
View Ticket
Ticket Hash: 6da68f691b0716379089a169951a1e25f53709df
Title: tables says you provide a like pattern but it adds % in code
Status: Fixed Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Cosmetic Priority: Low
Subsystem: Shell Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2009-10-24 02:00:11
Version Found In: 3.6.18
The tables help says:

.tables ?PATTERN?      List names of tables matching a LIKE pattern

However the code does this:

"WHERE type IN ('table','view') AND name LIKE '%'||shellstatic()||'%' "

This means the wildcard % is added on either side of what the user supplied.  The help should either be corrected to say "List names of tables with PATTERN in their name" (matches the code) or the code shouldn't be adding % (ie match the doc).

<hr><i>rogerb added on 2009-10-05 04:16:17:</i><br>
dump treats the table names as a like pattern but doesn't mention it in the help/usage

<hr><i>shane added on 2009-10-24 02:00:11:</i><br>
Check-in [7201244e67].