCell>=&pPage->aData[pPage->pBt->pageSize]
006932              || sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pPage->pDbPage) );
006934    /* Fill in the header. */
006935    nHeader = pPage->childPtrSize;
006936    if( pPage->intKey ){
006937      nPayload = pX->nData + pX->nZero;
006938      pSrc = pX->pData;
006939      nSrc = pX->nData;
006940      assert( pPage->intKeyLeaf ); /* fillInCell() only called for leaves */
006941      nHeader += putVarint32(&pCell[nHeader], nPayload);
006942      nHeader += putVarint(&pCell[nHeader], *(u64*)&pX->nKey);
006943    }else{
006944      assert( pX->nKey<=0x7fffffff && pX->pKey!=0 );
006945      nSrc = nPayload = (int)pX->nKey;
006946      pSrc = pX->pKey;
006947      nHeader += putVarint32(&pCell[nHeader], nPayload);
006948    }
006950    /* Fill in the payload */
006951    pPayload = &pCell[nHeader];
006952    if( nPayload<=pPage->maxLocal ){
006953      /* This is the common case where everything fits on the btree page
006954      ** and no overflow pages are required. */
006955      n = nHeader + nPayload;
006956      testcase( n==3 );
006957      testcase( n==4 );
006958      if( n<4 ) n = 4;
006959      *pnSize = n;
006960      assert( nSrc<=nPayload );
006961      testcase( nSrc<nPayload );
006962      memcpy(pPayload, pSrc, nSrc);
006963      memset(pPayload+nSrc, 0, nPayload-nSrc);
006964      return SQLITE_OK;
006965    }
006967    /* If we reach this point, it means that some of the content will need
006968    ** to spill onto overflow pages.
006969    */
006970    mn = pPage->minLocal;
006971    n = mn + (nPayload - mn) % (pPage->pBt->usableSize - 4);
006972    testcase( n==pPage->maxLocal );
006973    testcase( n==pPage->maxLocal+1 );
006974    if( n > pPage->maxLocal ) n = mn;
006975    spaceLeft = n;
006976    *pnSize = n + nHeader + 4;
006977    pPrior = &pCell[nHeader+n];
006978    pToRelease = 0;
006979    pgnoOvfl = 0;
006980    pBt = pPage->pBt;
006982    /* At this point variables should be set as follows:
006983    **
006984    **   nPayload           Total payload size in bytes
006985    **   pPayload           Begin writing payload here
006986    **   spaceLeft          Space available at pPayload.  If nPayload>spaceLeft,
006987    **                      that means content must spill into overflow pages.
006988    **   *pnSize            Size of the local cell (not counting overflow pages)
006989    **   pPrior             Where to write the pgno of the first overflow page
006990    **
006991    ** Use a call to btreeParseCellPtr() to verify that the values above
006992    ** were computed correctly.
006993    */
006994  #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG
006995    {
006996      CellInfo info;
006997      pPage->xParseCell(pPage, pCell, &info);
006998      assert( nHeader==(int)(info.pPayload - pCell) );
006999      assert( info.nKey==pX->nKey );
007000      assert( *pnSize == info.nSize );
007001      assert( spaceLeft == info.nLocal );
007002    }
007003  #endif
007005    /* Write the payload into the local Cell and any extra into overflow pages */
007006    while( 1 ){
007007      n = nPayload;
007008      if( n>spaceLeft ) n = spaceLeft;
007010      /* If pToRelease is not zero than pPayload points into the data area
007011      ** of pToRelease.  Make sure pToRelease is still writeable. */
007012      assert( pToRelease==0 || sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pToRelease->pDbPage) );
007014      /* If pPayload is part of the data area of pPage, then make sure pPage
007015      ** is still writeable */
007016      assert( pPayload<pPage->aData || pPayload>=&pPage->aData[pBt->pageSize]
007017              || sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pPage->pDbPage) );
007019      if( nSrc>=n ){
007020        memcpy(pPayload, pSrc, n);
007021      }else if( nSrc>0 ){
007022        n = nSrc;
007023        memcpy(pPayload, pSrc, n);
007024      }else{
007025        memset(pPayload, 0, n);
007026      }
007027      nPayload -= n;
007028      if( nPayload<=0 ) break;
007029      pPayload += n;
007030      pSrc += n;
007031      nSrc -= n;
007032      spaceLeft -= n;
007033      if( spaceLeft==0 ){
007034        MemPage *pOvfl = 0;
007036        Pgno pgnoPtrmap = pgnoOvfl; /* Overflow page pointer-map entry page */
007037        if( pBt->autoVacuum ){
007038          do{
007039            pgnoOvfl++;
007040          } while(
007041            PTRMAP_ISPAGE(pBt, pgnoOvfl) || pgnoOvfl==PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt)
007042          );
007043        }
007044  #endif
007045        rc = allocateBtreePage(pBt, &pOvfl, &pgnoOvfl, pgnoOvfl, 0);
007047        /* If the database supports auto-vacuum, and the second or subsequent
007048        ** overflow page is being allocated, add an entry to the pointer-map
007049        ** for that page now.
007050        **
007051        ** If this is the first overflow page, then write a partial entry
007052        ** to the pointer-map. If we write nothing to this pointer-map slot,
007053        ** then the optimistic overflow chain processing in clearCell()
007054        ** may misinterpret the uninitialized values and delete the
007055        ** wrong pages from the database.
007056        */
007057        if( pBt->autoVacuum && rc==SQLITE_OK ){
007058          u8 eType = (pgnoPtrmap?PTRMAP_OVERFLOW2:PTRMAP_OVERFLOW1);
007059          ptrmapPut(pBt, pgnoOvfl, eType, pgnoPtrmap, &rc);
007060          if( rc ){
007061            releasePage(pOvfl);
007062          }
007063        }
007064  #endif
007065        if( rc ){
007066          releasePage(pToRelease);
007067          return rc;
007068        }
007070        /* If pToRelease is not zero than pPrior points into the data area
007071        ** of pToRelease.  Make sure pToRelease is still writeable. */
007072        assert( pToRelease==0 || sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pToRelease->pDbPage) );
007074        /* If pPrior is part of the data area of pPage, then make sure pPage
007075        ** is still writeable */
007076        assert( pPrior<pPage->aData || pPrior>=&pPage->aData[pBt->pageSize]
007077              || sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pPage->pDbPage) );
007079        put4byte(pPrior, pgnoOvfl);
007080        releasePage(pToRelease);
007081        pToRelease = pOvfl;
007082        pPrior = pOvfl->aData;
007083        put4byte(pPrior, 0);
007084        pPayload = &pOvfl->aData[4];
007085        spaceLeft = pBt->usableSize - 4;
007086      }
007087    }
007088    releasePage(pToRelease);
007089    return SQLITE_OK;
007090  }
007092  /*
007093  ** Remove the i-th cell from pPage.  This routine effects pPage only.
007094  ** The cell content is not freed or deallocated.  It is assumed that
007095  ** the cell content has been copied someplace else.  This routine just
007096  ** removes the reference to the cell from pPage.
007097  **
007098  ** "sz" must be the number of bytes in the cell.
007099  */
007100  static void dropCell(MemPage *pPage, int idx, int sz, int *pRC){
007101    u32 pc;         /* Offset to cell content of cell being deleted */
007102    u8 *data;       /* pPage->aData */
007103    u8 *ptr;        /* Used to move bytes around within data[] */
007104    int rc;         /* The return code */
007105    int hdr;        /* Beginning of the header.  0 most pages.  100 page 1 */
007107    if( *pRC ) return;
007108    assert( idx>=0 );
007109    assert( idx<pPage->nCell );
007110    assert( CORRUPT_DB || sz==cellSize(pPage, idx) );
007111    assert( sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pPage->pDbPage) );
007112    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pPage->pBt->mutex) );
007113    assert( pPage->nFree>=0 );
007114    data = pPage->aData;
007115    ptr = &pPage->aCellIdx[2*idx];
007116    assert( pPage->pBt->usableSize > (u32)(ptr-data) );
007117    pc = get2byte(ptr);
007118    hdr = pPage->hdrOffset;
007119    testcase( pc==(u32)get2byte(&data[hdr+5]) );
007120    testcase( pc+sz==pPage->pBt->usableSize );
007121    if( pc+sz > pPage->pBt->usableSize ){
007122      *pRC = SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
007123      return;
007124    }
007125    rc = freeSpace(pPage, pc, sz);
007126    if( rc ){
007127      *pRC = rc;
007128      return;
007129    }
007130    pPage->nCell--;
007131    if( pPage->nCell==0 ){
007132      memset(&data[hdr+1], 0, 4);
007133      data[hdr+7] = 0;
007134      put2byte(&data[hdr+5], pPage->pBt->usableSize);
007135      pPage->nFree = pPage->pBt->usableSize - pPage->hdrOffset
007136                         - pPage->childPtrSize - 8;
007137    }else{
007138      memmove(ptr, ptr+2, 2*(pPage->nCell - idx));
007139      put2byte(&data[hdr+3], pPage->nCell);
007140      pPage->nFree += 2;
007141    }
007142  }
007144  /*
007145  ** Insert a new cell on pPage at cell index "i".  pCell points to the
007146  ** content of the cell.
007147  **
007148  ** If the cell content will fit on the page, then put it there.  If it
007149  ** will not fit, then make a copy of the cell content into pTemp if
007150  ** pTemp is not null.  Regardless of pTemp, allocate a new entry
007151  ** in pPage->apOvfl[] and make it point to the cell content (either
007152  ** in pTemp or the original pCell) and also record its index.
007153  ** Allocating a new entry in pPage->aCell[] implies that
007154  ** pPage->nOverflow is incremented.
007155  **
007156  ** The insertCellFast() routine below works exactly the same as
007157  ** insertCell() except that it lacks the pTemp and iChild parameters
007158  ** which are assumed zero.  Other than that, the two routines are the
007159  ** same.
007160  **
007161  ** Fixes or enhancements to this routine should be reflected in
007162  ** insertCellFast()!
007163  */
007164  static int insertCell(
007165    MemPage *pPage,   /* Page into which we are copying */
007166    int i,            /* New cell becomes the i-th cell of the page */
007167    u8 *pCell,        /* Content of the new cell */
007168    int sz,           /* Bytes of content in pCell */
007169    u8 *pTemp,        /* Temp storage space for pCell, if needed */
007170    Pgno iChild       /* If non-zero, replace first 4 bytes with this value */
007171  ){
007172    int idx = 0;      /* Where to write new cell content in data[] */
007173    int j;            /* Loop counter */
007174    u8 *data;         /* The content of the whole page */
007175    u8 *pIns;         /* The point in pPage->aCellIdx[] where no cell inserted */
007177    assert( i>=0 && i<=pPage->nCell+pPage->nOverflow );
007178    assert( MX_CELL(pPage->pBt)<=10921 );
007179    assert( pPage->nCell<=MX_CELL(pPage->pBt) || CORRUPT_DB );
007180    assert( pPage->nOverflow<=ArraySize(pPage->apOvfl) );
007181    assert( ArraySize(pPage->apOvfl)==ArraySize(pPage->aiOvfl) );
007182    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pPage->pBt->mutex) );
007183    assert( sz==pPage->xCellSize(pPage, pCell) || CORRUPT_DB );
007184    assert( pPage->nFree>=0 );
007185    assert( iChild>0 );
007186    if( pPage->nOverflow || sz+2>pPage->nFree ){
007187      if( pTemp ){
007188        memcpy(pTemp, pCell, sz);
007189        pCell = pTemp;
007190      }
007191      put4byte(pCell, iChild);
007192      j = pPage->nOverflow++;
007193      /* Comparison against ArraySize-1 since we hold back one extra slot
007194      ** as a contingency.  In other words, never need more than 3 overflow
007195      ** slots but 4 are allocated, just to be safe. */
007196      assert( j < ArraySize(pPage->apOvfl)-1 );
007197      pPage->apOvfl[j] = pCell;
007198      pPage->aiOvfl[j] = (u16)i;
007200      /* When multiple overflows occur, they are always sequential and in
007201      ** sorted order.  This invariants arise because multiple overflows can
007202      ** only occur when inserting divider cells into the parent page during
007203      ** balancing, and the dividers are adjacent and sorted.
007204      */
007205      assert( j==0 || pPage->aiOvfl[j-1]<(u16)i ); /* Overflows in sorted order */
007206      assert( j==0 || i==pPage->aiOvfl[j-1]+1 );   /* Overflows are sequential */
007207    }else{
007208      int rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pPage->pDbPage);
007209      if( NEVER(rc!=SQLITE_OK) ){
007210        return rc;
007211      }
007212      assert( sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pPage->pDbPage) );
007213      data = pPage->aData;
007214      assert( &data[pPage->cellOffset]==pPage->aCellIdx );
007215      rc = allocateSpace(pPage, sz, &idx);
007216      if( rc ){ return rc; }
007217      /* The allocateSpace() routine guarantees the following properties
007218      ** if it returns successfully */
007219      assert( idx >= 0 );
007220      assert( idx >= pPage->cellOffset+2*pPage->nCell+2 || CORRUPT_DB );
007221      assert( idx+sz <= (int)pPage->pBt->usableSize );
007222      pPage->nFree -= (u16)(2 + sz);
007223      /* In a corrupt database where an entry in the cell index section of
007224      ** a btree page has a value of 3 or less, the pCell value might point
007225      ** as many as 4 bytes in front of the start of the aData buffer for
007226      ** the source page.  Make sure this does not cause problems by not
007227      ** reading the first 4 bytes */
007228      memcpy(&data[idx+4], pCell+4, sz-4);
007229      put4byte(&data[idx], iChild);
007230      pIns = pPage->aCellIdx + i*2;
007231      memmove(pIns+2, pIns, 2*(pPage->nCell - i));
007232      put2byte(pIns, idx);
007233      pPage->nCell++;
007234      /* increment the cell count */
007235      if( (++data[pPage->hdrOffset+4])==0 ) data[pPage->hdrOffset+3]++;
007236      assert( get2byte(&data[pPage->hdrOffset+3])==pPage->nCell || CORRUPT_DB );
007238      if( pPage->pBt->autoVacuum ){
007239        int rc2 = SQLITE_OK;
007240        /* The cell may contain a pointer to an overflow page. If so, write
007241        ** the entry for the overflow page into the pointer map.
007242        */
007243        ptrmapPutOvflPtr(pPage, pPage, pCell, &rc2);
007244        if( rc2 ) return rc2;
007245      }
007246  #endif
007247    }
007248    return SQLITE_OK;
007249  }
007251  /*
007252  ** This variant of insertCell() assumes that the pTemp and iChild
007253  ** parameters are both zero.  Use this variant in sqlite3BtreeInsert()
007254  ** for performance improvement, and also so that this variant is only
007255  ** called from that one place, and is thus inlined, and thus runs must
007256  ** faster.
007257  **
007258  ** Fixes or enhancements to this routine should be reflected into
007259  ** the insertCell() routine.
007260  */
007261  static int insertCellFast(
007262    MemPage *pPage,   /* Page into which we are copying */
007263    int i,            /* New cell becomes the i-th cell of the page */
007264    u8 *pCell,        /* Content of the new cell */
007265    int sz            /* Bytes of content in pCell */
007266  ){
007267    int idx = 0;      /* Where to write new cell content in data[] */
007268    int j;            /* Loop counter */
007269    u8 *data;         /* The content of the whole page */
007270    u8 *pIns;         /* The point in pPage->aCellIdx[] where no cell inserted */
007272    assert( i>=0 && i<=pPage->nCell+pPage->nOverflow );
007273    assert( MX_CELL(pPage->pBt)<=10921 );
007274    assert( pPage->nCell<=MX_CELL(pPage->pBt) || CORRUPT_DB );
007275    assert( pPage->nOverflow<=ArraySize(pPage->apOvfl) );
007276    assert( ArraySize(pPage->apOvfl)==ArraySize(pPage->aiOvfl) );
007277    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pPage->pBt->mutex) );
007278    assert( sz==pPage->xCellSize(pPage, pCell) || CORRUPT_DB );
007279    assert( pPage->nFree>=0 );
007280    assert( pPage->nOverflow==0 );
007281    if( sz+2>pPage->nFree ){
007282      j = pPage->nOverflow++;
007283      /* Comparison against ArraySize-1 since we hold back one extra slot
007284      ** as a contingency.  In other words, never need more than 3 overflow
007285      ** slots but 4 are allocated, just to be safe. */
007286      assert( j < ArraySize(pPage->apOvfl)-1 );
007287      pPage->apOvfl[j] = pCell;
007288      pPage->aiOvfl[j] = (u16)i;
007290      /* When multiple overflows occur, they are always sequential and in
007291      ** sorted order.  This invariants arise because multiple overflows can
007292      ** only occur when inserting divider cells into the parent page during
007293      ** balancing, and the dividers are adjacent and sorted.
007294      */
007295      assert( j==0 || pPage->aiOvfl[j-1]<(u16)i ); /* Overflows in sorted order */
007296      assert( j==0 || i==pPage->aiOvfl[j-1]+1 );   /* Overflows are sequential */
007297    }else{
007298      int rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pPage->pDbPage);
007299      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
007300        return rc;
007301      }
007302      assert( sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pPage->pDbPage) );
007303      data = pPage->aData;
007304      assert( &data[pPage->cellOffset]==pPage->aCellIdx );
007305      rc = allocateSpace(pPage, sz, &idx);
007306      if( rc ){ return rc; }
007307      /* The allocateSpace() routine guarantees the following properties
007308      ** if it returns successfully */
007309      assert( idx >= 0 );
007310      assert( idx >= pPage->cellOffset+2*pPage->nCell+2 || CORRUPT_DB );
007311      assert( idx+sz <= (int)pPage->pBt->usableSize );
007312      pPage->nFree -= (u16)(2 + sz);
007313      memcpy(&data[idx], pCell, sz);
007314      pIns = pPage->aCellIdx + i*2;
007315      memmove(pIns+2, pIns, 2*(pPage->nCell - i));
007316      put2byte(pIns, idx);
007317      pPage->nCell++;
007318      /* increment the cell count */
007319      if( (++data[pPage->hdrOffset+4])==0 ) data[pPage->hdrOffset+3]++;
007320      assert( get2byte(&data[pPage->hdrOffset+3])==pPage->nCell || CORRUPT_DB );
007322      if( pPage->pBt->autoVacuum ){
007323        int rc2 = SQLITE_OK;
007324        /* The cell may contain a pointer to an overflow page. If so, write
007325        ** the entry for the overflow page into the pointer map.
007326        */
007327        ptrmapPutOvflPtr(pPage, pPage, pCell, &rc2);
007328        if( rc2 ) return rc2;
007329      }
007330  #endif
007331    }
007332    return SQLITE_OK;
007333  }
007335  /*
007336  ** The following parameters determine how many adjacent pages get involved
007337  ** in a balancing operation.  NN is the number of neighbors on either side
007338  ** of the page that participate in the balancing operation.  NB is the
007339  ** total number of pages that participate, including the target page and
007340  ** NN neighbors on either side.
007341  **
007342  ** The minimum value of NN is 1 (of course).  Increasing NN above 1
007343  ** (to 2 or 3) gives a modest improvement in SELECT and DELETE performance
007344  ** in exchange for a larger degradation in INSERT and UPDATE performance.
007345  ** The value of NN appears to give the best results overall.
007346  **
007347  ** (Later:) The description above makes it seem as if these values are
007348  ** tunable - as if you could change them and recompile and it would all work.
007349  ** But that is unlikely.  NB has been 3 since the inception of SQLite and
007350  ** we have never tested any other value.
007351  */
007352  #define NN 1             /* Number of neighbors on either side of pPage */
007353  #define NB 3             /* (NN*2+1): Total pages involved in the balance */
007355  /*
007356  ** A CellArray object contains a cache of pointers and sizes for a
007357  ** consecutive sequence of cells that might be held on multiple pages.
007358  **
007359  ** The cells in this array are the divider cell or cells from the pParent
007360  ** page plus up to three child pages.  There are a total of nCell cells.
007361  **
007362  ** pRef is a pointer to one of the pages that contributes cells.  This is
007363  ** used to access information such as MemPage.intKey and MemPage.pBt->pageSize
007364  ** which should be common to all pages that contribute cells to this array.
007365  **
007366  ** apCell[] and szCell[] hold, respectively, pointers to the start of each
007367  ** cell and the size of each cell.  Some of the apCell[] pointers might refer
007368  ** to overflow cells.  In other words, some apCel[] pointers might not point
007369  ** to content area of the pages.
007370  **
007371  ** A szCell[] of zero means the size of that cell has not yet been computed.
007372  **
007373  ** The cells come from as many as four different pages:
007374  **
007375  **             -----------
007376  **             | Parent  |
007377  **             -----------
007378  **            /     |     \
007379  **           /      |      \
007380  **  ---------   ---------   ---------
007381  **  |Child-1|   |Child-2|   |Child-3|
007382  **  ---------   ---------   ---------
007383  **
007384  ** The order of cells is in the array is for an index btree is:
007385  **
007386  **       1.  All cells from Child-1 in order
007387  **       2.  The first divider cell from Parent
007388  **       3.  All cells from Child-2 in order
007389  **       4.  The second divider cell from Parent
007390  **       5.  All cells from Child-3 in order
007391  **
007392  ** For a table-btree (with rowids) the items 2 and 4 are empty because
007393  ** content exists only in leaves and there are no divider cells.
007394  **
007395  ** For an index btree, the apEnd[] array holds pointer to the end of page
007396  ** for Child-1, the Parent, Child-2, the Parent (again), and Child-3,
007397  ** respectively. The ixNx[] array holds the number of cells contained in
007398  ** each of these 5 stages, and all stages to the left.  Hence:
007399  **
007400  **    ixNx[0] = Number of cells in Child-1.
007401  **    ixNx[1] = Number of cells in Child-1 plus 1 for first divider.
007402  **    ixNx[2] = Number of cells in Child-1 and Child-2 + 1 for 1st divider.
007403  **    ixNx[3] = Number of cells in Child-1 and Child-2 + both divider cells
007404  **    ixNx[4] = Total number of cells.
007405  **
007406  ** For a table-btree, the concept is similar, except only apEnd[0]..apEnd[2]
007407  ** are used and they point to the leaf pages only, and the ixNx value are:
007408  **
007409  **    ixNx[0] = Number of cells in Child-1.
007410  **    ixNx[1] = Number of cells in Child-1 and Child-2.
007411  **    ixNx[2] = Total number of cells.
007412  **
007413  ** Sometimes when deleting, a child page can have zero cells.  In those
007414  ** cases, ixNx[] entries with higher indexes, and the corresponding apEnd[]
007415  ** entries, shift down.  The end result is that each ixNx[] entry should
007416  ** be larger than the previous
007417  */
007418  typedef struct CellArray CellArray;
007419  struct CellArray {
007420    int nCell;              /* Number of cells in apCell[] */
007421    MemPage *pRef;          /* Reference page */
007422    u8 **apCell;            /* All cells begin balanced */
007423    u16 *szCell;            /* Local size of all cells in apCell[] */
007424    u8 *apEnd[NB*2];        /* MemPage.aDataEnd values */
007425    int ixNx[NB*2];         /* Index of at which we move to the next apEnd[] */
007426  };
007428  /*
007429  ** Make sure the cell sizes at idx, idx+1, ..., idx+N-1 have been
007430  ** computed.
007431  */
007432  static void populateCellCache(CellArray *p, int idx, int N){
007433    MemPage *pRef = p->pRef;
007434    u16 *szCell = p->szCell;
007435    assert( idx>=0 && idx+N<=p->nCell );
007436    while( N>0 ){
007437      assert( p->apCell[idx]!=0 );
007438      if( szCell[idx]==0 ){
007439        szCell[idx] = pRef->xCellSize(pRef, p->apCell[idx]);
007440      }else{
007441        assert( CORRUPT_DB ||
007442                szCell[idx]==pRef->xCellSize(pRef, p->apCell[idx]) );
007443      }
007444      idx++;
007445      N--;
007446    }
007447  }
007449  /*
007450  ** Return the size of the Nth element of the cell array
007451  */
007452  static SQLITE_NOINLINE u16 computeCellSize(CellArray *p, int N){
007453    assert( N>=0 && N<p->nCell );
007454    assert( p->szCell[N]==0 );
007455    p->szCell[N] = p->pRef->xCellSize(p->pRef, p->apCell[N]);
007456    return p->szCell[N];
007457  }
007458  static u16 cachedCellSize(CellArray *p, int N){
007459    assert( N>=0 && N<p->nCell );
007460    if( p->szCell[N] ) return p->szCell[N];
007461    return computeCellSize(p, N);
007462  }
007464  /*
007465  ** Array apCell[] contains pointers to nCell b-tree page cells. The
007466  ** szCell[] array contains the size in bytes of each cell. This function
007467  ** replaces the current contents of page pPg with the contents of the cell
007468  ** array.
