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Artifact [f12bb6caa5]

Artifact f12bb6caa55ff6e7f0b7559aa41537758d642e86:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<title>Compilation Options For SQLite</title>

<h1>1.0 Compilation Options For SQLite</h1>

For most purposes, SQLite can be built just fine using the default
compilation options. However, if required, the compile-time options
documented below can be used to 
<a href="#omitfeatures">omit SQLite features</a> (resulting in
a smaller compiled library size) or to change the
<a href="#defaults">default values</a> of some parameters.

Every effort has been made to ensure that the various combinations
of compilation options work harmoniously and produce a working library.
Nevertheless, it is strongly recommended that the SQLite test-suite
be executed to check for errors before using an SQLite library built
with non-standard compilation options.
<a name="defaults"></a>
<h2>1.1 Options To Set Default Parameter Values</h2>

proc COMPILE_OPTION {name text} {
  if {[regexp {SQLITE_([A-Z0-9_]+)} $name all label]} {
    hd_fragment [string tolower $label]
    hd_keywords $all
  if {[regexp {^YY([A-Z0-9_]+)} $name all label]} {
    hd_fragment [string tolower $all]
    hd_keywords $all
  hd_puts <p><b>$name</b></p>
  regsub -all "\n\\s*\n" $text "</p>\n\n<p>" text
  hd_resolve <blockquote><p>$text</p></blockquote>

  This macro determines if SQLite creates databases with the 
  [auto_vacuum] flag set by default. The default value is 0 
  (do not create auto-vacuum databases). In any case the
  compile-time default may be overridden by the 
  [PRAGMA auto_vacuum] command.

  This macro sets the default size of the page-cache for each attached
  database, in pages. This can be overridden by the 
  [PRAGMA cache_size] command. The default value is 2000.

  The default schema-level file format used by SQLite when creating
  new database files is set by this macro.  The file formats are all
  very similar.  The difference between formats 1 and 4 is that format
  4 understands descending indices and has a tighter encoding for
  boolean values.

  SQLite (as of [version 3.6.0]) can read and write any file format
  between 1 and 4.  But older versions of SQLite might not be able to
  read formats greater than 1.  So that older versions of SQLite will
  be able to read and write database files created by newer versions
  of SQLite, the default file format is set to 1 for maximum

  The file format for a new database can be set at runtime using
  the [PRAGMA legacy_file_format] command.

  This option sets the size limit on rollback journal files in
  [journal_mode pragma | persistent journal mode].  When this 
  compile-time option is omitted there is no upper bound on the
  size of the rollback journal file.  The journal file size limit
  can be changed at run-time using the [journal_size_limit pragma].

  This macro is used to determine whether or not the features enabled and
  disabled using the SQLITE_CONFIG_MEMSTATUS argument to [sqlite3_config()]
  are available by default. The default value is 1 ([SQLITE_CONFIG_MEMSTATUS]
  related features enabled).

  This macro is used to set the default page-size used when a
  database is created. The value assigned must be a power of 2. The
  default value is 1024. The compile-time default may be overridden at 
  runtime by the [PRAGMA page_size] command.

  This macro sets the default size of the page-cache for temporary files
  created by SQLite to store intermediate results, in pages. It does
  not affect the page-cache for the temp database, where tables created
  using [CREATE TABLE | CREATE TEMP TABLE] are stored. The default value
  is 500.

COMPILE_OPTION {YYSTACKDEPTH=<i>&lt;max_depth&gt;</i>} {
  This macro sets the maximum depth of the LALR(1) stack used by
  the SQL parser within SQLite.  The default value is 100.  A typical
  application will use less than about 20 levels of the stack.
  Developers whose applications contain SQL statements that 
  need more than 100 LALR(1) stack entries should seriously
  consider refactoring their SQL as it is likely to be well beyond
  the ability of any human to comprehend.

