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7 check-ins using file src/mem6.c version c3987f7f

Add the capability to track the maximum depth of the LALR(1) parser stack so that critical applications can check to see if they are getting close to limits. (CVS 5481) (check-in: ef0250f3 user: drh tags: trunk)
Fix the corrupt7 tests to track changes in the integrity check error message. (CVS 5480) (check-in: 22177dac user: drh tags: trunk)
Increase limits on memsubsys1 tests to accomodate the larger structure sizes on 64-bit platforms. (CVS 5479) (check-in: f7720f1b user: drh tags: trunk)
Require the SQLITE_ENABLE_INSTVFS symbol in order to compile testfixture with sqlite3_instvfs enabled. This allows fulltest to run on platforms for which we do not have a working hwtime.h (ex: ppc, s390). Change requested from the SuSE team. (CVS 5478) (check-in: 16c164e7 user: drh tags: trunk)
Make the libtclsqlite3.la shared library depend on a separate libsqlite3.la shared library. I think this flies in the face of the whole SQLite philosophy of minimal dependencies, but on the other hand, few people use that shared library and the capability has been requested from the SuSE team. (CVS 5477) (check-in: 83484b42 user: drh tags: trunk)
Fix a build problem on tclsqlite in Makefile.in. (CVS 5476) (check-in: e7a60480 user: drh tags: trunk)
Speed up the xFree() method of the mem6.c allocator by storing the offset from the pointer to the start of its chunk in a header field. (CVS 5475) (check-in: 0de54891 user: danielk1977 tags: trunk)