Documentation Source Text

Artifact [1936c47a44]

Artifact 1936c47a447a8ddebbd77a6beac6b086264644c7aa9572c772faae96141b7092:

<title>SQLite Download Page</title>

<h2>SQLite Download Page</h2>
<table width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">

hd_keywords {download page}
set nDownload 0
set BG {}
unset -nocomplain href
unset -nocomplain href_cnt
set href_cnt 0
set disable_more 0
proc Product {pattern desc {frag {}} {disable_flag 0}} {
  if {$::disable_more} return
  regsub VVV $pattern {*} p3
  regsub DATE $p3 {20*} p3
  regsub YEAR $p3 {20[1234][0-9]} p3
  regsub VVV $pattern {(3\d{6})} pattern
  regsub DATE $pattern {(\d{12,17})} pattern
  regsub YEAR $pattern {\d{4}} pattern
  set p2 [string map {* .*} $pattern]
  set flist [glob -nocomplain $p3]
  foreach file [lsort -dict $flist] {
    if {![regexp ^$p2\$ $file all version]} continue
    if {[regexp {^(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)$} $version \
           all year month day hour min]} {
      set version "$year-$month-$day $hour:$min UTC"
    } elseif {[regexp {^3(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)$} $version \
           all major minor patch]} {
      scan $major %d m1
      scan $minor %d m2
      scan $patch %d m3
      set version 3.$m1.$m2
      if {$patch>0} {
        append version .$m3
    set size [file size $file]
    set sha1sum [lindex [exec sha1sum $file] 0]
    set units bytes
    if {$size>1024*1024} {
      set size [format %.2f [expr {$size/(1024.0*1024.0)}]]
      set units MiB
    } elseif {$size>1024} {
      set size [format %.2f [expr {$size/(1024.0)}]]
      set units KiB
    global pending_heading pending_tag BG
    if {$BG!=""} {
      set tr "<tr bgcolor=\"$BG\">"
    } else {
      set tr "<tr>"
    if {$pending_heading!=""} {
      if {$pending_tag!=""} {
        set tg "<a name=\"$pending_tag\"></a>"
        set pending_tag {}
      } else {
        set tg ""
      hd_puts "$tr<td colspan=\"4\">$tg<b>$pending_heading</b></td></tr>\n"
      set pending_heading {}
    hd_puts "$tr<td width=\"10\"></td>"
    hd_puts "<td valign=\"top\" align=\"right\">"
    if {$frag!=""} {
      eval hd_fragment $frag
      set frag {}
    global href href_cnt
    incr href_cnt
    set href(a$href_cnt) $file
    hd_puts "<a id='a$href_cnt' href='hp1.html'>[file tail $file]</a><br>($size $units)</td>\n"
    hd_puts "<td width=\"5\"></td>"
    regsub -all VERSION $desc $version d2
    hd_puts "\n<td valign=\"top\">"
    hd_resolve [string trim $d2]
    hd_puts "<br>(sha1: $sha1sum)</td></tr>\n"
    incr ::nDownload
    if {$disable_flag} {
      set ::disable_more 1
  if {$frag!=""} {
    eval hd_keywords [lrange $frag 1 end]
cd $::DEST

proc Heading {title {tag {}} {bgcolor {}}} {
  set ::pending_heading $title
  set ::pending_tag $tag
  set ::BG $bgcolor
  set ::disable_more 0
  # hd_puts "<tr><td colspan=4><big><b>$title</b></big></td></tr>"

set Caution #fff1c8

Heading {Pre-release Snapshots} {} $Caution

Product {snapshot/sqlite-snapshot-DATE.tar.gz} {
  The [amalgamation] source code, the [command-line shell] source code,
  configure/make scripts for unix, and a Makefile.msc for Windows. See the
  [|change log] for
  more information.
Product {snapshot/} {
  The [amalgamation]: complete source code a single "sqlite3.c" file.
#  The [amalgamation] as of VERSION.
#  See the <a href="">pending
#  change log</a> for details.
Product {snapshot/} {
  The [amalgamation] split into 6 separate source files each with less
  than 32767 lines of code.
#  See the <a href="">pending
#  change log</a> for details.
#Product {snapshot/} {
#  This is a snapshot (as of VERSION) of the current SQLite code under 
#  development, packaged and ready to build using the
#  <a href="">Tcl Extension Architecture (TEA)</a>.
#  Use this snapshot for testing only.  This is not a release.
Product {snapshot/sqlite-uap-DATE.vsix} {
  VSIX package for Universal Windows Platform development using Visual Studio 2015 CTP.
Product {snapshot/sqlite-uwp-DATE.vsix} {
  VSIX package for Universal Windows Platform development using Visual Studio 2015 CTP.