007469  **
007470  ** Some of the cells in apCell[] may currently be stored in pPg. This
007471  ** function works around problems caused by this by making a copy of any
007472  ** such cells before overwriting the page data.
007473  **
007474  ** The MemPage.nFree field is invalidated by this function. It is the
007475  ** responsibility of the caller to set it correctly.
007476  */
007477  static int rebuildPage(
007478    CellArray *pCArray,             /* Content to be added to page pPg */
007479    int iFirst,                     /* First cell in pCArray to use */
007480    int nCell,                      /* Final number of cells on page */
007481    MemPage *pPg                    /* The page to be reconstructed */
007482  ){
007483    const int hdr = pPg->hdrOffset;          /* Offset of header on pPg */
007484    u8 * const aData = pPg->aData;           /* Pointer to data for pPg */
007485    const int usableSize = pPg->pBt->usableSize;
007486    u8 * const pEnd = &aData[usableSize];
007487    int i = iFirst;                 /* Which cell to copy from pCArray*/
007488    u32 j;                          /* Start of cell content area */
007489    int iEnd = i+nCell;             /* Loop terminator */
007490    u8 *pCellptr = pPg->aCellIdx;
007491    u8 *pTmp = sqlite3PagerTempSpace(pPg->pBt->pPager);
007492    u8 *pData;
007493    int k;                          /* Current slot in pCArray->apEnd[] */
007494    u8 *pSrcEnd;                    /* Current pCArray->apEnd[k] value */
007496    assert( nCell>0 );
007497    assert( i<iEnd );
007498    j = get2byte(&aData[hdr+5]);
007499    if( NEVER(j>(u32)usableSize) ){ j = 0; }
007500    memcpy(&pTmp[j], &aData[j], usableSize - j);
007502    for(k=0; ALWAYS(k<NB*2) && pCArray->ixNx[k]<=i; k++){}
007503    pSrcEnd = pCArray->apEnd[k];
007505    pData = pEnd;
007506    while( 1/*exit by break*/ ){
007507      u8 *pCell = pCArray->apCell[i];
007508      u16 sz = pCArray->szCell[i];
007509      assert( sz>0 );
007510      if( SQLITE_WITHIN(pCell,aData+j,pEnd) ){
007511        if( ((uptr)(pCell+sz))>(uptr)pEnd ) return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
007512        pCell = &pTmp[pCell - aData];
007513      }else if( (uptr)(pCell+sz)>(uptr)pSrcEnd
007514             && (uptr)(pCell)<(uptr)pSrcEnd
007515      ){
007516        return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
007517      }
007519      pData -= sz;
007520      put2byte(pCellptr, (pData - aData));
007521      pCellptr += 2;
007522      if( pData < pCellptr ) return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
007523      memmove(pData, pCell, sz);
007524      assert( sz==pPg->xCellSize(pPg, pCell) || CORRUPT_DB );
007525      i++;
007526      if( i>=iEnd ) break;
007527      if( pCArray->ixNx[k]<=i ){
007528        k++;
007529        pSrcEnd = pCArray->apEnd[k];
007530      }
007531    }
007533    /* The pPg->nFree field is now set incorrectly. The caller will fix it. */
007534    pPg->nCell = nCell;
007535    pPg->nOverflow = 0;
007537    put2byte(&aData[hdr+1], 0);
007538    put2byte(&aData[hdr+3], pPg->nCell);
007539    put2byte(&aData[hdr+5], pData - aData);
007540    aData[hdr+7] = 0x00;
007541    return SQLITE_OK;
007542  }
007544  /*
007545  ** The pCArray objects contains pointers to b-tree cells and the cell sizes.
007546  ** This function attempts to add the cells stored in the array to page pPg.
007547  ** If it cannot (because the page needs to be defragmented before the cells
007548  ** will fit), non-zero is returned. Otherwise, if the cells are added
007549  ** successfully, zero is returned.
007550  **
007551  ** Argument pCellptr points to the first entry in the cell-pointer array
007552  ** (part of page pPg) to populate. After cell apCell[0] is written to the
007553  ** page body, a 16-bit offset is written to pCellptr. And so on, for each
007554  ** cell in the array. It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure
007555  ** that it is safe to overwrite this part of the cell-pointer array.
007556  **
007557  ** When this function is called, *ppData points to the start of the
007558  ** content area on page pPg. If the size of the content area is extended,
007559  ** *ppData is updated to point to the new start of the content area
007560  ** before returning.
007561  **
007562  ** Finally, argument pBegin points to the byte immediately following the
007563  ** end of the space required by this page for the cell-pointer area (for
007564  ** all cells - not just those inserted by the current call). If the content
007565  ** area must be extended to before this point in order to accommodate all
007566  ** cells in apCell[], then the cells do not fit and non-zero is returned.
007567  */
007568  static int pageInsertArray(
007569    MemPage *pPg,                   /* Page to add cells to */
007570    u8 *pBegin,                     /* End of cell-pointer array */
007571    u8 **ppData,                    /* IN/OUT: Page content-area pointer */
007572    u8 *pCellptr,                   /* Pointer to cell-pointer area */
007573    int iFirst,                     /* Index of first cell to add */
007574    int nCell,                      /* Number of cells to add to pPg */
007575    CellArray *pCArray              /* Array of cells */
007576  ){
007577    int i = iFirst;                 /* Loop counter - cell index to insert */
007578    u8 *aData = pPg->aData;         /* Complete page */
007579    u8 *pData = *ppData;            /* Content area.  A subset of aData[] */
007580    int iEnd = iFirst + nCell;      /* End of loop. One past last cell to ins */
007581    int k;                          /* Current slot in pCArray->apEnd[] */
007582    u8 *pEnd;                       /* Maximum extent of cell data */
007583    assert( CORRUPT_DB || pPg->hdrOffset==0 );    /* Never called on page 1 */
007584    if( iEnd<=iFirst ) return 0;
007585    for(k=0; ALWAYS(k<NB*2) && pCArray->ixNx[k]<=i ; k++){}
007586    pEnd = pCArray->apEnd[k];
007587    while( 1 /*Exit by break*/ ){
007588      int sz, rc;
007589      u8 *pSlot;
007590      assert( pCArray->szCell[i]!=0 );
007591      sz = pCArray->szCell[i];
007592      if( (aData[1]==0 && aData[2]==0) || (pSlot = pageFindSlot(pPg,sz,&rc))==0 ){
007593        if( (pData - pBegin)<sz ) return 1;
007594        pData -= sz;
007595        pSlot = pData;
007596      }
007597      /* pSlot and pCArray->apCell[i] will never overlap on a well-formed
007598      ** database.  But they might for a corrupt database.  Hence use memmove()
007599      ** since memcpy() sends SIGABORT with overlapping buffers on OpenBSD */
007600      assert( (pSlot+sz)<=pCArray->apCell[i]
007601           || pSlot>=(pCArray->apCell[i]+sz)
007602           || CORRUPT_DB );
007603      if( (uptr)(pCArray->apCell[i]+sz)>(uptr)pEnd
007604       && (uptr)(pCArray->apCell[i])<(uptr)pEnd
007605      ){
007606        assert( CORRUPT_DB );
007607        (void)SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
007608        return 1;
007609      }
007610      memmove(pSlot, pCArray->apCell[i], sz);
007611      put2byte(pCellptr, (pSlot - aData));
007612      pCellptr += 2;
007613      i++;
007614      if( i>=iEnd ) break;
007615      if( pCArray->ixNx[k]<=i ){
007616        k++;
007617        pEnd = pCArray->apEnd[k];
007618      }
007619    }
007620    *ppData = pData;
007621    return 0;
007622  }
007624  /*
007625  ** The pCArray object contains pointers to b-tree cells and their sizes.
007626  **
007627  ** This function adds the space associated with each cell in the array
007628  ** that is currently stored within the body of pPg to the pPg free-list.
007629  ** The cell-pointers and other fields of the page are not updated.
007630  **
007631  ** This function returns the total number of cells added to the free-list.
007632  */
007633  static int pageFreeArray(
007634    MemPage *pPg,                   /* Page to edit */
007635    int iFirst,                     /* First cell to delete */
007636    int nCell,                      /* Cells to delete */
007637    CellArray *pCArray              /* Array of cells */
007638  ){
007639    u8 * const aData = pPg->aData;
007640    u8 * const pEnd = &aData[pPg->pBt->usableSize];
007641    u8 * const pStart = &aData[pPg->hdrOffset + 8 + pPg->childPtrSize];
007642    int nRet = 0;
007643    int i, j;
007644    int iEnd = iFirst + nCell;
007645    int nFree = 0;
007646    int aOfst[10];
007647    int aAfter[10];
007649    for(i=iFirst; i<iEnd; i++){
007650      u8 *pCell = pCArray->apCell[i];
007651      if( SQLITE_WITHIN(pCell, pStart, pEnd) ){
007652        int sz;
007653        int iAfter;
007654        int iOfst;
007655        /* No need to use cachedCellSize() here.  The sizes of all cells that
007656        ** are to be freed have already been computing while deciding which
007657        ** cells need freeing */
007658        sz = pCArray->szCell[i];  assert( sz>0 );
007659        iOfst = (u16)(pCell - aData);
007660        iAfter = iOfst+sz;
007661        for(j=0; j<nFree; j++){
007662          if( aOfst[j]==iAfter ){
007663            aOfst[j] = iOfst;
007664            break;
007665          }else if( aAfter[j]==iOfst ){
007666            aAfter[j] = iAfter;
007667            break;
007668          }
007669        }
007670        if( j>=nFree ){
007671          if( nFree>=(int)(sizeof(aOfst)/sizeof(aOfst[0])) ){
007672            for(j=0; j<nFree; j++){
007673              freeSpace(pPg, aOfst[j], aAfter[j]-aOfst[j]);
007674            }
007675            nFree = 0;
007676          }
007677          aOfst[nFree] = iOfst;
007678          aAfter[nFree] = iAfter;
007679          if( &aData[iAfter]>pEnd ) return 0;
007680          nFree++;
007681        }
007682        nRet++;
007683      }
007684    }
007685    for(j=0; j<nFree; j++){
007686      freeSpace(pPg, aOfst[j], aAfter[j]-aOfst[j]);
007687    }
007688    return nRet;
007689  }
007691  /*
007692  ** pCArray contains pointers to and sizes of all cells in the page being
007693  ** balanced.  The current page, pPg, has pPg->nCell cells starting with
007694  ** pCArray->apCell[iOld].  After balancing, this page should hold nNew cells
007695  ** starting at apCell[iNew].
007696  **
007697  ** This routine makes the necessary adjustments to pPg so that it contains
007698  ** the correct cells after being balanced.
007699  **
007700  ** The pPg->nFree field is invalid when this function returns. It is the
007701  ** responsibility of the caller to set it correctly.
007702  */
007703  static int editPage(
007704    MemPage *pPg,                   /* Edit this page */
007705    int iOld,                       /* Index of first cell currently on page */
007706    int iNew,                       /* Index of new first cell on page */
007707    int nNew,                       /* Final number of cells on page */
007708    CellArray *pCArray              /* Array of cells and sizes */
007709  ){
007710    u8 * const aData = pPg->aData;
007711    const int hdr = pPg->hdrOffset;
007712    u8 *pBegin = &pPg->aCellIdx[nNew * 2];
007713    int nCell = pPg->nCell;       /* Cells stored on pPg */
007714    u8 *pData;
007715    u8 *pCellptr;
007716    int i;
007717    int iOldEnd = iOld + pPg->nCell + pPg->nOverflow;
007718    int iNewEnd = iNew + nNew;
007720  #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG
007721    u8 *pTmp = sqlite3PagerTempSpace(pPg->pBt->pPager);
007722    memcpy(pTmp, aData, pPg->pBt->usableSize);
007723  #endif
007725    /* Remove cells from the start and end of the page */
007726    assert( nCell>=0 );
007727    if( iOld<iNew ){
007728      int nShift = pageFreeArray(pPg, iOld, iNew-iOld, pCArray);
007729      if( NEVER(nShift>nCell) ) return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
007730      memmove(pPg->aCellIdx, &pPg->aCellIdx[nShift*2], nCell*2);
007731      nCell -= nShift;
007732    }
007733    if( iNewEnd < iOldEnd ){
007734      int nTail = pageFreeArray(pPg, iNewEnd, iOldEnd - iNewEnd, pCArray);
007735      assert( nCell>=nTail );
007736      nCell -= nTail;
007737    }
007739    pData = &aData[get2byte(&aData[hdr+5])];
007740    if( pData<pBegin ) goto editpage_fail;
007741    if( NEVER(pData>pPg->aDataEnd) ) goto editpage_fail;
007743    /* Add cells to the start of the page */
007744    if( iNew<iOld ){
007745      int nAdd = MIN(nNew,iOld-iNew);
007746      assert( (iOld-iNew)<nNew || nCell==0 || CORRUPT_DB );
007747      assert( nAdd>=0 );
007748      pCellptr = pPg->aCellIdx;
007749      memmove(&pCellptr[nAdd*2], pCellptr, nCell*2);
007750      if( pageInsertArray(
007751            pPg, pBegin, &pData, pCellptr,
007752            iNew, nAdd, pCArray
007753      ) ) goto editpage_fail;
007754      nCell += nAdd;
007755    }
007757    /* Add any overflow cells */
007758    for(i=0; i<pPg->nOverflow; i++){
007759      int iCell = (iOld + pPg->aiOvfl[i]) - iNew;
007760      if( iCell>=0 && iCell<nNew ){
007761        pCellptr = &pPg->aCellIdx[iCell * 2];
007762        if( nCell>iCell ){
007763          memmove(&pCellptr[2], pCellptr, (nCell - iCell) * 2);
007764        }
007765        nCell++;
007766        cachedCellSize(pCArray, iCell+iNew);
007767        if( pageInsertArray(
007768              pPg, pBegin, &pData, pCellptr,
007769              iCell+iNew, 1, pCArray
007770        ) ) goto editpage_fail;
007771      }
007772    }
007774    /* Append cells to the end of the page */
007775    assert( nCell>=0 );
007776    pCellptr = &pPg->aCellIdx[nCell*2];
007777    if( pageInsertArray(
007778          pPg, pBegin, &pData, pCellptr,
007779          iNew+nCell, nNew-nCell, pCArray
007780    ) ) goto editpage_fail;
007782    pPg->nCell = nNew;
007783    pPg->nOverflow = 0;
007785    put2byte(&aData[hdr+3], pPg->nCell);
007786    put2byte(&aData[hdr+5], pData - aData);
007788  #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG
007789    for(i=0; i<nNew && !CORRUPT_DB; i++){
007790      u8 *pCell = pCArray->apCell[i+iNew];
007791      int iOff = get2byteAligned(&pPg->aCellIdx[i*2]);
007792      if( SQLITE_WITHIN(pCell, aData, &aData[pPg->pBt->usableSize]) ){
007793        pCell = &pTmp[pCell - aData];
007794      }
007795      assert( 0==memcmp(pCell, &aData[iOff],
007796              pCArray->pRef->xCellSize(pCArray->pRef, pCArray->apCell[i+iNew])) );
007797    }
007798  #endif
007800    return SQLITE_OK;
007801   editpage_fail:
007802    /* Unable to edit this page. Rebuild it from scratch instead. */
007803    if( nNew<1 ) return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
007804    populateCellCache(pCArray, iNew, nNew);
007805    return rebuildPage(pCArray, iNew, nNew, pPg);
007806  }
007810  /*
007811  ** This version of balance() handles the common special case where
007812  ** a new entry is being inserted on the extreme right-end of the
007813  ** tree, in other words, when the new entry will become the largest
007814  ** entry in the tree.
007815  **
007816  ** Instead of trying to balance the 3 right-most leaf pages, just add
007817  ** a new page to the right-hand side and put the one new entry in
007818  ** that page.  This leaves the right side of the tree somewhat
007819  ** unbalanced.  But odds are that we will be inserting new entries
007820  ** at the end soon afterwards so the nearly empty page will quickly
007821  ** fill up.  On average.
007822  **
007823  ** pPage is the leaf page which is the right-most page in the tree.
007824  ** pParent is its parent.  pPage must have a single overflow entry
007825  ** which is also the right-most entry on the page.
007826  **
007827  ** The pSpace buffer is used to store a temporary copy of the divider
007828  ** cell that will be inserted into pParent. Such a cell consists of a 4
007829  ** byte page number followed by a variable length integer. In other
007830  ** words, at most 13 bytes. Hence the pSpace buffer must be at
007831  ** least 13 bytes in size.
007832  */
007833  static int balance_quick(MemPage *pParent, MemPage *pPage, u8 *pSpace){
007834    BtShared *const pBt = pPage->pBt;    /* B-Tree Database */
007835    MemPage *pNew;                       /* Newly allocated page */
007836    int rc;                              /* Return Code */
007837    Pgno pgnoNew;                        /* Page number of pNew */
007839    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pPage->pBt->mutex) );
007840    assert( sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pParent->pDbPage) );
007841    assert( pPage->nOverflow==1 );
007843    if( pPage->nCell==0 ) return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;  /* dbfuzz001.test */
007844    assert( pPage->nFree>=0 );
007845    assert( pParent->nFree>=0 );
007847    /* Allocate a new page. This page will become the right-sibling of
007848    ** pPage. Make the parent page writable, so that the new divider cell
007849    ** may be inserted. If both these operations are successful, proceed.
007850    */
007851    rc = allocateBtreePage(pBt, &pNew, &pgnoNew, 0, 0);
007853    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
007855      u8 *pOut = &pSpace[4];
007856      u8 *pCell = pPage->apOvfl[0];
007857      u16 szCell = pPage->xCellSize(pPage, pCell);
007858      u8 *pStop;
007859      CellArray b;
007861      assert( sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pNew->pDbPage) );
007862      assert( CORRUPT_DB || pPage->aData[0]==(PTF_INTKEY|PTF_LEAFDATA|PTF_LEAF) );
007863      zeroPage(pNew, PTF_INTKEY|PTF_LEAFDATA|PTF_LEAF);
007864      b.nCell = 1;
007865      b.pRef = pPage;
007866      b.apCell = &pCell;
007867      b.szCell = &szCell;
007868      b.apEnd[0] = pPage->aDataEnd;
007869      b.ixNx[0] = 2;
007870      rc = rebuildPage(&b, 0, 1, pNew);
007871      if( NEVER(rc) ){
007872        releasePage(pNew);
007873        return rc;
007874      }
007875      pNew->nFree = pBt->usableSize - pNew->cellOffset - 2 - szCell;
007877      /* If this is an auto-vacuum database, update the pointer map
007878      ** with entries for the new page, and any pointer from the
007879      ** cell on the page to an overflow page. If either of these
007880      ** operations fails, the return code is set, but the contents
007881      ** of the parent page are still manipulated by the code below.
007882      ** That is Ok, at this point the parent page is guaranteed to
007883      ** be marked as dirty. Returning an error code will cause a
007884      ** rollback, undoing any changes made to the parent page.
007885      */
007886      if( ISAUTOVACUUM(pBt) ){
007887        ptrmapPut(pBt, pgnoNew, PTRMAP_BTREE, pParent->pgno, &rc);
007888        if( szCell>pNew->minLocal ){
007889          ptrmapPutOvflPtr(pNew, pNew, pCell, &rc);
007890        }
007891      }
007893      /* Create a divider cell to insert into pParent. The divider cell
007894      ** consists of a 4-byte page number (the page number of pPage) and
007895      ** a variable length key value (which must be the same value as the
007896      ** largest key on pPage).
007897      **
007898      ** To find the largest key value on pPage, first find the right-most
007899      ** cell on pPage. The first two fields of this cell are the
007900      ** record-length (a variable length integer at most 32-bits in size)
007901      ** and the key value (a variable length integer, may have any value).
007902      ** The first of the while(...) loops below skips over the record-length
007903      ** field. The second while(...) loop copies the key value from the
007904      ** cell on pPage into the pSpace buffer.
007905      */
007906      pCell = findCell(pPage, pPage->nCell-1);
007907      pStop = &pCell[9];
007908      while( (*(pCell++)&0x80) && pCell<pStop );
007909      pStop = &pCell[9];
007910      while( ((*(pOut++) = *(pCell++))&0x80) && pCell<pStop );
007912      /* Insert the new divider cell into pParent. */
007913      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
007914        rc = insertCell(pParent, pParent->nCell, pSpace, (int)(pOut-pSpace),
007915                        0, pPage->pgno);
007916      }
007918      /* Set the right-child pointer of pParent to point to the new page. */
007919      put4byte(&pParent->aData[pParent->hdrOffset+8], pgnoNew);
007921      /* Release the reference to the new page. */
007922      releasePage(pNew);
007923    }
007925    return rc;
007926  }
007927  #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_QUICKBALANCE */
007929  #if 0
007930  /*
007931  ** This function does not contribute anything to the operation of SQLite.
007932  ** it is sometimes activated temporarily while debugging code responsible
007933  ** for setting pointer-map entries.
007934  */
007935  static int ptrmapCheckPages(MemPage **apPage, int nPage){
007936    int i, j;
007937    for(i=0; i<nPage; i++){
007938      Pgno n;
007939      u8 e;
007940      MemPage *pPage = apPage[i];
007941      BtShared *pBt = pPage->pBt;
007942      assert( pPage->isInit );
007944      for(j=0; j<pPage->nCell; j++){
007945        CellInfo info;
007946        u8 *z;
007948        z = findCell(pPage, j);
007949        pPage->xParseCell(pPage, z, &info);
007950        if( info.nLocal<info.nPayload ){
007951          Pgno ovfl = get4byte(&z[info.nSize-4]);
007952          ptrmapGet(pBt, ovfl, &e, &n);
007953          assert( n==pPage->pgno && e==PTRMAP_OVERFLOW1 );
007954        }
007955        if( !pPage->leaf ){
007956          Pgno child = get4byte(z);
007957          ptrmapGet(pBt, child, &e, &n);
007958          assert( n==pPage->pgno && e==PTRMAP_BTREE );
007959        }
007960      }
007961      if( !pPage->leaf ){
007962        Pgno child = get4byte(&pPage->aData[pPage->hdrOffset+8]);
007963        ptrmapGet(pBt, child, &e, &n);
007964        assert( n==pPage->pgno && e==PTRMAP_BTREE );
007965      }
007966    }
007967    return 1;
007968  }
007969  #endif
007971  /*
007972  ** This function is used to copy the contents of the b-tree node stored
007973  ** on page pFrom to page pTo. If page pFrom was not a leaf page, then
007974  ** the pointer-map entries for each child page are updated so that the
007975  ** parent page stored in the pointer map is page pTo. If pFrom contained
007976  ** any cells with overflow page pointers, then the corresponding pointer
007977  ** map entries are also updated so that the parent page is page pTo.
007978  **
007979  ** If pFrom is currently carrying any overflow cells (entries in the
007980  ** MemPage.apOvfl[] array), they are not copied to pTo.
007981  **
007982  ** Before returning, page pTo is reinitialized using btreeInitPage().
007983  **
007984  ** The performance of this function is not critical. It is only used by
007985  ** the balance_shallower() and balance_deeper() procedures, neither of
007986  ** which are called often under normal circumstances.
007987  */
007988  static void copyNodeContent(MemPage *pFrom, MemPage *pTo, int *pRC){
007989    if( (*pRC)==SQLITE_OK ){
007990      BtShared * const pBt = pFrom->pBt;
007991      u8 * const aFrom = pFrom->aData;
007992      u8 * const aTo = pTo->aData;
007993      int const iFromHdr = pFrom->hdrOffset;
007994      int const iToHdr = ((pTo->pgno==1) ? 100 : 0);
007995      int rc;
007996      int iData;
007999      assert( pFrom->isInit );
008000      assert( pFrom->nFree>=iToHdr );
008001      assert( get2byte(&aFrom[iFromHdr+5]) <= (int)pBt->usableSize );
008003      /* Copy the b-tree node content from page pFrom to page pTo. */
008004      iData = get2byte(&aFrom[iFromHdr+5]);
008005      memcpy(&aTo[iData], &aFrom[iData], pBt->usableSize-iData);
008006      memcpy(&aTo[iToHdr], &aFrom[iFromHdr], pFrom->cellOffset + 2*pFrom->nCell);
008008      /* Reinitialize page pTo so that the contents of the MemPage structure
008009      ** match the new data. The initialization of pTo can actually fail under
008010      ** fairly obscure circumstances, even though it is a copy of initialized
008011      ** page pFrom.
