
Artifact [adc17f82]

Artifact adc17f82e3812787fdb015098d006e31804d6aa5:

# This script is used to generate a VSIX (Visual Studio Extension) file for
# SQLite usable by Visual Studio.

proc fail { {error ""} {usage false} } {
  if {[string length $error] > 0} then {
    puts stdout $error
    if {!$usage} then {exit 1}

  puts stdout "usage:\
[file tail [info nameofexecutable]]\
[file tail [info script]] <binaryDirectory> \[sourceDirectory\]"

  exit 1
proc getEnvironmentVariable { name } {
  # NOTE: Returns the value of the specified environment variable or an empty
  #       string for environment variables that do not exist in the current
  #       process environment.
  return [expr {[info exists ::env($name)] ? $::env($name) : ""}]
proc getTemporaryPath {} {
  # NOTE: Returns the normalized path to the first temporary directory found
  #       in the typical set of environment variables used for that purpose
  #       or an empty string to signal a failure to locate such a directory.
  set names [list]

  foreach name [list TEMP TMP] {
    lappend names [string toupper $name] [string tolower $name] \
        [string totitle $name]

  foreach name $names {
    set value [getEnvironmentVariable $name]

    if {[string length $value] > 0} then {
      return [file normalize $value]

  return ""
proc appendArgs { args } {
  # NOTE: Returns all passed arguments joined together as a single string with
  #       no intervening spaces between arguments.
  eval append result $args
proc readFile { fileName } {
  # NOTE: Reads and returns the entire contents of the specified file, which
  #       may contain binary data.
  set file_id [open $fileName RDONLY]
  fconfigure $file_id -encoding binary -translation binary
  set result [read $file_id]
  close $file_id
  return $result
proc writeFile { fileName data } {
  # NOTE: Writes the entire contents of the specified file, which may contain
  #       binary data.
  set file_id [open $fileName {WRONLY CREAT TRUNC}]
  fconfigure $file_id -encoding binary -translation binary
  puts -nonewline $file_id $data
  close $file_id
  return ""
proc substFile { fileName } {
  # NOTE: Performs all Tcl command, variable, and backslash substitutions in
  #       the specified file and then re-writes the contents of that same file
  #       with the substituted data.
  return [writeFile $fileName [uplevel 1 [list subst [readFile $fileName]]]]
proc replaceBuildAndPlatform { fileName buildName platformName } {
  # NOTE: Returns the specified file name containing the platform name instead
  #       of platform placeholder tokens.
  return [string map [list <build> $buildName <platform> $platformName] \
set script [file normalize [info script]]

if {[string length $script] == 0} then {
  fail "script file currently being evaluated is unknown" true

set path [file dirname $script]
set rootName [file rootname [file tail $script]]


# NOTE: Process and verify all the command line arguments.
set argc [llength $argv]
if {$argc != 1 && $argc != 2} then {fail}

set binaryDirectory [lindex $argv 0]

if {[string length $binaryDirectory] == 0} then {
  fail "invalid binary directory"

if {![file exists $binaryDirectory] || \
    ![file isdirectory $binaryDirectory]} then {
  fail "binary directory does not exist"

if {$argc == 2} then {
  set sourceDirectory [lindex $argv 1]
} else {
  # NOTE: Assume that the source directory is the parent directory of the one
  #       that contains this script file.
  set sourceDirectory [file dirname $path]

if {[string length $sourceDirectory] == 0} then {
  fail "invalid source directory"

if {![file exists $sourceDirectory] || \
    ![file isdirectory $sourceDirectory]} then {
  fail "source directory does not exist"


# NOTE: Evaluate the user-specific customizations file, if it exists.
set userFile [file join $path [appendArgs \
    $rootName . $tcl_platform(user) .tcl]]

if {[file exists $userFile] && \
    [file isfile $userFile]} then {
  source $userFile


set templateFile [file join $path win sqlite.vsix]

if {![file exists $templateFile] || \
    ![file isfile $templateFile]} then {
  fail [appendArgs "template file \"" $templateFile "\" does not exist"]

set currentDirectory [pwd]
set outputFile [file join $currentDirectory sqlite-output.vsix]

if {[file exists $outputFile]} then {
  fail [appendArgs "output file \"" $outputFile "\" already exists"]