<h2>1.2 Options To Set Size Limits</h2>

<p>There are compile-time options that will set upper bounds
on the sizes of various structures in SQLite.  The compile-time
options normally set a hard upper bound that can be changed
at run-time on individual [database connections] using the
[sqlite3_limit()] interface.</p>

<p>The compile-time options for setting upper bounds are
[limits | documented separately].  The following is a list of
the available settings:</p>

<li> [SQLITE_MAX_COLUMN]  </li>
<li> [SQLITE_MAX_LENGTH]  </li>
<li> [SQLITE_MAX_PAGE_SIZE]  </li>

<a name="controlfeatures"></a>
<h2>1.3 Options To Control Operating Characteristics</h2>

COMPILE_OPTION {SQLITE_OS_OTHER=<i>&lt;0 or 1&gt;</i>} {
  The option causes SQLite to omit its built-in operating system interfaces
  for Unix, Windows, and OS/2.  The resulting library will have no default
  [sqlite3_vfs | operating system interface].  Applications must use
  [sqlite3_vfs_register()] to register an appropriate interface before
  using SQLite.  Applications must also supply implementations for the
  [sqlite3_os_init()] and [sqlite3_os_end()] interfaces.  The usual practice
  is for the supplied [sqlite3_os_init()] to invoke [sqlite3_vfs_register()].
  SQLite will automatically invoke [sqlite3_os_init()] when it initializes.

  This option is typically used when building SQLite for an embedded
  platform with a custom operating system.

  This compile-time option causes SQLite to overwrite deleted
  information with zeros in addition to marking the space
  as available for reuse.  Without this option, deleted data
  might be recoverable from a database using a binary editor.
  However, there is a performance penalty for using this option.

  This option does <u>not</u> cause deleted data is securely
  removed from the underlying storage media.

COMPILE_OPTION {SQLITE_THREADSAFE=<i>&lt;0 or 1 or 2&gt;</i>} {
  This option controls whether or not code is included in SQLite to
  enable it to operate safely in a multithreaded environment.  The
  default is SQLITE_THREADSAFE=1 which is safe for use in a multithreaded
  environment.  When compiled with SQLITE_THREADSAFE=0 all mutexing code
  is omitted and it is unsafe to use SQLite in a multithreaded program.
  When compiled with SQLITE_THREADSAFE=2, SQLite can be used in a multithreaded
  program so long as no two threads attempt to use the same
  [database connection] at the same time.

  To put it another way, SQLITE_THREADSAFE=1 sets the default
  [threading mode] to Serialized.  SQLITE_THREADSAFE=2 sets the default
  [threading mode] to Multi-threaded.  And SQLITE_THREADSAFE=0 sets the
  [threading mode] to Single-threaded.

  The value of SQLITE_THREADSAFE can be determined at run-time
  using the [sqlite3_threadsafe()] interface.

  When SQLite has been compiled with SQLITE_THREADSAFE=1 or
  SQLITE_THREADSAFE=2 then the [threading mode]
  can be altered at run-time using the [sqlite3_config()] interface together
  with one of these verbs:


  [SQLITE_OPEN_FULLMUTEX] flags to [sqlite3_open_v2()] can also be used
  to adjust the [threading mode] of individual [database connections]
  at run-time.

  Note that when SQLite is compiled with SQLITE_THREADSAFE=0, the code
  to make SQLite threadsafe is omitted from the build.  When this occurs,
  it is impossible to change the [threading mode] at start-time or run-time.

  See the [threading mode] documentation for additional information
  on aspects of using SQLite in a multithreaded environment.

COMPILE_OPTION {SQLITE_TEMP_STORE=<i>&lt;0 through 3&gt;</i>} {
  This option controls whether temporary files are stored on disk or
  in memory.  The meanings for various settings of this compile-time
  option are as follows:

  <table cellpadding="2" border="1">
  <tr><td align="center">0</td><td>Always use temporary files</td></tr>
  <tr><td align="center">1</td><td>Use files by default but allow the
  [PRAGMA temp_store] command to override</td></tr>
  <tr><td align="center">2</td><td>Use memory by default but allow the
  [PRAGMA temp_store] command to override</td></tr>
  <tr><td align="center">3</td><td>Always use memory</td></tr>

  The default setting is 1.  
  Additional information can be found in [tempstore | tempfiles.html].