008012      */
008013      pTo->isInit = 0;
008014      rc = btreeInitPage(pTo);
008015      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ) rc = btreeComputeFreeSpace(pTo);
008016      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
008017        *pRC = rc;
008018        return;
008019      }
008021      /* If this is an auto-vacuum database, update the pointer-map entries
008022      ** for any b-tree or overflow pages that pTo now contains the pointers to.
008023      */
008024      if( ISAUTOVACUUM(pBt) ){
008025        *pRC = setChildPtrmaps(pTo);
008026      }
008027    }
008028  }
008030  /*
008031  ** This routine redistributes cells on the iParentIdx'th child of pParent
008032  ** (hereafter "the page") and up to 2 siblings so that all pages have about the
008033  ** same amount of free space. Usually a single sibling on either side of the
008034  ** page are used in the balancing, though both siblings might come from one
008035  ** side if the page is the first or last child of its parent. If the page
008036  ** has fewer than 2 siblings (something which can only happen if the page
008037  ** is a root page or a child of a root page) then all available siblings
008038  ** participate in the balancing.
008039  **
008040  ** The number of siblings of the page might be increased or decreased by
008041  ** one or two in an effort to keep pages nearly full but not over full.
008042  **
008043  ** Note that when this routine is called, some of the cells on the page
008044  ** might not actually be stored in MemPage.aData[]. This can happen
008045  ** if the page is overfull. This routine ensures that all cells allocated
008046  ** to the page and its siblings fit into MemPage.aData[] before returning.
008047  **
008048  ** In the course of balancing the page and its siblings, cells may be
008049  ** inserted into or removed from the parent page (pParent). Doing so
008050  ** may cause the parent page to become overfull or underfull. If this
008051  ** happens, it is the responsibility of the caller to invoke the correct
008052  ** balancing routine to fix this problem (see the balance() routine).
008053  **
008054  ** If this routine fails for any reason, it might leave the database
008055  ** in a corrupted state. So if this routine fails, the database should
008056  ** be rolled back.
008057  **
008058  ** The third argument to this function, aOvflSpace, is a pointer to a
008059  ** buffer big enough to hold one page. If while inserting cells into the parent
008060  ** page (pParent) the parent page becomes overfull, this buffer is
008061  ** used to store the parent's overflow cells. Because this function inserts
008062  ** a maximum of four divider cells into the parent page, and the maximum
008063  ** size of a cell stored within an internal node is always less than 1/4
008064  ** of the page-size, the aOvflSpace[] buffer is guaranteed to be large
008065  ** enough for all overflow cells.
008066  **
008067  ** If aOvflSpace is set to a null pointer, this function returns
008068  ** SQLITE_NOMEM.
008069  */
008070  static int balance_nonroot(
008071    MemPage *pParent,               /* Parent page of siblings being balanced */
008072    int iParentIdx,                 /* Index of "the page" in pParent */
008073    u8 *aOvflSpace,                 /* page-size bytes of space for parent ovfl */
008074    int isRoot,                     /* True if pParent is a root-page */
008075    int bBulk                       /* True if this call is part of a bulk load */
008076  ){
008077    BtShared *pBt;               /* The whole database */
008078    int nMaxCells = 0;           /* Allocated size of apCell, szCell, aFrom. */
008079    int nNew = 0;                /* Number of pages in apNew[] */
008080    int nOld;                    /* Number of pages in apOld[] */
008081    int i, j, k;                 /* Loop counters */
008082    int nxDiv;                   /* Next divider slot in pParent->aCell[] */
008083    int rc = SQLITE_OK;          /* The return code */
008084    u16 leafCorrection;          /* 4 if pPage is a leaf.  0 if not */
008085    int leafData;                /* True if pPage is a leaf of a LEAFDATA tree */
008086    int usableSpace;             /* Bytes in pPage beyond the header */
008087    int pageFlags;               /* Value of pPage->aData[0] */
008088    int iSpace1 = 0;             /* First unused byte of aSpace1[] */
008089    int iOvflSpace = 0;          /* First unused byte of aOvflSpace[] */
008090    int szScratch;               /* Size of scratch memory requested */
008091    MemPage *apOld[NB];          /* pPage and up to two siblings */
008092    MemPage *apNew[NB+2];        /* pPage and up to NB siblings after balancing */
008093    u8 *pRight;                  /* Location in parent of right-sibling pointer */
008094    u8 *apDiv[NB-1];             /* Divider cells in pParent */
008095    int cntNew[NB+2];            /* Index in b.paCell[] of cell after i-th page */
008096    int cntOld[NB+2];            /* Old index in b.apCell[] */
008097    int szNew[NB+2];             /* Combined size of cells placed on i-th page */
008098    u8 *aSpace1;                 /* Space for copies of dividers cells */
008099    Pgno pgno;                   /* Temp var to store a page number in */
008100    u8 abDone[NB+2];             /* True after i'th new page is populated */
008101    Pgno aPgno[NB+2];            /* Page numbers of new pages before shuffling */
008102    CellArray b;                 /* Parsed information on cells being balanced */
008104    memset(abDone, 0, sizeof(abDone));
008105    memset(&b, 0, sizeof(b));
008106    pBt = pParent->pBt;
008107    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pBt->mutex) );
008108    assert( sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pParent->pDbPage) );
008110    /* At this point pParent may have at most one overflow cell. And if
008111    ** this overflow cell is present, it must be the cell with
008112    ** index iParentIdx. This scenario comes about when this function
008113    ** is called (indirectly) from sqlite3BtreeDelete().
008114    */
008115    assert( pParent->nOverflow==0 || pParent->nOverflow==1 );
008116    assert( pParent->nOverflow==0 || pParent->aiOvfl[0]==iParentIdx );
008118    if( !aOvflSpace ){
008119      return SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
008120    }
008121    assert( pParent->nFree>=0 );
008123    /* Find the sibling pages to balance. Also locate the cells in pParent
008124    ** that divide the siblings. An attempt is made to find NN siblings on
008125    ** either side of pPage. More siblings are taken from one side, however,
008126    ** if there are fewer than NN siblings on the other side. If pParent
008127    ** has NB or fewer children then all children of pParent are taken. 
008128    **
008129    ** This loop also drops the divider cells from the parent page. This
008130    ** way, the remainder of the function does not have to deal with any
008131    ** overflow cells in the parent page, since if any existed they will
008132    ** have already been removed.
008133    */
008134    i = pParent->nOverflow + pParent->nCell;
008135    if( i<2 ){
008136      nxDiv = 0;
008137    }else{
008138      assert( bBulk==0 || bBulk==1 );
008139      if( iParentIdx==0 ){                
008140        nxDiv = 0;
008141      }else if( iParentIdx==i ){
008142        nxDiv = i-2+bBulk;
008143      }else{
008144        nxDiv = iParentIdx-1;
008145      }
008146      i = 2-bBulk;
008147    }
008148    nOld = i+1;
008149    if( (i+nxDiv-pParent->nOverflow)==pParent->nCell ){
008150      pRight = &pParent->aData[pParent->hdrOffset+8];
008151    }else{
008152      pRight = findCell(pParent, i+nxDiv-pParent->nOverflow);
008153    }
008154    pgno = get4byte(pRight);
008155    while( 1 ){
008156      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
008157        rc = getAndInitPage(pBt, pgno, &apOld[i], 0);
008158      }
008159      if( rc ){
008160        memset(apOld, 0, (i+1)*sizeof(MemPage*));
008161        goto balance_cleanup;
008162      }
008163      if( apOld[i]->nFree<0 ){
008164        rc = btreeComputeFreeSpace(apOld[i]);
008165        if( rc ){
008166          memset(apOld, 0, (i)*sizeof(MemPage*));
008167          goto balance_cleanup;
008168        }
008169      }
008170      nMaxCells += apOld[i]->nCell + ArraySize(pParent->apOvfl);
008171      if( (i--)==0 ) break;
008173      if( pParent->nOverflow && i+nxDiv==pParent->aiOvfl[0] ){
008174        apDiv[i] = pParent->apOvfl[0];
008175        pgno = get4byte(apDiv[i]);
008176        szNew[i] = pParent->xCellSize(pParent, apDiv[i]);
008177        pParent->nOverflow = 0;
008178      }else{
008179        apDiv[i] = findCell(pParent, i+nxDiv-pParent->nOverflow);
008180        pgno = get4byte(apDiv[i]);
008181        szNew[i] = pParent->xCellSize(pParent, apDiv[i]);
008183        /* Drop the cell from the parent page. apDiv[i] still points to
008184        ** the cell within the parent, even though it has been dropped.
008185        ** This is safe because dropping a cell only overwrites the first
008186        ** four bytes of it, and this function does not need the first
008187        ** four bytes of the divider cell. So the pointer is safe to use
008188        ** later on. 
008189        **
008190        ** But not if we are in secure-delete mode. In secure-delete mode,
008191        ** the dropCell() routine will overwrite the entire cell with zeroes.
008192        ** In this case, temporarily copy the cell into the aOvflSpace[]
008193        ** buffer. It will be copied out again as soon as the aSpace[] buffer
008194        ** is allocated.  */
008195        if( pBt->btsFlags & BTS_FAST_SECURE ){
008196          int iOff;
008198          /* If the following if() condition is not true, the db is corrupted.
008199          ** The call to dropCell() below will detect this.  */
008200          iOff = SQLITE_PTR_TO_INT(apDiv[i]) - SQLITE_PTR_TO_INT(pParent->aData);
008201          if( (iOff+szNew[i])<=(int)pBt->usableSize ){
008202            memcpy(&aOvflSpace[iOff], apDiv[i], szNew[i]);
008203            apDiv[i] = &aOvflSpace[apDiv[i]-pParent->aData];
008204          }
008205        }
008206        dropCell(pParent, i+nxDiv-pParent->nOverflow, szNew[i], &rc);
008207      }
008208    }
008210    /* Make nMaxCells a multiple of 4 in order to preserve 8-byte
008211    ** alignment */
008212    nMaxCells = (nMaxCells + 3)&~3;
008214    /*
008215    ** Allocate space for memory structures
008216    */
008217    szScratch =
008218         nMaxCells*sizeof(u8*)                       /* b.apCell */
008219       + nMaxCells*sizeof(u16)                       /* b.szCell */
008220       + pBt->pageSize;                              /* aSpace1 */
008222    assert( szScratch<=7*(int)pBt->pageSize );
008223    b.apCell = sqlite3StackAllocRaw(0, szScratch );
008224    if( b.apCell==0 ){
008225      rc = SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
008226      goto balance_cleanup;
008227    }
008228    b.szCell = (u16*)&b.apCell[nMaxCells];
008229    aSpace1 = (u8*)&b.szCell[nMaxCells];
008230    assert( EIGHT_BYTE_ALIGNMENT(aSpace1) );
008232    /*
008233    ** Load pointers to all cells on sibling pages and the divider cells
008234    ** into the local b.apCell[] array.  Make copies of the divider cells
008235    ** into space obtained from aSpace1[]. The divider cells have already
008236    ** been removed from pParent.
008237    **
008238    ** If the siblings are on leaf pages, then the child pointers of the
008239    ** divider cells are stripped from the cells before they are copied
008240    ** into aSpace1[].  In this way, all cells in b.apCell[] are without
008241    ** child pointers.  If siblings are not leaves, then all cell in
008242    ** b.apCell[] include child pointers.  Either way, all cells in b.apCell[]
008243    ** are alike.
008244    **
008245    ** leafCorrection:  4 if pPage is a leaf.  0 if pPage is not a leaf.
008246    **       leafData:  1 if pPage holds key+data and pParent holds only keys.
008247    */
008248    b.pRef = apOld[0];
008249    leafCorrection = b.pRef->leaf*4;
008250    leafData = b.pRef->intKeyLeaf;
008251    for(i=0; i<nOld; i++){
008252      MemPage *pOld = apOld[i];
008253      int limit = pOld->nCell;
008254      u8 *aData = pOld->aData;
008255      u16 maskPage = pOld->maskPage;
008256      u8 *piCell = aData + pOld->cellOffset;
008257      u8 *piEnd;
008258      VVA_ONLY( int nCellAtStart = b.nCell; )
008260      /* Verify that all sibling pages are of the same "type" (table-leaf,
008261      ** table-interior, index-leaf, or index-interior).
008262      */
008263      if( pOld->aData[0]!=apOld[0]->aData[0] ){
008264        rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
008265        goto balance_cleanup;
008266      }
008268      /* Load b.apCell[] with pointers to all cells in pOld.  If pOld
008269      ** contains overflow cells, include them in the b.apCell[] array
008270      ** in the correct spot.
008271      **
008272      ** Note that when there are multiple overflow cells, it is always the
008273      ** case that they are sequential and adjacent.  This invariant arises
008274      ** because multiple overflows can only occurs when inserting divider
008275      ** cells into a parent on a prior balance, and divider cells are always
008276      ** adjacent and are inserted in order.  There is an assert() tagged
008277      ** with "NOTE 1" in the overflow cell insertion loop to prove this
008278      ** invariant.
008279      **
008280      ** This must be done in advance.  Once the balance starts, the cell
008281      ** offset section of the btree page will be overwritten and we will no
008282      ** long be able to find the cells if a pointer to each cell is not saved
008283      ** first.
008284      */
008285      memset(&b.szCell[b.nCell], 0, sizeof(b.szCell[0])*(limit+pOld->nOverflow));
008286      if( pOld->nOverflow>0 ){
008287        if( NEVER(limit<pOld->aiOvfl[0]) ){
008288          rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
008289          goto balance_cleanup;
008290        }
008291        limit = pOld->aiOvfl[0];
008292        for(j=0; j<limit; j++){
008293          b.apCell[b.nCell] = aData + (maskPage & get2byteAligned(piCell));
008294          piCell += 2;
008295          b.nCell++;
008296        }
008297        for(k=0; k<pOld->nOverflow; k++){
008298          assert( k==0 || pOld->aiOvfl[k-1]+1==pOld->aiOvfl[k] );/* NOTE 1 */
008299          b.apCell[b.nCell] = pOld->apOvfl[k];
008300          b.nCell++;
008301        }
008302      }
008303      piEnd = aData + pOld->cellOffset + 2*pOld->nCell;
008304      while( piCell<piEnd ){
008305        assert( b.nCell<nMaxCells );
008306        b.apCell[b.nCell] = aData + (maskPage & get2byteAligned(piCell));
008307        piCell += 2;
008308        b.nCell++;
008309      }
008310      assert( (b.nCell-nCellAtStart)==(pOld->nCell+pOld->nOverflow) );
008312      cntOld[i] = b.nCell;
008313      if( i<nOld-1 && !leafData){
008314        u16 sz = (u16)szNew[i];
008315        u8 *pTemp;
008316        assert( b.nCell<nMaxCells );
008317        b.szCell[b.nCell] = sz;
008318        pTemp = &aSpace1[iSpace1];
008319        iSpace1 += sz;
008320        assert( sz<=pBt->maxLocal+23 );
008321        assert( iSpace1 <= (int)pBt->pageSize );
008322        memcpy(pTemp, apDiv[i], sz);
008323        b.apCell[b.nCell] = pTemp+leafCorrection;
008324        assert( leafCorrection==0 || leafCorrection==4 );
008325        b.szCell[b.nCell] = b.szCell[b.nCell] - leafCorrection;
008326        if( !pOld->leaf ){
008327          assert( leafCorrection==0 );
008328          assert( pOld->hdrOffset==0 || CORRUPT_DB );
008329          /* The right pointer of the child page pOld becomes the left
008330          ** pointer of the divider cell */
008331          memcpy(b.apCell[b.nCell], &pOld->aData[8], 4);
008332        }else{
008333          assert( leafCorrection==4 );
008334          while( b.szCell[b.nCell]<4 ){
008335            /* Do not allow any cells smaller than 4 bytes. If a smaller cell
008336            ** does exist, pad it with 0x00 bytes. */
008337            assert( b.szCell[b.nCell]==3 || CORRUPT_DB );
008338            assert( b.apCell[b.nCell]==&aSpace1[iSpace1-3] || CORRUPT_DB );
008339            aSpace1[iSpace1++] = 0x00;
008340            b.szCell[b.nCell]++;
008341          }
008342        }
008343        b.nCell++;
008344      }
008345    }
008347    /*
008348    ** Figure out the number of pages needed to hold all b.nCell cells.
008349    ** Store this number in "k".  Also compute szNew[] which is the total
008350    ** size of all cells on the i-th page and cntNew[] which is the index
008351    ** in b.apCell[] of the cell that divides page i from page i+1. 
008352    ** cntNew[k] should equal b.nCell.
008353    **
008354    ** Values computed by this block:
008355    **
008356    **           k: The total number of sibling pages
008357    **    szNew[i]: Spaced used on the i-th sibling page.
008358    **   cntNew[i]: Index in b.apCell[] and b.szCell[] for the first cell to
008359    **              the right of the i-th sibling page.
008360    ** usableSpace: Number of bytes of space available on each sibling.
008361    **
008362    */
008363    usableSpace = pBt->usableSize - 12 + leafCorrection;
008364    for(i=k=0; i<nOld; i++, k++){
008365      MemPage *p = apOld[i];
008366      b.apEnd[k] = p->aDataEnd;
008367      b.ixNx[k] = cntOld[i];
008368      if( k && b.ixNx[k]==b.ixNx[k-1] ){
008369        k--;  /* Omit b.ixNx[] entry for child pages with no cells */
008370      }
008371      if( !leafData ){
008372        k++;
008373        b.apEnd[k] = pParent->aDataEnd;
008374        b.ixNx[k] = cntOld[i]+1;
008375      }
008376      assert( p->nFree>=0 );
008377      szNew[i] = usableSpace - p->nFree;
008378      for(j=0; j<p->nOverflow; j++){
008379        szNew[i] += 2 + p->xCellSize(p, p->apOvfl[j]);
008380      }
008381      cntNew[i] = cntOld[i];
008382    }
008383    k = nOld;
008384    for(i=0; i<k; i++){
008385      int sz;
008386      while( szNew[i]>usableSpace ){
008387        if( i+1>=k ){
008388          k = i+2;
008389          if( k>NB+2 ){ rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT; goto balance_cleanup; }
008390          szNew[k-1] = 0;
008391          cntNew[k-1] = b.nCell;
008392        }
008393        sz = 2 + cachedCellSize(&b, cntNew[i]-1);
008394        szNew[i] -= sz;
008395        if( !leafData ){
008396          if( cntNew[i]<b.nCell ){
008397            sz = 2 + cachedCellSize(&b, cntNew[i]);
008398          }else{
008399            sz = 0;
008400          }
008401        }
008402        szNew[i+1] += sz;
008403        cntNew[i]--;
008404      }
008405      while( cntNew[i]<b.nCell ){
008406        sz = 2 + cachedCellSize(&b, cntNew[i]);
008407        if( szNew[i]+sz>usableSpace ) break;
008408        szNew[i] += sz;
008409        cntNew[i]++;
008410        if( !leafData ){
008411          if( cntNew[i]<b.nCell ){
008412            sz = 2 + cachedCellSize(&b, cntNew[i]);
008413          }else{
008414            sz = 0;
008415          }
008416        }
008417        szNew[i+1] -= sz;
008418      }
008419      if( cntNew[i]>=b.nCell ){
008420        k = i+1;
008421      }else if( cntNew[i] <= (i>0 ? cntNew[i-1] : 0) ){
008422        rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
008423        goto balance_cleanup;
008424      }
008425    }
008427    /*
008428    ** The packing computed by the previous block is biased toward the siblings
008429    ** on the left side (siblings with smaller keys). The left siblings are
008430    ** always nearly full, while the right-most sibling might be nearly empty.
008431    ** The next block of code attempts to adjust the packing of siblings to
008432    ** get a better balance.
008433    **
008434    ** This adjustment is more than an optimization.  The packing above might
008435    ** be so out of balance as to be illegal.  For example, the right-most
008436    ** sibling might be completely empty.  This adjustment is not optional.
008437    */
008438    for(i=k-1; i>0; i--){
008439      int szRight = szNew[i];  /* Size of sibling on the right */
008440      int szLeft = szNew[i-1]; /* Size of sibling on the left */
008441      int r;              /* Index of right-most cell in left sibling */
008442      int d;              /* Index of first cell to the left of right sibling */
008444      r = cntNew[i-1] - 1;
008445      d = r + 1 - leafData;
008446      (void)cachedCellSize(&b, d);
008447      do{
008448        int szR, szD;
008449        assert( d<nMaxCells );
008450        assert( r<nMaxCells );
008451        szR = cachedCellSize(&b, r);
008452        szD = b.szCell[d];
008453        if( szRight!=0
008454         && (bBulk || szRight+szD+2 > szLeft-(szR+(i==k-1?0:2)))){
008455          break;
008456        }
008457        szRight += szD + 2;
008458        szLeft -= szR + 2;
008459        cntNew[i-1] = r;
008460        r--;
008461        d--;
008462      }while( r>=0 );
008463      szNew[i] = szRight;
008464      szNew[i-1] = szLeft;
008465      if( cntNew[i-1] <= (i>1 ? cntNew[i-2] : 0) ){
008466        rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
008467        goto balance_cleanup;
008468      }
008469    }
008471    /* Sanity check:  For a non-corrupt database file one of the following
008472    ** must be true:
008473    **    (1) We found one or more cells (cntNew[0])>0), or
008474    **    (2) pPage is a virtual root page.  A virtual root page is when
008475    **        the real root page is page 1 and we are the only child of
008476    **        that page.
008477    */
008478    assert( cntNew[0]>0 || (pParent->pgno==1 && pParent->nCell==0) || CORRUPT_DB);
008479    TRACE(("BALANCE: old: %u(nc=%u) %u(nc=%u) %u(nc=%u)\n",
008480      apOld[0]->pgno, apOld[0]->nCell,
008481      nOld>=2 ? apOld[1]->pgno : 0, nOld>=2 ? apOld[1]->nCell : 0,
008482      nOld>=3 ? apOld[2]->pgno : 0, nOld>=3 ? apOld[2]->nCell : 0
008483    ));
008485    /*
008486    ** Allocate k new pages.  Reuse old pages where possible.
008487    */
008488    pageFlags = apOld[0]->aData[0];
008489    for(i=0; i<k; i++){
008490      MemPage *pNew;
008491      if( i<nOld ){
008492        pNew = apNew[i] = apOld[i];
008493        apOld[i] = 0;
008494        rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pNew->pDbPage);
008495        nNew++;
008496        if( sqlite3PagerPageRefcount(pNew->pDbPage)!=1+(i==(iParentIdx-nxDiv))
008497         && rc==SQLITE_OK
008498        ){
008499          rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
008500        }
008501        if( rc ) goto balance_cleanup;
008502      }else{
008503        assert( i>0 );
008504        rc = allocateBtreePage(pBt, &pNew, &pgno, (bBulk ? 1 : pgno), 0);
008505        if( rc ) goto balance_cleanup;
008506        zeroPage(pNew, pageFlags);
008507        apNew[i] = pNew;
008508        nNew++;
008509        cntOld[i] = b.nCell;
008511        /* Set the pointer-map entry for the new sibling page. */
008512        if( ISAUTOVACUUM(pBt) ){
008513          ptrmapPut(pBt, pNew->pgno, PTRMAP_BTREE, pParent->pgno, &rc);
008514          if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
008515            goto balance_cleanup;
008516          }
008517        }
008518      }
008519    }
008521    /*
008522    ** Reassign page numbers so that the new pages are in ascending order.
008523    ** This helps to keep entries in the disk file in order so that a scan
008524    ** of the table is closer to a linear scan through the file. That in turn
008525    ** helps the operating system to deliver pages from the disk more rapidly.
008526    **
008527    ** An O(N*N) sort algorithm is used, but since N is never more than NB+2
008528    ** (5), that is not a performance concern.
008529    **
008530    ** When NB==3, this one optimization makes the database about 25% faster
008531    ** for large insertions and deletions.
008532    */
008533    for(i=0; i<nNew; i++){
008534      aPgno[i] = apNew[i]->pgno;
008535      assert( apNew[i]->pDbPage->flags & PGHDR_WRITEABLE );
008536      assert( apNew[i]->pDbPage->flags & PGHDR_DIRTY );
008537    }
008538    for(i=0; i<nNew-1; i++){
008539      int iB = i;
008540      for(j=i+1; j<nNew; j++){
008541        if( apNew[j]->pgno < apNew[iB]->pgno ) iB = j;
008542      }
008544      /* If apNew[i] has a page number that is bigger than any of the
008545      ** subsequence apNew[i] entries, then swap apNew[i] with the subsequent
008546      ** entry that has the smallest page number (which we know to be
008547      ** entry apNew[iB]).