Heading {Pre-release Windows DLLs} {} $Caution

Product snapshot/ {
  A 32-bit Windows DLL as of VERSION.
  See the
  <a href="">pending change log</a>
  for details.
Product snapshot/ {
  A 64-bit Windows DLL as of VERSION.
  See the
  <a href="">pending change log</a>
  for details.

Product {snapshot/} {
  This is a snapshot (as of VERSION) build of the 
  [CLI | sqlite3.exe command-line shell]
  shell program for 32-bit windows.
Product {snapshot/} {
  This is a snapshot (as of VERSION) build of the 
  [CLI  | sqlite3.exe command-line shell]
  shell program for 64-bit windows.

Product {snapshot/sqlite-winrt81-DATE.vsix} {
  This is a snapshot (as of VERSION) for
  a complete VSIX package with an extension SDK and all other components
  needed to use SQLite for WinRT 8.1 application development with Visual Studio
  2013.  This is not a release.

Heading {Source Code}

Product {YEAR/} {
  C source code as an [amalgamation], version VERSION.

Product {YEAR/} {
  C source code as the [split amalgamation], version VERSION.

Product {YEAR/sqlite-autoconf-VVV.tar.gz} {
  C source code as an [amalgamation].  Also includes a "configure" script
  and [|TEA] makefiles for the [TCL Interface].
} {amalgtarball {amalgamation tarball}}

Product {YEAR/sqlite-tea-VVV.tar.gz} {
  A tarball of the [amalgamation] together with a
  <a href="">Tcl Extension
  Architecture (TEA)</a>
  compatible configure script and makefile.
} {teatarball {TEA tarball}}

Heading {Documentation} docco

Product {YEAR/} {
  Documentation as a bundle of static HTML files.

Heading {Precompiled Binaries for Android} android

Product {YEAR/sqlite-android-VVV.aar} {
  A precompiled Android library containing the core SQLite together
  with appropriate Java bindings, ready to drop into any Android 
  Studio project.

Heading {Precompiled Binaries for Linux} linux

Product YEAR/ {
  A bundle of command-line tools for managing SQLite database files,
  including the [command-line shell] program, the [sqldiff] program, and
  the [sqlite3_analyzer] program.
} {} 1

Product YEAR/ {
  The [command-line shell] program (version VERSION).

Product YEAR/ {
  A program to analyze how space is allocated inside an SQLite database
  file (version VERSION).

Product YEAR/ {
  A program to display differences between two SQLite database files.
  (version VERSION).

Heading {Precompiled Binaries for Mac OS X (x86)} mac

Product YEAR/ {
  A bundle of command-line tools for managing SQLite database files,
  including the [command-line shell] program, the [sqldiff] program, and
  the [sqlite3_analyzer] program.
} {} 1

Product YEAR/ {
  The [command-line shell] program (version VERSION).

Product YEAR/ {
  A program to analyze how space is allocated inside an SQLite database
  file (version VERSION).

Product YEAR/ {
  A program to display differences between two SQLite database files.
  (version VERSION).

Heading {Precompiled Binaries for Windows} win32

set start $nDownload

Product YEAR/ {
  32-bit DLL (x86) for SQLite version VERSION.

Product YEAR/ {
  64-bit DLL (x64) for SQLite version VERSION.

Product YEAR/ {
  A bundle of command-line tools for managing SQLite database files,
  including the [command-line shell] program, the [sqldiff.exe] program, and
  the [sqlite3_analyzer.exe] program.
} {} 1

Product YEAR/ {
  The [command-line shell] program (version VERSION).

Product YEAR/ {
  A program to analyze how space is allocated inside an SQLite database
  file (version VERSION).

Product YEAR/ {
  A program to display differences between two SQLite database files.
  (version VERSION).

Heading {Universal Windows Platform}

Product YEAR/sqlite-uap-VVV.vsix {
  VSIX package for Universal Windows Platform development using Visual Studio 2015.
Product YEAR/sqlite-uwp-VVV.vsix {
  VSIX package for Universal Windows Platform development using Visual Studio 2015.

Heading {Precompiled Binaries for Windows Phone 8} wp8

Product YEAR/sqlite-wp80-winrt-VVV.vsix {
  A complete VSIX package with an extension SDK and all other components
  needed to use SQLite for application development with Visual Studio
  2012 targeting Windows Phone 8.0.

Product YEAR/sqlite-wp80-winrt-DATE.vsix {
  A complete VSIX package with an extension SDK and all other components
  needed to use SQLite for application development with Visual Studio
  2012 targeting Windows Phone 8.0.
  This particular VSIX uses a snapshot of SQLite as of VERSION.

Product YEAR/sqlite-wp81-winrt-VVV.vsix {
  A complete VSIX package with an extension SDK and all other components
  needed to use SQLite for application development with Visual Studio
  2013 targeting Windows Phone 8.1.