# NOTE: Make sure that a valid temporary directory exists.
set temporaryDirectory [getTemporaryPath]

if {[string length $temporaryDirectory] == 0 || \
    ![file exists $temporaryDirectory] || \
    ![file isdirectory $temporaryDirectory]} then {
  fail "cannot locate a usable temporary directory"

# NOTE: Setup the staging directory to have a unique name inside of the
#       configured temporary directory.
set stagingDirectory [file normalize [file join $temporaryDirectory \
    [appendArgs $rootName . [pid]]]]


# NOTE: Configure the external zipping tool.  First, see if it has already
#       been pre-configured.  If not, try to query it from the environment.
#       Finally, fallback on the default of simply "zip", which will then
#       be assumed to exist somewhere along the PATH.
if {![info exists zip]} then {
  if {[info exists env(ZipTool)]} then {
    set zip $env(ZipTool)
  if {![info exists zip] || ![file exists $zip]} then {
    set zip zip

# NOTE: Configure the external unzipping tool.  First, see if it has already
#       been pre-configured.  If not, try to query it from the environment.
#       Finally, fallback on the default of simply "unzip", which will then
#       be assumed to exist somewhere along the PATH.
if {![info exists unzip]} then {
  if {[info exists env(UnZipTool)]} then {
    set unzip $env(UnZipTool)
  if {![info exists unzip] || ![file exists $unzip]} then {
    set unzip unzip


# NOTE: Attempt to extract the SQLite version from the "sqlite3.h" header file
#       in the source directory.  This script assumes that the header file has
#       already been generated by the build process.
set pattern {^#define\s+SQLITE_VERSION\s+"(.*)"$}
set data [readFile [file join $sourceDirectory sqlite3.h]]

if {![regexp -line -- $pattern $data dummy version]} then {
  fail [appendArgs "cannot locate SQLITE_VERSION value in \"" \
      [file join $sourceDirectory sqlite3.h] \"]


# NOTE: Setup the master file list data, including the necessary flags.
if {![info exists fileNames(source)]} then {
  set fileNames(source) [list "" "" "" \
      [file join $sourceDirectory sqlite3.h] \
      [file join $binaryDirectory <build> <platform> sqlite3.lib] \
      [file join $binaryDirectory <build> <platform> sqlite3.dll]]

  if {![info exists no(symbols)]} then {
    lappend fileNames(source) \
        [file join $binaryDirectory <build> <platform> sqlite3.pdb]

if {![info exists fileNames(destination)]} then {
  set fileNames(destination) [list \
      [file join $stagingDirectory extension.vsixmanifest] \
      [file join $stagingDirectory SDKManifest.xml] \
      [file join $stagingDirectory DesignTime <build> <platform> \
          SQLite.WinRT.props] \
      [file join $stagingDirectory DesignTime <build> <platform> sqlite3.h] \
      [file join $stagingDirectory DesignTime <build> <platform> sqlite3.lib] \
      [file join $stagingDirectory Redist <build> <platform> sqlite3.dll]]

  if {![info exists no(symbols)]} then {
    lappend fileNames(destination) \
        [file join $stagingDirectory Redist <build> <platform> sqlite3.pdb]

if {![info exists fileNames(buildNeutral)]} then {
  set fileNames(buildNeutral) [list 1 1 1 1 0 0]

  if {![info exists no(symbols)]} then {
    lappend fileNames(buildNeutral) 0

if {![info exists fileNames(platformNeutral)]} then {
  set fileNames(platformNeutral) [list 1 1 1 1 0 0]

  if {![info exists no(symbols)]} then {
    lappend fileNames(platformNeutral) 0

if {![info exists fileNames(subst)]} then {
  set fileNames(subst) [list 1 1 1 0 0 0]

  if {![info exists no(symbols)]} then {
    lappend fileNames(subst) 0

if {![info exists fileNames(noDebug)]} then {
  set fileNames(noDebug) [list 0 0 0 0 0 0]

  if {![info exists no(symbols)]} then {
    lappend fileNames(noDebug) 0

if {![info exists fileNames(noRetail)]} then {
  set fileNames(noRetail) [list 0 0 0 0 0 0]

  if {![info exists no(symbols)]} then {
    lappend fileNames(noRetail) 1


# NOTE: Setup the list of builds supported by this script.
if {![info exists buildNames]} then {
  set buildNames [list Debug Retail]