008548      */
008549      if( iB!=i ){
008550        Pgno pgnoA = apNew[i]->pgno;
008551        Pgno pgnoB = apNew[iB]->pgno;
008552        Pgno pgnoTemp = (PENDING_BYTE/pBt->pageSize)+1;
008553        u16 fgA = apNew[i]->pDbPage->flags;
008554        u16 fgB = apNew[iB]->pDbPage->flags;
008555        sqlite3PagerRekey(apNew[i]->pDbPage, pgnoTemp, fgB);
008556        sqlite3PagerRekey(apNew[iB]->pDbPage, pgnoA, fgA);
008557        sqlite3PagerRekey(apNew[i]->pDbPage, pgnoB, fgB);
008558        apNew[i]->pgno = pgnoB;
008559        apNew[iB]->pgno = pgnoA;
008560      }
008561    }
008563    TRACE(("BALANCE: new: %u(%u nc=%u) %u(%u nc=%u) %u(%u nc=%u) "
008564           "%u(%u nc=%u) %u(%u nc=%u)\n",
008565      apNew[0]->pgno, szNew[0], cntNew[0],
008566      nNew>=2 ? apNew[1]->pgno : 0, nNew>=2 ? szNew[1] : 0,
008567      nNew>=2 ? cntNew[1] - cntNew[0] - !leafData : 0,
008568      nNew>=3 ? apNew[2]->pgno : 0, nNew>=3 ? szNew[2] : 0,
008569      nNew>=3 ? cntNew[2] - cntNew[1] - !leafData : 0,
008570      nNew>=4 ? apNew[3]->pgno : 0, nNew>=4 ? szNew[3] : 0,
008571      nNew>=4 ? cntNew[3] - cntNew[2] - !leafData : 0,
008572      nNew>=5 ? apNew[4]->pgno : 0, nNew>=5 ? szNew[4] : 0,
008573      nNew>=5 ? cntNew[4] - cntNew[3] - !leafData : 0
008574    ));
008576    assert( sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pParent->pDbPage) );
008577    assert( nNew>=1 && nNew<=ArraySize(apNew) );
008578    assert( apNew[nNew-1]!=0 );
008579    put4byte(pRight, apNew[nNew-1]->pgno);
008581    /* If the sibling pages are not leaves, ensure that the right-child pointer
008582    ** of the right-most new sibling page is set to the value that was
008583    ** originally in the same field of the right-most old sibling page. */
008584    if( (pageFlags & PTF_LEAF)==0 && nOld!=nNew ){
008585      MemPage *pOld = (nNew>nOld ? apNew : apOld)[nOld-1];
008586      memcpy(&apNew[nNew-1]->aData[8], &pOld->aData[8], 4);
008587    }
008589    /* Make any required updates to pointer map entries associated with
008590    ** cells stored on sibling pages following the balance operation. Pointer
008591    ** map entries associated with divider cells are set by the insertCell()
008592    ** routine. The associated pointer map entries are:
008593    **
008594    **   a) if the cell contains a reference to an overflow chain, the
008595    **      entry associated with the first page in the overflow chain, and
008596    **
008597    **   b) if the sibling pages are not leaves, the child page associated
008598    **      with the cell.
008599    **
008600    ** If the sibling pages are not leaves, then the pointer map entry
008601    ** associated with the right-child of each sibling may also need to be
008602    ** updated. This happens below, after the sibling pages have been
008603    ** populated, not here.
008604    */
008605    if( ISAUTOVACUUM(pBt) ){
008606      MemPage *pOld;
008607      MemPage *pNew = pOld = apNew[0];
008608      int cntOldNext = pNew->nCell + pNew->nOverflow;
008609      int iNew = 0;
008610      int iOld = 0;
008612      for(i=0; i<b.nCell; i++){
008613        u8 *pCell = b.apCell[i];
008614        while( i==cntOldNext ){
008615          iOld++;
008616          assert( iOld<nNew || iOld<nOld );
008617          assert( iOld>=0 && iOld<NB );
008618          pOld = iOld<nNew ? apNew[iOld] : apOld[iOld];
008619          cntOldNext += pOld->nCell + pOld->nOverflow + !leafData;
008620        }
008621        if( i==cntNew[iNew] ){
008622          pNew = apNew[++iNew];
008623          if( !leafData ) continue;
008624        }
008626        /* Cell pCell is destined for new sibling page pNew. Originally, it
008627        ** was either part of sibling page iOld (possibly an overflow cell),
008628        ** or else the divider cell to the left of sibling page iOld. So,
008629        ** if sibling page iOld had the same page number as pNew, and if
008630        ** pCell really was a part of sibling page iOld (not a divider or
008631        ** overflow cell), we can skip updating the pointer map entries.  */
008632        if( iOld>=nNew
008633         || pNew->pgno!=aPgno[iOld]
008634         || !SQLITE_WITHIN(pCell,pOld->aData,pOld->aDataEnd)
008635        ){
008636          if( !leafCorrection ){
008637            ptrmapPut(pBt, get4byte(pCell), PTRMAP_BTREE, pNew->pgno, &rc);
008638          }
008639          if( cachedCellSize(&b,i)>pNew->minLocal ){
008640            ptrmapPutOvflPtr(pNew, pOld, pCell, &rc);
008641          }
008642          if( rc ) goto balance_cleanup;
008643        }
008644      }
008645    }
008647    /* Insert new divider cells into pParent. */
008648    for(i=0; i<nNew-1; i++){
008649      u8 *pCell;
008650      u8 *pTemp;
008651      int sz;
008652      u8 *pSrcEnd;
008653      MemPage *pNew = apNew[i];
008654      j = cntNew[i];
008656      assert( j<nMaxCells );
008657      assert( b.apCell[j]!=0 );
008658      pCell = b.apCell[j];
008659      sz = b.szCell[j] + leafCorrection;
008660      pTemp = &aOvflSpace[iOvflSpace];
008661      if( !pNew->leaf ){
008662        memcpy(&pNew->aData[8], pCell, 4);
008663      }else if( leafData ){
008664        /* If the tree is a leaf-data tree, and the siblings are leaves,
008665        ** then there is no divider cell in b.apCell[]. Instead, the divider
008666        ** cell consists of the integer key for the right-most cell of
008667        ** the sibling-page assembled above only.
008668        */
008669        CellInfo info;
008670        j--;
008671        pNew->xParseCell(pNew, b.apCell[j], &info);
008672        pCell = pTemp;
008673        sz = 4 + putVarint(&pCell[4], info.nKey);
008674        pTemp = 0;
008675      }else{
008676        pCell -= 4;
008677        /* Obscure case for non-leaf-data trees: If the cell at pCell was
008678        ** previously stored on a leaf node, and its reported size was 4
008679        ** bytes, then it may actually be smaller than this
008680        ** (see btreeParseCellPtr(), 4 bytes is the minimum size of
008681        ** any cell). But it is important to pass the correct size to
008682        ** insertCell(), so reparse the cell now.
008683        **
008684        ** This can only happen for b-trees used to evaluate "IN (SELECT ...)"
008685        ** and WITHOUT ROWID tables with exactly one column which is the
008686        ** primary key.
008687        */
008688        if( b.szCell[j]==4 ){
008689          assert(leafCorrection==4);
008690          sz = pParent->xCellSize(pParent, pCell);
008691        }
008692      }
008693      iOvflSpace += sz;
008694      assert( sz<=pBt->maxLocal+23 );
008695      assert( iOvflSpace <= (int)pBt->pageSize );
008696      for(k=0; ALWAYS(k<NB*2) && b.ixNx[k]<=j; k++){}
008697      pSrcEnd = b.apEnd[k];
008698      if( SQLITE_OVERFLOW(pSrcEnd, pCell, pCell+sz) ){
008699        rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
008700        goto balance_cleanup;
008701      }
008702      rc = insertCell(pParent, nxDiv+i, pCell, sz, pTemp, pNew->pgno);
008703      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto balance_cleanup;
008704      assert( sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pParent->pDbPage) );
008705    }
008707    /* Now update the actual sibling pages. The order in which they are updated
008708    ** is important, as this code needs to avoid disrupting any page from which
008709    ** cells may still to be read. In practice, this means:
008710    **
008711    **  (1) If cells are moving left (from apNew[iPg] to apNew[iPg-1])
008712    **      then it is not safe to update page apNew[iPg] until after
008713    **      the left-hand sibling apNew[iPg-1] has been updated.
008714    **
008715    **  (2) If cells are moving right (from apNew[iPg] to apNew[iPg+1])
008716    **      then it is not safe to update page apNew[iPg] until after
008717    **      the right-hand sibling apNew[iPg+1] has been updated.
008718    **
008719    ** If neither of the above apply, the page is safe to update.
008720    **
008721    ** The iPg value in the following loop starts at nNew-1 goes down
008722    ** to 0, then back up to nNew-1 again, thus making two passes over
008723    ** the pages.  On the initial downward pass, only condition (1) above
008724    ** needs to be tested because (2) will always be true from the previous
008725    ** step.  On the upward pass, both conditions are always true, so the
008726    ** upwards pass simply processes pages that were missed on the downward
008727    ** pass.
008728    */
008729    for(i=1-nNew; i<nNew; i++){
008730      int iPg = i<0 ? -i : i;
008731      assert( iPg>=0 && iPg<nNew );
008732      assert( iPg>=1 || i>=0 );
008733      assert( iPg<ArraySize(cntOld) );
008734      if( abDone[iPg] ) continue;         /* Skip pages already processed */
008735      if( i>=0                            /* On the upwards pass, or... */
008736       || cntOld[iPg-1]>=cntNew[iPg-1]    /* Condition (1) is true */
008737      ){
008738        int iNew;
008739        int iOld;
008740        int nNewCell;
008742        /* Verify condition (1):  If cells are moving left, update iPg
008743        ** only after iPg-1 has already been updated. */
008744        assert( iPg==0 || cntOld[iPg-1]>=cntNew[iPg-1] || abDone[iPg-1] );
008746        /* Verify condition (2):  If cells are moving right, update iPg
008747        ** only after iPg+1 has already been updated. */
008748        assert( cntNew[iPg]>=cntOld[iPg] || abDone[iPg+1] );
008750        if( iPg==0 ){
008751          iNew = iOld = 0;
008752          nNewCell = cntNew[0];
008753        }else{
008754          iOld = iPg<nOld ? (cntOld[iPg-1] + !leafData) : b.nCell;
008755          iNew = cntNew[iPg-1] + !leafData;
008756          nNewCell = cntNew[iPg] - iNew;
008757        }
008759        rc = editPage(apNew[iPg], iOld, iNew, nNewCell, &b);
008760        if( rc ) goto balance_cleanup;
008761        abDone[iPg]++;
008762        apNew[iPg]->nFree = usableSpace-szNew[iPg];
008763        assert( apNew[iPg]->nOverflow==0 );
008764        assert( apNew[iPg]->nCell==nNewCell );
008765      }
008766    }
008768    /* All pages have been processed exactly once */
008769    assert( memcmp(abDone, "\01\01\01\01\01", nNew)==0 );
008771    assert( nOld>0 );
008772    assert( nNew>0 );
008774    if( isRoot && pParent->nCell==0 && pParent->hdrOffset<=apNew[0]->nFree ){
008775      /* The root page of the b-tree now contains no cells. The only sibling
008776      ** page is the right-child of the parent. Copy the contents of the
008777      ** child page into the parent, decreasing the overall height of the
008778      ** b-tree structure by one. This is described as the "balance-shallower"
008779      ** sub-algorithm in some documentation.
008780      **
008781      ** If this is an auto-vacuum database, the call to copyNodeContent()
008782      ** sets all pointer-map entries corresponding to database image pages
008783      ** for which the pointer is stored within the content being copied.
008784      **
008785      ** It is critical that the child page be defragmented before being
008786      ** copied into the parent, because if the parent is page 1 then it will
008787      ** by smaller than the child due to the database header, and so all the
008788      ** free space needs to be up front.
008789      */
008790      assert( nNew==1 || CORRUPT_DB );
008791      rc = defragmentPage(apNew[0], -1);
008792      testcase( rc!=SQLITE_OK );
008793      assert( apNew[0]->nFree ==
008794          (get2byteNotZero(&apNew[0]->aData[5]) - apNew[0]->cellOffset
008795            - apNew[0]->nCell*2)
008796        || rc!=SQLITE_OK
008797      );
008798      copyNodeContent(apNew[0], pParent, &rc);
008799      freePage(apNew[0], &rc);
008800    }else if( ISAUTOVACUUM(pBt) && !leafCorrection ){
008801      /* Fix the pointer map entries associated with the right-child of each
008802      ** sibling page. All other pointer map entries have already been taken
008803      ** care of.  */
008804      for(i=0; i<nNew; i++){
008805        u32 key = get4byte(&apNew[i]->aData[8]);
008806        ptrmapPut(pBt, key, PTRMAP_BTREE, apNew[i]->pgno, &rc);
008807      }
008808    }
008810    assert( pParent->isInit );
008811    TRACE(("BALANCE: finished: old=%u new=%u cells=%u\n",
008812            nOld, nNew, b.nCell));
008814    /* Free any old pages that were not reused as new pages.
008815    */
008816    for(i=nNew; i<nOld; i++){
008817      freePage(apOld[i], &rc);
008818    }
008820  #if 0
008821    if( ISAUTOVACUUM(pBt) && rc==SQLITE_OK && apNew[0]->isInit ){
008822      /* The ptrmapCheckPages() contains assert() statements that verify that
008823      ** all pointer map pages are set correctly. This is helpful while
008824      ** debugging. This is usually disabled because a corrupt database may
008825      ** cause an assert() statement to fail.  */
008826      ptrmapCheckPages(apNew, nNew);
008827      ptrmapCheckPages(&pParent, 1);
008828    }
008829  #endif
008831    /*
008832    ** Cleanup before returning.
008833    */
008834  balance_cleanup:
008835    sqlite3StackFree(0, b.apCell);
008836    for(i=0; i<nOld; i++){
008837      releasePage(apOld[i]);
008838    }
008839    for(i=0; i<nNew; i++){
008840      releasePage(apNew[i]);
008841    }
008843    return rc;
008844  }
008847  /*
008848  ** This function is called when the root page of a b-tree structure is
008849  ** overfull (has one or more overflow pages).
008850  **
008851  ** A new child page is allocated and the contents of the current root
008852  ** page, including overflow cells, are copied into the child. The root
008853  ** page is then overwritten to make it an empty page with the right-child
008854  ** pointer pointing to the new page.
008855  **
008856  ** Before returning, all pointer-map entries corresponding to pages
008857  ** that the new child-page now contains pointers to are updated. The
008858  ** entry corresponding to the new right-child pointer of the root
008859  ** page is also updated.
008860  **
008861  ** If successful, *ppChild is set to contain a reference to the child
008862  ** page and SQLITE_OK is returned. In this case the caller is required
008863  ** to call releasePage() on *ppChild exactly once. If an error occurs,
008864  ** an error code is returned and *ppChild is set to 0.
008865  */
008866  static int balance_deeper(MemPage *pRoot, MemPage **ppChild){
008867    int rc;                        /* Return value from subprocedures */
008868    MemPage *pChild = 0;           /* Pointer to a new child page */
008869    Pgno pgnoChild = 0;            /* Page number of the new child page */
008870    BtShared *pBt = pRoot->pBt;    /* The BTree */
008872    assert( pRoot->nOverflow>0 );
008873    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pBt->mutex) );
008875    /* Make pRoot, the root page of the b-tree, writable. Allocate a new
008876    ** page that will become the new right-child of pPage. Copy the contents
008877    ** of the node stored on pRoot into the new child page.
008878    */
008879    rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pRoot->pDbPage);
008880    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
008881      rc = allocateBtreePage(pBt,&pChild,&pgnoChild,pRoot->pgno,0);
008882      copyNodeContent(pRoot, pChild, &rc);
008883      if( ISAUTOVACUUM(pBt) ){
008884        ptrmapPut(pBt, pgnoChild, PTRMAP_BTREE, pRoot->pgno, &rc);
008885      }
008886    }
008887    if( rc ){
008888      *ppChild = 0;
008889      releasePage(pChild);
008890      return rc;
008891    }
008892    assert( sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pChild->pDbPage) );
008893    assert( sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pRoot->pDbPage) );
008894    assert( pChild->nCell==pRoot->nCell || CORRUPT_DB );
008896    TRACE(("BALANCE: copy root %u into %u\n", pRoot->pgno, pChild->pgno));
008898    /* Copy the overflow cells from pRoot to pChild */
008899    memcpy(pChild->aiOvfl, pRoot->aiOvfl,
008900           pRoot->nOverflow*sizeof(pRoot->aiOvfl[0]));
008901    memcpy(pChild->apOvfl, pRoot->apOvfl,
008902           pRoot->nOverflow*sizeof(pRoot->apOvfl[0]));
008903    pChild->nOverflow = pRoot->nOverflow;
008905    /* Zero the contents of pRoot. Then install pChild as the right-child. */
008906    zeroPage(pRoot, pChild->aData[0] & ~PTF_LEAF);
008907    put4byte(&pRoot->aData[pRoot->hdrOffset+8], pgnoChild);
008909    *ppChild = pChild;
008910    return SQLITE_OK;
008911  }
008913  /*
008914  ** Return SQLITE_CORRUPT if any cursor other than pCur is currently valid
008915  ** on the same B-tree as pCur.
008916  **
008917  ** This can occur if a database is corrupt with two or more SQL tables
008918  ** pointing to the same b-tree.  If an insert occurs on one SQL table
008919  ** and causes a BEFORE TRIGGER to do a secondary insert on the other SQL
008920  ** table linked to the same b-tree.  If the secondary insert causes a
008921  ** rebalance, that can change content out from under the cursor on the
008922  ** first SQL table, violating invariants on the first insert.
008923  */
008924  static int anotherValidCursor(BtCursor *pCur){
008925    BtCursor *pOther;
008926    for(pOther=pCur->pBt->pCursor; pOther; pOther=pOther->pNext){
008927      if( pOther!=pCur
008928       && pOther->eState==CURSOR_VALID
008929       && pOther->pPage==pCur->pPage
008930      ){
008931        return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
008932      }
008933    }
008934    return SQLITE_OK;
008935  }
008937  /*
008938  ** The page that pCur currently points to has just been modified in
008939  ** some way. This function figures out if this modification means the
008940  ** tree needs to be balanced, and if so calls the appropriate balancing
008941  ** routine. Balancing routines are:
008942  **
008943  **   balance_quick()
008944  **   balance_deeper()
008945  **   balance_nonroot()
008946  */
008947  static int balance(BtCursor *pCur){
008948    int rc = SQLITE_OK;
008949    u8 aBalanceQuickSpace[13];
008950    u8 *pFree = 0;
008952    VVA_ONLY( int balance_quick_called = 0 );
008953    VVA_ONLY( int balance_deeper_called = 0 );
008955    do {
008956      int iPage;
008957      MemPage *pPage = pCur->pPage;
008959      if( NEVER(pPage->nFree<0) && btreeComputeFreeSpace(pPage) ) break;
008960      if( pPage->nOverflow==0 && pPage->nFree*3<=(int)pCur->pBt->usableSize*2 ){
008961        /* No rebalance required as long as:
008962        **   (1) There are no overflow cells
008963        **   (2) The amount of free space on the page is less than 2/3rds of
008964        **       the total usable space on the page. */
008965        break;
008966      }else if( (iPage = pCur->iPage)==0 ){
008967        if( pPage->nOverflow && (rc = anotherValidCursor(pCur))==SQLITE_OK ){
008968          /* The root page of the b-tree is overfull. In this case call the
008969          ** balance_deeper() function to create a new child for the root-page
008970          ** and copy the current contents of the root-page to it. The
008971          ** next iteration of the do-loop will balance the child page.
008972          */
008973          assert( balance_deeper_called==0 );
008974          VVA_ONLY( balance_deeper_called++ );
008975          rc = balance_deeper(pPage, &pCur->apPage[1]);
008976          if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
008977            pCur->iPage = 1;
008978            pCur->ix = 0;
008979            pCur->aiIdx[0] = 0;
008980            pCur->apPage[0] = pPage;
008981            pCur->pPage = pCur->apPage[1];
008982            assert( pCur->pPage->nOverflow );
008983          }
008984        }else{
008985          break;
008986        }
008987      }else if( sqlite3PagerPageRefcount(pPage->pDbPage)>1 ){
008988        /* The page being written is not a root page, and there is currently
008989        ** more than one reference to it. This only happens if the page is one
008990        ** of its own ancestor pages. Corruption. */
008991        rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
008992      }else{
008993        MemPage * const pParent = pCur->apPage[iPage-1];
008994        int const iIdx = pCur->aiIdx[iPage-1];
008996        rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pParent->pDbPage);
008997        if( rc==SQLITE_OK && pParent->nFree<0 ){
008998          rc = btreeComputeFreeSpace(pParent);
008999        }
009000        if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
009002          if( pPage->intKeyLeaf
009003           && pPage->nOverflow==1
009004           && pPage->aiOvfl[0]==pPage->nCell
009005           && pParent->pgno!=1
009006           && pParent->nCell==iIdx
009007          ){
009008            /* Call balance_quick() to create a new sibling of pPage on which
009009            ** to store the overflow cell. balance_quick() inserts a new cell
009010            ** into pParent, which may cause pParent overflow. If this
009011            ** happens, the next iteration of the do-loop will balance pParent
009012            ** use either balance_nonroot() or balance_deeper(). Until this
009013            ** happens, the overflow cell is stored in the aBalanceQuickSpace[]
009014            ** buffer.
009015            **
009016            ** The purpose of the following assert() is to check that only a
009017            ** single call to balance_quick() is made for each call to this
009018            ** function. If this were not verified, a subtle bug involving reuse
009019            ** of the aBalanceQuickSpace[] might sneak in.
009020            */
009021            assert( balance_quick_called==0 );
009022            VVA_ONLY( balance_quick_called++ );
009023            rc = balance_quick(pParent, pPage, aBalanceQuickSpace);
009024          }else
009025  #endif
009026          {
009027            /* In this case, call balance_nonroot() to redistribute cells
009028            ** between pPage and up to 2 of its sibling pages. This involves
009029            ** modifying the contents of pParent, which may cause pParent to
009030            ** become overfull or underfull. The next iteration of the do-loop
009031            ** will balance the parent page to correct this.
009032            **
009033            ** If the parent page becomes overfull, the overflow cell or cells
009034            ** are stored in the pSpace buffer allocated immediately below.
009035            ** A subsequent iteration of the do-loop will deal with this by
009036            ** calling balance_nonroot() (balance_deeper() may be called first,
009037            ** but it doesn't deal with overflow cells - just moves them to a
009038            ** different page). Once this subsequent call to balance_nonroot()
009039            ** has completed, it is safe to release the pSpace buffer used by
009040            ** the previous call, as the overflow cell data will have been
009041            ** copied either into the body of a database page or into the new
009042            ** pSpace buffer passed to the latter call to balance_nonroot().
009043            */
009044            u8 *pSpace = sqlite3PageMalloc(pCur->pBt->pageSize);
009045            rc = balance_nonroot(pParent, iIdx, pSpace, iPage==1,
009046                                 pCur->hints&BTREE_BULKLOAD);
009047            if( pFree ){
009048              /* If pFree is not NULL, it points to the pSpace buffer used
009049              ** by a previous call to balance_nonroot(). Its contents are
009050              ** now stored either on real database pages or within the
009051              ** new pSpace buffer, so it may be safely freed here. */
009052              sqlite3PageFree(pFree);
009053            }
009055            /* The pSpace buffer will be freed after the next call to
009056            ** balance_nonroot(), or just before this function returns, whichever
009057            ** comes first. */
009058            pFree = pSpace;
009059          }
009060        }
009062        pPage->nOverflow = 0;
009064        /* The next iteration of the do-loop balances the parent page. */
009065        releasePage(pPage);
009066        pCur->iPage--;
009067        assert( pCur->iPage>=0 );
009068        pCur->pPage = pCur->apPage[pCur->iPage];
009069      }
009070    }while( rc==SQLITE_OK );
009072    if( pFree ){
009073      sqlite3PageFree(pFree);
009074    }
009075    return rc;
009076  }
009078  /* Overwrite content from pX into pDest.  Only do the write if the
009079  ** content is different from what is already there.