<a name="enablefeatures"></a>
<h2>1.4 Options To Enable Features Normally Turned Off</h2>

  If this C-preprocessor macro is defined and if the
  xDeviceCharacteristics method of [sqlite3_io_methods] object for
  a database file reports (via one of the [SQLITE_IOCAP_ATOMIC] bits)
  that the filesystem supports atomic writes and if a transaction
  involves a change to only a single page of the database file,
  then the transaction commits with just a single write request of
  a single page of the database and no rollback journal is created
  or written.  On filesystems that support atomic writes, this
  optimization can result in significant speed improvements for
  small updates.  However, few filesystems support this capability
  and the code paths that check for this capability slow down write
  performance on systems that lack atomic write capability, so this
  feature is disabled by default.

  When this C-preprocessor macro is defined, SQLite includes some
  additional APIs that provide convenient access to meta-data about
  tables and queries.  The APIs that are enabled by this option are:

  <li> [sqlite3_column_database_name()] </li>
  <li> [sqlite3_column_database_name16()] </li>
  <li> [sqlite3_column_table_name()] </li>
  <li> [sqlite3_column_table_name16()] </li>
  <li> [sqlite3_column_origin_name()] </li>
  <li> [sqlite3_column_origin_name16()] </li>
  <li> [sqlite3_table_column_metadata()] </li>

  When this option is defined in the [amalgamation], version 3
  of the full-text search engine is added to the build automatically.

  This option modifies the query pattern parser in FTS3 such that it
  supports operators AND and NOT (in addition to the usual OR and NEAR)
  and also allows query expressions to contain nested parenthesesis.

  This option causes the 
  <a href="">International Components for Unicode</a>
  or "ICU" extension to SQLite to be added to the build.  

  When both the SQLite core and the [Command Line Interface] (CLI) are both 
  compiled with this option, then the CLI provides an extra command
  named ".iotrace" that provides a low-level log of I/O activity.
  This option is experimental and may be discontinued in a future release.

  This option enables additional logic in the OS interface layer for
  Mac OS X. The additional logic attempts to determine the type of the
  underlying filesystem and choose and alternative locking strategy
  that works correctly for that filesystem type. Five locking strategies 
  are available:

    <li> POSIX locking style. This is the default locking style and the
         style used by other (non Mac OS X) Unixes. Locks are obtained and 
         released using the fcntl() system call.

    <li> AFP locking style. This locking style is used for network file 
         systems that use the AFP (Apple Filing Protocol) protocol. Locks
         are obtained by calling the library function _AFPFSSetLock().

    <li> Flock locking style. This is used for file-systems that do not
         support POSIX locking style. Locks are obtained and released using
         the flock() system call.

    <li> Dot-file locking style. This locking style is used when neither
         flock nor POSIX locking styles are supported by the file system.
         Database locks are obtained by creating and entry in the file-system
         at a well-known location relative to the database file (a "dot-file")
         and relinquished by deleting the same file.

    <li> No locking style. If none of the above can be supported, this 
         locking style is used. No database locking mechanism is used. When
         this system is used it is not safe for a single database to be
         accessed by multiple clients.

  Additionally, five extra VFS implementations are provided as well as the
  default. By specifying one of the extra VFS implementations 
  when calling [sqlite3_open_v2()], an application may bypass the file-system
  detection logic and explicitly select one of the above locking styles. The
  five extra VFS implementations are called "unix-posix", "unix-afp",
  "unix-flock", "unix-dotfile" and "unix-none".

  This option adds extra logic to SQLite that allows it to release unused
  memory upon request.  This option must be enabled in order for the
  [sqlite3_release_memory()] interface to work.  If this compile-time
  option is not used, the [sqlite3_release_memory()] interface is a 
  no-op.  Since [sqlite3_soft_heap_limit()] depends on
  [sqlite3_release_memory()], this option is also necessary for
  the correct operation of [sqlite3_soft_heap_limit()].

  This option includes code in SQLite that implements an alternative
  memory allocator.  This alternative memory allocator is only engaged
  when the [SQLITE_CONFIG_HEAP] option to [sqlite3_config()] is used to
  supply a large chunk of memory from which all memory allocations are
  The MEMSYS3 memory allocator uses a hybrid allocation algorithm 
  patterned after dlmalloc().   Only one of SQLITE_ENABLE_MEMSYS3 and 
  SQLITE_ENABLE_MEMSYS5 may be enabled at once.

