
Changes On Branch msvcW4

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Changes In Branch msvcW4 Excluding Merge-Ins

This is equivalent to a diff from 11e81ac2 to bdbeed01

Fix harmless compiler warnings when using -W4 with MSVC. (check-in: e693e11d user: mistachkin tags: trunk)
Fix harmless compiler warning in an assert() statement. (Closed-Leaf check-in: bdbeed01 user: mistachkin tags: msvcW4)
Add two more classes of harmless MSVC compiler warnings. (check-in: de30d5b0 user: mistachkin tags: msvcW4)
Merge updates from trunk. (check-in: ca5f2c54 user: mistachkin tags: msvcW4)
Add an assert() in order to calm a scan-build warning. (check-in: 11e81ac2 user: drh tags: trunk)
Add detection of the isnan() library function to the configure script. Make the code responsive to the HAVE_ISNAN configuration option. (check-in: 46f3aba2 user: drh tags: trunk)

Changes to Makefile.in.

Changes to Makefile.msc.

Changes to Makefile.vxworks.

Changes to ext/fts3/fts3.c.

Changes to ext/fts3/fts3_tokenize_vtab.c.

Changes to ext/fts3/fts3_write.c.

Changes to ext/misc/amatch.c.

Changes to ext/misc/spellfix.c.

Changes to ext/rtree/rtree.c.

Changes to main.mk.

Changes to src/delete.c.

Changes to src/main.c.

Added src/msvc.h.

Changes to src/pragma.c.

Changes to src/shell.c.

Changes to src/sqliteInt.h.

Changes to src/tclsqlite.c.

Changes to src/test1.c.

Changes to src/test2.c.

Changes to src/test8.c.

Changes to src/test_journal.c.

Changes to src/test_malloc.c.

Changes to src/test_multiplex.c.

Changes to src/test_quota.c.

Changes to src/test_vfs.c.

Changes to src/vdbe.c.

Changes to tool/lemon.c.

Changes to tool/mksqlite3c-noext.tcl.

Changes to tool/mksqlite3c.tcl.

Changes to tool/mksqlite3internalh.tcl.