009080  */
009081  static int btreeOverwriteContent(
009082    MemPage *pPage,           /* MemPage on which writing will occur */
009083    u8 *pDest,                /* Pointer to the place to start writing */
009084    const BtreePayload *pX,   /* Source of data to write */
009085    int iOffset,              /* Offset of first byte to write */
009086    int iAmt                  /* Number of bytes to be written */
009087  ){
009088    int nData = pX->nData - iOffset;
009089    if( nData<=0 ){
009090      /* Overwriting with zeros */
009091      int i;
009092      for(i=0; i<iAmt && pDest[i]==0; i++){}
009093      if( i<iAmt ){
009094        int rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pPage->pDbPage);
009095        if( rc ) return rc;
009096        memset(pDest + i, 0, iAmt - i);
009097      }
009098    }else{
009099      if( nData<iAmt ){
009100        /* Mixed read data and zeros at the end.  Make a recursive call
009101        ** to write the zeros then fall through to write the real data */
009102        int rc = btreeOverwriteContent(pPage, pDest+nData, pX, iOffset+nData,
009103                                   iAmt-nData);
009104        if( rc ) return rc;
009105        iAmt = nData;
009106      }
009107      if( memcmp(pDest, ((u8*)pX->pData) + iOffset, iAmt)!=0 ){
009108        int rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pPage->pDbPage);
009109        if( rc ) return rc;
009110        /* In a corrupt database, it is possible for the source and destination
009111        ** buffers to overlap.  This is harmless since the database is already
009112        ** corrupt but it does cause valgrind and ASAN warnings.  So use
009113        ** memmove(). */
009114        memmove(pDest, ((u8*)pX->pData) + iOffset, iAmt);
009115      }
009116    }
009117    return SQLITE_OK;
009118  }
009120  /*
009121  ** Overwrite the cell that cursor pCur is pointing to with fresh content
009122  ** contained in pX.  In this variant, pCur is pointing to an overflow
009123  ** cell.
009124  */
009125  static SQLITE_NOINLINE int btreeOverwriteOverflowCell(
009126    BtCursor *pCur,                     /* Cursor pointing to cell to overwrite */
009127    const BtreePayload *pX              /* Content to write into the cell */
009128  ){
009129    int iOffset;                        /* Next byte of pX->pData to write */
009130    int nTotal = pX->nData + pX->nZero; /* Total bytes of to write */
009131    int rc;                             /* Return code */
009132    MemPage *pPage = pCur->pPage;       /* Page being written */
009133    BtShared *pBt;                      /* Btree */
009134    Pgno ovflPgno;                      /* Next overflow page to write */
009135    u32 ovflPageSize;                   /* Size to write on overflow page */
009137    assert( pCur->info.nLocal<nTotal );  /* pCur is an overflow cell */
009139    /* Overwrite the local portion first */
009140    rc = btreeOverwriteContent(pPage, pCur->info.pPayload, pX,
009141                               0, pCur->info.nLocal);
009142    if( rc ) return rc;
009144    /* Now overwrite the overflow pages */
009145    iOffset = pCur->info.nLocal;
009146    assert( nTotal>=0 );
009147    assert( iOffset>=0 );
009148    ovflPgno = get4byte(pCur->info.pPayload + iOffset);
009149    pBt = pPage->pBt;
009150    ovflPageSize = pBt->usableSize - 4;
009151    do{
009152      rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, ovflPgno, &pPage, 0);
009153      if( rc ) return rc;
009154      if( sqlite3PagerPageRefcount(pPage->pDbPage)!=1 || pPage->isInit ){
009155        rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
009156      }else{
009157        if( iOffset+ovflPageSize<(u32)nTotal ){
009158          ovflPgno = get4byte(pPage->aData);
009159        }else{
009160          ovflPageSize = nTotal - iOffset;
009161        }
009162        rc = btreeOverwriteContent(pPage, pPage->aData+4, pX,
009163                                   iOffset, ovflPageSize);
009164      }
009165      sqlite3PagerUnref(pPage->pDbPage);
009166      if( rc ) return rc;
009167      iOffset += ovflPageSize;
009168    }while( iOffset<nTotal );
009169    return SQLITE_OK;   
009170  }
009172  /*
009173  ** Overwrite the cell that cursor pCur is pointing to with fresh content
009174  ** contained in pX.
009175  */
009176  static int btreeOverwriteCell(BtCursor *pCur, const BtreePayload *pX){
009177    int nTotal = pX->nData + pX->nZero; /* Total bytes of to write */
009178    MemPage *pPage = pCur->pPage;       /* Page being written */
009180    if( pCur->info.pPayload + pCur->info.nLocal > pPage->aDataEnd
009181     || pCur->info.pPayload < pPage->aData + pPage->cellOffset
009182    ){
009183      return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
009184    }
009185    if( pCur->info.nLocal==nTotal ){
009186      /* The entire cell is local */
009187      return btreeOverwriteContent(pPage, pCur->info.pPayload, pX,
009188                                   0, pCur->info.nLocal);
009189    }else{
009190      /* The cell contains overflow content */
009191      return btreeOverwriteOverflowCell(pCur, pX);
009192    }
009193  }
009196  /*
009197  ** Insert a new record into the BTree.  The content of the new record
009198  ** is described by the pX object.  The pCur cursor is used only to
009199  ** define what table the record should be inserted into, and is left
009200  ** pointing at a random location.
009201  **
009202  ** For a table btree (used for rowid tables), only the pX.nKey value of
009203  ** the key is used. The pX.pKey value must be NULL.  The pX.nKey is the
009204  ** rowid or INTEGER PRIMARY KEY of the row.  The pX.nData,pData,nZero fields
009205  ** hold the content of the row.
009206  **
009207  ** For an index btree (used for indexes and WITHOUT ROWID tables), the
009208  ** key is an arbitrary byte sequence stored in pX.pKey,nKey.  The
009209  ** pX.pData,nData,nZero fields must be zero.
009210  **
009211  ** If the seekResult parameter is non-zero, then a successful call to
009212  ** sqlite3BtreeIndexMoveto() to seek cursor pCur to (pKey,nKey) has already
009213  ** been performed.  In other words, if seekResult!=0 then the cursor
009214  ** is currently pointing to a cell that will be adjacent to the cell
009215  ** to be inserted.  If seekResult<0 then pCur points to a cell that is
009216  ** smaller then (pKey,nKey).  If seekResult>0 then pCur points to a cell
009217  ** that is larger than (pKey,nKey).
009218  **
009219  ** If seekResult==0, that means pCur is pointing at some unknown location.
009220  ** In that case, this routine must seek the cursor to the correct insertion
009221  ** point for (pKey,nKey) before doing the insertion.  For index btrees,
009222  ** if pX->nMem is non-zero, then pX->aMem contains pointers to the unpacked
009223  ** key values and pX->aMem can be used instead of pX->pKey to avoid having
009224  ** to decode the key.
009225  */
009226  int sqlite3BtreeInsert(
009227    BtCursor *pCur,                /* Insert data into the table of this cursor */
009228    const BtreePayload *pX,        /* Content of the row to be inserted */
009229    int flags,                     /* True if this is likely an append */
009230    int seekResult                 /* Result of prior IndexMoveto() call */
009231  ){
009232    int rc;
009233    int loc = seekResult;          /* -1: before desired location  +1: after */
009234    int szNew = 0;
009235    int idx;
009236    MemPage *pPage;
009237    Btree *p = pCur->pBtree;
009238    unsigned char *oldCell;
009239    unsigned char *newCell = 0;
009241    assert( (flags & (BTREE_SAVEPOSITION|BTREE_APPEND|BTREE_PREFORMAT))==flags );
009242    assert( (flags & BTREE_PREFORMAT)==0 || seekResult || pCur->pKeyInfo==0 );
009244    /* Save the positions of any other cursors open on this table.
009245    **
009246    ** In some cases, the call to btreeMoveto() below is a no-op. For
009247    ** example, when inserting data into a table with auto-generated integer
009248    ** keys, the VDBE layer invokes sqlite3BtreeLast() to figure out the
009249    ** integer key to use. It then calls this function to actually insert the
009250    ** data into the intkey B-Tree. In this case btreeMoveto() recognizes
009251    ** that the cursor is already where it needs to be and returns without
009252    ** doing any work. To avoid thwarting these optimizations, it is important
009253    ** not to clear the cursor here.
009254    */
009255    if( pCur->curFlags & BTCF_Multiple ){
009256      rc = saveAllCursors(p->pBt, pCur->pgnoRoot, pCur);
009257      if( rc ) return rc;
009258      if( loc && pCur->iPage<0 ){
009259        /* This can only happen if the schema is corrupt such that there is more
009260        ** than one table or index with the same root page as used by the cursor.
009261        ** Which can only happen if the SQLITE_NoSchemaError flag was set when
009262        ** the schema was loaded. This cannot be asserted though, as a user might
009263        ** set the flag, load the schema, and then unset the flag.  */
009264        return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
009265      }
009266    }
009268    /* Ensure that the cursor is not in the CURSOR_FAULT state and that it
009269    ** points to a valid cell.
009270    */
009271    if( pCur->eState>=CURSOR_REQUIRESEEK ){
009272      testcase( pCur->eState==CURSOR_REQUIRESEEK );
009273      testcase( pCur->eState==CURSOR_FAULT );
009274      rc = moveToRoot(pCur);
009275      if( rc && rc!=SQLITE_EMPTY ) return rc;
009276    }
009278    assert( cursorOwnsBtShared(pCur) );
009279    assert( (pCur->curFlags & BTCF_WriteFlag)!=0
009280                && p->pBt->inTransaction==TRANS_WRITE
009281                && (p->pBt->btsFlags & BTS_READ_ONLY)==0 );
009282    assert( hasSharedCacheTableLock(p, pCur->pgnoRoot, pCur->pKeyInfo!=0, 2) );
009284    /* Assert that the caller has been consistent. If this cursor was opened
009285    ** expecting an index b-tree, then the caller should be inserting blob
009286    ** keys with no associated data. If the cursor was opened expecting an
009287    ** intkey table, the caller should be inserting integer keys with a
009288    ** blob of associated data.  */
009289    assert( (flags & BTREE_PREFORMAT) || (pX->pKey==0)==(pCur->pKeyInfo==0) );
009291    if( pCur->pKeyInfo==0 ){
009292      assert( pX->pKey==0 );
009293      /* If this is an insert into a table b-tree, invalidate any incrblob
009294      ** cursors open on the row being replaced */
009295      if( p->hasIncrblobCur ){
009296        invalidateIncrblobCursors(p, pCur->pgnoRoot, pX->nKey, 0);
009297      }
009299      /* If BTREE_SAVEPOSITION is set, the cursor must already be pointing
009300      ** to a row with the same key as the new entry being inserted.
009301      */
009302  #ifdef SQLITE_DEBUG
009303      if( flags & BTREE_SAVEPOSITION ){
009304        assert( pCur->curFlags & BTCF_ValidNKey );
009305        assert( pX->nKey==pCur->info.nKey );
009306        assert( loc==0 );
009307      }
009308  #endif
009310      /* On the other hand, BTREE_SAVEPOSITION==0 does not imply
009311      ** that the cursor is not pointing to a row to be overwritten.
009312      ** So do a complete check.
009313      */
009314      if( (pCur->curFlags&BTCF_ValidNKey)!=0 && pX->nKey==pCur->info.nKey ){
009315        /* The cursor is pointing to the entry that is to be
009316        ** overwritten */
009317        assert( pX->nData>=0 && pX->nZero>=0 );
009318        if( pCur->info.nSize!=0
009319         && pCur->info.nPayload==(u32)pX->nData+pX->nZero
009320        ){
009321          /* New entry is the same size as the old.  Do an overwrite */
009322          return btreeOverwriteCell(pCur, pX);
009323        }
009324        assert( loc==0 );
009325      }else if( loc==0 ){
009326        /* The cursor is *not* pointing to the cell to be overwritten, nor
009327        ** to an adjacent cell.  Move the cursor so that it is pointing either
009328        ** to the cell to be overwritten or an adjacent cell.
009329        */
009330        rc = sqlite3BtreeTableMoveto(pCur, pX->nKey,
009331                 (flags & BTREE_APPEND)!=0, &loc);
009332        if( rc ) return rc;
009333      }
009334    }else{
009335      /* This is an index or a WITHOUT ROWID table */
009337      /* If BTREE_SAVEPOSITION is set, the cursor must already be pointing
009338      ** to a row with the same key as the new entry being inserted.
009339      */
009340      assert( (flags & BTREE_SAVEPOSITION)==0 || loc==0 );
009342      /* If the cursor is not already pointing either to the cell to be
009343      ** overwritten, or if a new cell is being inserted, if the cursor is
009344      ** not pointing to an immediately adjacent cell, then move the cursor
009345      ** so that it does.
009346      */
009347      if( loc==0 && (flags & BTREE_SAVEPOSITION)==0 ){
009348        if( pX->nMem ){
009349          UnpackedRecord r;
009350          r.pKeyInfo = pCur->pKeyInfo;
009351          r.aMem = pX->aMem;
009352          r.nField = pX->nMem;
009353          r.default_rc = 0;
009354          r.eqSeen = 0;
009355          rc = sqlite3BtreeIndexMoveto(pCur, &r, &loc);
009356        }else{
009357          rc = btreeMoveto(pCur, pX->pKey, pX->nKey,
009358                      (flags & BTREE_APPEND)!=0, &loc);
009359        }
009360        if( rc ) return rc;
009361      }
009363      /* If the cursor is currently pointing to an entry to be overwritten
009364      ** and the new content is the same as as the old, then use the
009365      ** overwrite optimization.
009366      */
009367      if( loc==0 ){
009368        getCellInfo(pCur);
009369        if( pCur->info.nKey==pX->nKey ){
009370          BtreePayload x2;
009371          x2.pData = pX->pKey;
009372          x2.nData = pX->nKey;
009373          x2.nZero = 0;
009374          return btreeOverwriteCell(pCur, &x2);
009375        }
009376      }
009377    }
009378    assert( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID
009379         || (pCur->eState==CURSOR_INVALID && loc) || CORRUPT_DB );
009381    pPage = pCur->pPage;
009382    assert( pPage->intKey || pX->nKey>=0 || (flags & BTREE_PREFORMAT) );
009383    assert( pPage->leaf || !pPage->intKey );
009384    if( pPage->nFree<0 ){
009385      if( NEVER(pCur->eState>CURSOR_INVALID) ){
009386       /* ^^^^^--- due to the moveToRoot() call above */
009387        rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
009388      }else{
009389        rc = btreeComputeFreeSpace(pPage);
009390      }
009391      if( rc ) return rc;
009392    }
009394    TRACE(("INSERT: table=%u nkey=%lld ndata=%u page=%u %s\n",
009395            pCur->pgnoRoot, pX->nKey, pX->nData, pPage->pgno,
009396            loc==0 ? "overwrite" : "new entry"));
009397    assert( pPage->isInit || CORRUPT_DB );
009398    newCell = p->pBt->pTmpSpace;
009399    assert( newCell!=0 );
009401    if( flags & BTREE_PREFORMAT ){
009402      rc = SQLITE_OK;
009403      szNew = p->pBt->nPreformatSize;
009404      if( szNew<4 ) szNew = 4;
009405      if( ISAUTOVACUUM(p->pBt) && szNew>pPage->maxLocal ){
009406        CellInfo info;
009407        pPage->xParseCell(pPage, newCell, &info);
009408        if( info.nPayload!=info.nLocal ){
009409          Pgno ovfl = get4byte(&newCell[szNew-4]);
009410          ptrmapPut(p->pBt, ovfl, PTRMAP_OVERFLOW1, pPage->pgno, &rc);
009411          if( NEVER(rc) ) goto end_insert;
009412        }
009413      }
009414    }else{
009415      rc = fillInCell(pPage, newCell, pX, &szNew);
009416      if( rc ) goto end_insert;
009417    }
009418    assert( szNew==pPage->xCellSize(pPage, newCell) );
009419    assert( szNew <= MX_CELL_SIZE(p->pBt) );
009420    idx = pCur->ix;
009421    pCur->info.nSize = 0;
009422    if( loc==0 ){
009423      CellInfo info;
009424      assert( idx>=0 );
009425      if( idx>=pPage->nCell ){
009426        return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
009427      }
009428      rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pPage->pDbPage);
009429      if( rc ){
009430        goto end_insert;
009431      }
009432      oldCell = findCell(pPage, idx);
009433      if( !pPage->leaf ){
009434        memcpy(newCell, oldCell, 4);
009435      }
009436      BTREE_CLEAR_CELL(rc, pPage, oldCell, info);
009437      testcase( pCur->curFlags & BTCF_ValidOvfl );
009438      invalidateOverflowCache(pCur);
009439      if( info.nSize==szNew && info.nLocal==info.nPayload
009440       && (!ISAUTOVACUUM(p->pBt) || szNew<pPage->minLocal)
009441      ){
009442        /* Overwrite the old cell with the new if they are the same size.
009443        ** We could also try to do this if the old cell is smaller, then add
009444        ** the leftover space to the free list.  But experiments show that
009445        ** doing that is no faster then skipping this optimization and just
009446        ** calling dropCell() and insertCell().
009447        **
009448        ** This optimization cannot be used on an autovacuum database if the
009449        ** new entry uses overflow pages, as the insertCell() call below is
009450        ** necessary to add the PTRMAP_OVERFLOW1 pointer-map entry.  */
009451        assert( rc==SQLITE_OK ); /* clearCell never fails when nLocal==nPayload */
009452        if( oldCell < pPage->aData+pPage->hdrOffset+10 ){
009453          return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
009454        }
009455        if( oldCell+szNew > pPage->aDataEnd ){
009456          return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
009457        }
009458        memcpy(oldCell, newCell, szNew);
009459        return SQLITE_OK;
009460      }
009461      dropCell(pPage, idx, info.nSize, &rc);
009462      if( rc ) goto end_insert;
009463    }else if( loc<0 && pPage->nCell>0 ){
009464      assert( pPage->leaf );
009465      idx = ++pCur->ix;
009466      pCur->curFlags &= ~BTCF_ValidNKey;
009467    }else{
009468      assert( pPage->leaf );
009469    }
009470    rc = insertCellFast(pPage, idx, newCell, szNew);
009471    assert( pPage->nOverflow==0 || rc==SQLITE_OK );
009472    assert( rc!=SQLITE_OK || pPage->nCell>0 || pPage->nOverflow>0 );
009474    /* If no error has occurred and pPage has an overflow cell, call balance()
009475    ** to redistribute the cells within the tree. Since balance() may move
009476    ** the cursor, zero the BtCursor.info.nSize and BTCF_ValidNKey
009477    ** variables.
009478    **
009479    ** Previous versions of SQLite called moveToRoot() to move the cursor
009480    ** back to the root page as balance() used to invalidate the contents
009481    ** of BtCursor.apPage[] and BtCursor.aiIdx[]. Instead of doing that,
009482    ** set the cursor state to "invalid". This makes common insert operations
009483    ** slightly faster.
009484    **
009485    ** There is a subtle but important optimization here too. When inserting
009486    ** multiple records into an intkey b-tree using a single cursor (as can
009487    ** happen while processing an "INSERT INTO ... SELECT" statement), it
009488    ** is advantageous to leave the cursor pointing to the last entry in
009489    ** the b-tree if possible. If the cursor is left pointing to the last
009490    ** entry in the table, and the next row inserted has an integer key
009491    ** larger than the largest existing key, it is possible to insert the
009492    ** row without seeking the cursor. This can be a big performance boost.
009493    */
009494    if( pPage->nOverflow ){
009495      assert( rc==SQLITE_OK );
009496      pCur->curFlags &= ~(BTCF_ValidNKey);
009497      rc = balance(pCur);
009499      /* Must make sure nOverflow is reset to zero even if the balance()
009500      ** fails. Internal data structure corruption will result otherwise.
009501      ** Also, set the cursor state to invalid. This stops saveCursorPosition()
009502      ** from trying to save the current position of the cursor.  */
009503      pCur->pPage->nOverflow = 0;
009504      pCur->eState = CURSOR_INVALID;
009505      if( (flags & BTREE_SAVEPOSITION) && rc==SQLITE_OK ){
009506        btreeReleaseAllCursorPages(pCur);
009507        if( pCur->pKeyInfo ){
009508          assert( pCur->pKey==0 );
009509          pCur->pKey = sqlite3Malloc( pX->nKey );
009510          if( pCur->pKey==0 ){
009511            rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
009512          }else{
009513            memcpy(pCur->pKey, pX->pKey, pX->nKey);
009514          }
009515        }
009516        pCur->eState = CURSOR_REQUIRESEEK;
009517        pCur->nKey = pX->nKey;
009518      }
009519    }
009520    assert( pCur->iPage<0 || pCur->pPage->nOverflow==0 );
009522  end_insert:
009523    return rc;
009524  }
009526  /*
009527  ** This function is used as part of copying the current row from cursor
009528  ** pSrc into cursor pDest. If the cursors are open on intkey tables, then
009529  ** parameter iKey is used as the rowid value when the record is copied
009530  ** into pDest. Otherwise, the record is copied verbatim.
009531  **
009532  ** This function does not actually write the new value to cursor pDest.
009533  ** Instead, it creates and populates any required overflow pages and
009534  ** writes the data for the new cell into the BtShared.pTmpSpace buffer
009535  ** for the destination database. The size of the cell, in bytes, is left
009536  ** in BtShared.nPreformatSize. The caller completes the insertion by
009537  ** calling sqlite3BtreeInsert() with the BTREE_PREFORMAT flag specified.
009538  **
009539  ** SQLITE_OK is returned if successful, or an SQLite error code otherwise.
009540  */
009541  int sqlite3BtreeTransferRow(BtCursor *pDest, BtCursor *pSrc, i64 iKey){
009542    BtShared *pBt = pDest->pBt;
009543    u8 *aOut = pBt->pTmpSpace;    /* Pointer to next output buffer */
009544    const u8 *aIn;                /* Pointer to next input buffer */
009545    u32 nIn;                      /* Size of input buffer aIn[] */
009546    u32 nRem;                     /* Bytes of data still to copy */
009548    getCellInfo(pSrc);
009549    if( pSrc->info.nPayload<0x80 ){
009550      *(aOut++) = pSrc->info.nPayload;
009551    }else{
009552      aOut += sqlite3PutVarint(aOut, pSrc->info.nPayload);
009553    }
009554    if( pDest->pKeyInfo==0 ) aOut += putVarint(aOut, iKey);
009555    nIn = pSrc->info.nLocal;
009556    aIn = pSrc->info.pPayload;
009557    if( aIn+nIn>pSrc->pPage->aDataEnd ){
009558      return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
009559    }
009560    nRem = pSrc->info.nPayload;
009561    if( nIn==nRem && nIn<pDest->pPage->maxLocal ){
009562      memcpy(aOut, aIn, nIn);
009563      pBt->nPreformatSize = nIn + (aOut - pBt->pTmpSpace);
009564      return SQLITE_OK;
009565    }else{
009566      int rc = SQLITE_OK;
009567      Pager *pSrcPager = pSrc->pBt->pPager;
009568      u8 *pPgnoOut = 0;
009569      Pgno ovflIn = 0;
009570      DbPage *pPageIn = 0;
009571      MemPage *pPageOut = 0;
009572      u32 nOut;                     /* Size of output buffer aOut[] */
009574      nOut = btreePayloadToLocal(pDest->pPage, pSrc->info.nPayload);
009575      pBt->nPreformatSize = nOut + (aOut - pBt->pTmpSpace);
009576      if( nOut<pSrc->info.nPayload ){
009577        pPgnoOut = &aOut[nOut];
009578        pBt->nPreformatSize += 4;
009579      }
009581      if( nRem>nIn ){
009582        if( aIn+nIn+4>pSrc->pPage->aDataEnd ){
009583          return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
009584        }
009585        ovflIn = get4byte(&pSrc->info.pPayload[nIn]);
009586      }
009588      do {
009589        nRem -= nOut;
009590        do{
009591          assert( nOut>0 );
009592          if( nIn>0 ){
009593            int nCopy = MIN(nOut, nIn);
009594            memcpy(aOut, aIn, nCopy);
009595            nOut -= nCopy;
009596            nIn -= nCopy;
009597            aOut += nCopy;
009598            aIn += nCopy;
009599          }
009600          if( nOut>0 ){
009601            sqlite3PagerUnref(pPageIn);
009602            pPageIn = 0;
009603            rc = sqlite3PagerGet(pSrcPager, ovflIn, &pPageIn, PAGER_GET_READONLY);
009604            if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
009605              aIn = (const u8*)sqlite3PagerGetData(pPageIn);
009606              ovflIn = get4byte(aIn);
009607              aIn += 4;
009608              nIn = pSrc->pBt->usableSize - 4;
009609            }
009610          }
009611        }while( rc==SQLITE_OK && nOut>0 );
009613        if( rc==SQLITE_OK && nRem>0 && ALWAYS(pPgnoOut) ){
009614          Pgno pgnoNew;
009615          MemPage *pNew = 0;
009616          rc = allocateBtreePage(pBt, &pNew, &pgnoNew, 0, 0);
009617          put4byte(pPgnoOut, pgnoNew);
009618          if( ISAUTOVACUUM(pBt) && pPageOut ){
009619            ptrmapPut(pBt, pgnoNew, PTRMAP_OVERFLOW2, pPageOut->pgno, &rc);
009620          }
009621          releasePage(pPageOut);
009622          pPageOut = pNew;
009623          if( pPageOut ){
009624            pPgnoOut = pPageOut->aData;
009625            put4byte(pPgnoOut, 0);
009626            aOut = &pPgnoOut[4];
009627            nOut = MIN(pBt->usableSize - 4, nRem);
009628          }
009629        }
009630      }while( nRem>0 && rc==SQLITE_OK );
009632      releasePage(pPageOut);
009633      sqlite3PagerUnref(pPageIn);
009634      return rc;
009635    }
009636  }
009638  /*
009639  ** Delete the entry that the cursor is pointing to.
