Improving TCL Core Performance
Using Micro-optimizations

EuroTCL 2016 — Eindhoven

CPU Cycles Used by SQLite

Ubuntu 14.04 x86_64, gcc 4.8.4, -Os

Can similiar optimizations be applied to TCL in order to double the speed of the interpreter?

Amalgation vs. Separate Files

BuildCPU CyclesPerformance
Separate -Os1532.966911baseline
Separate -O61522.189222-0.7%
Amalgamation -Os1459.618198-4.8%
Amalgamation -O61430.548506-6.7%

Amalgamation Advantages

  • Runs faster
  • Compiler optimizations are more effective
  • Easier to integrate into another project

Tools You Will Need

  1. A high-quality test suite
  2. A deterministic TCL script that represents a "typical" workload
    • No threads
    • No [eval {rand()}]
  3. Linux workstations with lots of pixels
  4. valgrind/cachegrind installed


  1. Run the workload script using cachegrind
  2. Study cachegrind output to find microoptimizations
  3. Make code changes
  4. Test, test, test....
  5. Goto 1

Running The Workload

  rm -f cachegrind.out.*
  make clean tclsh
  valgrind --tool=cachegrind ./tclsh workload.tcl
  cg_anno.tcl cachegrind.out.* >cout-current.txt
  fossil test-diff --tk cout-baseline.tcl cout-current.txt &



 set in [open "|cg_annotate --show=Ir --auto=yes $argv" r]
 set dest !
 set out(!) {}
 while {![eof $in]} {
   set line [gets $in]
   set line [string map {\t {        }} [gets $in]]
   if {[regexp {^-- Auto-annotated source: (.*)} $line all nm]} {
     set dest $nm
   } elseif {[regexp {^-- line \d+ ------} $line]} {
     set line [lreplace $line 2 2 {#}]
   } elseif {[regexp {^The following files chosen for } $line]} {
     set dest !
   append out($dest) $line\n
 foreach x [lsort [array names out]] {
   puts $out($x)

 514,274  const int bMmapOk = (pgno!=1 && USEFETCH(pPager)
 771,867   && (pPager->eState==PAGER_READER || (flags & PAGER_GE
       .  );  
 514,274  if( pgno==0 ){
       .    return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
       .  }

Before ↑     After ↓

 514,274  const int bMmapOk = (pgno>1 && USEFETCH(pPager)
 514,578   && (pPager->eState==PAGER_READER || (flags & PAGER_GE
       .  );  
     304  if( pgno<=1 && pgno==0 ){
 257,289    return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
       .  }

Saved 513K cycles out of 675M = 0.07%

Demo Workload

  # Speed test workload demo #1
  set res {}
  for {set j 0} {$j<1000} {incr j} {
    set a0 1
    set a1 1
    for {set i 0} {$i<30} {incr i} {
      set x [expr {$a0+$a1}]
      set a0 $a1
      set a1 $x
      append res " $x"
  puts $res

Cachegrind Output

 262,402,580  PROGRAM TOTALS
  49,838,612  /tmp/generic/tclExecute.c:TEBCresume
  32,018,100  /tmp/generic/tclNamesp.c:TclGetNamespaceForQualNam
  26,221,282  /tmp/generic/tclVar.c:TclObjLookupVarEx
  24,875,355  /tmp/generic/tclVar.c:ObjFindNamespaceVar
  24,844,452  /tmp/generic/tclHash.c:CreateHashEntry
  21,851,978  /tmp/generic/tclVar.c:TclLookupSimpleVar
   8,220,562  /tmp/generic/tclObj.c:TclHashObjKey
   7,623,937  /tmp/generic/tclVar.c:TclPtrSetVar
   6,500,844  /tmp/generic/tclVar.c:CompareVarKeys
   6,169,552  pthread_getspecific.c:pthread_getspecific
   5,403,119  /tmp/generic/tclUtil.c:Tcl_DStringFree
   4,369,586  /tmp/generic/tclVar.c:FreeParsedVarName
   3,741,590  /tmp/generic/tclThreadAlloc.c:TclpAlloc
   3,682,721  /tmp/generic/tclEncoding.c:UtfToUtfProc.isra.0
          .  static int CompareVarKeys(
          .      void *keyPtr, 
          .      Tcl_HashEntry *hPtr)
  2,016,738  {
          .      Tcl_Obj *objPtr1 = keyPtr;
    336,123      Tcl_Obj *objPtr2 = hPtr->key.objPtr;
          .      register const char *p1, *p2;
          .      register int l1, l2;
    672,246      if (objPtr1 == objPtr2) {
    672,246          return 1;
          .      }
     90,126      p1 = TclGetString(objPtr1);
     30,042      l1 = objPtr1->length;
     90,126      p2 = TclGetString(objPtr2);
          .      l2 = objPtr2->length;
    240,336      return ((l1 == l2) && !memcmp(p1, p2, l1));
  2,352,861  }