  This option includes code in SQLite that implements an alternative
  memory allocator.  This alternative memory allocator is only engaged
  when the [SQLITE_CONFIG_HEAP] option to [sqlite3_config()] is used to
  supply a large chunk of memory from which all memory allocations are
  The MEMSYS5 module rounds all allocations up to the next power
  of two and uses a first-fit, buddy-allocator algorithm
  that provides strong guarantees against fragmentation and breakdown
  subject to certain operating constraints.

  This option causes SQLite to include support for the
  [rtree | R*Tree index extension].

  This option enables an optional ORDER BY and LIMIT clause on 
  [UPDATE] and [DELETE] statements.

  <p>If this option is defined, then it must also be 
  defined when using the 'lemon' tool to generate a parse.c
  file. Because of this, this option may only be used when the library is built
  from source, not from the [amalgamation] or from the collection of
  pre-packaged C files provided for non-Unix like platforms on the website.

  This option enables the [sqlite3_unlock_notify()] interface and
  its associated functionality.  See the documentation titled
  [Using the SQLite Unlock Notification Feature] for additional

  This option causes the LALR(1) parser stack depth to be tracked
  and reported using the [sqlite3_status]([SQLITE_STATUS_PARSER_STACK],...)
  interface.  SQLite's LALR(1) parser has a fixed stack depth
  (determined at compile-time using the [YYSTACKDEPTH] options).
  This option can be used to help determine if an application is
  getting close to exceeding the maximum LALR(1) stack depth.

<a name="disablefeatures"></a>
<h2>1.5 Options To Disable Features Normally Turned On</h2>

  If this C-preprocessor macro is defined, large file support
  is disabled.

  If this C-preprocessor macro is defined, directory syncs
  are disabled.  SQLite typically attempts to sync the parent
  directory when a file is deleted to ensure the directory
  entries are updated immediately on disk.

  hd_fragment "omitfeatures"
  hd_keywords "omitfeatures"
<h2>1.6 Options To Omit Features</h2>

<p>The following options can used to reduce the size of the compiled
library by omitting optional features. This is probably only useful
in embedded systems where space is especially tight, as even with all
features included the SQLite library is relatively small. Don't forget
to tell your compiler to optimize for binary size! (the -Os option if
using GCC).  Telling your compiler to optimize for size usually has
a much larger impact on library footprint than employing any of these
compile-time options.  You should also verify that 
<a href="#debugoptions">debugging options</a> are disabled.</p>

<p>The macros in this section do not require values. The following 
compilation switches all have the same effect:<br>

<p>If any of these options are defined, then the same set of SQLITE_OMIT_*
options must also be defined when using the 'lemon' tool to generate the
parse.c file and when compiling the 'mkkeywordhash' tool which generates 
the keywordhash.h file.
Because of this, these options may only be used when the library is built
from canonical source, not from the [amalgamation] or from the collection of
pre-packaged C files provided for non-Unix like platforms on the website.
Any SQLITE_OMIT_* options which can be used directly with the [amalgamation] 
are listed below, however, the warnings in the following paragraph should be noted.

<i><b>Important Note:</b> The SQLITE_OMIT_* options do not work with the
[amalgamation] or with pre-packaged C code files.  SQLITE_OMIT_* compile-time
options only work correctly when SQLite is built from canonical source files.

<p>Special versions of the SQLite amalgamation that do work with a
predetermined set of SQLITE_OMIT_* options can be generated.  To do so,
make a copy of the Makefile.linux-gcc makefile template in the canonical
source code distribution.  Change the name of your copy to simply "Makefile".
Then edit "Makefile" to set up appropriate compile-time options.  Then
<blockquote><tt>make clean; make sqlite3.c</tt></blockquote>
The resulting "sqlite3.c" amalgamation code file (and its associated
header file "sqlite3.h") can then be moved to a non-unix platform
for final compilation using a native compiler.</p>

The following SQLITE_OMIT_* options are available:

        <li> [SQLITE_OMIT_AUTHORIZATION] </li>
        <li> [SQLITE_OMIT_AUTOINIT] </li>
        <li> [SQLITE_OMIT_BLOB_LITERAL] </li>
        <li> [SQLITE_OMIT_BUILTIN_TEST] </li>
        <li> [SQLITE_OMIT_CHECK] </li>
        <li> [SQLITE_OMIT_COMPLETE] </li>
        <li> [SQLITE_OMIT_DATETIME_FUNCS] </li>
        <li> [SQLITE_OMIT_DECLTYPE] </li>
        <li> [SQLITE_OMIT_DEPRECATED] </li>
        <li> [SQLITE_OMIT_DISKIO] </li>
        <li> [SQLITE_OMIT_FLAG_PRAGMAS] </li>
        <li> [SQLITE_OMIT_FLOATING_POINT] </li>
        <li> [SQLITE_OMIT_GET_TABLE] </li>
        <li> [SQLITE_OMIT_INCRBLOB] </li>
        <li> [SQLITE_OMIT_INTEGRITY_CHECK] </li>
        <li> [SQLITE_OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION] </li>
        <li> [SQLITE_OMIT_LOCALTIME] </li>
        <li> [SQLITE_OMIT_MEMORYDB] </li>
        <li> [SQLITE_OMIT_OR_OPTIMIZATION] </li>
        <li> [SQLITE_OMIT_PAGER_PRAGMAS] </li>
        <li> [SQLITE_OMIT_QUICKBALANCE] </li>
        <li> [SQLITE_OMIT_SCHEMA_PRAGMAS] </li>
        <li> [SQLITE_OMIT_SHARED_CACHE] </li>
        <li> [SQLITE_OMIT_SUBQUERY] </li>
        <li> [SQLITE_OMIT_TCL_VARIABLE] </li>
        <li> [SQLITE_OMIT_TRACE] </li>
        <li> [SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16] </li>
        <li> [SQLITE_OMIT_WSD] </li>
        <li> [SQLITE_OMIT_XFER_OPT] </li>

<p>All of the SQLITE_OMIT_* options are unsupported.</p>

<i><b>Important Note:</b>
The SQLITE_OMIT_* compile-time options are unsupported.

The SQLITE_OMIT_* compile-time options are usually untested and
are almost certainly untested in combination.
Any or all of these options may be removed from the code in future releases
and without warning.  For any particular release, some of these
options may cause compile-time or run-time failures, particularly
when used in combination with other options.</p>

  When this option is defined, the 
  [ALTER TABLE] command is not included in the 
  library. Executing an [ALTER TABLE] statement causes a parse error.

  When this option is defined, the [ANALYZE] command is omitted from
  the build.

  When this option is defined, the [ATTACH] and [DETACH] commands are
  omitted from the build.

  Defining this option omits the authorization callback feature from the
  library. The [sqlite3_set_authorizer()] API function is not present
  in the library.

  This option is used to omit the 
  [AUTOINCREMENT] functionality. When this 
  is macro is defined, columns declared as 
  behave in the same way as columns declared as "[INTEGER PRIMARY KEY]" when a 
  NULL is inserted. The sqlite_sequence system table is neither created, nor
  respected if it already exists.

  For backwards compatibility with older versions of SQLite that lack
  the [sqlite3_initialize()] interface, the [sqlite3_initialize()] interface
  is called automatically upon entry to certain key interfaces such as
  [sqlite3_open()], [sqlite3_vfs_register()], and [sqlite3_mprintf()].
  The overhead of invoking [sqlite3_initialize()] automatically in this
  way may be omitted by building SQLite with the SQLITE_OMIT_AUTOINIT
  C-preprocessor macro.  When built using SQLITE_OMIT_AUTOINIT, SQLite
  will not automatically initialize itself and the application is required
  to invoke [sqlite3_initialize()] directly prior to beginning use of the
  SQLite library.

  If this option is defined, the library cannot create or write to 
  databases that support [auto_vacuum].
  Executing a [PRAGMA auto_vacuum] statement is not an error
  (since unknown PRAGMAs are silently ignored), but does not return a value
  or modify the auto-vacuum flag in the database file. If a database that
  supports auto-vacuum is opened by a library compiled with this option, it
  is automatically opened in read-only mode.