009640  **
009641  ** If the BTREE_SAVEPOSITION bit of the flags parameter is zero, then
009642  ** the cursor is left pointing at an arbitrary location after the delete.
009643  ** But if that bit is set, then the cursor is left in a state such that
009644  ** the next call to BtreeNext() or BtreePrev() moves it to the same row
009645  ** as it would have been on if the call to BtreeDelete() had been omitted.
009646  **
009647  ** The BTREE_AUXDELETE bit of flags indicates that is one of several deletes
009648  ** associated with a single table entry and its indexes.  Only one of those
009649  ** deletes is considered the "primary" delete.  The primary delete occurs
009650  ** on a cursor that is not a BTREE_FORDELETE cursor.  All but one delete
009651  ** operation on non-FORDELETE cursors is tagged with the AUXDELETE flag.
009652  ** The BTREE_AUXDELETE bit is a hint that is not used by this implementation,
009653  ** but which might be used by alternative storage engines.
009654  */
009655  int sqlite3BtreeDelete(BtCursor *pCur, u8 flags){
009656    Btree *p = pCur->pBtree;
009657    BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;             
009658    int rc;                    /* Return code */
009659    MemPage *pPage;            /* Page to delete cell from */
009660    unsigned char *pCell;      /* Pointer to cell to delete */
009661    int iCellIdx;              /* Index of cell to delete */
009662    int iCellDepth;            /* Depth of node containing pCell */
009663    CellInfo info;             /* Size of the cell being deleted */
009664    u8 bPreserve;              /* Keep cursor valid.  2 for CURSOR_SKIPNEXT */
009666    assert( cursorOwnsBtShared(pCur) );
009667    assert( pBt->inTransaction==TRANS_WRITE );
009668    assert( (pBt->btsFlags & BTS_READ_ONLY)==0 );
009669    assert( pCur->curFlags & BTCF_WriteFlag );
009670    assert( hasSharedCacheTableLock(p, pCur->pgnoRoot, pCur->pKeyInfo!=0, 2) );
009671    assert( !hasReadConflicts(p, pCur->pgnoRoot) );
009672    assert( (flags & ~(BTREE_SAVEPOSITION | BTREE_AUXDELETE))==0 );
009673    if( pCur->eState!=CURSOR_VALID ){
009674      if( pCur->eState>=CURSOR_REQUIRESEEK ){
009675        rc = btreeRestoreCursorPosition(pCur);
009676        assert( rc!=SQLITE_OK || CORRUPT_DB || pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID );
009677        if( rc || pCur->eState!=CURSOR_VALID ) return rc;
009678      }else{
009679        return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
009680      }
009681    }
009682    assert( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID );
009684    iCellDepth = pCur->iPage;
009685    iCellIdx = pCur->ix;
009686    pPage = pCur->pPage;
009687    if( pPage->nCell<=iCellIdx ){
009688      return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
009689    }
009690    pCell = findCell(pPage, iCellIdx);
009691    if( pPage->nFree<0 && btreeComputeFreeSpace(pPage) ){
009692      return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
009693    }
009694    if( pCell<&pPage->aCellIdx[pPage->nCell] ){
009695      return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
009696    }
009698    /* If the BTREE_SAVEPOSITION bit is on, then the cursor position must
009699    ** be preserved following this delete operation. If the current delete
009700    ** will cause a b-tree rebalance, then this is done by saving the cursor
009701    ** key and leaving the cursor in CURSOR_REQUIRESEEK state before
009702    ** returning.
009703    **
009704    ** If the current delete will not cause a rebalance, then the cursor
009705    ** will be left in CURSOR_SKIPNEXT state pointing to the entry immediately
009706    ** before or after the deleted entry.
009707    **
009708    ** The bPreserve value records which path is required:
009709    **
009710    **    bPreserve==0         Not necessary to save the cursor position
009711    **    bPreserve==1         Use CURSOR_REQUIRESEEK to save the cursor position
009712    **    bPreserve==2         Cursor won't move.  Set CURSOR_SKIPNEXT.
009713    */
009714    bPreserve = (flags & BTREE_SAVEPOSITION)!=0;
009715    if( bPreserve ){
009716      if( !pPage->leaf
009717       || (pPage->nFree+pPage->xCellSize(pPage,pCell)+2) >
009718                                                     (int)(pBt->usableSize*2/3)
009719       || pPage->nCell==1  /* See dbfuzz001.test for a test case */
009720      ){
009721        /* A b-tree rebalance will be required after deleting this entry.
009722        ** Save the cursor key.  */
009723        rc = saveCursorKey(pCur);
009724        if( rc ) return rc;
009725      }else{
009726        bPreserve = 2;
009727      }
009728    }
009730    /* If the page containing the entry to delete is not a leaf page, move
009731    ** the cursor to the largest entry in the tree that is smaller than
009732    ** the entry being deleted. This cell will replace the cell being deleted
009733    ** from the internal node. The 'previous' entry is used for this instead
009734    ** of the 'next' entry, as the previous entry is always a part of the
009735    ** sub-tree headed by the child page of the cell being deleted. This makes
009736    ** balancing the tree following the delete operation easier.  */
009737    if( !pPage->leaf ){
009738      rc = sqlite3BtreePrevious(pCur, 0);
009739      assert( rc!=SQLITE_DONE );
009740      if( rc ) return rc;
009741    }
009743    /* Save the positions of any other cursors open on this table before
009744    ** making any modifications.  */
009745    if( pCur->curFlags & BTCF_Multiple ){
009746      rc = saveAllCursors(pBt, pCur->pgnoRoot, pCur);
009747      if( rc ) return rc;
009748    }
009750    /* If this is a delete operation to remove a row from a table b-tree,
009751    ** invalidate any incrblob cursors open on the row being deleted.  */
009752    if( pCur->pKeyInfo==0 && p->hasIncrblobCur ){
009753      invalidateIncrblobCursors(p, pCur->pgnoRoot, pCur->info.nKey, 0);
009754    }
009756    /* Make the page containing the entry to be deleted writable. Then free any
009757    ** overflow pages associated with the entry and finally remove the cell
009758    ** itself from within the page.  */
009759    rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pPage->pDbPage);
009760    if( rc ) return rc;
009761    BTREE_CLEAR_CELL(rc, pPage, pCell, info);
009762    dropCell(pPage, iCellIdx, info.nSize, &rc);
009763    if( rc ) return rc;
009765    /* If the cell deleted was not located on a leaf page, then the cursor
009766    ** is currently pointing to the largest entry in the sub-tree headed
009767    ** by the child-page of the cell that was just deleted from an internal
009768    ** node. The cell from the leaf node needs to be moved to the internal
009769    ** node to replace the deleted cell.  */
009770    if( !pPage->leaf ){
009771      MemPage *pLeaf = pCur->pPage;
009772      int nCell;
009773      Pgno n;
009774      unsigned char *pTmp;
009776      if( pLeaf->nFree<0 ){
009777        rc = btreeComputeFreeSpace(pLeaf);
009778        if( rc ) return rc;
009779      }
009780      if( iCellDepth<pCur->iPage-1 ){
009781        n = pCur->apPage[iCellDepth+1]->pgno;
009782      }else{
009783        n = pCur->pPage->pgno;
009784      }
009785      pCell = findCell(pLeaf, pLeaf->nCell-1);
009786      if( pCell<&pLeaf->aData[4] ) return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
009787      nCell = pLeaf->xCellSize(pLeaf, pCell);
009788      assert( MX_CELL_SIZE(pBt) >= nCell );
009789      pTmp = pBt->pTmpSpace;
009790      assert( pTmp!=0 );
009791      rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pLeaf->pDbPage);
009792      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
009793        rc = insertCell(pPage, iCellIdx, pCell-4, nCell+4, pTmp, n);
009794      }
009795      dropCell(pLeaf, pLeaf->nCell-1, nCell, &rc);
009796      if( rc ) return rc;
009797    }
009799    /* Balance the tree. If the entry deleted was located on a leaf page,
009800    ** then the cursor still points to that page. In this case the first
009801    ** call to balance() repairs the tree, and the if(...) condition is
009802    ** never true.
009803    **
009804    ** Otherwise, if the entry deleted was on an internal node page, then
009805    ** pCur is pointing to the leaf page from which a cell was removed to
009806    ** replace the cell deleted from the internal node. This is slightly
009807    ** tricky as the leaf node may be underfull, and the internal node may
009808    ** be either under or overfull. In this case run the balancing algorithm
009809    ** on the leaf node first. If the balance proceeds far enough up the
009810    ** tree that we can be sure that any problem in the internal node has
009811    ** been corrected, so be it. Otherwise, after balancing the leaf node,
009812    ** walk the cursor up the tree to the internal node and balance it as
009813    ** well.  */
009814    assert( pCur->pPage->nOverflow==0 );
009815    assert( pCur->pPage->nFree>=0 );
009816    if( pCur->pPage->nFree*3<=(int)pCur->pBt->usableSize*2 ){
009817      /* Optimization: If the free space is less than 2/3rds of the page,
009818      ** then balance() will always be a no-op.  No need to invoke it. */
009819      rc = SQLITE_OK;
009820    }else{
009821      rc = balance(pCur);
009822    }
009823    if( rc==SQLITE_OK && pCur->iPage>iCellDepth ){
009824      releasePageNotNull(pCur->pPage);
009825      pCur->iPage--;
009826      while( pCur->iPage>iCellDepth ){
009827        releasePage(pCur->apPage[pCur->iPage--]);
009828      }
009829      pCur->pPage = pCur->apPage[pCur->iPage];
009830      rc = balance(pCur);
009831    }
009833    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
009834      if( bPreserve>1 ){
009835        assert( (pCur->iPage==iCellDepth || CORRUPT_DB) );
009836        assert( pPage==pCur->pPage || CORRUPT_DB );
009837        assert( (pPage->nCell>0 || CORRUPT_DB) && iCellIdx<=pPage->nCell );
009838        pCur->eState = CURSOR_SKIPNEXT;
009839        if( iCellIdx>=pPage->nCell ){
009840          pCur->skipNext = -1;
009841          pCur->ix = pPage->nCell-1;
009842        }else{
009843          pCur->skipNext = 1;
009844        }
009845      }else{
009846        rc = moveToRoot(pCur);
009847        if( bPreserve ){
009848          btreeReleaseAllCursorPages(pCur);
009849          pCur->eState = CURSOR_REQUIRESEEK;
009850        }
009851        if( rc==SQLITE_EMPTY ) rc = SQLITE_OK;
009852      }
009853    }
009854    return rc;
009855  }
009857  /*
009858  ** Create a new BTree table.  Write into *piTable the page
009859  ** number for the root page of the new table.
009860  **
009861  ** The type of type is determined by the flags parameter.  Only the
009862  ** following values of flags are currently in use.  Other values for
009863  ** flags might not work:
009864  **
009865  **     BTREE_INTKEY|BTREE_LEAFDATA     Used for SQL tables with rowid keys
009866  **     BTREE_ZERODATA                  Used for SQL indices
009867  */
009868  static int btreeCreateTable(Btree *p, Pgno *piTable, int createTabFlags){
009869    BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
009870    MemPage *pRoot;
009871    Pgno pgnoRoot;
009872    int rc;
009873    int ptfFlags;          /* Page-type flags for the root page of new table */
009875    assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsMutex(p) );
009876    assert( pBt->inTransaction==TRANS_WRITE );
009877    assert( (pBt->btsFlags & BTS_READ_ONLY)==0 );
009880    rc = allocateBtreePage(pBt, &pRoot, &pgnoRoot, 1, 0);
009881    if( rc ){
009882      return rc;
009883    }
009884  #else
009885    if( pBt->autoVacuum ){
009886      Pgno pgnoMove;      /* Move a page here to make room for the root-page */
009887      MemPage *pPageMove; /* The page to move to. */
009889      /* Creating a new table may probably require moving an existing database
009890      ** to make room for the new tables root page. In case this page turns
009891      ** out to be an overflow page, delete all overflow page-map caches
009892      ** held by open cursors.
009893      */
009894      invalidateAllOverflowCache(pBt);
009896      /* Read the value of meta[3] from the database to determine where the
009897      ** root page of the new table should go. meta[3] is the largest root-page
009898      ** created so far, so the new root-page is (meta[3]+1).
009899      */
009900      sqlite3BtreeGetMeta(p, BTREE_LARGEST_ROOT_PAGE, &pgnoRoot);
009901      if( pgnoRoot>btreePagecount(pBt) ){
009902        return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
009903      }
009904      pgnoRoot++;
009906      /* The new root-page may not be allocated on a pointer-map page, or the
009907      ** PENDING_BYTE page.
009908      */
009909      while( pgnoRoot==PTRMAP_PAGENO(pBt, pgnoRoot) ||
009910          pgnoRoot==PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) ){
009911        pgnoRoot++;
009912      }
009913      assert( pgnoRoot>=3 );
009915      /* Allocate a page. The page that currently resides at pgnoRoot will
009916      ** be moved to the allocated page (unless the allocated page happens
009917      ** to reside at pgnoRoot).
009918      */
009919      rc = allocateBtreePage(pBt, &pPageMove, &pgnoMove, pgnoRoot, BTALLOC_EXACT);
009920      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
009921        return rc;
009922      }
009924      if( pgnoMove!=pgnoRoot ){
009925        /* pgnoRoot is the page that will be used for the root-page of
009926        ** the new table (assuming an error did not occur). But we were
009927        ** allocated pgnoMove. If required (i.e. if it was not allocated
009928        ** by extending the file), the current page at position pgnoMove
009929        ** is already journaled.
009930        */
009931        u8 eType = 0;
009932        Pgno iPtrPage = 0;
009934        /* Save the positions of any open cursors. This is required in
009935        ** case they are holding a reference to an xFetch reference
009936        ** corresponding to page pgnoRoot.  */
009937        rc = saveAllCursors(pBt, 0, 0);
009938        releasePage(pPageMove);
009939        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
009940          return rc;
009941        }
009943        /* Move the page currently at pgnoRoot to pgnoMove. */
009944        rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, pgnoRoot, &pRoot, 0);
009945        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
009946          return rc;
009947        }
009948        rc = ptrmapGet(pBt, pgnoRoot, &eType, &iPtrPage);
009949        if( eType==PTRMAP_ROOTPAGE || eType==PTRMAP_FREEPAGE ){
009950          rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
009951        }
009952        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
009953          releasePage(pRoot);
009954          return rc;
009955        }
009956        assert( eType!=PTRMAP_ROOTPAGE );
009957        assert( eType!=PTRMAP_FREEPAGE );
009958        rc = relocatePage(pBt, pRoot, eType, iPtrPage, pgnoMove, 0);
009959        releasePage(pRoot);
009961        /* Obtain the page at pgnoRoot */
009962        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
009963          return rc;
009964        }
009965        rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, pgnoRoot, &pRoot, 0);
009966        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
009967          return rc;
009968        }
009969        rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pRoot->pDbPage);
009970        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
009971          releasePage(pRoot);
009972          return rc;
009973        }
009974      }else{
009975        pRoot = pPageMove;
009976      }
009978      /* Update the pointer-map and meta-data with the new root-page number. */
009979      ptrmapPut(pBt, pgnoRoot, PTRMAP_ROOTPAGE, 0, &rc);
009980      if( rc ){
009981        releasePage(pRoot);
009982        return rc;
009983      }
009985      /* When the new root page was allocated, page 1 was made writable in
009986      ** order either to increase the database filesize, or to decrement the
009987      ** freelist count.  Hence, the sqlite3BtreeUpdateMeta() call cannot fail.
009988      */
009989      assert( sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pBt->pPage1->pDbPage) );
009990      rc = sqlite3BtreeUpdateMeta(p, 4, pgnoRoot);
009991      if( NEVER(rc) ){
009992        releasePage(pRoot);
009993        return rc;
009994      }
009996    }else{
009997      rc = allocateBtreePage(pBt, &pRoot, &pgnoRoot, 1, 0);
009998      if( rc ) return rc;
009999    }
010000  #endif
010001    assert( sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pRoot->pDbPage) );
010002    if( createTabFlags & BTREE_INTKEY ){
010003      ptfFlags = PTF_INTKEY | PTF_LEAFDATA | PTF_LEAF;
010004    }else{
010005      ptfFlags = PTF_ZERODATA | PTF_LEAF;
010006    }
010007    zeroPage(pRoot, ptfFlags);
010008    sqlite3PagerUnref(pRoot->pDbPage);
010009    assert( (pBt->openFlags & BTREE_SINGLE)==0 || pgnoRoot==2 );
010010    *piTable = pgnoRoot;
010011    return SQLITE_OK;
010012  }
010013  int sqlite3BtreeCreateTable(Btree *p, Pgno *piTable, int flags){
010014    int rc;
010015    sqlite3BtreeEnter(p);
010016    rc = btreeCreateTable(p, piTable, flags);
010017    sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
010018    return rc;
010019  }
010021  /*
010022  ** Erase the given database page and all its children.  Return
010023  ** the page to the freelist.
010024  */
010025  static int clearDatabasePage(
010026    BtShared *pBt,           /* The BTree that contains the table */
010027    Pgno pgno,               /* Page number to clear */
010028    int freePageFlag,        /* Deallocate page if true */
010029    i64 *pnChange            /* Add number of Cells freed to this counter */
010030  ){
010031    MemPage *pPage;
010032    int rc;
010033    unsigned char *pCell;
010034    int i;
010035    int hdr;
010036    CellInfo info;
010038    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pBt->mutex) );
010039    if( pgno>btreePagecount(pBt) ){
010040      return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
010041    }
010042    rc = getAndInitPage(pBt, pgno, &pPage, 0);
010043    if( rc ) return rc;
010044    if( (pBt->openFlags & BTREE_SINGLE)==0
010045     && sqlite3PagerPageRefcount(pPage->pDbPage) != (1 + (pgno==1))
010046    ){
010047      rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
010048      goto cleardatabasepage_out;
010049    }
010050    hdr = pPage->hdrOffset;
010051    for(i=0; i<pPage->nCell; i++){
010052      pCell = findCell(pPage, i);
010053      if( !pPage->leaf ){
010054        rc = clearDatabasePage(pBt, get4byte(pCell), 1, pnChange);
010055        if( rc ) goto cleardatabasepage_out;
010056      }
010057      BTREE_CLEAR_CELL(rc, pPage, pCell, info);
010058      if( rc ) goto cleardatabasepage_out;
010059    }
010060    if( !pPage->leaf ){
010061      rc = clearDatabasePage(pBt, get4byte(&pPage->aData[hdr+8]), 1, pnChange);
010062      if( rc ) goto cleardatabasepage_out;
010063      if( pPage->intKey ) pnChange = 0;
010064    }
010065    if( pnChange ){
010066      testcase( !pPage->intKey );
010067      *pnChange += pPage->nCell;
010068    }
010069    if( freePageFlag ){
010070      freePage(pPage, &rc);
010071    }else if( (rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pPage->pDbPage))==0 ){
010072      zeroPage(pPage, pPage->aData[hdr] | PTF_LEAF);
010073    }
010075  cleardatabasepage_out:
010076    releasePage(pPage);
010077    return rc;
010078  }
010080  /*
010081  ** Delete all information from a single table in the database.  iTable is
010082  ** the page number of the root of the table.  After this routine returns,
010083  ** the root page is empty, but still exists.
010084  **
010085  ** This routine will fail with SQLITE_LOCKED if there are any open
010086  ** read cursors on the table.  Open write cursors are moved to the
010087  ** root of the table.
010088  **
010089  ** If pnChange is not NULL, then the integer value pointed to by pnChange
010090  ** is incremented by the number of entries in the table.
010091  */
010092  int sqlite3BtreeClearTable(Btree *p, int iTable, i64 *pnChange){
010093    int rc;
010094    BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
010095    sqlite3BtreeEnter(p);
010096    assert( p->inTrans==TRANS_WRITE );
010098    rc = saveAllCursors(pBt, (Pgno)iTable, 0);
010100    if( SQLITE_OK==rc ){
010101      /* Invalidate all incrblob cursors open on table iTable (assuming iTable
010102      ** is the root of a table b-tree - if it is not, the following call is
010103      ** a no-op).  */
010104      if( p->hasIncrblobCur ){
010105        invalidateIncrblobCursors(p, (Pgno)iTable, 0, 1);
010106      }
010107      rc = clearDatabasePage(pBt, (Pgno)iTable, 0, pnChange);
010108    }
010109    sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
010110    return rc;
010111  }
010113  /*
010114  ** Delete all information from the single table that pCur is open on.
010115  **
010116  ** This routine only work for pCur on an ephemeral table.
010117  */
010118  int sqlite3BtreeClearTableOfCursor(BtCursor *pCur){
010119    return sqlite3BtreeClearTable(pCur->pBtree, pCur->pgnoRoot, 0);
010120  }
010122  /*
010123  ** Erase all information in a table and add the root of the table to
010124  ** the freelist.  Except, the root of the principle table (the one on
010125  ** page 1) is never added to the freelist.
010126  **
010127  ** This routine will fail with SQLITE_LOCKED if there are any open
010128  ** cursors on the table.
010129  **
010130  ** If AUTOVACUUM is enabled and the page at iTable is not the last
010131  ** root page in the database file, then the last root page
010132  ** in the database file is moved into the slot formerly occupied by
010133  ** iTable and that last slot formerly occupied by the last root page
010134  ** is added to the freelist instead of iTable.  In this say, all
010135  ** root pages are kept at the beginning of the database file, which
010136  ** is necessary for AUTOVACUUM to work right.  *piMoved is set to the
010137  ** page number that used to be the last root page in the file before
010138  ** the move.  If no page gets moved, *piMoved is set to 0.
010139  ** The last root page is recorded in meta[3] and the value of
010140  ** meta[3] is updated by this procedure.
010141  */
010142  static int btreeDropTable(Btree *p, Pgno iTable, int *piMoved){
010143    int rc;
010144    MemPage *pPage = 0;
010145    BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
010147    assert( sqlite3BtreeHoldsMutex(p) );
010148    assert( p->inTrans==TRANS_WRITE );
010149    assert( iTable>=2 );
010150    if( iTable>btreePagecount(pBt) ){
010151      return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
010152    }
010154    rc = sqlite3BtreeClearTable(p, iTable, 0);
010155    if( rc ) return rc;
010156    rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, (Pgno)iTable, &pPage, 0);
010157    if( NEVER(rc) ){
010158      releasePage(pPage);
010159      return rc;
010160    }
010162    *piMoved = 0;
010165    freePage(pPage, &rc);
010166    releasePage(pPage);
010167  #else
010168    if( pBt->autoVacuum ){
010169      Pgno maxRootPgno;
010170      sqlite3BtreeGetMeta(p, BTREE_LARGEST_ROOT_PAGE, &maxRootPgno);
010172      if( iTable==maxRootPgno ){
010173        /* If the table being dropped is the table with the largest root-page
010174        ** number in the database, put the root page on the free list.
010175        */
010176        freePage(pPage, &rc);
010177        releasePage(pPage);
010178        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
010179          return rc;
010180        }
010181      }else{
010182        /* The table being dropped does not have the largest root-page
010183        ** number in the database. So move the page that does into the
010184        ** gap left by the deleted root-page.
010185        */
010186        MemPage *pMove;
010187        releasePage(pPage);
010188        rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, maxRootPgno, &pMove, 0);
010189        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
010190          return rc;
010191        }
010192        rc = relocatePage(pBt, pMove, PTRMAP_ROOTPAGE, 0, iTable, 0);
010193        releasePage(pMove);
010194        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
010195          return rc;
010196        }
010197        pMove = 0;
010198        rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, maxRootPgno, &pMove, 0);
010199        freePage(pMove, &rc);
010200        releasePage(pMove);
010201        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
010202          return rc;
010203        }
010204        *piMoved = maxRootPgno;
010205      }
010207      /* Set the new 'max-root-page' value in the database header. This
010208      ** is the old value less one, less one more if that happens to
010209      ** be a root-page number, less one again if that is the
010210      ** PENDING_BYTE_PAGE.