CPU Registers

Registers must push to stack if...

  • Many registers needed — complex function
  • Subroutines called, except tail recursion

        .  static int CompareVarKeys(
        .      void *keyPtr,
        .      Tcl_HashEntry *hPtr)
        .  {
        .      Tcl_Obj *objPtr1 = keyPtr;
  336,123      Tcl_Obj *objPtr2 = hPtr->key.objPtr;
  672,246      if (objPtr1 == objPtr2) {
        .          return 1;
        .      } else {
   30,042          return CompareDtnctVarKeys(objPtr1, objPtr2);
        .      }
  612,162  }
        .  static TCL_NOINLINE int CompareDtnctVarKeys(
        .      Tcl_Obj *objPtr1,
        .      Tcl_Obj *objPtr2)
  150,210  {
   90,126      const char *p1 = TclGetString(objPtr1);
   30,042      int l1 = objPtr1->length;
   90,126      const char *p2 = TclGetString(objPtr2);
        .      int l2 = objPtr2->length;
  270,378      return ((l1 == l2) && !memcmp(p1, p2, l1));
  120,168  }



  #if defined(__GNUC__)
  #  define TCL_NOINLINE  __attribute__((noinline))
  #elif defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER>=1310
  #  define TCL_NOINLINE  __declspec(noinline)
  #  define TCL_NOINLINE


Currently on branch mig-opt2. Not yet on trunk

End Result

  • Saved about 4M cycles out of 262M → 1.5% faster!
  • This change is not checked in because Miguel found a better way to fix the frequent calls to CompareVarKeys()

  2,021,099,349  PROGRAM TOTALS
  390,649,348  /tmp/generic/tclExecute.c:TEBCresume
  150,647,394  ???:pthread_getspecific
  123,209,668  /tmp/generic/tclHash.c:CreateHashEntry
  118,133,666  /tmp/generic/tclObj.c:TclHashObjKey
   74,396,324  /tmp/generic/tclVar.c:UnsetVarStruct
   73,162,765  /tmp/generic/tclThreadAlloc.c:TclpAlloc
   56,342,657  /tmp/generic/tclThreadAlloc.c:TclpFree

         .  void *
         .  TclpGetAllocCache(void)
         1  {
17,368,092     if (!initialized) {
         2        pthread_mutex_lock(allocLockPtr);
         3        if (!initialized) {
         3           pthread_key_create(&key,TclpFreeAllocCache);
         1           initialized = 1;
         .        }
         2        pthread_mutex_unlock(allocLockPtr);
         .     }
11,578,728     return pthread_getspecific(key);
         2  }

Check-in [fdbf64dc50]

         .  void *
         .  TclpGetAllocCache(void)
         .  {
11,578,728      return pthread_getspecific(key);
         .  }

Saved 17.3M out of 2021M cycles → 0.99% faster


  • CPUs have stopped getting faster — future performance gains must come from code optimization
  • TCL is ripe for micro-optimization
  • Use cachegrind for repeatable measurements
  • Many 0.1% improvements add up over time
  • Doubling the speed of TCL is possible