Product YEAR/sqlite-wp81-winrt-DATE.vsix {
  A complete VSIX package with an extension SDK and all other components
  needed to use SQLite for application development with Visual Studio
  2013 targeting Windows Phone 8.1.
  This particular VSIX uses a snapshot of SQLite as of VERSION.

Heading {Precompiled Binaries for Windows Runtime} winrt

Product YEAR/ {
  This ZIP archive contains a DLL for the SQLite library version VERSION for
  32-bit x86 processors using the WinRT API.

Product YEAR/ {
  This ZIP archive contains a DLL for the SQLite library version VERSION for
  64-bit x64 processors using the WinRT API.

Product YEAR/sqlite-winrt-VVV.vsix {
  A complete VSIX package with an extension SDK and all other components
  needed to use SQLite for WinRT application development with Visual Studio

Product YEAR/sqlite-winrt80-VVV.vsix {
  A complete VSIX package with an extension SDK and all other components
  needed to use SQLite for WinRT 8.0 application development with Visual Studio

Product YEAR/sqlite-winrt81-VVV.vsix {
  A complete VSIX package with an extension SDK and all other components
  needed to use SQLite for WinRT 8.1 application development with Visual Studio

if {$nDownload>$start} {
  hd_puts {<tr><td colspan="4"><b>Precompiled Binaries for .NET</b></td></tr>}
  hd_puts "<tr><td width=\"10\"></td>"
  hd_puts "<td valign=\"top\" align=\"right\">"
  set url
  hd_puts "<a href=\"$url\">System.Data.SQLite</a></td>"
  hd_puts "<td width=\"5\"></td>"
  hd_puts "<td valign=\"top\">"
  hd_puts "
    Visit the <a href=\"\">
    </a> website and especially the <a href=\"$url\">download page</a> for
    source code and binaries of SQLite for .NET.</td></tr>

Heading {Alternative Source Code Formats} old

Product {YEAR/} {
  Snapshop of the complete (raw) source tree for SQLite version VERSION.
  See [How To Compile SQLite] for usage details.

Product {YEAR/} {
  Preprocessed C sources for SQLite version VERSION.


<tcl>hd_fragment encoding {build product names}</tcl>
<h3>Build Product Names</h3>

Build products are named using one of the following templates:

<li> <b>sqlite-</b>product<b>-</b>version<b>.zip</b>
<li> <b>sqlite-</b>product<b>-</b>version<b>.tar.gz</b>
<li> <b>sqlite-</b>product<b>-</b>os<b>-</b>cpu<b>-</b>version<b>.zip</b>
<li> <b>sqlite-</b>product<b>-</b>date<b>.zip</b>

<p>Templates (1) and (2) are used for source-code products.  Template (1) is
used for generic source-code products and templates (2) is used for source-code
products that are generally only useful on unix-like platforms.  Template (3)
is used for precompiled binaries products.  Template (4) is used for
unofficial pre-release "snapshots" of source code.

<p>The <i>version</i> is encoded so that filenames sort in order of
increasing version number when viewed using "ls".  For version 3.X.Y the
filename encoding is 3XXYY00.  For branch version 3.X.Y.Z, the encoding is

<p>The <i>date</i> in template (4) is of the form: YYYYMMDDHHMM

<a name="cvs"></a>
<a name="fossil"></a>
<tcl>hd_fragment srctree {SQLite source code repositories} {code repositories}</tcl>
<h3>Source Code Repositories</h3>

The SQLite source code is maintained in three geographically-dispersed
[ | Fossil] repositories that are
available for anonymous read-only access.  Anyone can 
view the repository contents and download historical versions
of individual files or ZIP archives of historical check-ins.
You can also [clone the entire repository].</p>

<p>See the [How To Compile SQLite] page for additional information
on how to use the raw SQLite source code.
Note that a recent version of <a href="">Tcl</a>
is required in order to build from the repository sources. 
The [amalgamation] source code files
(the "sqlite3.c" and "sqlite3.h" files) build products and are
not contained in raw source code tree.</p>

<a href=""></a> (Dallas)<br>
<a href=""></a> (Newark)<br>
<a href=""></a> (San Francisco)<br>

<p>The documentation is maintained in separate
[ | Fossil] repositories located

<a href=""></a> (Dallas)<br>
<a href=""></a> (Newark)<br>
<a href=""></a> (San Francisco)<br>
proc set_download_hyperlinks {} {
  set script "<script type='text/JavaScript'>\n"
  append script "/* <!\[CDATA\[ */\n"
  append script "function adce4d016d6cd()\173\n"
  append script "function d391(a,b){document.getElementById(a).href=b;}\n"
  global href
  foreach {i h} [array get href] {append script "d391('$i','$h');\n"}
  append script "\175\n"
  append script "setTimeout('adce4d016d6cd();',10);\n"
  append script "/* \]\]> */\n"
  append script "</script>\n"
  hd_puts $script