  This option disables the use of indices with WHERE clause terms
  that employ the BETWEEN operator.

  When this option is defined, it is not possible to specify a blob in
  an SQL statement using the X'ABCD' syntax.

  A standard SQLite build includes a small amount of logic controlled
  by the [sqlite3_test_control()] interface that is used to exercise
  parts of the SQLite core that are difficult to control and measure using
  the standard API.  This option omits that built-in test logic.

  This option causes SQLite to omit support for the CAST operator.

  This option causes SQLite to omit support for CHECK constraints.
  The parser will still accept CHECK constraints in SQL statements,
  they will just not be enforced.

  This option causes the [sqlite3_complete()] and [sqlite3_complete16()]
  interfaces to be omitted.

  This option is used to omit the compound [SELECT] functionality. 
  [SELECT] statements that use the 
  UNION, UNION ALL, INTERSECT or EXCEPT compound SELECT operators will 
  cause a parse error.

  In the future, this option will be used to omit the 
  [ON CONFLICT] clause from the library.

  If this option is defined, SQLite's built-in date and time manipulation
  functions are omitted. Specifically, the SQL functions julianday(), date(),
  time(), datetime() and strftime() are not available. The default column
  values CURRENT_TIME, CURRENT_DATE and CURRENT_DATETIME are still available.

  This option causes SQLite to omit support for the
  [sqlite3_column_decltype()] and [sqlite3_column_decltype16()]

  This option causes SQLite to omit support for interfaces
  marked as deprecated.  This includes 
  [sqlite3_thread_cleanup()] and
  [sqlite3_memory_alarm()] interfaces.

  This option omits all support for writing to the disk and forces
  databases to exist in memory only.

  Defining this option causes the [EXPLAIN] command to be omitted from the
  library. Attempting to execute an [EXPLAIN] statement will cause a parse

  This option omits support for a subset of [PRAGMA] commands that
  query and set boolean properties.

  This option is used to omit floating-point number support from the SQLite
  library. When specified, specifying a floating point number as a literal 
  (i.e. "1.01") results in a parse error.

  <p>In the future, this option may also disable other floating point 
  functionality, for example the [sqlite3_result_double()], 
  [sqlite3_bind_double()], [sqlite3_value_double()] and
  [sqlite3_column_double()] API functions.

  If this option is defined, FOREIGN KEY clauses in column declarations are

  This option causes support for [sqlite3_get_table()] and
  [sqlite3_free_table()] to be omitted.

  This option causes support for [sqlite3_blob | incremental BLOB I/O]
  to be omitted.

  This option omits support for the [integrity_check pragma].

  This option disables the ability of SQLite to use indices to help
  resolve [LIKE] and [GLOB] operators in a WHERE clause.

  This option omits the entire extension loading mechanism from
  SQLite, including [sqlite3_enable_load_extension()] and
  [sqlite3_load_extension()] interfaces.

  This option omits the "localtime" modifier from the date and time
  functions.  This option is sometimes useful when trying to compile
  the date and time functions on a platform that does not support the
  concept of local time.

  When this is defined, the library does not respect the special database
  name ":memory:" (normally used to create an [in-memory database]). If 
  ":memory:" is passed to [sqlite3_open()], [sqlite3_open16()], or
  [sqlite3_open_v2()], a file with this name will be 
  opened or created.

  This option disables the ability of SQLite to use an index together
  with terms of a WHERE clause connected by the OR operator.

  Defining this option omits pragmas related to the pager subsystem from 
  the build.

  This option is used to omit the [PRAGMA] command
  from the library. Note that it is useful to define the macros that omit
  specific pragmas in addition to this, as they may also remove supporting code
  in other sub-systems. This macro removes the [PRAGMA] command only.

  This option may be defined to omit the capability to issue "progress" 
  callbacks during long-running SQL statements. The 
  API function is not present in the library.

  This option omits an alternative, faster B-Tree balancing routine.
  Using this option makes SQLite slightly smaller at the expense of
  making it run slightly slower.

