Requirements numbering: A12345 A: F - Functional requirements a.k.a "high-level" D - Derived requirements A - Advice. Target behavior. Non-binding objectives. L - Limitations. Requirements for using SQLite F1---- C interface F10--- global state F100-- version F101-- threadsafe F102-- constants F11--- VFS F12--- Database connection F121-- sqlite3_exec F1220- enable extended result codes. F1222- sqlite3_last_insert_rowid F1224- sqlite3_changes & sqlite3_total_changes F1227- sqlite3_interrupt F1228- trace and profile callbacks F1234- busy handler F1237- sqlite3_get_table F125-- authorizer F126-- load extension F127-- sqlite3_open F128-- Error handling F129-- callback interfaces F13--- Prepared statements F135-- binding values to prepared statements F137-- sqlite3_column_xxx() F14--- F15--- sqlite3_value F151-- sqlite3_value_xxx() F16--- Extension mechanisms F161-- create function F162-- aggregate context, etc. F163-- soft heap limit F164-- sqlite3_result_xxx() F166-- Create collation F167-- Collation needed F17--- F170-- Mutexing F173-- Memory allocation F174-- Printf F178-- Incremental blob I/O F18--- Virtual tables F19--- F2---- File Format