*** DRAFT ***

SQLite Requirement Matrix Details

Index Summary Markup Original

R-27985-03553-20917-04804-06476-41235-27520-21131 tcl slt th3 src

These interfaces are used to retrieve runtime status information about the performance of SQLite, and optionally to reset various highwater marks.

/* IMP: R-27985-03553 */
# EVIDENCE-OF: R-27985-03553 These interfaces are used to retrieve
# runtime status information about the performance of SQLite, and
# optionally to reset various highwater marks.

R-26177-52471-27779-44415-45290-32639-49511-38944 tcl slt th3 src

The first argument is an integer code for the specific parameter to measure.

/* IMP: R-26177-52471 */
# EVIDENCE-OF: R-26177-52471 The first argument is an integer code for
# the specific parameter to measure.

R-47730-38043-27274-49738-18176-22421-00022-64697 tcl slt th3 src

Recognized integer codes are of the form SQLITE_STATUS_....

/* IMP: R-47730-38043 */
# EVIDENCE-OF: R-47730-38043 Recognized integer codes are of the form

R-19757-35036-22658-29796-35090-49616-44864-00036 tcl slt th3 src

The current value of the parameter is returned into *pCurrent.

/* IMP: R-19757-35036 */
# EVIDENCE-OF: R-19757-35036 The current value of the parameter is
# returned into *pCurrent.

R-12804-26213-16166-58523-53387-54270-64862-30854 tcl slt th3 src

The highest recorded value is returned in *pHighwater.

/* IMP: R-12804-26213 */
# EVIDENCE-OF: R-12804-26213 The highest recorded value is returned in
# *pHighwater.

R-17564-54218-01993-46231-42657-60991-50837-12624 tcl slt th3 src

If the resetFlag is true, then the highest record value is reset after *pHighwater is written.

/* IMP: R-17564-54218 */
# EVIDENCE-OF: R-17564-54218 If the resetFlag is true, then the highest
# record value is reset after *pHighwater is written.

R-46643-08949-52505-46852-59994-03587-15582-21793 tcl slt th3 src

Some parameters do not record the highest value. For those parameters nothing is written into *pHighwater and the resetFlag is ignored.

/* IMP: R-46643-08949 */
# EVIDENCE-OF: R-46643-08949 Some parameters do not record the highest
# value. For those parameters nothing is written into *pHighwater and
# the resetFlag is ignored.

R-26427-33659-32322-40327-33016-33915-32615-17849 tcl slt th3 src

Other parameters record only the highwater mark and not the current value. For these latter parameters nothing is written into *pCurrent.

/* IMP: R-26427-33659 */
# EVIDENCE-OF: R-26427-33659 Other parameters record only the highwater
# mark and not the current value. For these latter parameters nothing is
# written into *pCurrent.

R-22799-40241-49763-48856-12252-38243-16002-08188 tcl slt th3 src

The sqlite3_status() and sqlite3_status64() routines return SQLITE_OK on success and a non-zero error code on failure.

/* IMP: R-22799-40241 */
# EVIDENCE-OF: R-22799-40241 The sqlite3_status() and sqlite3_status64()
# routines return SQLITE_OK on success and a non-zero error code on
# failure.