  When this option is defined, the [REINDEX]
  command is not included in the library.
  Executing a [REINDEX] statement causes 
  a parse error.

  Defining this option omits pragmas for querying the database schema from 
  the build.

  Defining this option omits pragmas for querying and modifying the 
  database schema version and user version from the build. Specifically, the 
  [schema_version] and [user_version] PRAGMAs are omitted.

  This option builds SQLite without support for shared-cache mode.
  The [sqlite3_enable_shared_cache()] is omitted along with a fair
  amount of logic within the B-Tree subsystem associated with shared
  cache management.

  If defined, support for sub-selects and the IN() operator are omitted.

  If this macro is defined, then the special "$<variable-name>" syntax
  used to automatically bind SQL variables to TCL variables is omitted.

  This option omits support for TEMP or TEMPORARY tables.

  This option omits support for the [sqlite3_profile()] and
  [sqlite3_trace()] interfaces and their associated logic.

  Defining this option omits support for TRIGGER objects. Neither the 
  commands are available in this case, and attempting to execute
  either will result in a parse error.

  WARNING: If this macro is defined, it will not be possible to open a database
  for which the schema contains TRIGGER objects. 

  A default build of SQLite, if a [DELETE] statement has no WHERE clause
  and operates on a table with no triggers, an optimization occurs that
  causes the DELETE to occur by dropping and recreating the table.  
  Dropping and recreating a table is usually much faster than deleting
  the table content row by row.  This is the "truncate optimization".

  This macro is used to omit support for UTF16 text encoding. When this is
  defined all API functions that return or accept UTF16 encoded text are
  unavailable. These functions can be identified by the fact that they end
  with '16', for example [sqlite3_prepare16()], [sqlite3_column_text16()] and

  When this option is defined, the [VACUUM]
  command is not included in the library.
  Executing a [VACUUM] statement causes 
  a parse error.

  Defining this option omits support for VIEW objects. Neither the 
  commands are available in this case, and
  attempting to execute either will result in a parse error.

  WARNING: If this macro is defined, it will not be possible to open a database
  for which the schema contains VIEW objects. 

  This option omits support for the [sqlite3_vtab | Virtual Table]
  mechanism in SQLite.

  This options builds a version of the SQLite library that contains no
  Writable Static Data (WSD).  WSD is global variables and/or static
  variables.  Some platforms do not support WSD, and this option is necessary
  in order for SQLite to work those platforms.  

  Unlike other OMIT options which make the SQLite library smaller,
  this option actually increases the size of SQLite and makes it run
  a little slower.  Only use this option if SQLite is being built for an
  embedded target that does not support WSD.

  This option omits support for optimizations that help statements
  of the form "INSERT INTO ... SELECT ..." run faster.

  This option omits both the [default memory allocator] and the
  [debugging memory allocator] from the build and substitutes a stub
  memory allocator that always fails.  SQLite will not run with this
  stub memory allocator since it will be unable to allocate memory.  But
  this stub can be replaced at start-time using
  [sqlite3_config]([SQLITE_CONFIG_MALLOC],...) or
  So the net effect of this compile-time option is that it allows SQLite
  to be compiled and linked against a system library that does not support
  malloc(), free(), and/or realloc().

<a name="debugoptions"></a>
<h2>1.7 Analysis and Debugging Options</h2>

  The SQLite source code contains literally thousands of assert() statements
  used to verify internal assumptions and subroutine preconditions and
  postconditions.  These assert() statements are normally turned off
  (they generate no code) since turning them on makes SQLite run approximately
  three times slower.  But for testing and analysis, it is useful to turn
  the assert() statements on.  The SQLITE_DEBUG compile-time option does this.
  SQLITE_DEBUG also turns on some other debugging features.

  The SQLITE_MEMDEBUG option causes an instrumented 
  [debugging memory allocator]
  to be used as the default memory allocator within SQLite.  The
  instrumented memory allocator checks for misuse of dynamically allocated
  memory.  Examples of misuse include using memory after it is freed,
  writing off the ends of a memory allocation, freeing memory not previously
  obtained from the memory allocator, or failing to initialize newly
  allocated memory.
