
Changes On Branch wal

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Changes In Branch wal Excluding Merge-Ins

This is equivalent to a diff from 946e06cd to 27a5c09c

Merge the write-ahead-logging changes into the trunk. (check-in: de9ae443 user: drh tags: trunk)
If the sqlite3_wal_checkpoint() API is passed a NULL pointer in place of a database name, attempt to checkpoint all attached databases. (Closed-Leaf check-in: 27a5c09c user: dan tags: wal)
Make sure the mutex is held while calling sqlite3ApiExit() in sqlite3_wal_checkpoint(). Other cleanup of WAL logic. (check-in: 11a85b82 user: drh tags: wal)
Merge in changes from the trunk. (check-in: 76bf0eee user: drh tags: wal)
Avoid assertion faults in queries using indices with redundant columns. Ticket [3dbdcdb14e7f41]. (check-in: 946e06cd user: drh tags: trunk)
Zero the "immediate FK constraint counter" associated with a statement object when sqlite3_reset() is called. Fix for [c39ff61c43]. (check-in: f660be61 user: dan tags: trunk)

Changes to Makefile.in.

Changes to VERSION.

Changes to main.mk.

Changes to src/btree.c.

Changes to src/btree.h.

Changes to src/btreeInt.h.

Changes to src/main.c.

Changes to src/mutex.c.

Changes to src/os_common.h.

Changes to src/os_os2.c.

Changes to src/os_unix.c.

Changes to src/os_win.c.

Changes to src/pager.c.

Changes to src/pager.h.

Changes to src/pragma.c.

Changes to src/sqlite.h.in.

Changes to src/sqliteInt.h.

Changes to src/sqliteLimit.h.

Changes to src/tclsqlite.c.

Changes to src/test1.c.

Changes to src/test6.c.

Changes to src/test_config.c.

Changes to src/test_demovfs.c.

Changes to src/test_devsym.c.

Changes to src/test_journal.c.

Changes to src/test_onefile.c.

Changes to src/test_osinst.c.

Changes to src/test_thread.c.

Changes to src/vdbe.c.

Changes to src/vdbeapi.c.

Added src/wal.c.

Added src/wal.h.

Changes to test/avtrans.test.

Changes to test/backup.test.

Changes to test/corruptA.test.

Changes to test/lock2.test.

Added test/lock_common.tcl.

Changes to test/permutations.test.

Changes to test/quick.test.

Changes to test/rdonly.test.

Changes to test/savepoint.test.

Changes to test/savepoint2.test.

Changes to test/savepoint6.test.

Changes to test/tclsqlite.test.

Changes to test/tester.tcl.

Changes to test/thread_common.tcl.

Changes to test/trans.test.

Added test/wal.test.

Added test/walbak.test.

Added test/walcrash.test.

Added test/walhook.test.

Added test/walmode.test.

Added test/walslow.test.

Added test/walthread.test.

Changes to tool/mksqlite3c.tcl.