# NOTE: Setup the list of platforms supported by this script.
if {![info exists platformNames]} then {
  set platformNames [list x86 x64 ARM]


# NOTE: Make sure the staging directory exists, creating it if necessary.
file mkdir $stagingDirectory

# NOTE: Build the Tcl command used to extract the template package to the
#       staging directory.
set extractCommand [list exec -- $unzip $templateFile -d $stagingDirectory]

# NOTE: Extract the template package to the staging directory.
eval $extractCommand


# NOTE: Process each file in the master file list.  There are actually seven
#       parallel lists that contain the source file names, the destination file
#       names, the build-neutral flags, the platform-neutral flags, the
#       use-subst flags, the no-debug flags, and the no-retail flags.  If the
#       platform-neutral flag is non-zero, the file is not platform-specific.
#       If the build-neutral flag is non-zero, the file is not build-specific.
#       If the use-subst flag is non-zero, the file is considered to be a text
#       file that may contain Tcl variable and/or command replacements, to be
#       dynamically replaced during processing.  If the no-debug flag is
#       non-zero, the file will be skipped when processing for the debug build.
#       If the no-retail flag is non-zero, the file will be skipped when
#       processing for the retail build.  If the source file name is an empty
#       string, then the destination file name will be assumed to already exist
#       in the staging directory and will not be copied; however, dynamic
#       replacements may still be performed on the destination file prior to
#       the package being re-zipped.
foreach sourceFileName      $fileNames(source) \
        destinationFileName $fileNames(destination) \
        buildNeutral        $fileNames(buildNeutral) \
        platformNeutral     $fileNames(platformNeutral) \
        useSubst            $fileNames(subst) \
        noDebug             $fileNames(noDebug) \
        noRetail            $fileNames(noRetail) {
  # NOTE: If the current file is build-neutral, then only one build will
  #       be processed for it, namely "CommonConfiguration"; otherwise, each
  #       supported build will be processed for it individually.
  foreach buildName \
      [expr {$buildNeutral ? [list CommonConfiguration] : $buildNames}] {
    # NOTE: Should the current file be skipped for this build?
    if {[info exists no${buildName}] && [set no${buildName}]} then {

    # NOTE: If the current file is platform-neutral, then only one platform
    #       will be processed for it, namely "neutral"; otherwise, each
    #       supported platform will be processed for it individually.
    foreach platformName \
        [expr {$platformNeutral ? [list neutral] : $platformNames}] {
      # NOTE: Use the actual platform name in the destination file name.
      set newDestinationFileName [replaceBuildAndPlatform \
          $destinationFileName $buildName $platformName]

      # NOTE: Does the source file need to be copied to the destination file?
      if {[string length $sourceFileName] > 0} then {
        # NOTE: First, make sure the destination directory exists.
        file mkdir [file dirname $newDestinationFileName]

        # NOTE: Then, copy the source file to the destination file verbatim.
        file copy [replaceBuildAndPlatform $sourceFileName $buildName \
            $platformName] $newDestinationFileName

      # NOTE: Does the destination file contain dynamic replacements that must
      #       be processed now?
      if {$useSubst} then {
        # NOTE: Perform any dynamic replacements contained in the destination
        #       file and then re-write it in-place.
        substFile $newDestinationFileName


# NOTE: Change the current directory to the staging directory so that the
#       external archive building tool can pickup the necessary files using
#       relative paths.
cd $stagingDirectory

# NOTE: Build the Tcl command used to archive the final package in the
#       output directory.
set archiveCommand [list exec -- $zip -r $outputFile *]

# NOTE: Build the final package archive in the output directory.
eval $archiveCommand

# NOTE: Change back to the previously saved current directory.
cd $currentDirectory

# NOTE: Cleanup the temporary staging directory.
file delete -force $stagingDirectory


# NOTE: Success, emit the fully qualified path of the generated VSIX file.
puts stdout $outputFile