010211      */
010212      maxRootPgno--;
010213      while( maxRootPgno==PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt)
010214             || PTRMAP_ISPAGE(pBt, maxRootPgno) ){
010215        maxRootPgno--;
010216      }
010217      assert( maxRootPgno!=PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) );
010219      rc = sqlite3BtreeUpdateMeta(p, 4, maxRootPgno);
010220    }else{
010221      freePage(pPage, &rc);
010222      releasePage(pPage);
010223    }
010224  #endif
010225    return rc; 
010226  }
010227  int sqlite3BtreeDropTable(Btree *p, int iTable, int *piMoved){
010228    int rc;
010229    sqlite3BtreeEnter(p);
010230    rc = btreeDropTable(p, iTable, piMoved);
010231    sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
010232    return rc;
010233  }
010236  /*
010237  ** This function may only be called if the b-tree connection already
010238  ** has a read or write transaction open on the database.
010239  **
010240  ** Read the meta-information out of a database file.  Meta[0]
010241  ** is the number of free pages currently in the database.  Meta[1]
010242  ** through meta[15] are available for use by higher layers.  Meta[0]
010243  ** is read-only, the others are read/write.
010244  **
010245  ** The schema layer numbers meta values differently.  At the schema
010246  ** layer (and the SetCookie and ReadCookie opcodes) the number of
010247  ** free pages is not visible.  So Cookie[0] is the same as Meta[1].
010248  **
010249  ** This routine treats Meta[BTREE_DATA_VERSION] as a special case.  Instead
010250  ** of reading the value out of the header, it instead loads the "DataVersion"
010251  ** from the pager.  The BTREE_DATA_VERSION value is not actually stored in the
010252  ** database file.  It is a number computed by the pager.  But its access
010253  ** pattern is the same as header meta values, and so it is convenient to
010254  ** read it from this routine.
010255  */
010256  void sqlite3BtreeGetMeta(Btree *p, int idx, u32 *pMeta){
010257    BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
010259    sqlite3BtreeEnter(p);
010260    assert( p->inTrans>TRANS_NONE );
010261    assert( SQLITE_OK==querySharedCacheTableLock(p, SCHEMA_ROOT, READ_LOCK) );
010262    assert( pBt->pPage1 );
010263    assert( idx>=0 && idx<=15 );
010265    if( idx==BTREE_DATA_VERSION ){
010266      *pMeta = sqlite3PagerDataVersion(pBt->pPager) + p->iBDataVersion;
010267    }else{
010268      *pMeta = get4byte(&pBt->pPage1->aData[36 + idx*4]);
010269    }
010271    /* If auto-vacuum is disabled in this build and this is an auto-vacuum
010272    ** database, mark the database as read-only.  */
010274    if( idx==BTREE_LARGEST_ROOT_PAGE && *pMeta>0 ){
010275      pBt->btsFlags |= BTS_READ_ONLY;
010276    }
010277  #endif
010279    sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
010280  }
010282  /*
010283  ** Write meta-information back into the database.  Meta[0] is
010284  ** read-only and may not be written.
010285  */
010286  int sqlite3BtreeUpdateMeta(Btree *p, int idx, u32 iMeta){
010287    BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
010288    unsigned char *pP1;
010289    int rc;
010290    assert( idx>=1 && idx<=15 );
010291    sqlite3BtreeEnter(p);
010292    assert( p->inTrans==TRANS_WRITE );
010293    assert( pBt->pPage1!=0 );
010294    pP1 = pBt->pPage1->aData;
010295    rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pBt->pPage1->pDbPage);
010296    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
010297      put4byte(&pP1[36 + idx*4], iMeta);
010299      if( idx==BTREE_INCR_VACUUM ){
010300        assert( pBt->autoVacuum || iMeta==0 );
010301        assert( iMeta==0 || iMeta==1 );
010302        pBt->incrVacuum = (u8)iMeta;
010303      }
010304  #endif
010305    }
010306    sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
010307    return rc;
010308  }
010310  /*
010311  ** The first argument, pCur, is a cursor opened on some b-tree. Count the
010312  ** number of entries in the b-tree and write the result to *pnEntry.
010313  **
010314  ** SQLITE_OK is returned if the operation is successfully executed.
010315  ** Otherwise, if an error is encountered (i.e. an IO error or database
010316  ** corruption) an SQLite error code is returned.
010317  */
010318  int sqlite3BtreeCount(sqlite3 *db, BtCursor *pCur, i64 *pnEntry){
010319    i64 nEntry = 0;                      /* Value to return in *pnEntry */
010320    int rc;                              /* Return code */
010322    rc = moveToRoot(pCur);
010323    if( rc==SQLITE_EMPTY ){
010324      *pnEntry = 0;
010325      return SQLITE_OK;
010326    }
010328    /* Unless an error occurs, the following loop runs one iteration for each
010329    ** page in the B-Tree structure (not including overflow pages).
010330    */
010331    while( rc==SQLITE_OK && !AtomicLoad(&db->u1.isInterrupted) ){
010332      int iIdx;                          /* Index of child node in parent */
010333      MemPage *pPage;                    /* Current page of the b-tree */
010335      /* If this is a leaf page or the tree is not an int-key tree, then
010336      ** this page contains countable entries. Increment the entry counter
010337      ** accordingly.
010338      */
010339      pPage = pCur->pPage;
010340      if( pPage->leaf || !pPage->intKey ){
010341        nEntry += pPage->nCell;
010342      }
010344      /* pPage is a leaf node. This loop navigates the cursor so that it
010345      ** points to the first interior cell that it points to the parent of
010346      ** the next page in the tree that has not yet been visited. The
010347      ** pCur->aiIdx[pCur->iPage] value is set to the index of the parent cell
010348      ** of the page, or to the number of cells in the page if the next page
010349      ** to visit is the right-child of its parent.
010350      **
010351      ** If all pages in the tree have been visited, return SQLITE_OK to the
010352      ** caller.
010353      */
010354      if( pPage->leaf ){
010355        do {
010356          if( pCur->iPage==0 ){
010357            /* All pages of the b-tree have been visited. Return successfully. */
010358            *pnEntry = nEntry;
010359            return moveToRoot(pCur);
010360          }
010361          moveToParent(pCur);
010362        }while ( pCur->ix>=pCur->pPage->nCell );
010364        pCur->ix++;
010365        pPage = pCur->pPage;
010366      }
010368      /* Descend to the child node of the cell that the cursor currently
010369      ** points at. This is the right-child if (iIdx==pPage->nCell).
010370      */
010371      iIdx = pCur->ix;
010372      if( iIdx==pPage->nCell ){
010373        rc = moveToChild(pCur, get4byte(&pPage->aData[pPage->hdrOffset+8]));
010374      }else{
010375        rc = moveToChild(pCur, get4byte(findCell(pPage, iIdx)));
010376      }
010377    }
010379    /* An error has occurred. Return an error code. */
010380    return rc;
010381  }
010383  /*
010384  ** Return the pager associated with a BTree.  This routine is used for
010385  ** testing and debugging only.
010386  */
010387  Pager *sqlite3BtreePager(Btree *p){
010388    return p->pBt->pPager;
010389  }
010392  /*
010393  ** Record an OOM error during integrity_check
010394  */
010395  static void checkOom(IntegrityCk *pCheck){
010396    pCheck->rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
010397    pCheck->mxErr = 0;  /* Causes integrity_check processing to stop */
010398    if( pCheck->nErr==0 ) pCheck->nErr++;
010399  }
010401  /*
010402  ** Invoke the progress handler, if appropriate.  Also check for an
010403  ** interrupt.
010404  */
010405  static void checkProgress(IntegrityCk *pCheck){
010406    sqlite3 *db = pCheck->db;
010407    if( AtomicLoad(&db->u1.isInterrupted) ){
010408      pCheck->rc = SQLITE_INTERRUPT;
010409      pCheck->nErr++;
010410      pCheck->mxErr = 0;
010411    }
010413    if( db->xProgress ){
010414      assert( db->nProgressOps>0 );
010415      pCheck->nStep++;
010416      if( (pCheck->nStep % db->nProgressOps)==0
010417       && db->xProgress(db->pProgressArg)
010418      ){
010419        pCheck->rc = SQLITE_INTERRUPT;
010420        pCheck->nErr++;
010421        pCheck->mxErr = 0;
010422      }
010423    }
010424  #endif
010425  }
010427  /*
010428  ** Append a message to the error message string.
010429  */
010430  static void checkAppendMsg(
010431    IntegrityCk *pCheck,
010432    const char *zFormat,
010433    ...
010434  ){
010435    va_list ap;
010436    checkProgress(pCheck);
010437    if( !pCheck->mxErr ) return;
010438    pCheck->mxErr--;
010439    pCheck->nErr++;
010440    va_start(ap, zFormat);
010441    if( pCheck->errMsg.nChar ){
010442      sqlite3_str_append(&pCheck->errMsg, "\n", 1);
010443    }
010444    if( pCheck->zPfx ){
010445      sqlite3_str_appendf(&pCheck->errMsg, pCheck->zPfx,
010446                          pCheck->v0, pCheck->v1, pCheck->v2);
010447    }
010448    sqlite3_str_vappendf(&pCheck->errMsg, zFormat, ap);
010449    va_end(ap);
010450    if( pCheck->errMsg.accError==SQLITE_NOMEM ){
010451      checkOom(pCheck);
010452    }
010453  }
010454  #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_INTEGRITY_CHECK */
010458  /*
010459  ** Return non-zero if the bit in the IntegrityCk.aPgRef[] array that
010460  ** corresponds to page iPg is already set.
010461  */
010462  static int getPageReferenced(IntegrityCk *pCheck, Pgno iPg){
010463    assert( iPg<=pCheck->nPage && sizeof(pCheck->aPgRef[0])==1 );
010464    return (pCheck->aPgRef[iPg/8] & (1 << (iPg & 0x07)));
010465  }
010467  /*
010468  ** Set the bit in the IntegrityCk.aPgRef[] array that corresponds to page iPg.
010469  */
010470  static void setPageReferenced(IntegrityCk *pCheck, Pgno iPg){
010471    assert( iPg<=pCheck->nPage && sizeof(pCheck->aPgRef[0])==1 );
010472    pCheck->aPgRef[iPg/8] |= (1 << (iPg & 0x07));
010473  }
010476  /*
010477  ** Add 1 to the reference count for page iPage.  If this is the second
010478  ** reference to the page, add an error message to pCheck->zErrMsg.
010479  ** Return 1 if there are 2 or more references to the page and 0 if
010480  ** if this is the first reference to the page.
010481  **
010482  ** Also check that the page number is in bounds.
010483  */
010484  static int checkRef(IntegrityCk *pCheck, Pgno iPage){
010485    if( iPage>pCheck->nPage || iPage==0 ){
010486      checkAppendMsg(pCheck, "invalid page number %u", iPage);
010487      return 1;
010488    }
010489    if( getPageReferenced(pCheck, iPage) ){
010490      checkAppendMsg(pCheck, "2nd reference to page %u", iPage);
010491      return 1;
010492    }
010493    setPageReferenced(pCheck, iPage);
010494    return 0;
010495  }
010498  /*
010499  ** Check that the entry in the pointer-map for page iChild maps to
010500  ** page iParent, pointer type ptrType. If not, append an error message
010501  ** to pCheck.
010502  */
010503  static void checkPtrmap(
010504    IntegrityCk *pCheck,   /* Integrity check context */
010505    Pgno iChild,           /* Child page number */
010506    u8 eType,              /* Expected pointer map type */
010507    Pgno iParent           /* Expected pointer map parent page number */
010508  ){
010509    int rc;
010510    u8 ePtrmapType;
010511    Pgno iPtrmapParent;
010513    rc = ptrmapGet(pCheck->pBt, iChild, &ePtrmapType, &iPtrmapParent);
010514    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
010515      if( rc==SQLITE_NOMEM || rc==SQLITE_IOERR_NOMEM ) checkOom(pCheck);
010516      checkAppendMsg(pCheck, "Failed to read ptrmap key=%u", iChild);
010517      return;
010518    }
010520    if( ePtrmapType!=eType || iPtrmapParent!=iParent ){
010521      checkAppendMsg(pCheck,
010522        "Bad ptr map entry key=%u expected=(%u,%u) got=(%u,%u)",
010523        iChild, eType, iParent, ePtrmapType, iPtrmapParent);
010524    }
010525  }
010526  #endif
010528  /*
010529  ** Check the integrity of the freelist or of an overflow page list.
010530  ** Verify that the number of pages on the list is N.
010531  */
010532  static void checkList(
010533    IntegrityCk *pCheck,  /* Integrity checking context */
010534    int isFreeList,       /* True for a freelist.  False for overflow page list */
010535    Pgno iPage,           /* Page number for first page in the list */
010536    u32 N                 /* Expected number of pages in the list */
010537  ){
010538    int i;
010539    u32 expected = N;
010540    int nErrAtStart = pCheck->nErr;
010541    while( iPage!=0 && pCheck->mxErr ){
010542      DbPage *pOvflPage;
010543      unsigned char *pOvflData;
010544      if( checkRef(pCheck, iPage) ) break;
010545      N--;
010546      if( sqlite3PagerGet(pCheck->pPager, (Pgno)iPage, &pOvflPage, 0) ){
010547        checkAppendMsg(pCheck, "failed to get page %u", iPage);
010548        break;
010549      }
010550      pOvflData = (unsigned char *)sqlite3PagerGetData(pOvflPage);
010551      if( isFreeList ){
010552        u32 n = (u32)get4byte(&pOvflData[4]);
010554        if( pCheck->pBt->autoVacuum ){
010555          checkPtrmap(pCheck, iPage, PTRMAP_FREEPAGE, 0);
010556        }
010557  #endif
010558        if( n>pCheck->pBt->usableSize/4-2 ){
010559          checkAppendMsg(pCheck,
010560             "freelist leaf count too big on page %u", iPage);
010561          N--;
010562        }else{
010563          for(i=0; i<(int)n; i++){
010564            Pgno iFreePage = get4byte(&pOvflData[8+i*4]);
010566            if( pCheck->pBt->autoVacuum ){
010567              checkPtrmap(pCheck, iFreePage, PTRMAP_FREEPAGE, 0);
010568            }
010569  #endif
010570            checkRef(pCheck, iFreePage);
010571          }
010572          N -= n;
010573        }
010574      }
010576      else{
010577        /* If this database supports auto-vacuum and iPage is not the last
010578        ** page in this overflow list, check that the pointer-map entry for
010579        ** the following page matches iPage.
010580        */
010581        if( pCheck->pBt->autoVacuum && N>0 ){
010582          i = get4byte(pOvflData);
010583          checkPtrmap(pCheck, i, PTRMAP_OVERFLOW2, iPage);
010584        }
010585      }
010586  #endif
010587      iPage = get4byte(pOvflData);
010588      sqlite3PagerUnref(pOvflPage);
010589    }
010590    if( N && nErrAtStart==pCheck->nErr ){
010591      checkAppendMsg(pCheck,
010592        "%s is %u but should be %u",
010593        isFreeList ? "size" : "overflow list length",
010594        expected-N, expected);
010595    }
010596  }
010597  #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_INTEGRITY_CHECK */
010599  /*
010600  ** An implementation of a min-heap.
010601  **
010602  ** aHeap[0] is the number of elements on the heap.  aHeap[1] is the
010603  ** root element.  The daughter nodes of aHeap[N] are aHeap[N*2]
010604  ** and aHeap[N*2+1].
010605  **
010606  ** The heap property is this:  Every node is less than or equal to both
010607  ** of its daughter nodes.  A consequence of the heap property is that the
010608  ** root node aHeap[1] is always the minimum value currently in the heap.
010609  **
010610  ** The btreeHeapInsert() routine inserts an unsigned 32-bit number onto
010611  ** the heap, preserving the heap property.  The btreeHeapPull() routine
010612  ** removes the root element from the heap (the minimum value in the heap)
010613  ** and then moves other nodes around as necessary to preserve the heap
010614  ** property.
010615  **
010616  ** This heap is used for cell overlap and coverage testing.  Each u32
010617  ** entry represents the span of a cell or freeblock on a btree page. 
010618  ** The upper 16 bits are the index of the first byte of a range and the
010619  ** lower 16 bits are the index of the last byte of that range.
010620  */
010621  static void btreeHeapInsert(u32 *aHeap, u32 x){
010622    u32 j, i;
010623    assert( aHeap!=0 );
010624    i = ++aHeap[0];
010625    aHeap[i] = x;
010626    while( (j = i/2)>0 && aHeap[j]>aHeap[i] ){
010627      x = aHeap[j];
010628      aHeap[j] = aHeap[i];
010629      aHeap[i] = x;
010630      i = j;
010631    }
010632  }
010633  static int btreeHeapPull(u32 *aHeap, u32 *pOut){
010634    u32 j, i, x;
010635    if( (x = aHeap[0])==0 ) return 0;
010636    *pOut = aHeap[1];
010637    aHeap[1] = aHeap[x];
010638    aHeap[x] = 0xffffffff;
010639    aHeap[0]--;
010640    i = 1;
010641    while( (j = i*2)<=aHeap[0] ){
010642      if( aHeap[j]>aHeap[j+1] ) j++;
010643      if( aHeap[i]<aHeap[j] ) break;
010644      x = aHeap[i];
010645      aHeap[i] = aHeap[j];
010646      aHeap[j] = x;
010647      i = j;
010648    }
010649    return 1; 
010650  }
010653  /*
010654  ** Do various sanity checks on a single page of a tree.  Return
010655  ** the tree depth.  Root pages return 0.  Parents of root pages
010656  ** return 1, and so forth.
010657  **
010658  ** These checks are done:
010659  **
010660  **      1.  Make sure that cells and freeblocks do not overlap
010661  **          but combine to completely cover the page.
010662  **      2.  Make sure integer cell keys are in order.
010663  **      3.  Check the integrity of overflow pages.
010664  **      4.  Recursively call checkTreePage on all children.
010665  **      5.  Verify that the depth of all children is the same.
010666  */
010667  static int checkTreePage(
010668    IntegrityCk *pCheck,  /* Context for the sanity check */
010669    Pgno iPage,           /* Page number of the page to check */
010670    i64 *piMinKey,        /* Write minimum integer primary key here */
010671    i64 maxKey            /* Error if integer primary key greater than this */
010672  ){
010673    MemPage *pPage = 0;      /* The page being analyzed */
010674    int i;                   /* Loop counter */
010675    int rc;                  /* Result code from subroutine call */
010676    int depth = -1, d2;      /* Depth of a subtree */
010677    int pgno;                /* Page number */
010678    int nFrag;               /* Number of fragmented bytes on the page */
010679    int hdr;                 /* Offset to the page header */
010680    int cellStart;           /* Offset to the start of the cell pointer array */
010681    int nCell;               /* Number of cells */
010682    int doCoverageCheck = 1; /* True if cell coverage checking should be done */
010683    int keyCanBeEqual = 1;   /* True if IPK can be equal to maxKey
010684                             ** False if IPK must be strictly less than maxKey */
010685    u8 *data;                /* Page content */
010686    u8 *pCell;               /* Cell content */
010687    u8 *pCellIdx;            /* Next element of the cell pointer array */
010688    BtShared *pBt;           /* The BtShared object that owns pPage */
010689    u32 pc;                  /* Address of a cell */
010690    u32 usableSize;          /* Usable size of the page */
010691    u32 contentOffset;       /* Offset to the start of the cell content area */
010692    u32 *heap = 0;           /* Min-heap used for checking cell coverage */
010693    u32 x, prev = 0;         /* Next and previous entry on the min-heap */
010694    const char *saved_zPfx = pCheck->zPfx;
010695    int saved_v1 = pCheck->v1;
010696    int saved_v2 = pCheck->v2;
010697    u8 savedIsInit = 0;
010699    /* Check that the page exists
010700    */
010701    checkProgress(pCheck);
010702    if( pCheck->mxErr==0 ) goto end_of_check;
010703    pBt = pCheck->pBt;
010704    usableSize = pBt->usableSize;
010705    if( iPage==0 ) return 0;
010706    if( checkRef(pCheck, iPage) ) return 0;
010707    pCheck->zPfx = "Tree %u page %u: ";
010708    pCheck->v1 = iPage;
010709    if( (rc = btreeGetPage(pBt, iPage, &pPage, 0))!=0 ){
010710      checkAppendMsg(pCheck,
010711         "unable to get the page. error code=%d", rc);
010712      goto end_of_check;
010713    }
010715    /* Clear MemPage.isInit to make sure the corruption detection code in
010716    ** btreeInitPage() is executed.  */
010717    savedIsInit = pPage->isInit;
010718    pPage->isInit = 0;
010719    if( (rc = btreeInitPage(pPage))!=0 ){
010720      assert( rc==SQLITE_CORRUPT );  /* The only possible error from InitPage */
010721      checkAppendMsg(pCheck,
010722                     "btreeInitPage() returns error code %d", rc);
010723      goto end_of_check;
010724    }
010725    if( (rc = btreeComputeFreeSpace(pPage))!=0 ){
010726      assert( rc==SQLITE_CORRUPT );
010727      checkAppendMsg(pCheck, "free space corruption", rc);
010728      goto end_of_check;
010729    }
010730    data = pPage->aData;
010731    hdr = pPage->hdrOffset;
010733    /* Set up for cell analysis */
010734    pCheck->zPfx = "Tree %u page %u cell %u: ";
010735    contentOffset = get2byteNotZero(&data[hdr+5]);
010736    assert( contentOffset<=usableSize );  /* Enforced by btreeInitPage() */
010738    /* EVIDENCE-OF: R-37002-32774 The two-byte integer at offset 3 gives the
010739    ** number of cells on the page. */
010740    nCell = get2byte(&data[hdr+3]);
010741    assert( pPage->nCell==nCell );
010743    /* EVIDENCE-OF: R-23882-45353 The cell pointer array of a b-tree page
010744    ** immediately follows the b-tree page header. */
010745    cellStart = hdr + 12 - 4*pPage->leaf;
010746    assert( pPage->aCellIdx==&data[cellStart] );
010747    pCellIdx = &data[cellStart + 2*(nCell-1)];
010749    if( !pPage->leaf ){
010750      /* Analyze the right-child page of internal pages */
010751      pgno = get4byte(&data[hdr+8]);
010753      if( pBt->autoVacuum ){
010754        pCheck->zPfx = "Tree %u page %u right child: ";
010755        checkPtrmap(pCheck, pgno, PTRMAP_BTREE, iPage);
010756      }
010757  #endif
010758      depth = checkTreePage(pCheck, pgno, &maxKey, maxKey);
010759      keyCanBeEqual = 0;
010760    }else{
010761      /* For leaf pages, the coverage check will occur in the same loop
010762      ** as the other cell checks, so initialize the heap.  */
010763      heap = pCheck->heap;
010764      heap[0] = 0;
010765    }
010767    /* EVIDENCE-OF: R-02776-14802 The cell pointer array consists of K 2-byte
010768    ** integer offsets to the cell contents. */
010769    for(i=nCell-1; i>=0 && pCheck->mxErr; i--){
010770      CellInfo info;
010772      /* Check cell size */
010773      pCheck->v2 = i;
010774      assert( pCellIdx==&data[cellStart + i*2] );
010775      pc = get2byteAligned(pCellIdx);
010776      pCellIdx -= 2;
010777      if( pc<contentOffset || pc>usableSize-4 ){
010778        checkAppendMsg(pCheck, "Offset %u out of range %u..%u",
010779                               pc, contentOffset, usableSize-4);
010780        doCoverageCheck = 0;
010781        continue;
010782      }
010783      pCell = &data[pc];
010784      pPage->xParseCell(pPage, pCell, &info);
010785      if( pc+info.nSize>usableSize ){
010786        checkAppendMsg(pCheck, "Extends off end of page");
010787        doCoverageCheck = 0;
010788        continue;
010789      }
010791      /* Check for integer primary key out of range */
010792      if( pPage->intKey ){
010793        if( keyCanBeEqual ? (info.nKey > maxKey) : (info.nKey >= maxKey) ){
010794          checkAppendMsg(pCheck, "Rowid %lld out of order", info.nKey);
010795        }
010796        maxKey = info.nKey;
010797        keyCanBeEqual = 0;     /* Only the first key on the page may ==maxKey */
010798      }
010800      /* Check the content overflow list */
010801      if( info.nPayload>info.nLocal ){
010802        u32 nPage;       /* Number of pages on the overflow chain */
010803        Pgno pgnoOvfl;   /* First page of the overflow chain */
010804        assert( pc + info.nSize - 4 <= usableSize );
010805        nPage = (info.nPayload - info.nLocal + usableSize - 5)/(usableSize - 4);
010806        pgnoOvfl = get4byte(&pCell[info.nSize - 4]);
010808        if( pBt->autoVacuum ){
010809          checkPtrmap(pCheck, pgnoOvfl, PTRMAP_OVERFLOW1, iPage);
010810        }
010811  #endif
010812        checkList(pCheck, 0, pgnoOvfl, nPage);
010813      }
010815      if( !pPage->leaf ){
010816        /* Check sanity of left child page for internal pages */
010817        pgno = get4byte(pCell);
010819        if( pBt->autoVacuum ){
010820          checkPtrmap(pCheck, pgno, PTRMAP_BTREE, iPage);
010821        }
010822  #endif
010823        d2 = checkTreePage(pCheck, pgno, &maxKey, maxKey);
010824        keyCanBeEqual = 0;
010825        if( d2!=depth ){
010826          checkAppendMsg(pCheck, "Child page depth differs");
010827          depth = d2;
010828        }
010829      }else{
010830        /* Populate the coverage-checking heap for leaf pages */
010831        btreeHeapInsert(heap, (pc<<16)|(pc+info.nSize-1));
010832      }
010833    }
010834    *piMinKey = maxKey;
010836    /* Check for complete coverage of the page
010837    */
010838    pCheck->zPfx = 0;
010839    if( doCoverageCheck && pCheck->mxErr>0 ){
010840      /* For leaf pages, the min-heap has already been initialized and the
010841      ** cells have already been inserted.  But for internal pages, that has
010842      ** not yet been done, so do it now */
010843      if( !pPage->leaf ){
010844        heap = pCheck->heap;
010845        heap[0] = 0;
010846        for(i=nCell-1; i>=0; i--){
010847          u32 size;
010848          pc = get2byteAligned(&data[cellStart+i*2]);
010849          size = pPage->xCellSize(pPage, &data[pc]);
010850          btreeHeapInsert(heap, (pc<<16)|(pc+size-1));
010851        }
010852      }
010853      /* Add the freeblocks to the min-heap
010854      **
010855      ** EVIDENCE-OF: R-20690-50594 The second field of the b-tree page header
010856      ** is the offset of the first freeblock, or zero if there are no
010857      ** freeblocks on the page.
010858      */
010859      i = get2byte(&data[hdr+1]);
010860      while( i>0 ){
010861        int size, j;
010862        assert( (u32)i<=usableSize-4 ); /* Enforced by btreeComputeFreeSpace() */
010863        size = get2byte(&data[i+2]);
010864        assert( (u32)(i+size)<=usableSize ); /* due to btreeComputeFreeSpace() */
010865        btreeHeapInsert(heap, (((u32)i)<<16)|(i+size-1));
010866        /* EVIDENCE-OF: R-58208-19414 The first 2 bytes of a freeblock are a
010867        ** big-endian integer which is the offset in the b-tree page of the next
010868        ** freeblock in the chain, or zero if the freeblock is the last on the
010869        ** chain. */
010870        j = get2byte(&data[i]);
010871        /* EVIDENCE-OF: R-06866-39125 Freeblocks are always connected in order of
010872        ** increasing offset. */
010873        assert( j==0 || j>i+size );     /* Enforced by btreeComputeFreeSpace() */
010874        assert( (u32)j<=usableSize-4 ); /* Enforced by btreeComputeFreeSpace() */
010875        i = j;
010876      }
010877      /* Analyze the min-heap looking for overlap between cells and/or
010878      ** freeblocks, and counting the number of untracked bytes in nFrag.
010879      **
010880      ** Each min-heap entry is of the form:    (start_address<<16)|end_address.
010881      ** There is an implied first entry the covers the page header, the cell
010882      ** pointer index, and the gap between the cell pointer index and the start
010883      ** of cell content. 
010884      **
010885      ** The loop below pulls entries from the min-heap in order and compares
010886      ** the start_address against the previous end_address.  If there is an
010887      ** overlap, that means bytes are used multiple times.  If there is a gap,
010888      ** that gap is added to the fragmentation count.
010889      */
010890      nFrag = 0;
010891      prev = contentOffset - 1;   /* Implied first min-heap entry */
010892      while( btreeHeapPull(heap,&x) ){
010893        if( (prev&0xffff)>=(x>>16) ){
010894          checkAppendMsg(pCheck,
010895            "Multiple uses for byte %u of page %u", x>>16, iPage);
010896          break;
010897        }else{
010898          nFrag += (x>>16) - (prev&0xffff) - 1;
010899          prev = x;
010900        }
010901      }
010902      nFrag += usableSize - (prev&0xffff) - 1;
010903      /* EVIDENCE-OF: R-43263-13491 The total number of bytes in all fragments
010904      ** is stored in the fifth field of the b-tree page header.
010905      ** EVIDENCE-OF: R-07161-27322 The one-byte integer at offset 7 gives the
010906      ** number of fragmented free bytes within the cell content area.
010907      */
010908      if( heap[0]==0 && nFrag!=data[hdr+7] ){
010909        checkAppendMsg(pCheck,
010910            "Fragmentation of %u bytes reported as %u on page %u",
010911            nFrag, data[hdr+7], iPage);
010912      }
010913    }
010915  end_of_check:
010916    if( !doCoverageCheck ) pPage->isInit = savedIsInit;
010917    releasePage(pPage);
010918    pCheck->zPfx = saved_zPfx;
010919    pCheck->v1 = saved_v1;
010920    pCheck->v2 = saved_v2;
010921    return depth+1;
010922  }
010923  #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_INTEGRITY_CHECK */
010926  /*
010927  ** This routine does a complete check of the given BTree file.  aRoot[] is
010928  ** an array of pages numbers were each page number is the root page of
010929  ** a table.  nRoot is the number of entries in aRoot.
010930  **
010931  ** A read-only or read-write transaction must be opened before calling
010932  ** this function.
010933  **
010934  ** Write the number of error seen in *pnErr.  Except for some memory
010935  ** allocation errors,  an error message held in memory obtained from
010936  ** malloc is returned if *pnErr is non-zero.  If *pnErr==0 then NULL is
010937  ** returned.  If a memory allocation error occurs, NULL is returned.
010938  **
010939  ** If the first entry in aRoot[] is 0, that indicates that the list of
010940  ** root pages is incomplete.  This is a "partial integrity-check".  This
010941  ** happens when performing an integrity check on a single table.  The
010942  ** zero is skipped, of course.  But in addition, the freelist checks
010943  ** and the checks to make sure every page is referenced are also skipped,
010944  ** since obviously it is not possible to know which pages are covered by
010945  ** the unverified btrees.  Except, if aRoot[1] is 1, then the freelist
010946  ** checks are still performed.
010947  */
010948  int sqlite3BtreeIntegrityCheck(
010949    sqlite3 *db,  /* Database connection that is running the check */
010950    Btree *p,     /* The btree to be checked */
010951    Pgno *aRoot,  /* An array of root pages numbers for individual trees */
010952    int nRoot,    /* Number of entries in aRoot[] */
010953    int mxErr,    /* Stop reporting errors after this many */
010954    int *pnErr,   /* OUT: Write number of errors seen to this variable */
010955    char **pzOut  /* OUT: Write the error message string here */
010956  ){
010957    Pgno i;
010958    IntegrityCk sCheck;
010959    BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
010960    u64 savedDbFlags = pBt->db->flags;
010961    char zErr[100];
010962    int bPartial = 0;            /* True if not checking all btrees */
010963    int bCkFreelist = 1;         /* True to scan the freelist */
010964    VVA_ONLY( int nRef );
010965    assert( nRoot>0 );
010967    /* aRoot[0]==0 means this is a partial check */
010968    if( aRoot[0]==0 ){
010969      assert( nRoot>1 );
010970      bPartial = 1;
010971      if( aRoot[1]!=1 ) bCkFreelist = 0;
010972    }
010974    sqlite3BtreeEnter(p);
010975    assert( p->inTrans>TRANS_NONE && pBt->inTransaction>TRANS_NONE );
010976    VVA_ONLY( nRef = sqlite3PagerRefcount(pBt->pPager) );
010977    assert( nRef>=0 );
010978    memset(&sCheck, 0, sizeof(sCheck));
010979    sCheck.db = db;
010980    sCheck.pBt = pBt;
010981    sCheck.pPager = pBt->pPager;
010982    sCheck.nPage = btreePagecount(sCheck.pBt);
010983    sCheck.mxErr = mxErr;
010984    sqlite3StrAccumInit(&sCheck.errMsg, 0, zErr, sizeof(zErr), SQLITE_MAX_LENGTH);
010985    sCheck.errMsg.printfFlags = SQLITE_PRINTF_INTERNAL;
010986    if( sCheck.nPage==0 ){
010987      goto integrity_ck_cleanup;
010988    }
010990    sCheck.aPgRef = sqlite3MallocZero((sCheck.nPage / 8)+ 1);
010991    if( !sCheck.aPgRef ){
010992      checkOom(&sCheck);
010993      goto integrity_ck_cleanup;
010994    }
010995    sCheck.heap = (u32*)sqlite3PageMalloc( pBt->pageSize );
010996    if( sCheck.heap==0 ){
010997      checkOom(&sCheck);
010998      goto integrity_ck_cleanup;
010999    }
011001    i = PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt);
011002    if( i<=sCheck.nPage ) setPageReferenced(&sCheck, i);
011004    /* Check the integrity of the freelist
011005    */
011006    if( bCkFreelist ){
011007      sCheck.zPfx = "Freelist: ";
011008      checkList(&sCheck, 1, get4byte(&pBt->pPage1->aData[32]),
011009                get4byte(&pBt->pPage1->aData[36]));
011010      sCheck.zPfx = 0;
011011    }
011013    /* Check all the tables.
011014    */
011016    if( !bPartial ){
011017      if( pBt->autoVacuum ){
011018        Pgno mx = 0;
011019        Pgno mxInHdr;
011020        for(i=0; (int)i<nRoot; i++) if( mx<aRoot[i] ) mx = aRoot[i];
011021        mxInHdr = get4byte(&pBt->pPage1->aData[52]);
011022        if( mx!=mxInHdr ){
011023          checkAppendMsg(&sCheck,
011024            "max rootpage (%u) disagrees with header (%u)",
011025            mx, mxInHdr
011026          );
011027        }
011028      }else if( get4byte(&pBt->pPage1->aData[64])!=0 ){
011029        checkAppendMsg(&sCheck,
011030          "incremental_vacuum enabled with a max rootpage of zero"
011031        );
011032      }
011033    }
011034  #endif
011035    testcase( pBt->db->flags & SQLITE_CellSizeCk );
011036    pBt->db->flags &= ~(u64)SQLITE_CellSizeCk;
011037    for(i=0; (int)i<nRoot && sCheck.mxErr; i++){
011038      i64 notUsed;
011039      if( aRoot[i]==0 ) continue;
011041      if( pBt->autoVacuum && aRoot[i]>1 && !bPartial ){
011042        checkPtrmap(&sCheck, aRoot[i], PTRMAP_ROOTPAGE, 0);
011043      }
011044  #endif
011045      sCheck.v0 = aRoot[i];
011046      checkTreePage(&sCheck, aRoot[i], &notUsed, LARGEST_INT64);
011047    }
011048    pBt->db->flags = savedDbFlags;
011050    /* Make sure every page in the file is referenced
011051    */
011052    if( !bPartial ){
011053      for(i=1; i<=sCheck.nPage && sCheck.mxErr; i++){
011055        if( getPageReferenced(&sCheck, i)==0 ){
011056          checkAppendMsg(&sCheck, "Page %u: never used", i);
011057        }
011058  #else
011059        /* If the database supports auto-vacuum, make sure no tables contain
011060        ** references to pointer-map pages.
011061        */
011062        if( getPageReferenced(&sCheck, i)==0 &&
011063           (PTRMAP_PAGENO(pBt, i)!=i || !pBt->autoVacuum) ){
011064          checkAppendMsg(&sCheck, "Page %u: never used", i);
011065        }
011066        if( getPageReferenced(&sCheck, i)!=0 &&
011067           (PTRMAP_PAGENO(pBt, i)==i && pBt->autoVacuum) ){
011068          checkAppendMsg(&sCheck, "Page %u: pointer map referenced", i);
011069        }
011070  #endif
011071      }
011072    }
011074    /* Clean  up and report errors.
011075    */
011076  integrity_ck_cleanup:
011077    sqlite3PageFree(sCheck.heap);
011078    sqlite3_free(sCheck.aPgRef);
011079    *pnErr = sCheck.nErr;
011080    if( sCheck.nErr==0 ){
011081      sqlite3_str_reset(&sCheck.errMsg);
011082      *pzOut = 0;
011083    }else{
011084      *pzOut = sqlite3StrAccumFinish(&sCheck.errMsg);
011085    }
011086    /* Make sure this analysis did not leave any unref() pages. */
011087    assert( nRef==sqlite3PagerRefcount(pBt->pPager) );
011088    sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
011089    return sCheck.rc;
011090  }
011091  #endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_INTEGRITY_CHECK */
011093  /*
011094  ** Return the full pathname of the underlying database file.  Return
011095  ** an empty string if the database is in-memory or a TEMP database.
011096  **
011097  ** The pager filename is invariant as long as the pager is
011098  ** open so it is safe to access without the BtShared mutex.
011099  */
011100  const char *sqlite3BtreeGetFilename(Btree *p){
011101    assert( p->pBt->pPager!=0 );
011102    return sqlite3PagerFilename(p->pBt->pPager, 1);
011103  }
011105  /*
011106  ** Return the pathname of the journal file for this database. The return
011107  ** value of this routine is the same regardless of whether the journal file
011108  ** has been created or not.
011109  **
011110  ** The pager journal filename is invariant as long as the pager is
011111  ** open so it is safe to access without the BtShared mutex.
011112  */
011113  const char *sqlite3BtreeGetJournalname(Btree *p){
011114    assert( p->pBt->pPager!=0 );
011115    return sqlite3PagerJournalname(p->pBt->pPager);
011116  }
011118  /*
011120  ** to describe the current transaction state of Btree p.
011121  */
011122  int sqlite3BtreeTxnState(Btree *p){
011123    assert( p==0 || sqlite3_mutex_held(p->db->mutex) );
011124    return p ? p->inTrans : 0;
011125  }
011127  #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_WAL
011128  /*
011129  ** Run a checkpoint on the Btree passed as the first argument.
011130  **
011131  ** Return SQLITE_LOCKED if this or any other connection has an open
011132  ** transaction on the shared-cache the argument Btree is connected to.
011133  **
011134  ** Parameter eMode is one of SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_PASSIVE, FULL or RESTART.
011135  */
011136  int sqlite3BtreeCheckpoint(Btree *p, int eMode, int *pnLog, int *pnCkpt){
011137    int rc = SQLITE_OK;
011138    if( p ){
011139      BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
011140      sqlite3BtreeEnter(p);
011141      if( pBt->inTransaction!=TRANS_NONE ){
011142        rc = SQLITE_LOCKED;
011143      }else{
011144        rc = sqlite3PagerCheckpoint(pBt->pPager, p->db, eMode, pnLog, pnCkpt);
011145      }
011146      sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
011147    }
011148    return rc;
011149  }
011150  #endif
011152  /*
011153  ** Return true if there is currently a backup running on Btree p.
011154  */
011155  int sqlite3BtreeIsInBackup(Btree *p){
011156    assert( p );
011157    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(p->db->mutex) );
011158    return p->nBackup!=0;
011159  }
011161  /*
011162  ** This function returns a pointer to a blob of memory associated with
011163  ** a single shared-btree. The memory is used by client code for its own
011164  ** purposes (for example, to store a high-level schema associated with
011165  ** the shared-btree). The btree layer manages reference counting issues.
011166  **
011167  ** The first time this is called on a shared-btree, nBytes bytes of memory
011168  ** are allocated, zeroed, and returned to the caller. For each subsequent
011169  ** call the nBytes parameter is ignored and a pointer to the same blob
011170  ** of memory returned.
011171  **
011172  ** If the nBytes parameter is 0 and the blob of memory has not yet been
011173  ** allocated, a null pointer is returned. If the blob has already been
011174  ** allocated, it is returned as normal.
011175  **
011176  ** Just before the shared-btree is closed, the function passed as the
011177  ** xFree argument when the memory allocation was made is invoked on the
011178  ** blob of allocated memory. The xFree function should not call sqlite3_free()
011179  ** on the memory, the btree layer does that.
011180  */
011181  void *sqlite3BtreeSchema(Btree *p, int nBytes, void(*xFree)(void *)){
011182    BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
011183    sqlite3BtreeEnter(p);
011184    if( !pBt->pSchema && nBytes ){
011185      pBt->pSchema = sqlite3DbMallocZero(0, nBytes);
011186      pBt->xFreeSchema = xFree;
011187    }
011188    sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
011189    return pBt->pSchema;
011190  }
011192  /*
011193  ** Return SQLITE_LOCKED_SHAREDCACHE if another user of the same shared
011194  ** btree as the argument handle holds an exclusive lock on the
011195  ** sqlite_schema table. Otherwise SQLITE_OK.
011196  */
011197  int sqlite3BtreeSchemaLocked(Btree *p){
011198    int rc;
011199    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(p->db->mutex) );
011200    sqlite3BtreeEnter(p);
011201    rc = querySharedCacheTableLock(p, SCHEMA_ROOT, READ_LOCK);
011202    assert( rc==SQLITE_OK || rc==SQLITE_LOCKED_SHAREDCACHE );
011203    sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
011204    return rc;
011205  }
011209  /*
011210  ** Obtain a lock on the table whose root page is iTab.  The
011211  ** lock is a write lock if isWritelock is true or a read lock
011212  ** if it is false.
011213  */
011214  int sqlite3BtreeLockTable(Btree *p, int iTab, u8 isWriteLock){
011215    int rc = SQLITE_OK;
011216    assert( p->inTrans!=TRANS_NONE );
011217    if( p->sharable ){
011218      u8 lockType = READ_LOCK + isWriteLock;
011219      assert( READ_LOCK+1==WRITE_LOCK );
011220      assert( isWriteLock==0 || isWriteLock==1 );
011222      sqlite3BtreeEnter(p);
011223      rc = querySharedCacheTableLock(p, iTab, lockType);
011224      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
011225        rc = setSharedCacheTableLock(p, iTab, lockType);
011226      }
011227      sqlite3BtreeLeave(p);
011228    }
011229    return rc;
011230  }
011231  #endif
011233  #ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_INCRBLOB
011234  /*
011235  ** Argument pCsr must be a cursor opened for writing on an
011236  ** INTKEY table currently pointing at a valid table entry.
011237  ** This function modifies the data stored as part of that entry.
011238  **
011239  ** Only the data content may only be modified, it is not possible to
011240  ** change the length of the data stored. If this function is called with
011241  ** parameters that attempt to write past the end of the existing data,
011242  ** no modifications are made and SQLITE_CORRUPT is returned.
011243  */
011244  int sqlite3BtreePutData(BtCursor *pCsr, u32 offset, u32 amt, void *z){
011245    int rc;
011246    assert( cursorOwnsBtShared(pCsr) );
011247    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pCsr->pBtree->db->mutex) );
011248    assert( pCsr->curFlags & BTCF_Incrblob );
011250    rc = restoreCursorPosition(pCsr);
011251    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
011252      return rc;
011253    }
011254    assert( pCsr->eState!=CURSOR_REQUIRESEEK );
011255    if( pCsr->eState!=CURSOR_VALID ){
011256      return SQLITE_ABORT;
011257    }
011259    /* Save the positions of all other cursors open on this table. This is
011260    ** required in case any of them are holding references to an xFetch
011261    ** version of the b-tree page modified by the accessPayload call below.
011262    **
011263    ** Note that pCsr must be open on a INTKEY table and saveCursorPosition()
011264    ** and hence saveAllCursors() cannot fail on a BTREE_INTKEY table, hence
011265    ** saveAllCursors can only return SQLITE_OK.
011266    */
011267    VVA_ONLY(rc =) saveAllCursors(pCsr->pBt, pCsr->pgnoRoot, pCsr);
011268    assert( rc==SQLITE_OK );
011270    /* Check some assumptions:
011271    **   (a) the cursor is open for writing,
011272    **   (b) there is a read/write transaction open,
011273    **   (c) the connection holds a write-lock on the table (if required),
011274    **   (d) there are no conflicting read-locks, and
011275    **   (e) the cursor points at a valid row of an intKey table.
011276    */
011277    if( (pCsr->curFlags & BTCF_WriteFlag)==0 ){
011278      return SQLITE_READONLY;
011279    }
011280    assert( (pCsr->pBt->btsFlags & BTS_READ_ONLY)==0
011281                && pCsr->pBt->inTransaction==TRANS_WRITE );
011282    assert( hasSharedCacheTableLock(pCsr->pBtree, pCsr->pgnoRoot, 0, 2) );
011283    assert( !hasReadConflicts(pCsr->pBtree, pCsr->pgnoRoot) );
011284    assert( pCsr->pPage->intKey );
011286    return accessPayload(pCsr, offset, amt, (unsigned char *)z, 1);
011287  }
011289  /*
011290  ** Mark this cursor as an incremental blob cursor.
011291  */
011292  void sqlite3BtreeIncrblobCursor(BtCursor *pCur){
011293    pCur->curFlags |= BTCF_Incrblob;
011294    pCur->pBtree->hasIncrblobCur = 1;
011295  }
011296  #endif
011298  /*
011299  ** Set both the "read version" (single byte at byte offset 18) and
011300  ** "write version" (single byte at byte offset 19) fields in the database
011301  ** header to iVersion.
011302  */
011303  int sqlite3BtreeSetVersion(Btree *pBtree, int iVersion){
011304    BtShared *pBt = pBtree->pBt;
011305    int rc;                         /* Return code */
011307    assert( iVersion==1 || iVersion==2 );
011309    /* If setting the version fields to 1, do not automatically open the
011310    ** WAL connection, even if the version fields are currently set to 2.
011311    */
011312    pBt->btsFlags &= ~BTS_NO_WAL;
011313    if( iVersion==1 ) pBt->btsFlags |= BTS_NO_WAL;
011315    rc = sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(pBtree, 0, 0);
011316    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
011317      u8 *aData = pBt->pPage1->aData;
011318      if( aData[18]!=(u8)iVersion || aData[19]!=(u8)iVersion ){
011319        rc = sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(pBtree, 2, 0);
011320        if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
011321          rc = sqlite3PagerWrite(pBt->pPage1->pDbPage);
011322          if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
011323            aData[18] = (u8)iVersion;
011324            aData[19] = (u8)iVersion;
011325          }
011326        }
011327      }
011328    }
011330    pBt->btsFlags &= ~BTS_NO_WAL;
011331    return rc;
011332  }
011334  /*
011335  ** Return true if the cursor has a hint specified.  This routine is
011336  ** only used from within assert() statements
011337  */
011338  int sqlite3BtreeCursorHasHint(BtCursor *pCsr, unsigned int mask){
011339    return (pCsr->hints & mask)!=0;
011340  }
011342  /*
011343  ** Return true if the given Btree is read-only.
011344  */
011345  int sqlite3BtreeIsReadonly(Btree *p){
011346    return (p->pBt->btsFlags & BTS_READ_ONLY)!=0;
011347  }
011349  /*
011350  ** Return the size of the header added to each page by this module.
011351  */
011352  int sqlite3HeaderSizeBtree(void){ return ROUND8(sizeof(MemPage)); }
011354  /*
011355  ** If no transaction is active and the database is not a temp-db, clear
011356  ** the in-memory pager cache.
011357  */
011358  void sqlite3BtreeClearCache(Btree *p){
011359    BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
011360    if( pBt->inTransaction==TRANS_NONE ){
011361      sqlite3PagerClearCache(pBt->pPager);
011362    }
011363  }
011365  #if !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_SHARED_CACHE)
011366  /*
011367  ** Return true if the Btree passed as the only argument is sharable.
011368  */
011369  int sqlite3BtreeSharable(Btree *p){
011370    return p->sharable;
011371  }
011373  /*
011374  ** Return the number of connections to the BtShared object accessed by
011375  ** the Btree handle passed as the only argument. For private caches
011376  ** this is always 1. For shared caches it may be 1 or greater.
011377  */
011378  int sqlite3BtreeConnectionCount(Btree *p){
011379    testcase( p->sharable );
011380    return p->pBt->nRef;
011381  }
011382  #endif